Saturday, November 20, 2021

peepy and pappy out on a lark 11.20.2021

 wacked on  45th think they. re the earl of firth : peepy and pappy on a lark

KEY: peepy : the guy, a girl;

         pappy : the meatball, hanging onto life by a Scottish cottage thread cause her eye ain.t blue;

         lark: a feral bird with a great sense of humor

11.20.2021- I step outside to smoke a cigarette, out from a parked car in the driveway at 196.26 45th ave auburndale nyc 11358 come a male, a meatball do female lugging two huge suitcases in the house. While at it they simulate a conversation about sweet little homey nothings, mentioning my name at least twice, like bedside manner  nurses attending to a senior with alzheimers. This is done to me on a constant everytime I step outside, AND the duo swore they.d be better than mittler and will seize all I own and make me their " pickaninny". 

I got tired of the delays from the roundelays and said, contextually:

1. do you live in that house? reply yes;

2. to the meatball: is your name alexandra? no reply;

3. why are you simulating a conversation with me on familiar terms when I don.t know who you are? no reply;

4. why are you lugging those suitcases in your house? no reply.

they access the house shut the front door, whoever.s at 196.29 45th avenue auburndale ny 11358 storms out,crosses the street, grabs another house.s trashcan, if it is, if it wasn.t 27/29s, I ask why did you grab the trashcan from across the street ? - she lugged it right to the back of 29 by the garage.

she muttered something then violently saud- shut the fuck up- slamming the door behind her.

funny thing in my way to the forum: shut the fuck up was initiated by me,when confronting these extreme enmity types trying to run me out of New York. Hell, I even tell them I. m going to shoot them.

If you quiz them, they.ll tell you slavery:  extreme enmity is the American Dream.

you.d think they were some yukon prince william territory generational  shack holders who weren.t told about the War of Independence or the formation of the United States,  waiting for some person  to knock on their door seeking help due to inhumane seizures they were living in a state of ignorance about crown capture and hollow practices, a generational trait since tudor, henry the VIII.

this in a continually burgeoning metropolis, about 7 million strong -inside scoop,  padded census, everybody.s a nazi, anyone?- : NEW YORK CITY.

Friday, November 19, 2021

borders understood by migrants in bielorus crisis as international waters

 bielorus is using water cannons and teargas to stop a flow of migrant workers, asylum seekers leaving syria, afghanistan, iraq into poland, a member of the european union.

an analysis of the harm by those targeted  has lead to a resolution able to sustain safe, transitable from nation to nation, perpeable borders for all, like international waters, ersatz resolved within the country approached for asylum. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

War Bulletin Before Coffee, from New York City 11.18.2021

 War Bulletin Before Coffee, from New York City 11.18.2021

lilli cavallo - de grou-  said to have accessed my premises.plans her brother.s presence, then her father.s then the marzella, then the hughues then me mutilated in a box. or will invade - in a day or two -unable to establish the truth of the latest expectorations;

111NYPD said to have declared war on queens,nyc to allow mittler : extreme prejudice, related to the de grou " who are boers" .mittler responsible also for lines of concentration that aim at upper respiratory and circulatory systems - the heart mostly- since Vietnam is planning on extended torture in brothels as she did with the local Jewish community at the inception of this slaughter, 28 years ago;

some of the librarian team at east flushing library intimidate into slavery - extreme enmity-, also in the westchester area plan on claiming I.m not me, and suspending my account, also through exchanged hands at the precinct to seize me;

45 on 45th ave, between 196th street and francis lewis will invade for extreme enmity through the episcopalians;

mittler holes out on 44th ave, between the same streets to seize all control of nick.s, on 196th and northern blvd,  backs mittler " for now" ;

st kevin.s on 45th one block west of 196th backs hamiltonian genocide and extreme enmity;

for the cockamamie mittlers, this line of concentration,repeating my thought 24/7 for the past 11 years is replete with significance: will continue to do so because it.s connected to her coup in Europe and her complete seizure of power there;

intellectual theft from the beat was orchestrated by mittlers and leon; same with Frank O. Hara.s work;

I.m being seized to some psych hospital, again, through and for this network;

mittlers refers to critique among those in collusion with these plans as " dissention among our troops";

mittlers also collects info on CUNY - QUEENS COLLEGE students to harm them like she harmed me

Just read that tuition is about $500.00 plus a credit;

in the meantime, I.m doing well, gage the extent of these statements, and gamble on whether the gable will fall or not on my head.since last night mittlers arranged statements such as - she.s at the door, peter shoot her-, then shooting threats for another two or so times, torture, then mutilation and " boxing" this within less than ten minutes of my waking, it now being 5.34am. analyzed my emotions,my psychological states, and come to the understanding that, through not caring whether I live or die because my life is not above that of a child that.mittler slaughters for food,or an  unknown troop, and that mittlers and the threat they represent must be stopped so that globally, we can live free lives again.I gaged my abilities, and am working on slowly integrating others within this system 

alive for now as Alex Maffei, in live as Aidan Alex Valerie St Just Maffei, thank those big, shining stars up in the sky daily my father called me Lucia June at birth, and get on with it, learning that places like teen challenge, some christian reformatory place,  are responsible for extreme abduction and removal seizures at 3.00am from the new yorker and am better able to understand what to face. I will deploy and peel mittlers.s face right off the planet for hating me so much I could feel her presence overseas as an expat, as a child! which still is no end of wonder, indignation and a source of contempt to me.there I am, this little thing, barely aware of the Vietnam war, hearing the name - hitler- made in connection with a flash photo session of european citizens thrown in street ditches by a ritzy cunningham cracker daughter of a nazi mom too.this in my head, I remember it so clearly, as if I recognized it,him, his past historical significance, how that could be I don.t know, except as a war act of concentration.I had never even heard his name made ONCE before. It was  cajole me into some awareness and acceptance.I found the photo grueling,in 1969, at 10 years of age, and was horrified, and seized by a certain cold immobility, I equiparate to the effect greek tyrants had on the free.from then on, I refused to be alone with monica cunningham, and got mittler, eventually, thrown in the batter, still convinced she.s effective. 

After a point, and if you survive their overwhelming, groteque, brutish harm, you are less traumatized, and you still are yourself, and you still make choices on how to apply yourself within the flow of life.

mittler.s effect, brutality and slaughter insures you as a presence in the world forever, eternal: how can you ever forget the hollows and the horror of losing others, me my father through concentration to a better relationship between us, and,at his death, to his body being cannibalized by my mother.s side, and by celebrities, and by notables who see themselves as towering above others in a vaporously isotopic conceptualization of privilege afforded to no one, ever, by anyone, living or dead, except by themselves. plus you love the world so much, how can you not resent being forced away from its contemplation by a brute like mittler. and, as you love the world, you love its dead, those who died for it, want to meet them to express your love for them, just to look into each other.s eyes for awhile to celebrate each other and be on your merry way. 

mittler seems brittle in comparison.

Oh, and when Kurt Vonnegut, a satirist who survived the ww2 dresden slaughters and human pantries,  was alive he was never a " jr".

mittlers bans me from working at a university, or with college students;

lieutenant female, " stazza" with crown contacts at 111 NYPD working on my " false arrest" not so easily arranged as in the past, so she,they lose prestige among their own, but insist they do not, did not, and are as good as they ever were.

after the shock, you learn how to stop its build up, even external as an act of concentration: put yourself in a safe place, or, self.generated: do the same, stop the symptoms from accruing : a cold, a nervous shaking, a feeling of revulsion generating in one.s repro organ area. don.t indulge, it could be deadly, record the feeling, go back to it so you can develop a quick response escape hatch practice. 

personally I need to insure it never happens again. that.s my makeup. so, lost civilization of gomorrah and jericho, here come mittler and.

plus, who wants to lose even one split second of my life on this planet, in anticipation of what? when mittler the concept bites the dust? It defeats the purpose, exactly by not being the purpose at all, but an obstruction to the purpose.

so,while this was going down yesterday I hand washed,read,relaxed,recorded,downloaded photos of artwork I love and am thinking of making a traveling packet of, ate my own cooking, brewed coffee, washed my floors twice, contributed comments on fb, wrote a series of posts,wrote three poems,erased three poems or two, need to understand the feel and direction, and what did mittler do but try to plant more dream images my way, create states of befuddlement, try to plan my lynching and death by repeating my thought 24/7 again, by now a noise in the distance I barely pay attention to, and who mittler doesn.t even know if it.s mine because also,she warps it beyond recognition to suit her socioserial pulsions.

it.s not remember to smell the flowers, it.s smell the flowers and wack who tries to stop you after you hone in on why. how works itself out as quickly as light and color change in the skies, so.  learn a new skill everyday, it keeps arthritis away.

and, been smoking in honor of General John J Pershing. Nimitz wasn.t a slouch either.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Being Offed by Plastic Surgery of Marcy.s Playground Lead Singer

 Being Offed by Plastic Surgery of Marcy.s Playground Lead Singer 11.15.2021 at 8.38pm 

8.30pm white pick up truck with plastic surgery of a lead singer of marcy.s playground outside another burly male parked in front of my house at 196.33 45th ave auburndale nyc 11358 arranged by big burly male with access to 196.26 45th avenue.on the phone they say with fried 111 precinct nypd saying I don.t go near plastic surgery of lead singer man from 26 says he.s ready to shoot me in the head, elephant tranquilizer what have you. anna di marco my mother.s housekeeper in line to inherit the house at 33 for them then they.ll sell it.burly from 26 paces back and forth.when I was outside before now anna di marco signaled me with english civil war gesture saying hello ale - second time in less than a week .first time she shouted out front window that.s her! - wants to know what some word means - forget what it is. 8.35pm.

dante alighieri.s beatrice revealed: a de grou. his reply: you can keep her

 10.03 am 11.15.2021 

The landlord, richard schultz at 3408 43rd street apt 1a astoria borough of queens, new york city 11101, 114 precinct,  inserted both people connected to my mother by marriage: for the marzella a Shannon huggies in 2a, and for the cavallo a de grou under a false name: beatrice who just walked past my house at 196.33 45th avenue auburndale borough if queens with an icepick or a needled object in her right fist - the same she tried to stab my eye out in the apartment during an assault unwarranted by me,meant to have me do what she said - she grabs hair at the top of the head then draws near her body. 

I hold schultz responsible for extreme duress at lodgings, removal and prejudice through the de grou extreme enmity and same charges above along with possible aka maria unteras, through beatrice de grou. cavallo lives at via dante 1, trentola, provincia di caserta, campania,  italia. 

she called a car from john de grou, who the cavallo claim is a native of amsterdam. 

It.s a long,long way to come to bust my balls after a   shelter kidnapping, a consular kidnapping lasting six months based on non.existing arrest warrants, simulating a non.existent trial for a case with an ersatz name I was never produced in court for, through extreme abduction in rulers and another at kirby.s forensics psych in the manhattan psych complex. All to legitimize barring citizens from self.representation in court for the madison,stanton families.

he and unteras are also involved in an extreme abduction ring, same extreme prejudice finalités.unteras,on phone, in my presence used name: schultz, then a series of about 6 to 8 numbers, then the term " communist".

111 precinct NYPD holds "captives" in the basement- last community council meet I was refused admittance to because I held no " invitation" is where I heard the cop who barred me  mention " we have seven in the basement" .

that line of fire,through fried - sigfrid line,benedictine faith operational against us in world war two in cassino, along with gustav line.

In a way I coukdn.t thank rosa cavallo more for precipitating this latest you can.t get away from us bout of nonsense.

frank marzella on loudspeaker,enjoyed a bout of imitating the dead, today. this time epstein. In the past my father to my mother.after eating his brain as an aka Jew. cavallo are his ear. They killed him with an oxygen tank with nitrogen mixed in. Bowie precipitated events by being videotaped saying to iman that he had eaten my father.s heart. patrizia sammartino daughter of us consulate in Napoli employ with inserts throughout the consular systems,both US ,Italian, in holland through the de grou, was a fan of bowie.s, stuck to my side as a spy by my mother to carry off the hit, and married a relative of the de group, a keech.the word for the genre is - kitch-.that, as an Italian, left me out of their common parliance.

Back to my own drawing board, again, among these showcasing stars barging  even in my mind in a war atrocity act called concentration to tramatize me into schizophrenia. If I heard hate for me once before,now still on a verbose 24/7 basis I heard it for all time.can.t wait for it to be the lilli cavallo kids in andalusia do it with rover but try to arouse me from a distance for a cheap false arrest.and that.s what some guy from a small town thinks is big shakes and what he, along with them,wastes his entire life on.

shultz, through fried, has george w bush cover.bush advises having me stuck with this family and make the best of it.that.s his advert, since yesterday.

I want all involved executed for extreme betrayal.

how.s that.

george w bush.s recommendation of family closeness for me

 11.15.2021 8.22am 

rosa cavallo upstairs intimidating my mother.all houses on 45th ave between 196th and francis lewis - big production-have men of cavallo.s loaded in them.I go outside for a sigarette after rosa cavallo says I need to work the streets for her, will not pay, will sell me, will create an extreme abduction situation at best to psych.outside on the street come with me I.ll show you how to work on the street. Rosa can hear me typing this and says " emi - my mother.s name- tempus fugit" 

Thursday, November 04, 2021


 At queens plaza a male swollen with child.s meat is claiming he and peter mittler and iolanda tozzi pane cannibalized over five children each for celebrating holloween " for it is heathen to me" .

People were run out of their houses by tozzi pane herself and a cannibal team with blood on their faces they kept on licking.

One of them saw his own child be torn limb to limb by iole tozzi pane herself - tonight.

I was almost killed by her in my mother.s house - I left I could hear her get angry because I was leaving, anna di marco came downstairs then went back up then shouted at the door you better leave - meaning my house to iole tozzi pane and herself.

The children were beaten up with prosthetic crashed their skull in they grabbed the brain and ate it. This after breaking happened around 4.00am in neighborhoods that were not ghettoes, but culturally diverse.

She.s here to stay she kept on saying.

Great Neck at risk tomorrow, Long Island.

Children were killed for celebrating holloween all over long island.

ADAMS, THE NEXT MAYOR,  PROMISES TO DO WORSE maria leon was at the raid said she was maria leon grabbed a child and ate it in front of its father, it's eyes first. 

She said over and over " indians from nantucket" when not.

mother.s family, in laws plan torture, death and seizure of constitutional effects for me tomorrow. televised as well

 neighborhood in collusion.

If anything should happen to me, raze all property build public access parks in its stead.if anyone objects, have then executed on grounds of extreme betrayal.

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