Sunday, June 22, 2014

Jews for Slavery: the saga continues


Salome' in various states of disarray during the James Spater blacklist, or the nostalgic attempt to bring back the 50's for the love of mom in a century that has forced even George Bush to obliterate Saddam Hussein and declare gays not only a sexual position for some, and thus in need of declared constitutional protection, also to document the necessity for said:

 Jon Stewart

a hanger on to the spirit of liberalism past for name.trades expert Maria Leon, connected to the Anastasia Rockefeller or a cat fu*g VH1  mob wife on your way to Mexico through a Hapsburg connection, originally from 33.39 88th Street Jackson Heights, the area also harboring now amplifying torture towers at the 90th and Elmhust 70th street 7 train station, globs of self.defined job suicides stalking you with strollers thinking a lack of  building violations is proof that a superior race and can host you as a slave in the hallway, hence the chase, and an epic good, hard fight at the community board keeping, and with great satisfaction,  universal preschool out of  same, while improving the décor by adding a cauldron on cement stilts to further mar a periodontis affected citiworld baseball stadium for the Mets on one side, and a War of the World vestige of a toy from Kennedy's war chest, or the rusting  nipple as a rocket ship on the opposite side, and also applied to working itself out of the country on  legislative efforts meant to legalize everything under the sun that would make a constitutional amendment necessary for citizens of the United States to be guaranteed constitutional protection as such.

Julia Louis Dreyfus

who stamps the constitution on her back, nekkid like Josephine and equally resourceful in tying herself up with the same forces who in Italy destroyed the revolutionary push that established us as citizens in our country, not tiny gargoyle dominions of tyrants, through Napoleon who prohibited money administered, or property inherited by women, and through Admiral Nelson keeps the Queen in business to this day by targeting citizenry through a question and answer statistical procedure which posits: you see? Even women can inherit a crown! in the 60's. In the 2010s she's limited herself to stating that women stand to inherit titles as first born, segue being only if pharaonic born, ours as citizens get substituted by those resembling the Scarlet Pimpernel. Nelson , to secure the bay of Naples from all those who believed Napoleon was a French Islander, also used Lady Hamilton as a lover, who was not really a Lady, much less of a Hamilton and definitely not Irish. This team is the same eating human hearts in public in Syria, necessarily abandoned to itself by Obama, for the sake of shooting children out of schools by the hundredfold, through every last drop of Chamberlain Petain blood claiming to be fundamentalist and residents of Chechenya in the same breath of sentence. Same actress along with Diane Feinstein, still interpret white and blue in outerwear to code that particular anti revolutionary position, not the democratic party, or the old colors of Queens College, CUNY or of the order of Saint George. This is done not only to triumph the flag that Eleonora Fonseca Pimentel, a Neapolitan revolutionary, was draped under, in full Joaquin Murat reign, after being blamed for raising taxes, well on her way as live bait to an orgasming Algerian zouave mouth, or her hanging as a land thief by the English royal house, which, officially, really had no business in the area, except as trade.slave experts through Magna Grecia and on contacts. The same tradition was reprised in the punk years by pimpernel indebted rock bands such as the Dead Boys who not only generated hyenas in Egypt to quash indigenous democracy inspired by the revolution  during the 'adversarial' campaigns between frogs and limeys in the 1830.s and on, immortalizing their draping now the Nazi flag over women, and shaving a swastika motif in their genital area in band biographies. Imagine what this piece of work did for at first, and then to the Dreyfus case.

Woody Allen

whose cover book something feathers, was given me by Ben Leon, 33.39 88th street, Jackson Height, New York this slightly after his and his sister's contact, Paul Polivko, tried to kill me for my house, in full confederate splendor, and whose Anastasia cover miscarried my complaint at the 111 Precinct in 1986, still not cauterized so as to lead to the boasting of killing Hoffman in 2014 by the same, and, yesterday, an attempt to shout me out of my private life, stop me from going out, until I married in the family of my mother's relatives, and, for those on my father's side, who, in 17 years of my life, he never mentioned once, corraled under June Rossi, through Saint Nicholas at 196th and Northern Boulevard, so that I would cede my house, my mother train me as her slave, and while I'm out, to break in, no sign of forced entry, and substitute the Rienzi gnocchi in my fridge with a preservative, listed as Lactic acid, or piss, otherwise known as E270 accumulating other sordid things, in particular, having minors shout 'bitch' at me for Frank Marzella, 187 Hickory Hill Drive, Waterbury Connecticut, and say 'we.ll kill you if you don.t whore for Frank'. I had warned about this attack, having been stalked with St Nick's coordination by a Japanese Hirohito indebted senior citizen who spoke in a female.s voice and sat as they always do, and have for years, next to me, so that people at RAI tevee like Luciana Litizzetto can claim, in amazement, she's a mafia queen ! a terrorist ! a nucleotide nihilist ! Anything but me. All this to sadly lead to legal guardianship against me, 24/7 naziracist bait.stalkings everytime I go out, glomming my mind or globbing around me shouting here for the police! What do you know about Gambino? All the while staring at my keyboard for my latest password, and in public, with me having to warn the public not to believe them, that I'm not subject to any investigation, that they organize people to do something based on constitutional rights, when they do, they put them in handcuffs and cart them off in vans to some brothel for torture and eventually appetizers of the erotoscoproantropophagic minded as bon bons, needfully working the pimpernels in a state of tyrannical digestive  support through various phases, as a parody of our innocent until proven guilty, justice being equal for all. This in a neighborhood they managed to shut down even a Tupperware home goods small business, and on purpose. In Jamaica, NYC,  these infiltrants in the New York Police Department who can only refer to themselves as paratroopers on a tour of duty and to the precinct as their base, claim the purchase of a fire extinguisher a reason to set the purchaser off to that particular sea, unless someone like me catches them, which leads to a de escalation, still simulating the propriety of an arrest, though but with a squad car, incoming to replace the van. The same group, through Greg Allen, later donated Seinfeld (t?) to me. At any rate, the campaign to eject East Village apartment dwellers from said with abductions has recently been inaugurated by Bounty, the paper towel that after a mutiny, made a count, and set the survivors into hell now by charging the same price of a roll of about a hundred plus sheets of reusable, absorbent paper  for about 48 in a weakened state of mind. This was picked up by Crystal Fields, a director of Theater for the New City, where I worked until they broke in at night, occluding my circulatory system at the leg level because I never developed varicose veins from the weight of a child, and a signaled an actress leaving a publicity still as a Nazi who abused me, is a personal contact of Maria Leon, and tried to kill me in my sleep by arranging false claims of heroin addiction through a puppeteer for Swedes, as an honorable mention on his business card. Her and Jaffe's biggest beef is how when Bolshevicks came to power, actors were put to death. This has about the same relevance as Woody Allen claiming that communists use the bathroom together only to cover for how he doesn.t use it at all, since that.s an unseemly act for a tsarina the likes of Diane Keaton.s racist grandmother, and what a hoot of crochetry that was. When positing how Leon, Allen, Stewart and the rest epurate the profession from formidable and democratic talent unindebted to anyone, that would build promise and accomplishment for others in the future, instead of lately airbusing Beyoncé's ex friends  from one hellhole to another for smoking a joint, the news now being  the only home to artistic interpretation for these events in the flesh, with Ferrell's house a testimony to postmodern irony, I, a person of 55, approximately, I have to count each time since it's not an overwheening personal concern, I, who have never even slapped a person in my life, feel the need to put an end to their bone and brain coordination for awhile, thinking wistfully of the workout.
In summa, as children, theirs, cavorted saying I.ll deny it! I.ll deny it! as I was writing the license plates of yesterday.s stalkers for a complaint, or, NY DFW 8204, EJS 8867 and a flat switch in North Carolina as IIF 778 I was asked why I did so, to which I responded you're living a fantasy. Then one of them, visibly a woman, since I am also visibly a woman, started shouting come up close tell me why you're writing down my license plates, you're my bitch. I just walked away. Two adolescents, proud of their gym wear, globbed close by as soon as I turned the corner, the female Greek barbarian removing her baseball cap to shower hair she declared as blonde, thus pleasing to the cult of Frank within Frank Marzella,  for Frank and Sandra Marzella, who have used incest as a nostalgic claim for their confederate moments and find it properly sustainable to apply to estranged in.laws like me, at a great distance, in a complete state of unknowingness of them, from them, and by them with the exception of these opportune moments and an abduction or two, if they can arrange them, living in an electrical powered split level hosting a Starsky and Hutch car in all seriousness with a garage in direct contact to the main hut, mourning the days, better and gone by, when chutney did the work of caviar living a better day because a lawn. jockey in black Coppertone holding a garden gnome, ceramic, in his right hand and an iron ring, plaster in his left still wrapped in the original imperial clingwrap packaging is too obvious for a false info gatherer.

the next quaestio leading, what was I doing, yesterday,  alone at Roman Polanski's latest oeuvre, Venus in Fur, or subway Elmhurs, since the first stop is he.s a Jew, and an Auschwuss survivor too, who would ever think?

as I am writing Roman Polanski,

8.02PM text to FBI mentioning crescendo of stalking from Q12 bus in Flushing with suppurating support at 196th and Northern Blvd;

8.20PM. You as my bitch, or death,  yours episode at 196th unsopported evidence by any authority whatsoever, not even the pope, for a good laugh.

8.55PM  call to FBI, 0. reply from  New York accent slowly flowing into af am fem ethnic interrupting detailed description with did you call your local police, then an inexplicable transfer to  the line, in midsentence, which led to my interrupting the call.

9.02AM St Nick.s amplifying her ' I refuse to do the job for a WOP'.

Sometime in the early evening, night: her refusal, extracting a gun, and by consequence, being hit by a bullet in the head of one of her, to summons one of her, again, in same position for same employment followed by same consequence, but, disappointingly, at a later date.

Better Hilary Clinton contacting me by way of interrupted hotspot to urge me not to reveal geschtalt secrets or else PAYPAL's mother is coming after me with her cat, right from Marco Bellocchio's Assange.s version of Salo' in his '60's filmic docs, either standing in a fireplace or hopping mad from apt to apt in a sister mother father unit through Frank Marzella.s issue, or the eve of Saint Nick.s , his very own self.begotten son, Steven Christmas, also vaguely known to me as a cousin, through the Arnolfini Dutch men of cloth collectors of Jews and Catholics alike.

work in progress

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

how do you recognize gays for a quick car.stuffing to a concentration camp with a drop the pants?

cat.bat        to hit something quickly
                   to slightly hit repeatedly a touch screen when once isn.t enough
The Capers of Helen, or theTime Warner.Comcast  merger, PT 1

I thoughtlessly browse from msn to I forget where, and hit on a 12mo 79.offer for a triple play with a 150 gift card offer which changes to only if you switch after my call to continuous voice t855.487.6912, offer TWA933283 I can.t hear because the Marilla Palmer.VanDyken.Rouens worked out a deal at New York Police Department  Internal Affairs Bureau and feels like buying branchy underwear on me and doesn.t feel like answering questions on internet service caps and a future of limited news.service and small business opportunities.

 After less than a minute, and as msn disconnects from reality, google issues blanket statements not explaining why a call to 888.789.0901 reveals the new codicil you get a gift card only if a switch occurs from Time Warner pages, from which forwards a spectre of  199.99 Signature bills should a , no sign of forced entry occur, your records substituted and its personnel  particularly obstinate after your offer.year has expired, heckles, even before. A lure of triple appears briefly, I call 888.789.0901, slamming the on Nina for being too Nina, after she was prompted in cattle.rod by a play for my body, with 40.s radio days voice Zig replacing her, continuing the NYPD.IAB trend I can.t hear you, then, after I say I don.t want to work with you anymore my cell rings at least ten to twenty times since hard of hearing Zig did not understand how a Mexican. inflection can lead to the death of a  business deal and I had to clear it once more, respecting his right to surveil for his team of snake.oil psychiatrists exactly when a state of intimidation develops in a previously unsuspecting female commoner, as a  plan of sugar.plum purchases of rabbit ears matures for the near not so new future.

Monday, June 02, 2014

Hey Sparky, just as I wrote about Bergdahl being targeted for offing by Obama and concealed fascists like an estranged uncle, Frank Marzella, as of the wee hours of 6.1.14 on facebook about 4AM I just heard at 9AM PBS is reporting how questions surrounding the sergeant like a black cloud, ready to plummet raindrops as big as sewer rats on his  head, ready to knock any hard boiled detective out like those things previously known as suckers, you know, those things used in the late 40.s in film noirs making false claims of his having deserted the military to embrace the Taliban whole heartedly like a widowed woman ready to give up eating bread to keep little children from literacy worldwide?


who do you think fuc* with
who the fuc* do you think you are?

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