tired of trite, bored by braggadocio, left and right puzzle alike? here.s a social satire and culture blog testing strained ethics all pre2010 posts stolen. I prohibit relatives, their fans from: me, contact, all administrative claims to decisional power or profit from info about me, in manners life, legal, medical, wear, social, intellectual or work, property, body, organ disposition, postmortem, alien to me. post hacking, slander is constant for slavery, torture and death also mine.
Monday, September 26, 2022
last name: Anastasia, Anastasia created in US by Emma Fasano, nazi collaborationist with carolinas raleigh secessionists to cover for Rockefeller: indentured slavery railroads, false arrests, mid/ late 1800s.
Rainews: LINE OF CONCENTRATION, extreme removal, labor exclusion : vittoria piccolillo, michele serra, roberta rizzo,viminale
Vittoria Piccolillo - corriere della sera journalist.
like michele serra columnist at l.espresso, uses emma fasano to remove you from even thinking of approaching both businesses. Being from the south,
" or hunted up north, like I knew you.re a bad race for us.you leave..." emma fasano broadcast - 7.09am 9. 26. 2022
I.ll try, then contact agencies.
Piccolillo used the term " scaccio" , as in " ti scaccio" , as in - I.ll make you flee-.
Jake Sullivan spied on by goebbels/ bourbon / chamberlain rainews24 agent, agostini, during a phonecall involving US Security. Phone call was amplified over rainews24 air.
paolo maggiori, lega. blonde jena bush lookalike calls him maggioni; wants me immobilized,traumatized, wants my real,financial prop, then maybe he.ll eat me.
claims made I.m destroying Italian artists because I don.t like a group - manekin- which won canzonisdima with a dumpy song. This by rainews24 : ITALIA AL VOTO.
serena/ jena bush / carbone rainews24 savoia/ bourbon royal house contact, will proceed to screw me up for crown through viminale contact rizzo.Russians Captured in own Homes, Forced to Conscript in the Army
Italian Vote: the least draw, historical levels
all of NATO personnel at threat in Italy; three children sent to 37/39 to be cannibalized
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Miloni arranged child cannibal stop with Italian child at 37/39
Fratelli D.Italia party miloni delivered an Italian child to 196.37/39 45 the ave auburndale nyc ny 11358 - these are vacated kindergartens.
As soon as access was secured by older male 37/39 child nose was cut.put the child in a freezer.
9.19pm 9.25.2022 new york city
a Fratelli Cervi Sorelle Sfaccimma :
elezioni avariate almeno l.80% del popolo non ha votato si va a democrazia diretta dell.80% reazioni agghiaccianti dagli eletti.
Il che significa che con queste minacce dalla rainews da suture perche. come si permette di governare il popolo : te lo sbatti da giustiziato il governo, e dalle forze armate , e dai militanti resistenti, e come popolo IN ESILIO DAL PROPRIO GOVERNO PER GIUNTA IN PATRIA presenti disegni di legge direttamente alla magistratura che esamina per deviazioni extracostituzionali e. BASTA. e ti riappropri i salari degli strategisti da tortura e dei loro giustificatori e li gestisci di ritorno a progetti di sicurezza che evitino torture e catture monarchiche A TUTTI durante il rally da safari a canicatti.
non possono MAI toccare IN ALCUN MODO un elettorato che HA RIFIUTATO di votare, altrimenti vanno in guerra ma in atrocita. di guerra e la loro vita all.aperto e. finita e se ne tornano in cloaca fognara. E. BASTA.