Sunday, February 13, 2011

More cuts in the 5-year spending freeze plan by the Obama administration.

Here are some, as detailed in the New York Times:
"air-traffic control, national parks and cancer research"
"more than one billion from airport grants and nearly one billion from grabts to states for water treatment plants and similar projects. Public health and forestry programs would also be cut"

from "Obama's budget seeks deep cuts in domestic spending"
In order to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 28% by 2020, the Obama administration thinks that clean energy means to build smaller transportable modular nuclear reactors for the use of utility companies.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Sarah Palin, aid for the poor and the battle against racial discrimination.

She tops herself, as usual, by criticizing President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society legislation, which includes Medicare, Medicaid, environmental laws, educational television,arts and humanities:

"Regan saw the dangers of LBJ's Great Society.He refused to sit down and be silent as our liberties were eroded by an out-of-control centralized government that overtaxed and overreached in utter disregard of constitutional limits"

However venomous this comment is, it disregards the fact that taxation was reduced, along with poverty: Americans living below the poverty line was reduced from 22.2 percent to 12.6 percent, and of African Americans from 55 percent to 27 percent.

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