Tuesday, March 15, 2011

While the Paris group is remanding all decisions on a no flight zone to the United Nations in the future, Gheddafi threatened to ally with Al Quaeda and is busy bombing now more hospitals and murdering the rebels. Didn't the dictator say that it was the rebels who were doing Al Quaeda's interests in Libia?
50 lives are being sacrificed to the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant. Technicians there, trying to prevent more damage, have already absorbed radiation that will lead to cancer. President Obama claims new U.S. investments in nuclear energy are secure, Sarcozy says investments in nuclear energy can't be immediately stopped and Italy says it's ready to reinvest in the field.
Bradley Manning has been kept in solitary for the past 7 months and now is held nude based on false suicide alert claims. One of the documents he allegedly leaked to Wikileaks was a video of an Apache helicopter murdering civilians and two Reuters journalists. He is being accused of having turned the documents over to "enemies of the state", a charge which results in execution.
Michael Moore warns about Michigan's Governor Snyder, who in just two months has:

'Gotten the House and Senate to pass bills giving him "Emergency Management" powers such as the ability to appoint a corporation or a CEO who could literally dissolve town governments or school boards, fire the elected officials, nullify any local law and run your local governmental entity.The company would then have the power to declare all collective bargaining null and void.

Proposed giving business a whopping 86% tax cut while raising personal taxes by 31%! And much of that tax he believes should be shouldered by-I kid you not-senior citizens and the poor! He says these two groups have not been "sharing the sacrifice"the rest of us have been burdened with. So his budget proposes a 1.8 billion tax CUT for business and a 1.75 tax INCREASE for the rest of us, most of it from the poor, seniors and working people- even though the top 1% in Michigan ALREADY pay a lower state tax rate than anyone else does!

Together with the legislature,introduced over 40 anti-labor bills in just the first two months of this session!'

Thursday, March 03, 2011

How is it that now, when Italy is worried about clandestine immigration, and France is dillydallying, Hilary Clinton is saying that in Afghanistan the fundamentalists were from Cirenaica,and who would we help really? Cirenaica is the region of the revolters and on many interviews Libians have stated that there are no fundamentalists in Libia.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Would you have expected John Galliano and Julian Assange partners?

The first caught in drunken antisemitic slurs and a crush on Hitler, and, because of it, fired from Dior, the latter trying to create Jewish conspiracies because one of his Russian collaborators is a holocaust denier?

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