Tuesday, August 23, 2022

state of the persimmon trees in the back yard, courtesy of 196.37/39 45th ave auburndale, nyc ny 11358 and 49.maneskin- kingmakers- group, emma fasano- involved in home fraud for the savoia, antonello florio- jesuit fascist concealed and a george bush plant

- electric feed for the whole house unresolved by con ed on 8.22.2022

unstable, rusted attachment of arias.lical service blocked almost as long as information regarding yesterday.s primary, which I refused to participate in, even with a protest vote. See previous post.

state of the persimmon trees in the back yard, courtesy of 196.37/39 45th ave auburndale, nyc ny 11358 and 47.maneskin- kingmakers-  group, emma fasano- involved in home fraud for the savoia, antonello florio- jesuit fascist concealed and a george bush plant.

fasano clearing - the south- out of children that do not look like her or antonello florio, a contact of 196.37/39 who cannibalized a child a day, toddler age, and with one plastic surgery a constant.leaves the stroller in front of the house.their presence on the block guaranteed by fasano/ florio, who have made via epomeo  an interstitial,surrey persecution / counter.reformation pigsty of slob. At their say, they accessed a condominium meet administering 151, shot all and substituted them, some with kennedy / cuomo/ clinton  british protectorate english crown capture slaves.

currently all mentioned engaged in two counts of terrorism against me as a target, through slander and a line of concentration, about 12 year long.

Officer granelle at the 111 precinct NYPD has been contacting likeminded souls at military bases to have me seized in a cromwellian kidnapping from and to, through Florio whose terrorist team up includes nazi takeover invasion staff at nisida sentry. fasano, trying to get rid of me for my mother.s family since my father.s death, had a team of florio.s, producer of gun club whose lead singer was indigenous, or a british protectorate substitution for same, befriend me, offer me a place to stay to simulate my presence in town - Napoli- as connected to my mother.s.on one instance, in a car, they drove up to Nisida base, laughing, until a person at sentry started walking to the nearing car.they started laughing and turned the car around. during that stay , access to other bases I had sook connected to NATO to report nazi persecutory, antisemitic activity I had been targeted by during my stay, almost got me shot for - marilla palmer, daughter of family court judge, brooklyn, and visual artist married to zaremba , lead singer of the fleshtones, either a created identity but involved at any rate in crown capture after approaching any artist whose work was or is involved in the citizen.s side of the war of Independence / Revolutionary War at the sentry office, gate.

11.47pm, 8.23.2022:  a car drives by blaring music.florio states that.s the best we can do through george bush.

After bagging thrown covid- contaminated fruit from who knows what tree, simulating my less than 12 hours old  trash - persimmons are green and healthy on my trees, infectious leaves placed strategically in repetitive areas from another tree connected to fecal icelandic growth through Bjork , a story worked by L.Espresso, an Italian newsweekly, another Florio contact at 49, at trash disposal, I found the bag open, some potted ware full of contaminated clear liquid," obtained from german nazi hospitals by Fasano,redistributed to maria leon - who.s been making you sick since the beginning of your life with me for she is a cuomo, who are you to debate us not looking like her, not looking like me- . leon, granelle apprise each other at this nth trumped up terrorist charge ,then apprise bush.

I want all responsible held accountable for treason against republics worldwide. 

Fasano, a Savoia Spy through bourbon duchy contacts from her skin home town of Solopaca, in Campania, Italia was a constant presence as a father fucked spy  in all my classes, from elementary to high school. befriended me once, in elentary school as a play date.said nothing along with her family while at their home and we never play dated again. That was more than 50 years ago. What you hear is torture,extended and false claims of proximity.

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