Thursday, March 31, 2022

freezing in home

 3.31.2022 at 4.52pm

Second floor trespasser will make me sicker;

biden.s got his two cents thrown in the deal;

Italian Premier Draghi fit to defraud me of my constitutional financial effects through patrizia sammartino through extreme belief/ love- hate circles. corday/hapsburg families involved.

Italian Premier Draghi fit to defraud me of my constitutional financial effects through patrizia sammartino through extreme belief/ love- hate circles. corday/hapsburg families involved. On rainews 6.00am 3.31.2022.
premier points toward viewer.
name elena is made by ukrainian interviewer.that would be a reference to the corday family, due to the resemblance of elena of Savoia and Charlotte Corday.

Charges of extreme betrayal of  democratic governments.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

false arrest from the académie planned: as an avantgarde writer and artist

false arrest from the académie planned: as an avantgarde writer and artist I.m honored. I.m framing it and placing it among other photos, collages which include an award given to my father for entertainment support of the troops during World War Two. Makes me feel like Money and the Impressionists, excluded from the yearly show in Paris.thanks.I.ll include it in my resume..I have NO IDEA what seized them. wool and cotton trade monopoly planned.

forwarded to agencies. white family involved, nigerian/ bourbon slave trade. outside the Post Office, a young adult female wearing a leopard print hunting jacket, mentioning evelyn nesbitt, stanford white.s lover, with white family investments in Montauk, Hamptons Suffolk County, and a serial hatred of Italians. 
reference to leopard club, african aristocratic, and ingrid bergman.s hunting coat of Southern Italians in Rossellini.s film, Stromboli, admitted too. " I revere that role of hunting Southern Italians" .

forwarded to agencies, including Department of Defense and International CRIMINAL Court, and that.s just about enough time investiture I.m.going to apply to THIS thing. 

no checks at PO, third time in a I have to call the bank AGAIN. I.ll get a cert mail saying I threatened the checks next.
It is just SO excessive.

If anything, I.ll just check the conduct rules for extreme enmity, since I know the school backs models as slaves for some patron portraits.

9.45am 3.29.2022 2 floor accessed by a self.defined " peter" to change my locks

9.45am 3.29.2022 2 floor accessed by a self.defined " peter" to change my locks.

hired by adult male second floor trespasser, tries to contact remax adimiketakis/ adikimenakis 159 northern blvd, great neck, new york about this.

given keys by self.avowed extreme belief terrorist young adult female trespasser ;

Claims of police intervention if I secure a locksmith for keyed access to premises for inspections preceded by a   24 hour written warning. 

line of concentration steady from 6.00pm 3.26. 2022

line of concentration steady from 6.00pm 3.26. 2022 well into my waking.

This morning started with an  relentless, compassionless attack by second floor trespassers, 111 precinct officer seeger and a lieutenant, female, white, covering for the mittler.

I.m targeted as a non abusive feral animal supporter by the second floor trespasser animal brothel- harming a gray/ brown pit bull by beatings,drugs and rape so excessive its genitals are enlarged, no intervention by the precinct for over a year.

Trespassers admit a connection again to brad pitt, douglas elliman through a " kim" connection, and admit to stalking me to feed the 111th with constant complaints of irrational behavior on my part to seize my constitutional effects.the mittler plan my murder for legislative change through terrorist attacks that would abolish rights to constitutional effects, war atrocity acts called extreme removal through extreme belief terrorist groups.another count agent engendering " slaves" connects itself to st robert bellarmine in Bayside, through bayside hills civic association membership. 

the lieutenant claims to use terrorist means as FBI procedural instead, now against me as a " nazi supporter" which I.m not.

To seize my home at 196.33 45th ave auburndale/ flushing area, new york city 11358 they put:

bobby mastoridis, a child incest victim by way of mother, vanessa la forge and anna di marco as residents at my address, so spectrum sends ads in their name to my address.

In the meantime, while this shit.s going on, targeting me audibly, simulating a presence in my immediate area this is what I chose to do:

1.continued to pack recycling, twined newspapers, corrugated cardboard;

2. Swept the floors;

3. Rearranged books, shelving units, created a stack to archive; 

4. Drank breakfast: coffee; 

5.washed dishes, sprayed sink with antibac; 

6. antibac.d shower floor.

Monday, March 28, 2022

attempt to sequester me to psych hospital by second floor trespasser, jena bush, oscars crowd involved

attempt to sequester me to psych hospital by second floor trespasser, jena bush, oscars crowd involved

1. Claims of local disturbances, shouts,shots,claims a package deliverer was shot, claims it had been done to " change society" all denied at 11.05am 3. 28.2022 made to favor remax.s adimiketakis to further defraud me after mother.s death; 

2.jena bush continues to claim me  card carrying communists a reason of disrepute and persecution, adds my name to the mix.

3. Claims my small business rental unit at 4636 bell blvd is being destroyed by those there, not paying rent, for hollywood, justified by more slander: if royalist doesn.t work, claims of pederasty will be made, or,for tenants, being a " woman". A debate ensues with hollywood thugs, who threaten my life, because misogyny "does not look good";

4. Second floor won.t move until they put me in a box to display me as a " fundamental Italian" in the works with a "patrizia sammartino". Claims of cannibalism made by same education team spies from Italia, to do another real property defrauded a favor; 

I had a day of it:

between yesterday and today, at and t blocked me for an hour, con Ed a good half hour,refuses calls for anyone except lack of service emergencies while continuing to claim I make appointments for the installation of meters written not to bother me with, now up to $200.00; refusal to provide a confirmation number for a transaction  by td bank for about an hour, with an employee replying univocally to my call, providing three names for self she calls " me" as the repository of complaints against my person. nothing is straightforward or handled professionally. The simplest request takes an inordinate,stressful time to resolve.the approach taken by employees forces you to explain your request multiple times,to the extent of intense emotional discomfort.the 111 precinct , inspired by constitutional effects not theirs, through galano continue to work out audibly- which they.ll later claim imaginary, works out proper service, issues resolved within seconds, spectacular response by exceptional staff beleaguered by consumer instead.  

checks made continually of lawyer retention, refusal to pay rent by tenants at 46 since 2018 seen as insignificant;

Boasts by second floor of contacts to brad pitt through douglas elliman " kim" family, responsible of voter fraud through the mail,  jennifer aniston to bush through " the saint nick.s community" insisted upon;  false claims made I had,wanted, an affair with a married man, comedian john stewart, made when an alias with my name and with intent to kill me was involved.same alias placed trespassers in home, admitting to killing children, self.avowed " terrorists" , statement made for whatever reason.the unit upstairs remains interchangeable.for the moment, about eight different individuals since 12.19.2021. the interchangeability is not linear.old favorites reappear, then go, the van.s had different appearances as well.without windows, with a partial mirrored window in the back, s return to original windows, clear, then, then, then, and same license plate.

The harassment constant, lines of concentrations fit to be claimed as nonexistent at favorable junction. 

spielberg involved in weinstein.s seizure and fradulent trial through temple beth shalom.s older male rabbi. The producer was no t allowed to represent himself in court, the lawyer mislaid a trial that should.ce been resolved with a dismissal due to severe irregularities let alone a traditional slander team whose member was an actress, annabella he.ll kill me it I land in hollywood as a refugee, if not he.ll sue, if I even mention his name etc,etc, with second floor nazi japanese contact backing him, seeing the oscar given to a soap opera shot homily on nissan disability, not to Paolo Sorrentino, an Italian.weren.t there other viable candidates for the award, besides an Italian and a Japanese oscar grabber- grabbing at metal and wood.s been plaguing me on the bus back now for over a decade, including strangers approaching others well within an invasive uncomfortable range on public transportation claiming to be married to them.spielberg must be part of the same jewish constituency that would use the term " communist" to defraud other jews as well, including Leone Ginsburg, out of their lives and effects during high persecution times, like Nazis in world war two. A capita of 200 strong was boasted about  at temple  beth shalom years past, by members of its congregation, including Leone Ginsberg.s death by respiratory illness during illegal seizure by fascists in world war two.there.s a reason why Maus, the graphic novel by art foegelman was banished from publication in Israel, wen as a " catchall for seizures,false arrests and imprisonment, ultimately leading to death of seized, by " cheap jewish betrayers". Even this is worked against me - my mother and her family seen as in collusion, me as an extension of same, when I call agencies if they near in fear of life loss, and against whom,because of this block I was never allowed the benefit of either domestic violence counseling, requested frequently since 2000, or a court order of protection.

The whole team up will sue until I.m in the street without a penny- spielberg promised this to george bush and is a false jew contact,dutch slave trade mittlers,who are responsible for art theft, in the millions as well as cannibalism.spielberg finds them successful. 

Second floor nazi aka scholl contact codes " date I" to persecute another innocent member of the beth shalom congregation with hollywood team up backing that as well. If not the temple uses dutch slave trade team ups.

I refuse all conversation with same.aka Scholl, who persecuted The white Rose, a group of students who opposed hitler during that dictatorship, is way,way too filthy for me to be near without causing extreme discomfort. Notoriously persecutory of sexual preference as well.

So, blocked for now by these delays through abuse meant to claim I was inefficient at securing services I:

1. Assembled an office chair;
2.whipped up a smashing yellow split pea soup; 
3. Washed my floors; 
4. Hand washed my clothes; 
5.oiled tools;
6. Did accounting; 
7. Reorganized recyclables: 6 bags strong; 
8. Created satirical vignettes daily the series called"  The New York Times Ransom Notes  of the Liberally Culled, now subject, like my facebook page was to intellectual theft ; 
9. Substituted a doorknob;
10. began an extensive repair to a damaged french door; 
11.planted wheatgrass; 
12. planted ranuncoli and freesia; 
13.created a collage in solidarity to ukrainian independent statehood, objecting to both cannibalism and the domestication/ enslavement of feral citizens;  
14. Archived books,magazines, including The New York Times Magazine, The Newyorker, with the mail back to its old trucks: still haven.t received 4.3.2022; 
15.rearranged furniture with an eye to more space and air;  
16. Recorded mail, with religious bulk mail meant to barrage, isolate, convert and defraud while sounding good through extreme belief terrorism. By now,the list of fraudulent residents is down to three : anna di marco, vanessa laforge, bobby mastoridis, the latter a child employed by remax for pederasty charges; 
17. Vacuumed;
18.cleaned entrance,stairs areas.foubd a cracked step and three bolts nailed in stair wall, in addition to white paint vandalism; 
19. Am working in space to practice yoga in.organized a Zen room for reading, relaxing, chance game work; 
20. reformulated the direction of a chance connected art work process; 
21. Bargain  shopped  for house cleaning agents, garden damage repair material, home damage material; 
22. Worked on cooking book collection with an eye to avoid stress on materials: book cases, etc, and hygienic, ease in antibacterial cleaning and a positive environmental life, comfort and independently participatory presence in home; 
23. Thought of positive psychological  approaches to extremely disturbing attacks threatening my life, safety and livelyhood; 
24. Checked my financial health;
25.ordered a pizza, broccoli rabe, coppa catalana, and four six-packs of beer, eggs, and three seltzers from local businesses, not hollywood, the concept bag.

Fraud: korean reform, douglas elliman bayside, richard schultz real estate, queens and relax great neck involved in extreme labor exclusion, and terminology almost exclusively heard in the last 28 years: I.ll rob you blind" and " I.ll kill you"

Fraud: korean reform, douglas elliman bayside, richard schultz real estate, queens and relax great neck involved in extreme labor exclusion, and terminology almost exclusively heard 24/7 through slandering stalkers and microaggression even on television as well for the last 28 years: I.ll rob you blind" and " I.ll kill you"  

shake and bake a COMPLETE ABSENCE OF CONTACT lasting three months since my mother.s death regarding  business matters from estranged relatives I requested a court order of protection and got abducted and refused about twice through family and criminal court in queens nyc 

I.m proceeding legally. 

even material pertinent to filing taxes both federal and state for tax year 2021 have not been forwarded to me.

anything else? 

Ambiguities in the Ukrainian Conflict: Russian surrenders shot it the legs.

 Ambiguities in the Ukrainian Conflict: Russian surrenders shot it the legs.

As reported by official Italian news, federally funded by its government.

Imagine what this means to Russian soldiers in support of the constitutionality of its Department of Defense who consider defecting.

Mittler, 2 floor trespasser connected to korean reform church want war with Italia

 Mittler, 2 floor trespasser connected to korean reform church want a war of conquest with Italia.

Until Italia is a wreck like her like her mother I contributed to this.

-We don.t see them ( Italians) as viable citizens.- pharmacist at bell and 48th street.

- we.ll use tanenbaum - lawyer-against you. all set up to rob you be a refugee alright if you don.t work this out- 

Imagine me through merrill lynch- seljean agent on bell blvd.

111 precinct infiltrants back this.

-Then Jews and we.ll be done.-

- then blacks through me and my husband- laura bush,george w bush.

trump throws his chips in with bush.says he.ll put Italians in brothels through st nick.s,greek orthodox church.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Defrauded of all by the Italian Consulate of New aYork, US State Department Consulates in Malaga,Madrid, Lyons, NYPD and Rome and my mother.s relatives

 My mother died on 12.14.2021?

the police do not call me to inform me of her death.



de cristofaro cavallo rosa in Malaga defrauds me of my mother.s personal effects;

Her sister gaetana de cristofaro capulli DOES NOT CALL OR WRITE ABOUT HER ACCOUNT IN ITALIA;


Banks in NYC: STERLING/WEBSTER, ameritrade the same.


Galano reading this, through line of concentration: 

" it.s your tough luck.we use peter against people like you. they want to kill you because they hear this. we may let them,we don.t know."

State Farm nick albernas will cancel the policies and turn all over to manny adimiketakis remax 159 northern blvd.

Biden involved for cover: your tough luck.

fit to be tied

 3.27.2022 at 5.54peem

- as Ella Fitzgerald is singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and Bing Crosby and The Andrew Sisters Here Comes Santa Claus- threw colvin & earle signs of the times mojo uncut  tell moses right out - one communist and jew too many from alabama- 

second floor trespasser parallel parks perfectly by the masonry front of the house as I.m rearranging plants, followed by two of her footed friends who leave front door slightly open second unlocked. Then a metal can male voice starts in, so I go for the CDs.who needs it, you know? 

Can.t wait .til holding eviction.

facebook zuckerberg/hughues block on facebook involved in home invasions against citizens

facebook zuckerberg/hughues block on facebook involved in home invasions against citizens.

This includes extreme labor exclusion.
At 4.53am 3. 27. 2022 through officer baron,seeger,  galano, threaten closure of my facebook account and political vignettes.

zuckerberg just called an estranged aunt, whose daughter married into the hughues family, if you marry into a family: claims not to contact him or hughues and wait until contacted until the next crisis in the government " to clean up the world of its untoward".

Saturday, March 26, 2022

GENOCIDE WITHIN A WEEK: package delivered shot possibly dead on 44th ave between 196th and francis lewis.

3.26.2022 a collusion with the mittler, smugglers of stolen artwork for nazi/ dutch slave trade citcles with contacts to english crown - saw some Rembrandts from window months ago address 4863 211th street bayside hills nyc 11358, and officer baron, second floor trespassers in my home at 196.33 45th avenue auburndale nyc 11358, and bayside high students.

peter mittler targets his tone of voice a tenor, which he struggles to in imitation, and a newyorker inflection. 

about 6.00pm. line of concentration- war atrocity, your thought repeated out loud- by green house - close to 196th street, on SE side-  female saying prior - to someone, even me- at window smoking a cigarette- 

possibly with a silencer. 

Remax great neck, douglas elliman bell blvd, and richard schultz plan a genocide of area residents for their houses.the accrual has been an area buildup, like the Ukraine, of local pileups, me and the trespassers, local vacant houses, etc.  

this is how we home invade, the commentary.

ransom notes 3.26.2022

Friday, March 25, 2022

it.s not taxes that kill people, it.s taxes defrauded by churches that kill people



collecting to intimidate workers and riders at choice station locations 

dulles, new york city

Just got caught on flash singing- low to Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd while smoking a cigarette, enjoying looking at my backyard from garage of pederast child cannibal providers for " the notables" at 37/39 45th ave height: 196th street Auburndale/ Flushing New York City - New York City!- for st nicks and dutch reform church ...

3.25.2022 at 9.53pm

working on thinking about guitar in The Black Angel.s Death Song - Velvet Underground, A Song for Europe/ Mother of Pearl/ Sunset - Roxy Music from Stranded : Alexander Mc Queen, Yves St Laurent and Hey You, Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd.

adding Little London Boys - Johnny Thunders

pointless, could care less, novocaine.

second floor trespassers plan to manage my home, under full support of manny adimiketakis/ adikimenakis remax fired 12.17.2021 who will give keys to kim at douglas elliman bell blvd who defrauded me of 27 real properties including at Montauk.second dibs: richard schultz real estate

second floor trespassers plan to manage my home, under full support of manny adimiketakis/ adikimenakis remax fired 12.17.2021 who will give keys to kim at douglas elliman bell blvd who defrauded me of 27 real properties including at Montauk.second dibs: richard schultz real estate

Threatening a beating if I secure home with locks. 
Talk of fun toting upstairs.

arranged minor damage to garage at night, fixed it same night, trumped my two calls with about 8 to other leaf removal etc. gutter repair, using my name and info for the reply.this 3.23. 2022- 3.24.2022.I toldstaff to verify ID, warning of harm to employees ;

arranged a nissan then chevy tire, black or dark cars, treads and right car wheels on masonry and grounds of sidewalk garden patch from 3.24.2022 to 3.26.2022.
new car, white, pulls up as I pick up newspapers, I approach, say that not only is there no parking on that side of the street, but not to tire the garden patch, if person chose to park there. She started to speak of belonging to a church, at which I said, no thanks, and left.

she parked,away from the masonry.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

cession of New York City to putin operated by george w bush, and, oh, I forgot: I.m not ceding anyone or anything.

3.23.2022 at 12.31pm 
cession of New York city to putin operated by george w bush

bush trades me to a concentration camp for his family;

bayside high a teacher for her students;

st nickolas shrine for their students; 

portolatin captain of the 111 precinct for maria leon who will one day control all of brooklyn; 

officer baron for all her cops; 

second floor trespasser for ben leon.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Putin.s New World Order A Sign of Crown Insistence

called a crying child
this is a child whose neck was broken so it could become a cannibal meal. by matthias thankless it been to draw this.

 3.22.2022 at 10.00pm 

Asks all to go join his New Neoaryan World in Russia, which is probably why he looks like a Grunewald.

Here.s Putin as Saint Catherine. Can.t find the portrait referring to on the web.

risk of chem weapon use on US side in Ukraine

extreme removal risk of chem weapon use on US side in Ukraine
as reported by RAI- NEWS, federally funded Italian Channel;

Italia promises support, even military, in Ukraine.

3.22.2022 at 9.40am

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Peter Mittler- is having me extradited to Hungary on false charges of being a spy


Peter Mittler- is having me extradited to Hungary on false charges of being a spy


The Mittler contributed to defrauding me out of my home at 211.03 50  avenue, Bayside Hills, New York City 11364-

They accepted a contract from  ballard and dr.leonard and other mailing lists they sent to my house,all religious and extreme rightist, to have me abducted by tomorrow.

creedmoor.s crew, led by elan Portnoy,claiming I wrote him emails - I don.t even know his email address- is contributing to this factor.

the team up at St nick.s is harming the greek cultural history population in the area much the same way.

these are constant terrorist attacks against my person. 

" me and michelle think she.s a spy" barack obama . 

elements of congress are backing obama as well. 

Our Troops Need Assistance in Mariupol

 streets are smeared in fecal with putin.s name written in aramaic. 

sewer gases can kill people.


door break.down planned ahead

to drag me to my death.




1.21pm 3.20.2022

what gendered shoes can do within 24 hours.

enjoying a cigarette while reorganizing art work, cleaning, etc. 

I say nothing as usual.

older male pedophile child killer connected asfas a team to an FBI wanted pedophile, 37/39 I don.t even bother looking at. threatens to damage my backyard,plants,etc. rifled by my moustache, not that he ever got close enough to gander.

111 NYPD infiltrants wax poetic to cover for red reel trespasser duo leaving my home.

PO seeger, notsnot pete, chimes in, for a false arrest to pad his record.what does red reel mean? fried,president of community council who with patrol threatens to punch citizens in the face if they access public monthly meetings he sees as his united fascist clubhouse, reputed to being asleep, refuses to disengage from planned coup to favor aristocracy in England, will destroy me for living in Auburndale. Plans on clearing out area with false arrests, " like they did in times of yoke for now not what? "

mittler, trespassing in a major way,says something from upstairs second floor to fellow doc burner at 37/39 at 1.27pm.

mittler starts a line of concentration targeting Italians,speakers of Italian, with a " mi brucia la testa.che vuol dire?" 

Queens Community Board  11 shows the same unaccountability to the public.

refuses impromptu speakers, refuses to hold public meetings,  and on a quest to enslave residents, got thrown out of marie curie elementary school, then tried to enslave koreans at the korean center that accepted them, and are now stuck in one of two  churches, on the same block as their offices in little neck, new york. 

the language used by some members and the chairperson,miller, at the time,was appalling, impossible to tolerate c


RED REEL FOR EXTREME BETRAYAL 12.09 pm 3.20.2022 harassers access my home

destination second floor.

usual hostility behind doors.I say NOT A THING.

am busy.disturbing as it may be, I will NOT allow these teamups to distract me from what I need to do.
They sound homicidal.there.s shouting in a really freakish way upstairs. defaced by homicidal anger.reason unknown. at any rate, it has no business in my home.soubds dutch slave trade.making arrangements to slander me as a fascist. 
They sound like arranging a stalk of or as greeks.use prep,  parochial school scansion. discussing their targets "communist" , meaning dwellers of town they connect to color red. 

It sounds like lovers their enemy combatant slang, through their fascist ties the body type is southern european or continental army US war of independence for them.

" Chicha, hai visto Napoli" at 12.21pm behind doors.

I don.t reply. 

the team up invading me is connected to the infiltration at  aldo.s yesterday.

" I.ll sue you for harassment if this works out" 

Again, not a word from me.
never seen either before.

St Nicks Shrine, Greek Orthodox Infiltrated by Hapsburg/ Dutch Slavist forces

 happy to say.

3.20.2021. among the congregation yesterday, as I walked by running errands, two males following strain targeting the Greek population in Auburndale / Bayside, NYC to seize their homes, structured along two conflicts: 

1. English Civil War and the traipse to the New World by citizens fleeing crown capture - cannibalism- that led to the war of independence, 1776, coded also in linguistic inflection, greek, or greek language. Bourbon crown, Dutch Slave trade. Hack  " no name" on email attachment in body of email to parallel Dutch citizen loss of citizenship and enslavement, a consequence of " restauration" or the king james / bourbon crown coup. Citizens lost their names, all constitutional effects. 

May be called " horticulturalists" since many Dutch botanists came to the US after that debacle.

2.World War I - roman numeral, for 1- , World War II - roman numeral, for 2- Hapsburg line, coordinated with tombs prison complex downtown, targeting the cares of Queens, in New York City, only because it fits its extreme removal - spelling bee - coincidence. The intent is extreme removal - a war atrocity - or, fraud of dwelling.

coordinated through russian linguistic inflection, or russian.

I warned the congregation after the duo targeted me slanderously, through microaggression - when a passerby/ stalker nears you and mutters something jarring, related to whoever.s targeting you,because you don.t count, the targeted if they mention your name, that means to be found for a quick hunt, here and now, by the stalker to its " social superiors" also an enemy combatant conceptualization.

the rest of the congregation seemed surprised. The shrine and school seem to be targeted resentlessly by enemy combatants that aim to isolate through psychological torture those in support of greek independence for crown and business ventures built to suit eversive - court against democratic forms of government- 

my life has been a living nightmare because of those assaulting greek cultural history, and for twelve years. It.s a nazi nightmare too because it honors a greek town called san Cosma e Damiano, by Cassino, a benedictine abbey - hitler.s faith-  with two nazi lines, gustav and sigfried. The town, and its neighbor, Castelforte, were awarded gold medals for Resistance against Nazis. 

yesterday I walked by. a celebration was taking place. it could be a mix of invites and congregationalists. 

anyway, let no one get hurt. It.s hard to approach a group when everytime you walk by assaulted by crown capture insults and calls for false arrests based on pedophile.this for 12 years. Virulent. And if it turns out  the population is citizen and is being isolated, watch out. paybacks are hell.

Mac Mansion Terrorism in New York City area

Saturday, March 19, 2022

37/39 45th avenue: home owner killed before 2010 by presence at the home, two to four individual strong

3.30am. pedophiles, serial killers of children with dark hair and eyes,related to a pedophile wanted by the fbi just admitted invading address given and killing the homeowner.claim he.s buried in the garage.also involved in cannibalism, have an interstitial mair conditioning unit, live mostly in the cellar, continue to access my property. vandalized a pine tree, cutting it's roots until it collapsed, chopped a bush, put acid repetitively on a bush, are tampering with my fluke at the present moment,want to seize my home,want to kill me, are a contact of the mittler at 48.63 211th street bayside hills, borough of queens, new york city, 11364, burn important documents belonging to other people in their area,trespass to do the same on my backyard grounds.continue to ammasso earth, then a strata of garden severe to trap earthworms and insects between the earth and the cement behind my garage.just did so again two days ago, after I cleaned the backyard.pkaced a matthew lundgren and a miranda chiu in my father.s house at 211.93 50th ave bayside hills, south of the mittler residence,created a line of concentration since 11.00am 3.18.2022, still going on,are threatening to burn my eyes out. Everytime I.m out both older adult male, older adult female- wears camouflage clothes and sees self as " racial terrorist" stalk me.while doing gardening work twice 3. 17.2022, late at night harassed me while I was looking to ascertain if there had been property damage on my second floor where they inserted a by now 6 time alternation of lookalikes fitting the original roles of initial trespassers on 12.10.2021, mother,father, and young adult female, the latter boasting if just having killed a child. In the past the duo was seen with another ersatz family unit, younger adult female and male, and with a child for the past two years, who could be a continuum of victims with dark hair and eyes. Seen children, toddler age, often unconscious, brought on the premises.seen with line if second floor trespassers, continue to access my house on second floor with structural damage in mind,provided them by richard schultz real estate , also on a continuum of about six richard schultzes who used the village voice to lure into rentals, me, at 3408 43rd street, astoria,new york city in queens 11101 apt 1a. A maria ubteras/ antunes/ schultz is also accessing my property illegally. Are defrauding me of constitutional effects, bank accounts, real property with remax 159 northern blvd great neck, a manny adimiketakus/ adikimenakis - which means butcher,backwards, in ancient greek, so for extreme belief and prejudice. Please remove from premises.could be using internet network j and k fruit and vegetable for torture, resale and cannibalization of their victims.are a constant threat of life loss, need to be removed, along with supporters,  from community living because of the threat they present . This since 2010 never addressed by the 111 NYPD. portolatin blocks investigations by killing informers because of extreme belief is said.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Virtual Address by Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of the Ukraine to U.S. Congress


Considering the considerable mistranslations of the speech which included it seems, a get well card to the American English russian orthodox heifer.s " sisters" , I found Congress.s COMPLETE disregard of the interference one of the most inspiring moments in The Continental Army.s history. Because that.s what Congress is.The Continental Army, Treaty of Paris, 1783. AND it.s teaching me how to fight, too, with great dignity, when a great trampling underfoot of all dignity is taking place.

News snippets from newsday, 3.16.2022

Thursday, March 17, 2022

newsday best!


ordering food from Shimon.s Pizza puts one at risk of EMS psych hospital seizure by 196.40 45th ave auburndale new york city borough of queens 11358

female young adult with hoodie spying me from bacterial porch at 196.40 45th, claiming clearly she works for Wye plantation, same as extreme abducted Frederick Douglas, among more plantations.
Reported to Department of Justice. 
5.00pm 3.17.2022

admitted child killers : yesterday a child four sounding like a sheep, in a car.fir them " mental defective"

3.17.2022 Trespassing again at 3.15am upstairs, someone else, the x upstairs say they gave keys to apt and home access to all of st nicks that with schultz real estate starts a sonar shout i feeding a relationship between a maria unteras/ antunes/schultz who yielded a butcher knife at me in the kitchen everytime I accessed common area kitchen/ bathroom in s rental I found in the village voice in 2016 , her presence there then arranged by the 111 precinct .now it.s officer baron and officer seeger who are involved in these death threats and fraud of real property and financial worth. Please have trespassers/ police plants removed. Continual threats yesterday while gardening, while out. Extremely hostile behavior by x at 196.37)39 45th ave who state "famous as child cannibal and torturers throughout the entire region ".the precinct insists they don.t believe it and " keep them here" . They don.t own 37/39 only caretake if that.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

I was just put on a methodist death watch

11.19am 3.16.2022 

jean cunningham/ paula, married name, divorced, hendricks. 
both in Napoli Italia NATO US military first daughter, second wife. This in 60s/70s.
harassing workers in area now.

hendricks has contacts with Mystic Connecticut submarine base, new England phone, florida residence,totes a gun has influential contacts " which you.ll never get from me". cunningham is at 196.40 45th avenue auburndale nyc 11358 the bacteria house.
schultz real estate,douglas elliman bell blvd " kim" remax northern blvd 159 ,great neck involved.
takes an interest in tzarist romanoffs, now you see why.

lavrov mistranslated when discussing humanitarian issues in the Ukraine

RAI NEWS 9.05AM New York Time.

Lavrov mistranslated by a russoamerican heifer who discussed her feminine associates " in the West " mistranslation.

putin and the queen of spain paid to kill and cannibalize my mother. her lower leg bone putin. queen of spain a part of her brain. these body areas mean something in spoken cultural idiom of a nation, like " see you in the funny pages" which I still don.t know exactly what that means, and, don.t trouble yourself, don.t want to.
Zelenski mistranslated by stuffy female tenor and paula hendricks, methodist extreme belief terrorist, slipping in child speak from Florida. some beach town. 

their enemies are my enemies since forever, hence systematic genocide.

news services invaded.
translators were to speak to Congress.

caretakers of 196.37/39 45th ave auburndale, manny adimiketakis/ adikimenakis are heading toward the 111 precinct to lynch me for "owning the property as a woman"

fit to be shot.

rustling from upstairs too.

On The Ukraine, Statement by Italian Republic, represented by Mario Draghi


Charlie Hebdo Vignette , Putin.s Politics

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

In Honor of the Ukraine

 David Bowie - Five Years- 

- Moonage Daydream-

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust

Roxy Music: -Mother of Pearl-


NYPD seeger : I want this song studied

 10.17pm 3. 15. 2022 maria unteras/ antunes/ schultz of schultz real estate upstairs for NYPD 111 Precinct Seeger. 

I.m playing The Jim Carroll Band : Catholic Boy. Seeger contacts second floor trespassers.wants this song studied and "  repeated on the streets until it bothers her" .

111 precinct admits culpability in damage to property, slander

 early am 3.15.2022

2 floor trespassers admit to being plants by 111 precinct NYPD

younger female adult: officer seeger;

officers baron, for illegal seizure of citizen property for confederate / slavist state overthrowal - with mittler: my father.s home at 211-03 50th avenue showing incorrect information through the dept of finance of my father, Vincent Maffei, owing a tax lien; the house,at different times, has shown as collateral for a mortgage taken by a " miranda chiu", then lowered property value,calculated on a third of its worth, about 300,000.00; its ownership not listed as my mother.s,emilia maffei, deceased on 12.14.2021; ownership listed as " matthew lundgren/ miranda chiu; listed as sold in 2010, then 2013.

officer madden, for " notable" new york families, jean/ monica cunningham, base at 196.40 45th avenue auburndale nyc 11358; 

officer galano, for extreme removal, is clearing 44th avenue; 

baron 45th; 

All backed by george wilbur bush contacts, same as hayes house at 211.92 50th avenue, done in conjunction with condalisa rice; 

Portolatin, dutch slave trade " and proud of it" interfered with my cases in small claims court downtown at centre street, promises abduction from courtroom for other cases, to death, psych evaluation,seizure in psych hospital.admitted,with fried,president of community council, who is banning me from same- since 2021: three meetings- who frauds me of my and my mother.s banking accounts, including investment portfolios engineered his contacts at ameritrade to create a beneficiary that never was, olimpia marzella;

officer baron, seeger NYPD 111 plants : trespassers second floor.cannibals of children promise broken gas, water mains.

officer baron, seeger NYPD 111 plants : trespassers second floor.cannibals of children promise broken gas, water mains.

Fried promises barring from community council meetings;
portolatin blocks in trials in manhattan, then queens,through informers and mittler throughout the world then seizure to psych from trial/ court house.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Ukrainian Situation and trespassers in my home.con ed trespasser expenses: new meters, a $1,000.00 bill delivered the day before it was due.

 3 million Ukrainians emigrated, hundreds fleeing Mariupol;

Ukrainian pregnant women dying in russian hospitals from lack of assistance;

Moscou Stock Exchange shut down for the whole week; 

regretfully noted by a party involved in food alterings in Italia, Italian Parliament shows unanimity in governmental support of the Ukraine; 

80 million Russian fans of instagram /  facebook blocked from access to accounts. These bans are felt to inhibit freedom of speech. the blockers face 15 years in jail. This from Russian diplomats who oppose the invasion of the Ukraine; 

dyson purifiers clear air of gas besides allergens, and fine powders - advertised on Italian RAI 24 news, federally funded; 

howard beach nyc with problems  is leopold of hapsburg extreme prejudice; 

Kherson 40 Italians with families want to leave the Ukraine, can.t leave. The city.s perimeter is controlled by military that shoot on sight. No food, medicine can come in; medication for hormonal/ enzymatic imbalances is no longer available; 

Jamaica Hospital, Health and Hospitals in New York City  has Russian staff along the same lines as who.s killing Ukrainians in hospitals; 

gauge the need to run :

 if there.s a militarized blockage building on the borders, hundreds strong, about a month.

Russian law : 3 to 5 years if you support terms like " conquest" terms; they feel putin is stalinist dictatorial reflux; 

Mariupol blocked completely, from humanitarian aid, food, medicine; 

chechen kavurov is joining in the putin troops- based on m.o. there.ll be an increase of death and tortures; 

economic growth of 4.00 percent are no longer expected for Europe by some; 

Leopoli no longer feasible as a free city; there is no free zone in all of the Ukraine,because the putin team knows where to bomb; 

Chisinau, Moldavia is offering refuge to Ukrainian children; 

biden announces US help in training Ukrainians in fight back; 

to wage war- there needs to be a bodily accrual - of hundreds, gathered in the same place for months- that blocks, isolates and precipitates war; 

children in Moldavia and Poland, in Poland with severe disabilities, are actually victims of human trafficking / extreme removal/ extreme prenudice rings.  Ernesto Caffo, president of Telefono Azzurro, Sky.Blue Phone, reports this, of many orphaned children. The concern is for the possibility of the disappearance of the children.

Di Maio, President of the Italian Foreign Ministry declares the Ukrainian tragedy a humanitarian catastrophe; 

talks of amnesty only at end of conflict; 

Ukrainian President Zelenski promises the rebuilding of all streets and homes; 

my father.s home, incorrectly listed in miranda chiu.s name, has his name listed as owning it under tax lien, which was not true. 

1.30pm 3.14. 2022

111 precinct nypd officer baron starts life threatening abuse from second floor trespassers, through line of concentration by greek / russian orthodox including :

1. I need medication. wants me in the care of her mother, like she is.  who defrauded me out of my father.s home by altering data at the department of finance, their contact. someone runs upstairs now at 1.35pm. ;

2. calls were made all day to secure psych care by trespassers; 

3. I sleep too much, something must be wrong with me, more noise in the foyer, I wouldn.t DARE expose myself to any interchange involving a physical presence within 10 feet of them; 

4. more shouting. I need to think of trespasser as ' michelle'. more shouting.

5. contacts other tenants who haven.t paid rent since 2018, refused all contact with me, when I got involved and threaten to burn my home down, or beat me for ownership of same, through a - stavros- and the real estate agency, now working on a deal with the ' kim ' family at douglas elliman, for the same process chiu is responsible for; 

6. police have known about this since the trespass, originating from 196.32 45th and 27/29, and 37/39. Accused me of unlawful eviction and never intervened once. 

garage was open twice yesterday by a universal remote.

stole my mail yesterday too unknown how long in their possession for. I checked the mail Saturday, there was nothing in the box. same for days before. 

trespassers boast a contact with putin, carolinas extreme enmity prejudice circles.also, with paul polivko, ukrainian and lithuanian, abc tv channel, and his partner, in small business destruction and home invasions, maria leon, a johnson family confederate coopt, at CBS television network.

the latter two tried to kill me for my father.s home in 1983/1984.

3.14.2022 look see upstairs after scampering imperial chinese with a handful of lye to throw in my eyes left the landing: another planted meter install.placed by con ed anything in the area. Among the stolen mail a bill from con ed of about 1,000.00.usual, three hundred and some.all courtesy of george w bush, his CIA, and maria leon, who dispossesses from homes for extreme removal and prejudice since 1983/4.

 like the garage, mo compulsive,repetitive, unstoppable, extreme life threat, danger of harm. 

about ten open garage doors to lock me in so far;

four meter installment requests, in complete disregard of letter sent to legal department, 2 letters sent to general business address, one direct contact with con ed employee in area, phone calls,three, requesting note on account, not to install meters, etc. billed also $100.00 for  an appointment I never made. 

con ed.s both gas and electric.


systematic genocide: gw bush imposed lovers,friends,family connections on citizens through local structures since 1953

Saturday, March 12, 2022

hessian responsibility bodies in ditches in ukraine

hessian organizing for extreme abduction on streets in queens, nyc etc. say " they said x, they said y " then betray you to a false arrest if believed.

hessian order, during the American Revolution, fought against its Continental Army for english red coats - crown. hessians were for aristocratic captures: extreme abduction. The Revolution, Continental Army, was not. 

washington an english crown sympathizer unwillingly led the Continental Army, betrayed the entire state of new york to english crown forces until we were liberated by the treaty of paris, 1783, and was executed one year in the presidency for extreme betrayal.

There.s a beautiful poem by Frank O.Hara about this. Frank , who I love as I would a brother, and is a terrible, beautiful influence and partner in my own work, was killed off mastic by a war atrocity. hatred makes you fly and trip in Suffolk County, because it hates Suffolk County, because Suffolk County is independent and free. 

Suffolk has been a theater of horrible war atrocities and a gradual approach  is best, I think, out of a love generated by recognition and shared values from experience. I mean, I get weighted down like crazy there, and my feet kill me, and I had just got there, tripped so hard from the speed of an impact not generated by my action I had to leave and recoup for two, three weeks.


home,second floor accesses by infiltration in douglas elliman, bell blvd,bayside continuum for marilla palmer, washingtonian daughter of family court judge, brooklyn

1 extreme abduction juridical, english civil war. compact past. flotilla palmer lives in greenpoint, brooklyn, puts doilies on trees, and is a child abduction in car trunks wye plantation specialist, with contacts at 196.40 45ave. tzarist/ nazi infiltration,  po officer seeger may be coordinating or name may be used to coordinate sino.russian.nazi invasion of new york metro area,my second floor since 12.10.2021
palmer used plastic surgery of vermeer.s last portrait, or, her name was associated with that plastic surgery or family resemblance. 

my second floor continues to be accessed by sino jack of countess barbara dmitrievna mergassov, wife - one if them- of rimski - korsakov.

In the musee d.orsay.
this one.s - access about 6.30pm - S-WOL-LEN by human fat ingestion.

I guess bourbon overall, hitlerian agent, in Napoli area, world war two, aka scholl, upper education spies, did the scholl brothers in, sophie and hans, who were - the white rose- anti.hitler organizers.

NYPD 111 rockers for george bush response to car in driveway complaint, and post on ukrainian situation

unknown car in driveway, acura I think light gray - a toyota across the street also never seen

3. 12. 2022 at 11.21am I shoot an email, there.s internet interference the car leaves.

Italian parallel to brothel " israel" is called " jaffa"

a contact of rain news 24 journalist 
" emanuela".

new journalist, a washington family slavist infiltration in RAI news 24, related to a diplomatic dc family, poses as " Marina Lalovic" to extreme abduct in Italian consulate in New York area citizens..

borghese fascist family connections, for extreme labor exclusion. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Trespassers contact electoral services at Italian Consulate call me pig, " mafiosa"

11.43pm 3. 11.2022 

" EMANUELA" and Italian Consulate new york employee ,female, voting - The consulate impeded me from voting for European Union since I was registered to vote - admits to being contacted by trespassers upstairs, who are causing a crisis in the Ukraine, through a line of concentration intervention. The trespassers are using voice altering equipment, simulating a police sting. The consular employee calls me a pig and a " mafiosa" for her that.s obvious from my last name. Trespassers arranged by the 111 precinct and their contact with mittler who defrauded me of my father.s house by contacting the department of finance and putting the names " miranda chiu" and " matthew lundgren" as property owners.chiu even secured a mortgage loan fraudulently with the home as a security.

Ameritrade, ready to turn my mother.s portfolio to olimpia marzella for the hughues, johnson, de forest, cunningham and cbs colbert no matter what I say, are organizing my death through marzella who wants to go to war against the United States. Admits to killing my father for being a US citizen. 

EXTREME BETRAYAL: EXECUTE staff at conference : genocide planned of europeans through eye plantation

Abduction through immigration, asylum organizations through bourbon/ dutch slave trade circuits for Wye Plantation.

Wye: Gansevoort = Whitney: Wye

constitutional passer circuit, leopold of hapsburg extreme prejudice, washington, george line of fire.
areas, based on features, from maryland to boston in US.

ukraine carnage : ultimatum by president of Finland to putin - immediate cease fire

3. 11. 2022 @ 9.01am 

Italian News:

Versailles Talks- Italian Premier Draghi ready to make a statement;

Russia ready to invade Poland  and Romania; 

Draghi.s Report on sanctions and economic applications; 

500 million euro in assistance to Ukraine promised by NATO; 

16,000.00 Middle Eastern volunteers arranged by putin; 

emergency utilities: diversification in employment of gas 

substitution of fossil fuel with sustainable energy sources, Italian Parliament sets sustainable energy sources to wind, six ;

fossil fuel 200 euro a 116 euro price  drop in Europe ; 

Electricity to be separated from gas as energy sources provided by one structure, since uniting the two raised prices for both; 

Foodstuffs to be imported from US, Canada, Argentina as food worsens in ukrainian emergency; 

In Europe 146,147 centers  for defense, US only 24. Defense spending 3 times more than that of Russia; 

Climate, defense projects in Europe are of prime importance : 1 and a half trillion spending planned through NATO as well. this exceeds national budgets, so new organizing needs to be found; 

16 billion spent to remedy inflation; 

severe sanctions set against Russia, will become more severe

stainless steel, ceramics, paper ceramics suspend production because prime material are missing - turkey and china are supplying to economies willing to pay more for clay, and iron scrap; 

corriere della sera reporter, northern italian newspaper, asks a question and line of commands against southern italians based on extreme labor exclusion practices, for english crown organizing " cazzimma"; 
another newspaper possibly " giornale" quotas " gansevoort" to new york city extreme hate, belief, labor exclusion in visual arts, culture.quotas Draghi along revolutionary war, lines of Battle of Stony Point in Hudson area, based on facial resemblance to both english crown and continental army sides; 

Draghi plans a strong union for defense between NATO and European Forces;

Draghi finds the situation not warranting emergencies as in war. These are more preventive measures taken; 

9.25am NYC time: line of concentration starts developing in Versailles through same attack in Kyiv, through abc television network, paul polivko, both unkrainian and lithuanian, and st george, russian orthodox church in bayside new york city.staff employed at rite aid, northern  and bell blvd, who shortchanged me yesterday by refusing about $ 17.00 worth of returns, admitted to killing Vito Genovese, through a car accident. Same from holy cross, roman catholic, through my mother.s sister, olimpia de cristofaro marzella. She.s writing to the pope informing him I.m posting. Joins crew exerting extreme labor removal by journalists mentioned.

European Civil Liberties Commission: emigration, and refugee status to be extended, betrays own position, antithetical to Commission, which  plans on extending 2 million and a half strong immigration,  denies my right to asylum, favors invasions from Greece, Africa, Lithuania, Estonia  instead sees me as - euro/comic- for extreme belief circuits. Will syphon off funds to help heifers and children, so, consensual slaves and kidnappers of children for extreme prejudice markets.  Still has problems with putin too, to check on sympathies: crown capture war atrocity, extra constitutional.

Expenses will not overstress the budget, Draghi answers a journalist.s question posed to present his team.s  plans for spurious austerity programs using extreme lack for an extreme enmity - slavery- end for citizens. 

Civil Court, Small Claim Borough of New York : judge minerva morales refuses to sign orders to proceed as poor person

 small claims trials requested to proceed as a poor person Ex Parte Order Granting Leave  To Proceed as a Poor person and to Waive Court Fees not signed by judge. 

I was given CIV-GP-88 (Rev.1/98) a handwritten orange  civil court of the city of new york form regarding case and room assignment, written on the back,saying " judge morales- minerva declined to sign all orders to proceed as poor person please email Sarah musk,judge.s court attorney with any questions " I did not, and declared to other clerks judge in constitutional violation. This done also for extreme removal through a concomitance with religious organizations:  st nick, greek orthodox;, russian orthodox; sacred heart, catholic,  Wye plantation contact of patrizia sammartino, education spy in Napoli,Italia in 1960-1970 for hughues, cunningham families, at the time self declared daughter of employee of US Consulate in Napoli Italia; holy cross, catholic,  estranged relatives contact through marzella at 187 hickory hill drive waterbury connecticut.

court cases refused:

1. USPS for delivering mail in others name, including extreme removal team up at douglas elliman " kim" 36-29 bell blvd,bayside, a hong buist, from board of jurors, not on premises, a voter registration form in the name of " noah kim", not on premises, traffic tickets, to a  " jin hua cui" ,not on premises.

2. amalgamated bank for fraud from other accounts to a royal contact in Ethiopia, altered statements and transactions, and the ad hoc closing of accounts after continued refusals to establish credit line,issue credit card;

3. Department of Finance, NYC : in response to email saying that after following name change protocol for real properties as sole child of deceased mother,and father the name change was refused. On 3.10.2022 consultation of property tax history was blocked on the web, for more than 24 hours,may still calls to the department go unanswered, and kept on hold  for more than 25 minutes.

4. con ed for insisting more than four times on installment of new meters by two companies, one associated to religious organizations, and charging $100.00 for appointment never set;

5. twitter, for not responding to requests of account access;

6.facebook for intellectual theft and disactivation of account on false charges of " hate speech", " bullying", " harassment" ," nudity";

7. Remax for not accepting firing on 12.17.2021 for fraud of payments connected to real property,rentals since 2018, and planting of trespassers at 196.33 45th ave 2 floor, auburndale nyc 11358 no name, variants of trespassing trio by now daily, threats of terrorist damage to home,lack of return of financial,fiscal documents , money after firing,arrangement to sell real properties as hoc, transfer of name of my father.s house at 211-03 50th ave bayside hills 11364 to " miranda chiu" and " matthew lundgren" the home security for a mortgage loan.

My death or extreme abduction planned by shannon hughues, jean cunningham- through st nick.s,remax 159 northern blvd and a 111 NYPD PO, Erica Madden

 3.11.2022 at 5.43am 

1. hughues stalked me in a rental, 2a, at 3408 43rd street astoria nyc 11101 in 2016/ 2017

2. claims to be my relative; dot gov sent me an email denying my name be added as homeowner to constitutional real property after my mother.s death on 12.14.2021, by employees in collusion, planning her or the leon;

4. hughues plans my murder through  st nick.s/, greek and russian orthodox secessionist extreme belief organizations and manny adimiketakis/ adimiketakis remax, 159 northern blvd, great neck,ny. david tair through, gina back through a brad pitt hollywood hollyhollyction and the " kim" family who have been sending their mail here, including voter registration forms, and requests from the board of jurors in the name of a  buist who has never resided on the premises.

5. hughues infringed on my storage space as well, building public storage units on northern blvd way too contiguous to clutter, which has suffered severe structural damages and security access breaches, thefthe latter for months.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

" well, it.s out first action since Pearl Harbor" the Kim/Bosch/ Aniston/ aka Scholl/ Brad Pitt/ Mittler team are developing into enemy combatant trade partners for royalist imperial quota victims

2.15am 3.10.2022 111 team covering for the kim: lawyers, real estate access through douglas elliman on bell blvd, invaded next door, like the mittler at 48.63 211th ave auburndale nyc 11358 along with the unknown at 196.37/39 45th ave auburndale nyc 11358. 

109 organized the ruse, 111 for trump/ bush the trespassing, currently a cannibal restaurant and a russian/ greek orthodox invaded war zone: 196.33 45th ave auburndale nyc 11358.

the111,109 precincts invite me to go to housing court to resolve matters. still.

I request the execution of all involved, by and for The People and the Department of Defense.

NYC FBI, 111PRECINCT NYPD cede my real prop to putin to make mittler big terrorist force in Europe and US


Extreme abductions are probable tomorrow by EMS and false arrests all day long.

three sets, operational: mornings, early afternoons, afternoon to late evening.

greek, russian orthodox churches involved. will buy my property after kim/ mittler.

governments worldwide working on stopping this extreme removal  noise.

Another social suicide consular attache' was just fired.

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

war in ukraine: patriarchs declare it good

3.9.2022 insurgent steals russian tank...toro investments like war bonds for who invests in nationhood, not empire - wherever investments involving empire are concerned expect deceipt and capture to be just crown mindset, no handshake deal culture.

400,000.00 trapped citizens in Kjiv by russian empire. NATO requested to consider Kjiv a flightfree zone. whatbif it.s a big human meat locker  with 400,000.00 + set as meals though, like Dresden? Mayor in Kjiv may think extreme prejudice - cannibalism-  a crime .talks blocked between Poland and US: mayor of some polish town showing tshirt in support of putin background white line black - colors, applied by empire, must represent corrections the white textiles, extreme lack of communications - isolation from others, loves, friendships-. in and out commerce must be going on.

sustainable sanctions necessary to aid civilians, and retard war atrocity outbreaks in areas-
since putin no regular vaccinations for children- chicken pox, mumps, the like.pneumonia, tb.

russian patriarch declares war against Ukraine a just one.

abc network illegal immigrant royalist terrorists for putin/ bourbon crown inserted by 196.27 45ave/ Sesil Kim of Douglas Elliman and Remax 159 northern on second floor

shoe size is the same, maybe overall height.
faces completely same license plate, same make, same color.

one that looked like a sino russian conflict relative of putin.s made a mad dash to the car parked across the street, as someone concealed by front access area made a mad dash inside and upstairs.

what THE hole in one. 8.37am

the deal.s with trump and bush for putin.s. new york city landgrab, unbeknownst of residents.
8.56am national guard voicemail in long island city full for the past three days.

8.55am fbi line one, new york city 26 fed plaza address, female, mittler.s mom as a dutch slave trade false jew who wants me murdered by same who are defrauding me of my real property through namesakes: miranda chiu, matthew lundgren.tried to turn me into an informer, not a complainant whose financial and real property worth in being seized through extreme removal war atrocity practices.

Putin also behind mayhem techniques blocking shipping, warehousing of goods;

leon, through ponce de leon bank as one, and infiltration in others.connected to the ukrainian conflict through abc network.

Sunday, March 06, 2022

my house declared schultz real estate and douglas elliman on bell blvd.s, remax.s great neck.s slaughterhouse

swedish brothel extreme removal torture and murder from hotel broadcast, unknown medium, in my kitchen from second floor trespassers to george w bush

Sven Larsson, abducted from hotel. a farmer. pbs judy woodruff , pbs- and high time, too. - collects backing by european crown for the suffering to increase.
3. 6.2022 at 10.43pm

child murdered by the same, upstairs. A bulgarian child. raised freely. imported to its death by schultz real estate, commended to death and necrophilia by george w bush who admits to reconditioning society without liberals or liberal values, to enforce slavery first in the United States, then in the world.

it was heartbreaking. the child was slammed on the floor repeatedly, recently adopted, network at 48.62 211th street and 48.63 211th street bayside hills nyc 11364.

sold as cannibal meat by J and K fruit and vegetables, also a brad pitt, jennifer aniston venture.

no police intervention, new york fbi refused me a complaint number.

If you don.t leave the house to us -Threatened Also with an Italian Consulate Extradition - 3. 6. 2022 at 11.45am

alessandra mussolini threatens me as well, through line of concentration, st nick.s - 11.45am 
george w bush as well - until you re ruled by your family- 
when sociopsychopaths like this, no amount of reminding them that declared myself estranged from all relatives involved in extreme removal/ hate terrorism. You just wait it out, break into a run, go back when things calm until the situation is resolved by big guns. 
NOTHING will stop these war mongers. nothing. Why waste more time on them.

Saturday, March 05, 2022

- You.ll see. I won.t stop at nothing to own your property - schultz real estate, beatrice what it who could be holed up upstairs, on second floor in my HOME.

3. 5. 2022 at 4.04peem.

while all this is going on, threats of being put in a box, seized, defrauded right in my home, with schultz R.E. having my refrigerator talk whenever the sonar or line of concentration hits it:

1. I grouped all my paints together for my studio;
2. cleared an area for a story/ image  board; 
3. reorganized my recyclables;
4. cleaned, reconditioned  all my brooms,father's them together all in one place; 
5. cleaned a small shelving unit, reorganized it, antimicrobed and oiled the floor in a contiguous area,  with  lemon oil;
6. cleaned a food unit with lemon oil; 
7. washed dishes;
8. washed one small load of clothes, am working on two others; 
9. oiled my locks, found the keys to front door access; 
10. recycled paper towels to use again, say, on the floor; 
11. drank two Montauk Wave Chaser India Pale Ale and smoked a cigarette or two; 
12. reorganized my recycled bags, and cleaned them; 
13. coalesced more stuff to throw out for premium space availability;  
14. reported a child in need of assistance; 
15. cleaned the kitchen area floor upstairs; 
16. cleared my locations folder in my Google accounts; 

17. cleared my twitter accounts of access by extraneous people to plant posts on my timeline of an unbelievably long interests list I never compiled, which took forever, about ten and more seconds per choice and there were about a hundred, including:
4 options listed as " photos", 2 " small business", 2 " soccer", 2 " television", 3 " music", 3 " politics", 2 " pop", 3 " books", one " the white house", one " the white house ( account label) ", 2 " squid game", 3 " books", 1 " sexual misconduct in the United States", 3 " travel", 1 " travel news and general info", 3 " weather", 2 " world news", 2 " wrestling", 1 " The New York Times", 1 " the new yorker ", and more, people or themes never heard of,  including "miley cyrus" 
languages I could possibly know, listed as: " german", " haitian creole", "romanian", " bulgarian"; 

and there.s more, but that.s it, I got more stuff to do...


RE: NYPD out of district, outside area of local precinct, means no police other than 111 has a right to operate locally. So you report them. 

link didn.t work, need time to copy post...


extreme belief - christian fundamentalist- infiltration in local police precincts - ours the 111th NYPD - will coadiuvate.

 the 114th is out of district- meaning it has no right to operate in the area.

for involved

1.  terrorists barely known as relatives and estranged for more than twenty years by me are my " family" 

2. mittler, peter and unteras/ antunes/ schultz, maria upstairs ready to take over my home as trespassers, from three trespassers who accessed the second floor on 12. 10. 2021 claiming to be tenants, are " guests of tenants" and " tenants". 

unteras/ antunes/ schultz in usual form, is yielding a butcher knife to the younger adult female trespasser, who knows how close. bars access,like she did with me, to kitchen, but extremely, to bathroom areas.

I was renting a room in 1A, at 3408 43rd street in Astoria Queens borough that looked recently vandalized by windows - sealed up top with dried tree leaves and bathroom flooded with paint. 

there she was posing as the janitor. unknown who lived in apartment prior to her. It was well kept, pristine, modern. eventually, the appearance of unteras/ antunes/ schultz.s decor was stodgy, full of homey commonplaces. the bedspreads were atrocious. It insists on populist americana, and cheap.

196.27/29 45th avenue is loaded with cars with extraconstitutional 114th Precinct area cover.quizzing like minded genocidal pederasts connected to st nick.s shrine if deliveries are going well. the ensuing communication is slightly depressed and raging.

extraditions to Russia fought in Europe parallel real property damage and transfers in the United States

A slow, and torturous kindling for a crown favored world war three, replete only with extraconstitutional war atrocities, this. And for the past 28 years, since the clinton administrator, with the family falsely claiming to have been in support of the Continental Army during the war of Independence through upstate plaques, placed to deceive new investors, frazzled by the din of lines of concentration and extended assaults by family, friends, loci of employ, microaggression in public transportation or by the popcorn dealership at a movie theater,let alone cannibal children, brought up to break into a fury of tears when they cross your path, because you could interrupt mom.s also fondling operations to bring social justice to the bourbon crown socioracial class.

Lavrenshuk, a film director, successfully fought an extradition to Russia. the parallels to extensive damage to real property in New York City and loss, including the illegal transfers of property suffered are part of the same chain of action: I was threatened, just recently, by estranged predatory relatives with fraud of more real property, and financial investments through continued attempts   of internment in psych institutions, even through spurious judicial proceedings, and as an alternative, a reduced existence in lodgings accessible to same for deadly consequences, also through religious institutions and law enforcement connected to extreme belief enemy combatants structures.this verbally on the phone by relatives I was trying unsuccessfully to secure my mother.s personal effects from after her death, mourning that, should I have traveled to Spain with my mother, they killed both of us in convenience. 

Here is a perfunctory list of real estate operations working to disappear Queens borough home owners through property damage that lessens worth of homes, also through insertion of trespassers, impossible to remove with alacrity because the local police delays through false claims of tenancy and offers,as a resolution, housing court for eviction proceedings:

keller williams;

brown stevens: with access to citybank through extreme belief religiously connected security provided on 14th street by saint nicholas shrine on 196th and northern blvd, in queens, and at bowery mission;

shultz real estate, an old tammany hall, robber baron and counter.revolutionary, war of independence 1776 showcasing persecution, abduction and cannibalization of tenants, categories at risk extending to entire nations  cultural history population targeted as a " crown capture"  spectacles venture;

douglas elliman, involved in illegal seizures in connecticut, nassau, suffolk county- hamptons; 

Remax, at 159 northern blvd, great neck, a two months it refuses to acknowledge the firing of  a real estate agent who defrauded even if rent paid, let alone starts false homeownership claims right at the Department of Finance also by issuing false information to secure mortgages by trespassers claiming to own the real property, such as what happened to me with my father.s home at 211-03 50th avenue,bayside hills, new york city 11364, now,through approached through rocket mortgages, to my home at 196. 33 45th avenue auburndale/ flushing area, queens borough, 11358.

A disaster: the firing, for fraud, on 12.17.2021, as of March 4, 2022  has still not resolved in a return of keys to several properties, documents,moneys, or even my mother.s income tax for fiscal year 2021 information. 

As of 5:00am - 6:00am, whether it.s true or not, sounds reflecting tile breaking, intermittent banging, and a talking refrigerator possessed by the extreme removal rage of schultz real estate  wife/daughter/janitor "maria"  in a rage to cannibalize children that don.t look like her, let alone abduct and eat kittens. 

If the idea is to destroy the property to lessen the value, then buy, FEMA is good to contact, insure that taxes are lowered, then apply terrorist relief to the house, and pay the correct amount of taxes owed,overall, to a democratic nation. 

out of district team from the 114th precinct doing favors for schultz real estate threatens a raid at 3.49am 3. 5. 2022

1. I.m involved in a dangerous gang involved in extreme prejudice : the neighborhood has a list of uninvolved people it wants to eliminate;

2. unteras is said to have her own special room among trespassers upstairs; 

3. I.m also slandered as a pederast.

4. will not stop this time.

5. sending my photo to the CIA, no she already contacted them, then to putin;

9.46am call made regarding tampering with grounds for the past week - twice, once in the back yard leading to cracks in the earth, yesterday.s, to an area I worked on for two hours, led to female,answering 111 NYPD extension 0 saying that I could not expect the police to station outside my home to look into it, they would not sample the ground and that if they took s complaint it would be at their own evaluation.

The same arranged for stalkers on the LIRR, going and, with extreme eclat, going, including the announcer for the departing trains, creating a line of concentration, full of threats of extreme removal.

The precinct.s captain, to avoid at all costs me gathering evidence for an eviction procure, announces " her time has come". plans on contacting relatives who he likes better, through schultz if he has to.

Friday, March 04, 2022

ban abortion organizations - extreme prejudice charges based on extreme hate and extreme removal, anal rape of premature indigenous children

more later

dangerous housing on francis lewis, south west of crocheron, in auburndale/ flushing, borough of queens, new york city

cats on putin cartoon 3. 4. 2022

water on front lawn : 111 precinct @ 9.46am 3. 4. 2022 won.t test, we deed a complaint necessary, not you

Saint Nicks involved.female police officer will not interfere. Female police officer organizing a beat up for george w bush . Codes your university/ college alma mater mentioned by you in microaggression when in public or with coparticipants with a break in no sign of forced entry, marked by the presence of a " yale lock" in your house, placed by trespassers the police pass as tenants in landlord tenant court.

extreme removal: estranged cousin contacts alessandra mussolini to have me extradited to spain - the marzella - hughues- are in the works to seize assets

3. 4. 2022 

Fried at 111 precinct, a bush connection, shows no indication to stop a line of prostitutes with police cover who continue to exert abuse and have for the past 12 years, uninterruptedly, to continue to seize assets.

Second floor trespassers threaten to simulate suicide through a series of poisonings.

schultz real estate : " I can.t say now (...) but we pushed a cheap bigger to suicide"

leon contingent: " to me a nazi to guarantee my reinsertion in New York society through George Bush who I will accuse of being a Jew if he balks".

" And that.s how we win in this neighborhood. by making noise"

" I.ll have you followed for the future of queens community board 11 in your house" 

global line of concentration manned by:

andrew cuomo, "democratic constituency for concentration camps." backed by rehoboth plantation that enslaved frederick douglas, that abducted me to salisbury state college, maryland while my father had enrolled me in University of Florida, Tallahassee, which patrizia sammartino jumped on, now a whore at 3600 collins, miami, if not with considerable plastic surgery and a nose to coordinate all Italian citizens by way of the divine comedy, through sforza interests, dissimilar to those, democratic, of Can Grande della Scala.she moving there with all of her family after killing my father on 12.4.1976, her family returning to Italia one year later or so,probably after liquidating my father.s investments there.

This done through nazi agents married into the cunningham family, with the 111 precinct still insuring should do me in and places at 196.40 45th ave but dale,nyc 11358.

so, you see, even I am a survivor of the english civil war.

111 precinct officer baron involved in extreme removal

3. 4. 2022 at 3.30am

sound of breaking branches in back yard.

Second floor trespasser plans on using asphyxiants.continues to try to defraud me of real property at 196. 33 45th ave auburndale new york city 11358 through officer baron at 111 precinct. it.ll be continued hell by these a presence currently allowed access to 196.27/29 45th ave , 32, 36.

While doing yardwork between 1-2pm on 3.3.2022 access to 196.40 45th avenue started an extreme hate/ belief assault against gender preference followed by kim kardashian, kanye west, the mittler at 4863 211th street bayside hills, 11364 who all decided to engage in war atrocities of extreme hate, duress at lodgings and removal for leon.s extreme prejudice team up: base at 33.39 88th street, jackson heights nyc .

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