Wednesday, February 05, 2014

how a terrorist is created

Object: destroy the Empire State Building

Motivation: my father was at the opening as an artist. He needs to be punished for such arrogance as a lower race, so I'm arranged as the terrorist who will plot to do so;

Personages of varying importance contributing:

Arlene Lasberg, employed all day at stalking spying and trying to get me ejected from locations because isolation and lack of friendships will contribute nicely to the arrangement. A 111 Queens arrangement as an acquaintance, as in retrospect, I discovered all trash accumulated in my life since college, if not before, which includes Greg Allen, Elan Portnoy, the Leon, who at least have a semblance of an excuse at claims of knowing me, even though it was barely an acquaintance which has not been continued collectively, since 2000 or so. But their connection was also Kissinger, which brought in Clinton, Bush and Obama as terrorist creators for the fun of it. The most amusing is Marilla Palmer, who knows everything about be, and who I have never even seen alive within a 10 mile radius of me, ever, and who sustains me as a pederast, a spy, whatever she needs to cover up for for herself, including a Saddam Hussein connection.

Just to illustrate the absurdity of such friendships, the first wave accumulated without being even enrolled in college, in a film class through Jonathan Buchsbaum, who led democratic institution destroyer Carol Anastasia lead a team of trash including Leon, Polivko, now at Channel 7 as a librarian, to try to kill me for my house, which went without nary a police complaint for consequential reasons. Their interest was wet because I started a film club showing avant-garde same, such as Eisenstein, Rene' Clair, Cocteau. That same absurd bunch is here in Hispanic, at the Moma, even today, to resent modern art, spy on its visitors, and shout loudly, especially Leon, that a heartful avant-gardist as her now wants to force all of the US to switch to 2/3 soul gesuitism and pronto ;

I need to arrange for a change of address for magazines?

1) I don't read them. I pay for them for someone else to read as a slave;
3) Di Blasio who just announced that for Crown Terrorism, and its KKK, fascist, confederate connections, through Anastasia and Palmer, has offered me as prey for their insults,assaults, would be terrorist claims, racism, and overall harm to enslave me eventually, demean me as an Italian- they dirtied my cds Mermaid Avenue and Italian world music with sperm with people like Strummernews' Tammi Peterson covering for it without even knowing me- and show me what's what, this for the entire city of New York;

3) A coalescence of Rachel Maddow, Elan Portnoy, Katrina van der Heuvel, google, msn, yahoo displays The Nation's address as followed by UK, to illustrate how they contribute to having US citizens abducted for the whim of Crown terrorists, such as the KKK, and their loose fascist, Nazi, confederate collusions, and Long Island Jewish through a white supremacist Ellen Hinds, or I should say, also through. On those search engines, The Nation has become .com with a uk or a Samantha Bee .ke for her new Kentucky abductions for the Queen of England and the rest to murder home owners, much as they tried to do with me through Anastasia, and abduct the children to Nazi brothels. Mittler and company at the 111, Queens pedophile and know adoption agencies just for that. I've seen houses in the area with new tenants overnight, and all this for the glory of a new blitzkrieg in the future. One family with yard toys visible on the NW of 211th between 48th and 50th disappeared, to be substituted by a van with dark dangly haired appliance fixer uppers, much like Mittler's mechanic husband, and I had never seen matching hair until a team of about 4 to 6 policemen escorted Polivko to safety after he tried to murder me. No sign for sale of the house, no moving trucks, nothing but the presence of Mittler's cheap trash filth in the house.

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