Saturday, August 06, 2011

The Downgrade and more

So it finally happened: Standard and Poor downgraded our ratings to AA+ due to political difficulties. This means an increase in interest for borrowing by the government, businesses and home mortgagers. All because Congress can't be trusted to cut spending by 4 trillion. When will all the claims that debt must be cut by not spending be revealed as empty rhetoric? What's to stop us from opening our eyes and seeing how privilege and greed is organizing in far rightist organizations to subvert democracy and equality and is homicidal? The recent congressional debacle is articulating an internal enemy to the American people quite formidably, and a non confrontational president who doesn't side with liberals and is seen by Chris Matthews as a closet conservative is not the answer. The tea party members want war? Let them reap it. Let us not cede. Let's not cut spending but increase it, and increase taxes as well. Bush increased the debt ceiling seven times with no objection. Obama is considered a socialist, attempts to raise the debt ceiling and is met by a barrage of extreme right inanities that has raised interest charges even for the constitutency foaming at the mouth against Democrats? Besides which, what is the extreme right doing in Congress? For that matter, all this talk about ungodliness of China, let's say, is anti constitutional, since it's illegal to discriminate against any belief or lack of belief. When will constitutional issues be used as a measuring stick for admission in congress: how is it not obvious that a nay vote on the latest bill for the debt ceiling by Republicans is discriminatory, while a Democratic nay was not? What is the FBI doing recommending reading the Jihad Watch's author books on Islam when the same author was discussed extensively by that Norwegian mass murderer and why can't he be tried for crimes against humanity? Why does CNN broadcast emails decrying free cellphones for the poor programs as too much for an average envious, malicious and greedy person to bear, not consider these comments originating from people who should be looked into more closely by the authorities, and read only one email saying that cellphones for the poor with up to 250 minutes are a good idea, even for safety reasons? Why don't they complain instead that those who could well afford an increase in taxes to finance these programs are not, the brunt of the payments being on the poor and the middle class? How can they protect the privileged and not realize that accepting discrimination brings others to discriminate against them? How is blaming the poor or other groups at risk not simply inhuman targeting? And how trusted to follow the law can be people who went in tens of thousands to public executions, or to lynchings? What does that say about their mindset? What does that say about their curiosity? How can one fault liberal politics when they take into account everyone in the country, regardless of economic status, and not organize it as the leading thought of the country? How hard is it to realize that like it or not, our fault or not, we have enemies and need a strong military to sustain ourselves as a nation, to defend our people? How hard is it to decide to fight, really fight this rightist upswing that has been cursing the United States for so long, without giving in, without relinquishing power but acquiring it to allow every American a decent living and protection from poverty? How can a government not pass laws to strengthen businesses at home and preserve fair wages for workers in the States, and fight for the same wages offshore? Isn't it anti constitutional to union bust? One good choice was made recently: to create a department to study inhumanity and humanitarian crises so as to better reaction times in their event, to prevent deaths, and to prevent conflicts from escalating? Isn't that in synch with our constitution's intent? How was supporting the golpe in Chile, our Central American policy, the Cold War, the Korean war, the Vietnam war and more bad policy decisions correct policy decisions, all because criminals demonized concepts like Socialism and Communism, so much so even the president of the United States is conditioned by that prejudice? How rational is it to go to war based on prejudice? How productive is it to go to war based on greed? How not to realize that notwithstanding other faults of the countries in question, even some of their inherent racism and excesses,such as the past threat of a war between the Soviet Union and China, both Communist countries at the time, the theoretical basis for the thought is sound and just? Think of the mindset that wants to starve union workers and deprive them of their right for bargaining: it's slavery, injustice, discrimination,and mass murdering intent.It's all that is repulsive and criminal in human beings. The tea party wants to play hardball?: Then declare them criminals and have it done with.Throw them out. Have the authorities start to investigate their lawmaking and votes as crimes against the United States. Who can stand Prince Orrin Hatch anymore anyway, or, for that matter, products that celebrate themselves as kings in their field? I never felt threatened by someone's wealth and always thought everyone should have a sound economic base not to live inhumanly. How is depriving the poor anything but criminal? How aren't these acts not envisioned as crimes by law enforcement, when its members are not beating mentally ill homeless to death, as they recently have in California? People are treacherous, when intent on evil. I just recently was looking at a $21.00 workbook for bipolar dialectical therapy. It seemed concerned with bettering the ill until I came on a chapter asking the patient to analyze how certain foods,including pickled, could adversely affect one's mental stability. Condemning pickles and those who eat them was a common tactic used by racists and anti immigration obsessives against those people who at the turn of the 19th century immigrated to the States: Jews, Southern Europeans. This until immigration quotas were established. Sick to see it cross over to the care of the mentally ill.They're right in place for the next mass murder. Why not eject them from their positions of power NOW?

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