Friday, June 12, 2015

Archaeology 6.12.15


the stadium shelter 1260 sedgwick avenue, bronx 10452


human rights anticonstitutional violations covered by barack Obama for klan and annexed coup d.etat organizations targeting democracies worldwide.


1.      Staff – 2 floor guard, organized clients including roommates today. Left premises, room, at 5.50am at first sound of harassment from roommates.did not respond. Secured the door when harasser safely in bathroom.

That coordinated by harassment  in corridor, female, client;

The above was added to as a continuum in tone and timber with another client verbally harassing on first floor, as soon as I secured exit from the elevator;


2.      Accessed the first floor bathroom only to be followed in by two clients, one overweight the other slimmer, asking me for tissue while I was urinating, and standing in front of the open stall while I was rfearranging my clothing. I did not engage.

3.      After access to dining area was secured, I was followed in within a minute by clients informed as to what I do when in the area, brew tea. Three were involed. One blocked access to microwave, the other to water supply a third intercepted me bodily on the way to water, from the entrance door;

4.      Cook , male, african american, hamiltonian-patton, confederate branch, bantu area  klan gender and sex discrimination anticonstitutional criminal, with fascist erotoantropophagic scoprophiliac brothel contacts, also . has contacts for torture and abuse with isolated areas, where impunity is public and of a high if not complete percentile for what is understood in reference to nazi period slavery as –gender reconditioning- torture;

5.      2 floor guard accesses female, overweight with red tipped hair, color worn for –capture- term a reference to contemporary us soil slave ring circles, with Georgia as location as destination for –prize captures-for one, in my experience. Female harassed, sat twice in parallel to film me by cell phone. I removed myself from placement. Conversation from  5.50am to 6.30am since I started writing this was indirect speech in body language but enacted as if direct, mentioning my first name, as if familiar with me. This by complete strangers. Some threats included –we gonna get you Maffei-references to feral –cats- so trying to establish or/and destroy personal interests, personality, including choice of type, which was enunciated in syllables, tone threatening, to have person targeted –learn- that to survive, they must adapt a personality determined by torturer, also to be murdered by them once personality is manifest, to confirm their assumptions of you which for them determined their behavior toward you.


6.      This triggered another bout of simulated conversation behind my back, statement beginning with a plaintive –Alexandra- then more, inaudible in content ,harassing in tone, then –nigger- then –Maffei- then –thank you for that Alexandra-


7.      Second floor guard accesses overweight female, who said –this for bayside-a boast for organized infiltrated racist serials in the111 precinct ;


8.      Direct harassment for abduction of civilian seen as –war enemy- to fascist brothel, following a serial course of ritualistic slaying in abovementioned brothels, aka salo 1943-1945 fascist with their orgi=anized by English crown and fascist elements, with serial concern with iris color, witnessed,in mta subway, green-after being hit in the face by mouthed sperm, then dressed as a bride. Male, mentions –marrying-as pushes table on which i.m writing this, and –fingo- various meanings in Italian and pidgin, also gender altering for finger, and for boast he – distributor has always been haostile at my presence on line, managing, also at operations desk extremely loud talk, making regular conversation inaudible, until you shout, which lowers their tone immediately, for same reasons of destruction of personality mentioned prior.


9.      Contextually person harmed is not seen as even choosing oneself as religious. For the team person harmed is a –servant of religious- not what we understand as choosing a faith.


10.  6.56am utterance in Italian since I as future klan white supremacist slave cannot speak English, only Italian pidgin- per me sei comunista- re: a communist for me- meaning, yankee abolitionist civil war reference. Also means local to exile from room threats were made to abduction to illegal nonexistent legislatively or juridically locations of imprisonment and torture. Probable existence parallel, as infiltrations, within legal juridical structures, with expected flexibility of invasion, usually rapid in disengaging, from areas as well.


6.11.15 incident at art student league targeting aperson trying to rent a studio. Card on bulletin board forged to list another number with correct number intercepted by mock claiming never to have posted a renting notice. I removed a new post, replacing the prior with correct number  as criminal anticonstitutional collusion . resolved issue with original poster;


Abff festival at sva theater arranged me with female at booth, and staff involved in the festival as person to be harmed as a –can.t- re: context unknown except reference to nazi slavery period, the yes, no, proposition in gassing in concentration camps; then –white gang-. All in collusion with klan, white supremacist element. Misrepresented by all as trying to access festival without a ticket, one element, african american nelson-hamilton period 1799 southern europe, partenopean republic, probable algerian  or ottoman empire ties. I was told I looked untrustworthy by abff staff. It was a black film festival spanning two days or so.i had a question, was told to speak to a –mike- and blocked subsequently when I was asked a last name, and did not provide it for false arrest.

 Team covering  at iab involved in the murders of ramos and liu, infiltration also at front desk of teamsters union , in area, male at desk directly involved since greek period slavery ring, extending to klan,resembling a facial combination  of ramos and liu,  connected to gardner.s death in staten island, mentioning –breathe- . as usual when I call in, iab personnel  did not identify self correctly by rank or name. both answered at the end of the message, inordinately long, not presenting choice early on to record, in duration aboutthree, four minutes, exposing caller to harm.


Calls made to iab incorrect procedure for cover:


8.34pm in front of sva theater;



one element also covering for saint Nicholas shrine in queens illegal nazi collusion in connection with british crown.


Back at 6.12.15


7.10am. another incident in dining room. Female sits directly opposite me, plenty of area to sit. I move immediately female client tries to engage in altercation states- she prejudiced, she doesn.t like blacks, puertoricans-. This was organized behind my back by two clients, in conversation, mentioning –black, puertorican- as I will be made into, in front of dining hall.  After harassment and statement client accesses her cellphone, detailing something about the act, mentioning me, as –resina- term detailing plea and thrift market in Italy. I shop for clothes almost exclusively at the salvation army thrift on Steinway and 34th where I was targeted by a team of klan connected staten island elements, connected to gardner.s murder.


7.17am. female plugs in cellphone by my phone. Says out loud, as if we were acquaintances, that she.s plugging the phone in in a variation of Hispanic.
filmed by same, for maria leon while I  digit my password for this blog. leon thanks her, on the phone.


All this without any engagement on my part.



the blog alessandra mussolini wants legal guardianship of! bill,george wilbur and barack.s psych torture experiment! the girl the entire neighborhood wants out fer lookin too good for intellectual theft info! the only economic disparity tradeoff in the whole world while everybody else eats laughing shrimp!

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