Sunday, August 26, 2012

RSI, ROYAL HOUSE OF ENGLAND-SPENCER-HANOVER, CONFEDERATE FORCES INVOLVED IN CREATING FALSE DEBT, "TAPIERO" HUSES OF SAVOIA, VERSAILLES, AUSTRO-HUNGARY, TZARIST RUSSIA, "ALESSANDRA" MUSSOLINI, FRANK MARZELLA, OLIMPIA MARZELLA, JUNE MAFFEI ROSSI AND FAMILY INVOLVED IN A PLAN FROM THE FIFTIES TO HARM US CITIZENS AND DEMOCRACY BY VOIDING INHERITANCE RIGHTS, THEFT, CANNIBALISM (HEART AND LIVERS). THEFT OF PRIVATE PROPERTY, HOUSES, AND FORCING INTO PROSTITUTION. The Napoli area in the 1799 went through a democratic revolution, same impulse that characterized the creation and independence of the United States, and France. Napoli suffered from a reaction of cannibal market forces, organized through finance, the church (Cardinal Ruffo), Northern Africa pantheon colonizing forces-France, Marie Antoinette and her trash, and tzarist forces. People who had created the democratic movement were captured, hung, their hearts and livers eaten by human refuse in the Napoli area, same as the one my mother's family came from. For that matter, trash at 29, now adhesive 27 is also related to the Savoia and the bull and dog screwing anti semitic Tzarists of Catherine and Peter the Great, probably from too much brothel high and low connubium.How is this relevant to my life? When I was six, a man entered my immediate family, my father, mother and me, in Napoli: Frank Marzella, who married Olimpia De Cristofaro. My father, a working man, refused to speak to him, always. The Anastasio are also involved, since they apparently seem to have done more much screwing of tzarist and English aristo cannibal trash. I thought it funny that Frank Marzella would identify himself as a family "patriarch", which is more Greek than Italian. Then I found it funny that there would be a "patriarch" store front by Human Services in Long island City, area not necessarily Greek, although close by. I also started tghinking it funny when I was complaiting to my aunt about Marta Tapiero's odd behavior, looking at cars parked in front of our house, asking if they were our visitors or not.I really thought it funny when I saw Olimpia Marzella kiss Marta Tapiero as if they had been of long aquaintance in my fucking living room, when she's nothing but a fucking tenant, and what a tenant. I also thought it funny that green and red Waldbaums litter the immediate area, a Tenth MAS and Greek icon thought magnet. For that matter I also thought it funny that when, thhinking, but really, thhinking about it, my father owned his house in Bayside since the twenties, and the Boulevard des flauneuses imaginaires one block EAST (the enemy as dead west) is called Francis Lewis, much like Frank, who also seemed to vaunt at the time of his courtship of that nice person related to my mother a close resemblance to Jerry Lewis, without being German at all.For that matter, I also thought it funny, when thinking back, but REALLY thinking back, my life was littered with cheap Chase trash, and cheap Colonna trash, and cheap Anastasio trash, when I didn't even know who the fuck Anastasio was, this thanks through Ben Leon, Maria Leon, Ayn "Cassola", Paul Polivko,and Jonathan Buchsbaum of the Film Department of Queens College, and what a Queens College it was. Fot that matter I thought it funny how Ben Leon, always hiper protected by my mother to the point of calling me crazy, thought it opportune to donate, among other books, a thin "green" copy of a Patti Smith Corcoran-Terrapin bio on long US and French independence collared Modi, of the Modigliani faith, whose lover, Jeanne Hebuterne, defenestrated herself like the Poles abducted as a nation to concentration camps for defenestrating the German and Tzarist aristocracy in their revolutionary movements in the 1848s, and playing this against devil's hoofed colonialist Alegerian zouaves who did their bit of Goat's Head Soup eating of hearts and livers during the 1799s in Napoli. For that matter, it dis seem a bit odd when my husband, "Paul Polivko", a Mountbatten candidate, tried to murder me in my Bayside house, and got away without nary a complaint recorded by the 111 Precinct, but just a hint to scoot the hell out of there.For that matter I do find it funny that I should be called a whore when I've never been by trash I've never met who claim to be from the left, like Serena Dandini and "Meg" Di Maria, of the heroic, but much less brechtian than obvious 99 Posse.For that matter, I find it even more funny that I was befriended in my childhood by US military infiltrated trash in Napoli by the name of Cunningham, mysterously looking like Marilla Palmer in later Fleshtone adulthood, a personal friend of Elan Portnoy of Creedmoor and Madonna Ciccone of the same sound rehearsal room, whose sister wanted, but wanted guitar lessons from my father and mourned at Liverpool's very own Legnano York-o Ono metal Arline Lasberg Catherine the Great and Austro-HUngarian FILTH in the East Village, who mysetriously, for a JEW, sold her (oh,alas)guitar shop to a JAPANESE toy shop.For that matter I also found it funny that a FILTH Queens College professor, whose name was Rinaldina "Russel", like the Bertrand Russel book I bought in Napoli when 14, lived one BLOCK away from my CA CANDLE stick engagee in Manhattan's Columbus circle, Elan Portnoy, who arranged for the Pennsylvania Dutch arrest of a poor RINGO-OGNEAR music fan, just for the fucking hell of it, on false claims of RAPE of the Pennsylvania Dutch Van Eychs. For that matter, the fucking whore lost my test so I couldn't graduate and earn my Master's from Queens College until I WROTE a paper on DANTE's Romeo And Juliet or, what to do when your child is not an incest by-product through the Goebbles English royal house of piss shakers.FOR THAT MATTER, I find it even funnier that I wasn't EVEN accepted in PHI BETA KAPPA when I had an A+ average, which my mother needs to vehemently deny to this day, and my graduation program NOW lists a WOMEN'S CHAT AND KNITTING CLUB, when there wasn't any at Queens College, and my paper, based on Susanna Camusso's explorations in Bettelheim and Camus for resistance to extreme psychological prssure in Concentration Camps and my letter of thanks from Supreme Court Justice Blackmun are BOTH FOREVER FUCKING GONE FROM MY POSSESSION. For that matter, IT WAS COLOSSALLY FUNNY how the fucking architecture of Saint Nicholas of RSI resembles the Nazi fascist machine gun cement huts bult olong the street MY MOTHER chose to teach my father to drive on the way over the FUCKING hills and dales to grandma's EVERY fucking sunday, from Napoli to Aversa, the house of a great MENTAL FUCKING HOSPITAL used by fascists and Lina Wertmuller, who thought she could throw in her own twobeets and try to make me a masochist just because she's a lazy Borbone conniving layabout bitch through Facebook lately in Norman town Aversa. For that matter, why did Graziella Capolarello, a PERSONAL Neapolitan Sicilian friend of my mother's, who supposedly is a poor factory seamstress with an ornate white grated house on modest Oceania Street RESEMBLE Chamberlain's WIFE so DAMNED fucking much? For that matter why was there ANOTHER version of a William Spencer at Douglaston's Fresh Market for City Harvest today, who arranged to change the produce I bought and leave an ENTENMANN'S FRENCH FUCKING CAKE in my fridge through my mother and her oh yes sire bullshit with this cheap, cheap filth., AFTER I did not respond to his ACME coyote's NANNY's beckoning COME WITH US, threw them a fucking penny to the FUCKING Ground for their past in looking like Lincoln as JEFFERSON DAVIS, and would NOT leave my purchases with THEM when I went to pay, and insulted them as ONE RACE CHEAP NAZI TRASH by giving them a dollar? NOT CLEAR ENOUGH? Not clear enough I recognized them and their fucking mothers as willing sperm retainers of ROYAL BRITISH ADMIRAL NELSON TRASH via willing Partenopean cheap fucks, when I fucking look like my father, and the way this is going, what a fucking chance that turns out to be. So, another tattooed do nothing aristocrat at the market was supposed to say, as arranged by Bush and Greg FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT Allen that I KNEW of the MARKET THROUGH JOHNNY FUCKING THUNDERS. My card money was detracted, I was given a wooden nickel, and I spent the fucking coupon since the only other competition was a red white and black farmer, a folate full whole grain Asian distributor and a cafe' that turned slat houses into stucco (steerage ship people into Polish concentration camps as dead rocks) by luring us into eating fresh cinnamon bagels and drinking Whitestone Jennifer Aniston Smart Water, which at a later date is added with Caroline FUCKING KENNEDY dessiccants in your FUCKING Refrigerator juice, lengthened by the FUCKING TApiero, and YOU'RE FUCKING STREETED throth that bitch's FAMILY fucking name in Bayside, the Italian Consulate in New York, and Napoli by the television station? Clinton has finally given up the fucking ghost and is building in red white and black in Douglaston, a clean and crested community with old trees but organized terraced houses looking expensive, like in Jamaica Estates, but built on hillocks that drain nutrients from the fucking ground in torrential rains, that dump the minerals on the electrified Bellagio Lake Como streets? AND HOW IS IT THAT MY MOTHER,HER FAMILY,JUNE ROSSI AND HER TRASH, QUEENS COLLEGE ARRANGED FOR AN ENGLISH SPEAKING KRUPPS BUM TO PRETEND TO BE MY UNCLE IN BOSTON WHEN I WENT UP FOR A VISIT, WITH LAUREN SAGE BOASTING OF THE ARRANGEMENT WITH HER MARRIAGE BED MEMENTO IN A WOULD BE COUSIN OF MINE'S HOUSE IN MARBLEHEAD, SUPPOSEDLY, WITH THIS MACY'S AFFILIATED LUNATIC ASKING ME IF I WERE JEWISH, TALKING NONSTAP, CLAIMING TO BE MY COUSIN, AND DROPPING ACID IN MY EYES IN MY FUCKING SLEEP, AS IF IT DIDN'T TAKE ALL THE CALM I COULD MUSTER TO PLAY ALONG WITH HIS GLORIA STEINEM-ARNOLD SCHWARTZENEGGER PLAY AND GET AWAY PROMISING TO BE FUCKING BACK TO WRITE LYRICAL POETRY SOMETIME IN THE FUCKING FUTURE, WHEN THE FUCKING TRAIN WAS DERAILED SOMEWHERE ON THE WAY THROUGH BOSTON VIA YALE UNIVERSITY, AND A POWER SHORTAGE, SAME I WITNESSED TODAY ON THE LIRR, WITH THEY FUCKING LUNATIC PLAYING THE ODE TO JOY ON HIS STUPID CHUMPY DUMB ASS COMPACT CAR, FEIGNING PETITE BOURGEOIS FAILURE?Also, please be aware that, against my will, they're brushing an itching substance on the back of my hands (stealing my inheritance from me for being the enemy, as a US citizen, and a believer in democratic government) and I also have a dull pain under the heels of both my feet. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME AND WHAT'S MINE.

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