Thursday, March 29, 2012

THE NEW HEALTH CARE LAW. A rallying point either for Republicans or Democrats vyeing for congressional placement, people be damned, it only required the employing of a good statistician and accountant to calculate the cost of healthcare that would plummet someone into bankruptcy in the event of an emergency or multiple emergencies, compare it to household income and expand Medicare and Medicaid to cover those who would be ruined by medical costs, and institute a sliding scale or no payment at all. Hell, for that matter why not regulate medical expenses since it's not written in stone that they should be so high. To hear Justice Ginsburg and the individual mandate requiring all to acquire health insurance or pay a penalty, since "The problem is that they are making the rest of us pay", American citizens are just slacking off from the natural wealth they were born into, or should no longer be considered US citizens if they earn little because in this frame of mind American citizens don't have the constitutional right to health care regardless of economic status, because it was assumed by Romney that all could pay for Health benefits and those who can't still can spare the money to pay an unconstitutional penalty since, again, we're all swimming in it. Who the hell needs to open health insurance to the free market? How is the free market a guarantee to constitutional equality? Or for that matter, why look a gift horse in the mouth, says Elena Kagan, since money will be pouring in state's coffers with this bill? What makes even more sense is if the individual mandate fails to pass, then private health insurance companies, busy privatizing the administrative expenses and income of and from gallbladder functions,are not required to accept all applicants and can bar them because of pre-existing conditions, in an amazing reasonable feat of wayward logic.

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