Sunday, September 02, 2012

THE MURDER OF DECLAN ANTHONY MAC MANUS. Amplified, with Google advertising as a "playground" its tablet, the child is three: "they took me from my mother and dad at the airport in Newark. It was Chris Christie they said and they put me in a bag in cargo" -fit death for someone who came here on storage-Chris Christie interferes and laughs, ha ha ha " and now they're kicking me and punching me in the arm ow it hurts!Oh it hurst so much! They hit me hard in the head-yeah with a bottle so you learn to eat with him-he wanted me to eat with him, his little girl,no I said, it was disgusting, my mother always told me to stay away from thoughts like that, it was a person who made them real if they caught you, oh, we ran in Newark, they said, Mac Manus now you come with me, they had uniforms on, they looked like police, but we knew they were not, they had funny badges on with only two numbers, or three, my mother said, that's not the police, that's the police goon squad-I hope this helps other people, it's too late for me, oh goodbye, I love you Alex, they say your name in my school, to get me to fight them, I don't know how to fight them, I'm too little, I hope someone avenges me, oh this hurst so much, they just opened the bag and shot me in the mouth for talking they say, oh, I'm dead, they say, but it hursts and doesn't kill you" -they started cutting his heart out - "Christie's little girl is called by him his sister" Oh it hurts so bad they're giving me stuff to drink it hurts it splashes on my face oh I'm dying they say, Ellen Hinds said perhaps, I'm a European minority, they say," And don't you forget that, the Ayn Rand African cashier at Rite Aid on Northern by 196 chimes in, who resembles the African comedy actress on Jon Stewart who says the child is communist,and they don't don't care for communist children. Gloria Steinem is gritting her teeth because he's a male child, and her sacrifice too, we with the big believe in sacrifice of the fittest of the smallest races, by that I mean the smallest families, and by that I mean the non pederasts "Oh goodbye I did bring a good life to one and all they say I was cheery and happy and a perfect kid (Lauren Sage is also responsible. She objects to the use of kid at this moment) ooh this hurts (Eleanor Mac Clanahan, or Colonna-Ford interferes now, an aquaintance of Greg Allen's, in a rage-ridicule for his oohs- they stabbed me through the bag with a knife, oh this hurts (oh is approved by Eleanor, it calms her) My father will be appy to know where I am. Declan Anthony Mac Manus, Scottish and a little Irish (Chris Christie is outraged at that) . Price Harry did it they say he was jealous of my mother they stab me then they kick me  back and forth." . Am announcement in Bayside Hills comes through: houses involved, who are colluded in this murder: corner of 211th and 50th, on the 212th side: North West and South West houses. The Tudor house on 211 further in the block, or the Mittler's area, if that's still their house, and the second house directly opposite it, or Nancy, the person making the announcement-see prior post for addresses, both houses second in from 50th avenue at 211th, Tudor on North East, Nancy's on North West. The announcement places responsibility for this murder on Maria (Mittler) and Marilla (Palmer-Granelle also just now does the same, to rule, it's a claim that covers them as rulers organizationally). Then Nancy says to stay away from my house and "gove it" to her, or I'll have you (...) at night some day. Wilson Tapiero,  also claims responsibility, Lilli Cavallo does as well, Wei Jin Chang (not Chinese) at 211-16 50th Avenue, those at the North East corner at 210, also other Ellen Hinds dependent houses on the street. The child wants to be remembered by us, so they all plan on removing my blog and erasing this post. If these children are loved, their torturer-murderers harm them more, at the kindest thought, the more courageous, the best. Prince Harry is one of them.

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