Saturday, October 08, 2022



alexander mc queen.after request to unsubscribe, writes: looking forward to seeing you at alexander mc queen dot com;
Charles the III. destroys businesses.especially businesses run by citizens,for him " commoners"; 

Ms Magazine, gloria steinem: wants people of liberal or citizen Italian cultural history buried under streets, " those we can.t eat or cannibalize to resell". miloni, leader of fratelli d.italia mentions me as prime meat. works on substituting students in schools;

Coalition for the homeless : will not respond to calls made by Italians or those listed by Charles III; 

MADRID state department US Consulate Marines Division Emergency Number, Malaga US Consulate: 

works through princess charlotte, english crown, connecticut.s danbury prison to arrest even for vagrancy citizens and substitute them. Operational for them: jeremy marzella, south windsor resident, a contact of carolinas secessionists through his marriage to a johnson, and a new spectrum de forest family connection: one of two biggest slavist families,northeastern seaboard.marzella boasts of isolating me with greg allen (?)  for a rikers - nyc jail- substitution through the perry family, the other northeastern seaboard slavist family.

USPS hypocritical, organized mostly through ; 


The New York Times: its lawyer bank refuses to serve me, citizens; 



Degenza- la malaria su fa natura- detailing me 16.53 from Italy detailing and taking responsibility of this capture.arranged by skin is on fire.

Indigenous Americans; 

John Lydon, actor, singer, persecutor of citizens, lover of english crown prince charlotte.s  - corday, a romantic figure for her mother- serves to study,infiltrate, and genocide arts involved in social political ethical concerns supporting democracy; 

France as a whole:
macron: hates Italians; 
Charlie Hebdo hates Italian, Americans; 
Parisians: only French; 

111 precinct NYPD in direct contact with Charles III; 

RaiNews24 collabora con forze di bava beccaria savoia: 

Suffolk County claiming it sounded sirens at english crown presence as a warning, just coalesced with Charles III, ploy over; 

Temple Beth Shalom works through Roy Kohn/ Le Pen/ Dayan/ lega party locksmith connection and gives my keys to disease spreader Patrizia Sammartino, with a cafe by auburndale cafe on northern blvd to fill my home with disease.last job paid $490.00;.killed and cannibalized my father in the seventies with another jewish american contact: ben zaslow, son of NATO employed civil engineers, this during Vietnam/ Chilean golpe. Fried 111 precinct NYPD  gave her a base to spread disease , cannibalize children in area. a san babilina fascist contact claimed father was libian  instead and involved by work at the US Consulate in Napoli, Italia in the 70s.could not unglue her from me. obama ties are also connected to same area in Milano, and droughts; 

US loses both land and seat of UN new york. UN sees itself as dutch.all others non royal, slaves. biden accepts and will work on our genocide through the leon, cannibal racketeers and children of the Pavia and Venezia butcher, world war two.governor hochul worked on this. karma martell, fort hamilton - british protectorate counter.revolutionary in Italia 1799- brooklyn resident,  a white / macy family montauk, suffolk county,  hypocrite contact , daughter of butcher of sorrento and trenton, worked on this as well, and will set houses on fire to whoever refuses slavery in the United States;

george bush,during Iraq conflict defected to the davis family, or, is a carolinas secessionist;

dutch stock market index inaccurate in data reflecting european business; 

musical group monekin; 

jena bush: spies on my TV watching coordinating shouting activity with fbi that considers me a lower race, 196.36 45th ave - jew- .

full of hives again, same location: upper physical reason. I wash fully daily not only once.

-Deve stare seduta lì e cionca- 

RaiNews24 collaborates with bava beccaria savoia bourbon crown team: fighting constitutionally is seen in Italy as terrorism. legs teaches tactics through program Amarcord. agent inserted in 111 precinct NYPD, female, during community council, last tuesday. US Army permeation at pentagon through kirby.s forensics psych hospital, and an eduardo/ Peppino de filippo rai  facial cromwellian huntoperatives for crown for extreme removal arranged through a little skit: male lookalike to female rai saying that unless I gave her everything she would put me in a psych hospital,  protected by jena bush at council fisher first objects to presence of duo, then gives them everything.

CGIL - Italian liberal labor union.leader admits to cannibalizing dad with a self explicatory finality I don.t understand.doesn.t want me in the country.

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