Monday, January 17, 2011

The current call on more civility in government by Republicans is being heeded. There is talk of ice-cream breaks, pauses in the agenda for telephone calls to mom, and to the moms of their democratic opponents, to exchange recipees and discuss the weather. Now Republicans can no longer aim paper airplanes at democrats in congress, or try to distract the same with pin up showgirl calendars, nor can they interfere with their travel by deflating tires or cancelling flights. There is talk of a memo reminding all Republicans to greet their fellow Democrats in elevators with a "how are you?" before launching into any recrimination and requesting them to donate to a local charity to feed the homeless. In case of a refusal,the memo provides the number for major newspapers and local and national media.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pope John Paul, to be beatified on May 1, did pray for forgiveness for crimes against Jews, women, heretics and minorities, but not against the working class.
What was Sarah Palin thinking when she used crosshairs?

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Birthright citizenship is a hot topic these days,especially for people like Daryl Metcalfe, a Republican from Pennsylvania wanting to bring an end to "the immigrant invasion". So far, they've gathered together to declare the children of illegal immigrants born in the United States at a loss for American citizenship, not establishing which citizenship they should acquire. Thus barring United States citizenship, all others are available by wish and volition: Principality of Monaco's, Lichtenstein's, Azerbajani,Ugandan, even, why not, Martian or Venusian since the decision,at the moment of birth, is obviously up for grabs. Astrological signs may play a part in the decision making process. In case the citizenship is determined by the parents', those from two different countries will have ambiguous choices made for them, again, as long as it isn't U.S.'
New decision: end of life care consultation with doctors for annual check-up won't be payable by Medicare any longer. It was seen as too controversial for Republicans.

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