Friday, January 28, 2022

search and destroy conquest invades my thermostat

 1.28.2022 at 5.56am search and destroy nazi/ confederate royalist collaborationist team up, persecutory extreme hate, belief

Using internet pulse, k and l fruit and vegetable  to stun in home from second floor, at 196.33 45th avenue auburndale nyc 11358

trespassing at 196.27/29 45th ave auburndale nyc 11358, with contacts at 22,26,32,36, 40,44, 37/39, 45, 49 - rapiers, famiglietti at the 111 precinct in 2010-2014 , maria leon 33.39 88th street jackson heights, extreme prejudice network, - search and destroy - missions for duress at lodgings, extreme removal for george w. bush, condalisa rice: common agent connie le sold, carolinas for real property on eastern parkway, brooklyn, aka mittler aka jewish, aka irish at 4863 211th street bayside hills, nyc 11364,  extreme belief for dutch reform,extreme prejudice,  and slave trade - at 211.02 50th avenue, changed my father.s home at 211.03 50th avenue as property of miranda chiu, matthew lundgren, with adimiketakis/ adikimenakis at remax 159 northern blvd, great neck, nassau county:

1. Has created a vacuum of services available to me for real property, personal applications:

A.  cab services refuse me, schedule appointments: yellow cabs, do not show;

B. locksmiths.calked about 5, same persecutory remarks, untenable constitutionally;

C. Plumbing, heating systems - on claims they all accept arrangements from " mittler" connected to the de grou- family;

2. Admitted responsibility in the infrainstitutional abduction from the Italian consulate lasting from 9.21.2015 to 3.13.2016 - a terrorist effort to prevent self.representation in court. Consular grounds violated, I was brought by a homegrown raid for george bush - persecution, gender- to queens  criminal court after I had sealed a case, abducted me to rickers, then, at release, from health check on grounds at kirby.s was abducted upstairs into forensics psychiatric facility.

Is now planning on seizing my home through remax, schultz real estate, and elements infiltrated in douglas elliman through mitch mc connelly.s wife.s family. From 6 to 15 real property defrauded, including land in montauk, suffolk county, and 4 international.

trespassers placed in my home by portolatin, fried, galano, NYPD 111 PRECINCT,  who are barring public access to community council  meetings for three months: by threatening to punch attendees, claiming new queens da wanted an - invites only- audience,  has been turning up and shutting the thermostat on second floor apartment , refuse me access to same, wants access to my basement, claimed damage to boiler about 10.00pm on 1.27.2022, had me called by adikimetakis/adikimenakis trespassing again after I fired him for fraud- in terms of unpaid real property connected bills, only for two properties, here, and at 4646 bell blvd- no rent, backed by adimiketakis/adikimenakis, threatened arson, requested to vacate by February 14, 2022. called con ed immediately to inquire as to the danger regarding boiler situation- obviously vandalized, rusted in areas; covered with acid dust.was told the feed was safe. Will either call police at the precinct  to access apartment and check thermostat, will provide 24 hour notice for access to apartment by later in am today.

leon co.responsible for line of concentration from the arts, television,music,cinema through the family.s producing the ramones, who played CBGBS country and bluegrass - kentucky folk music- club shut for cannibal commerce , on bleeker and bowery. 

feminist gloria steinem involved, also for intellectual fraud.

the persecutory situation so extensive, me targeted by a line of concentration 24/7 since 2010, I. d like to ask you what my options are for political asylum without renouncing my citizenship, since my beliefs are constitutional.

Also: all properties connected to me, at point of death need to be conveyed to constitutionally compliant military branches and endeavors.I.ll specify at a later date.  Under no option do I will any part of my history and these enemy combatant acts against my person to be publicized , represented in the arts, discussed slanderously, etc.

leon.s backing is mark zuckerberg, involved in persecutory human hunts of citizens for royalty ties, who has been working me into account shutdown on false charges of hate speech, harassment, bullying, community law the present moment, I can.t lodge a complaint for a proposed month long suspension: it requires a photo upload, but does not allow photo to upload. The account is blocked on that page, can.t go back, can.t go forward.

zuckerberg created a storefront near 23rd street in chelsea, zuckerman, signage white and black, first persecution the US opposed,  to arrange me thrown out by gadsden flag extreme prejudice carolinas  terrorists connected to english crown at manhattan ministorage.

please contact me for a discussion of this case. please warn our agencies in Italia and the Italian government that at risk of conquest invasions. 

Thanks, Alex Maffei 646.204.7294

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    You have paranoid schizophrenia
