2015, a gift for Yankees:
Waiting for the Storm
Paul Zweig, from Eternity.s Woods
Will I know him in heavy sunlight
Waiting for the storm?
Will he come dribbling a scuffed ball,
In and out of shadows,
Feinting, laughing to his friends?
Or will he balance on white wings,
A creature of water, of air?
I wait, I look.
If you were crystal, this voice
Would be your nerves.
The numbers on my watch
Are your stutter.step.
There is a property of June;
It is almost blue.
Tomorrow we will call it time.
We will be lying
Paul Zweig presided an independent studies class at Queens College, CUNY, where we chose the texts to read. One was Rimbaud, before his texts mentioned Jews as flea merchants.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
tired of trite, bored by braggadocio, left and right puzzle alike? here.s a social satire and culture blog testing strained ethics all pre2010 posts stolen. I prohibit relatives, their fans from: me, contact, all administrative claims to decisional power or profit from info about me, in manners life, legal, medical, wear, social, intellectual or work, property, body, organ disposition, postmortem, alien to me. post hacking, slander is constant for slavery, torture and death also mine.
- Planet Consumer with Alex Maffei
- The New York Times Headline Shop
- The Other Vogue, Darling
- Food for Free Cats
- North by Northwest with Cary Grant
- Terrorist Brief Traffic Report
- Art in Abstract Nations
- Mikey.s Resistance
- break in, no sign of forced entry
- Ethnic Cleansing in US libraries
- Complaints Report
- false arrest, column
- The Other Side of Cultural Revisionism
- The Alex File Years
- hetre lake
- belfast axis, New York City
- TeLeGrAfItE
- Alex Maffei, facebook page
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
cybercrime, nazifascist confederate style: what running long scripts means
after waking to a functioning computer, one time way too often, today and always on my nerves to a photo and videoaudio op I can.t opt out of due to lack of choice available to me, or the fucking OFF option, and block with gaffer tape
a two hour long Microsoft Windows announcement that my computer is updating the receipt of unreceived data and cannot even be crashed into an accessible program.
1. wireless access bombarding my home, up to 13, latest count
direct dish, roc:
MTA info and coordination for ticket selling to anti.constitutionalists of working, non.organized citizens to arrange for anti.constitutional abuse for a paying nazifascist confederate aristocratically inclined paying public, Comedy Central, spearheaded by Colbert, Stewart, and Hardwick through a TD bank with personnel at desks on Memorial Day at the branch closest to the 111 precinct, Queens when I walk by and, showing personnel on the premises like Bank of America on sundays immediately after your debit card strip goes awohl at a child abduction, purchase spying and theft 99 cents store threatening to do it again and again if you don.t let the would be clientele spy on your purchases with personnel at desks even on Memorial Day, 111 infiltration for abductions to psych hospitals to clear you from homeownership, ruin your credit and make you prey to scoproerotoantropophagic brothel crime because Colbert has a thing for human fat, and roc in Hapsburg stands for the hunt of, in confederate -Communist- > -Yankee-interpreted in Europe as -Imperialists- by would be leftists, throwing all citizenry back to Hamilton.s and Dobb.s, after having endured the hardships of becoming constitutional supporters, vanished the much touted promise of assistance in Italy, precipitating empire, as -anti imperialists- terminology of Minutemen at the time, leading to even The Clash, ca. 1976 to shouting -Yankee go, Home!-, then a whole verse in incomprehensible gobbledygook ridiculed by Swift, much like Drew Carey on CBS.s Price is Right these days, for parallel American Revolutionary activity against Napoleon.s and the Hapsburg.s push for Empire and the destroyal of democracy in Egypt in the latter 1700s,to which even Britain contributed through Admiral Nelson.s Hamiltonian developments in the port of Napoli, Italy area, and its really serial Algerian infiltrations, and, locally -provincial-, through a coalition of small minded aristocratic land grabbing mercenaries employed and through religious orders whose bonds held fast even to this past century's WWII by blocking Cassino organized here in the US through parallel organizations like Saint Nicholas, up the block, and the denazification in Germany not met with the same fervor, but active resistance, in Italy : abolitionist, US citizen from the Union states against the Confederate slavist ones. So, when Media calls Bin Ladin a -communist- they actually inaugurated fundamentalist hunts for human beings to serve as a main course until the world goes slavist. That is coordinated through Rachel Maddow, near her prey on msn, for one, and whose alcohol habit led her to shout my password to the Ed Show.s info the very next day on the air, simulating me as a world wide menace, to her audience, without even troubling herself to alter it in the slightest, as -Jonathan Swift-, worriedly narrating the employ as writer of the writer, in pure resentment of the Boston Tea Party, showing end of the program skits of me as Cabaret by Liza Minnelli.s version of -interracial- marriage as a masochist gorilla eating pizza because I dared posit the Bill of Rights in my blog by claiming that race is a non.existent, persecutory concept to start a new persecution of whoever she filofaxed as -people who think breakingnewts.blogspot.com is the best thing that even happened on the web, news then and still now to me, since all emails even I send from this blog never reach my Google inbox, that accompanied by 24/7 shouts since 2010 that no one reads me, I.m no good, I.ll be a whore to their employment, and Stewart, to enarrate his fetch at my password to his infoline, Joseph Andrews, by info taken directly from the blurb in the back of my Penguin edition, altered by estranged relatives, wanted by the FBI into a pious servant not bothered at all by other pious people until Richardson triumphs for the entire century of English writing. This was done by Maddow with the sixth sense of a cavewoman sensing prey approaching msnbc through her 5,000 a month and year long internet connection delay because you dared consult the weather for today cable personnel contact and their spies,
then filling my carnet with stalking informants even at Pier 1, to intellectual theft me should I even approach a thought of a variation in a cup handle, organizing infants to claim a dalliance with at Whole Foods, Bowery, Confederate gang, ex Tammany Hall Bowery Boy -let.s do battle!- territory with its small side room marked -personnel- on the 2nd floor generating with regularity a column of people exiting it in traffic cop uniforms, silently solving the problem of why I have not been able to cross, N to S, and for thirty years Robert Moses' and the Kennedy.s creation of Houston Street with a median in constant repair since 2010, unless I calculate the time for a traffic light to switch moving from W to E is longer than the N to S or S to N crossing by a landslide, but in Manhattan! such as the East Village, and the entire slave informant unit mothered and fathered by Maria Leon,s cunt of the 109, after having created files for the entire American indigenous population favoring democratic systems of government of Jackson Heights - for their traipse to the Midwest convincing them that scoproerotoantropophagy is better than Jackson.s reservations as a Hapsburg lion, pushing and failing even in the expansion debacle toward California, to claim me as a a sexual casualty extending even to stray cats in the Bronx , through a band of conquest from the Brooklyn Museum of the Williams family, through William.s Street.s very own Women Intake Shelter, in Brownsville, Brooklyn, leaving the worst available in the Bronx, and anyone sent to shelters where they beat clients in Lutheran piglike fervor to push strollers full of children in the East Village, sizing up the buildings for intercommunicating walls between apartments and future sub.basements, the MTA Stone Street office, and take over Bayside Queens through a claim of a paint store, at 48th and Bell, and turn it into a no bank access mail reliant ghetto-all you have to do is take a ride to Brownsville to see why Bayside soon, like Flatbush will have miles to contend to access the nearest supermarket, all to get rid of me, in the future, starting now through night time break ins, no available door locks anywhere, everytime I look leading to claims of an estranged aunt riding on my scholarship that she will not stop poisoning my food, trying to seize property and goods, gluing my father.s exhumed bones because Yankee, and never having spoken to me in his whole life with me in racist, or in gender discriminatory to make obvious what she and they could not when he was alive, for them, that they are virulently anti.constitutional, were and will be, and now they -own- me, others can -own- me through them, only because their greatness is directly proportional to their ability to access me through a proximity that has always been non.existent in fact. I mean, my apartment is more related to them than me, in terms of visits and people stationed there when I.m not , claiming to be me.So, until she.s dead, she created Nucha Cushman, from The Usual Suspects and to have me understand that even if she never accessed my apartment with me, she had and the O.L. Cushman magnet bought at NYPL main branch stood for Olimpia, for her daughter Sandra, no connection to my name, and Sandra.s first name now as an FBI wanted steroids distributor by way of overgrown calves, is now a variation of a family name given me by my father, bothered as a Yankee Ben Soup even by Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg also with her heart in the Lower East Side, and a klan> Koln> Hapsburg, crown colonialism literalist liberal Maria Leon she a minority Jew in appearance, Leon anyone's guess, from Sicilian to Equadorian, well, hell, anyone who can pass for anything with brown hair and eyes in the world, a virulent Anastasia strain by the name of LuciaMariaBen Leon, of Hamilton and Jackson Heights, also in Queens, who are safe from revelation only in their fascist camp somewhere in Pakistan and whose teams hit my newly bought scarves if too boldly and contemporarily colored, or shaped, or even imagined, only they and the models that pay them, including Karl Lagersfeldt, can wear them, leading one to wonder exactly what -FECIT- stands for in their base.case, or for that matter, the precipitous ease of conception into fitting.
I cannot go anywhere without their teams following me 24/7 microaggressively reminding me with -Queens College-that I escaped their murder plan for my Bayside home in .85, then their parallel of my death to Peter Panto.s death, their feather in whose cap, an Italian union organizer in the early 1900.s which led to their birth in the Rockefeller, and much worse, in a ride I needed to accept in Ozone Park from a seething Hispanic male, and a Sub Saharan female, organized not only from the judge from the revered halls of criminal court after determining the location of my death in Ozone Park, as community service assigned for four days after I had been declared innocent by the Brooklyn Hinds, now on 4th street where I lived as Ellen Stewart Way, or the Jewish branch even at Long Island Jewish, that dallied with Leopold , Maximilian and Reinhardt of Hapsburg, the Evian conference and the Aztec heart eating crowd to which we all will be abducted from 2nd Avenue, on Laurie Anderson.s false claims that Lou Reed sang- Jinx fifth Avenue- instead of -Second avenue- in Run, Run, Run, and in the Velvet Underground, way before their singer Nico recorded Deutschland Uber Alles on commission for her twelve children. To this day, the Anastasia pose as union workers at Food Emporium and Waldbaums, only to ditch you next shopping spree if you show any sympathy for equal and wages that can sustain life in a democracy, applied to the worker, not returned, as a -slave-, to his -master-.
They still insist to this day, that all of New York is their little psychopathic club house, by slamming microaggression my way to have me
a. become their -slave-;
b. commit -suicide-;
even while I.m reading the cottage cheese ingredients label at Waldbaums, to see which combination of two ingredients will explode in my lower intestine, or where the Guar Gum is hidden.
meantime: Colbert Hardwick comedy central are spying my password through a google maps contact and FBI wanted estranged relatives for a false arrest as fundamentalist terrorist, disappearance in brothel for cannibalism instead through official infiltrations
post offices selling tickets for anticonstitutional abuse in NYC area marked by
street parking available
my PO box, twice in less than six months barred from access based on false claims of non payment to spread my mail to whoever pays. Local POs in Bayside Queens area already set up to catch the flack.
it.s 10.29 I need to fix me some potato soup, I.m hungry, and I.m still here, I need a break, I.ve been at it since 6 yesterday since 3 AM...
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
after waking to a functioning computer, one time way too often, today and always on my nerves to a photo and videoaudio op I can.t opt out of due to lack of choice available to me, or the fucking OFF option, and block with gaffer tape
a two hour long Microsoft Windows announcement that my computer is updating the receipt of unreceived data and cannot even be crashed into an accessible program.
1. wireless access bombarding my home, up to 13, latest count
direct dish, roc:
MTA info and coordination for ticket selling to anti.constitutionalists of working, non.organized citizens to arrange for anti.constitutional abuse for a paying nazifascist confederate aristocratically inclined paying public, Comedy Central, spearheaded by Colbert, Stewart, and Hardwick through a TD bank with personnel at desks on Memorial Day at the branch closest to the 111 precinct, Queens when I walk by and, showing personnel on the premises like Bank of America on sundays immediately after your debit card strip goes awohl at a child abduction, purchase spying and theft 99 cents store threatening to do it again and again if you don.t let the would be clientele spy on your purchases with personnel at desks even on Memorial Day, 111 infiltration for abductions to psych hospitals to clear you from homeownership, ruin your credit and make you prey to scoproerotoantropophagic brothel crime because Colbert has a thing for human fat, and roc in Hapsburg stands for the hunt of, in confederate -Communist- > -Yankee-interpreted in Europe as -Imperialists- by would be leftists, throwing all citizenry back to Hamilton.s and Dobb.s, after having endured the hardships of becoming constitutional supporters, vanished the much touted promise of assistance in Italy, precipitating empire, as -anti imperialists- terminology of Minutemen at the time, leading to even The Clash, ca. 1976 to shouting -Yankee go, Home!-, then a whole verse in incomprehensible gobbledygook ridiculed by Swift, much like Drew Carey on CBS.s Price is Right these days, for parallel American Revolutionary activity against Napoleon.s and the Hapsburg.s push for Empire and the destroyal of democracy in Egypt in the latter 1700s,to which even Britain contributed through Admiral Nelson.s Hamiltonian developments in the port of Napoli, Italy area, and its really serial Algerian infiltrations, and, locally -provincial-, through a coalition of small minded aristocratic land grabbing mercenaries employed and through religious orders whose bonds held fast even to this past century's WWII by blocking Cassino organized here in the US through parallel organizations like Saint Nicholas, up the block, and the denazification in Germany not met with the same fervor, but active resistance, in Italy : abolitionist, US citizen from the Union states against the Confederate slavist ones. So, when Media calls Bin Ladin a -communist- they actually inaugurated fundamentalist hunts for human beings to serve as a main course until the world goes slavist. That is coordinated through Rachel Maddow, near her prey on msn, for one, and whose alcohol habit led her to shout my password to the Ed Show.s info the very next day on the air, simulating me as a world wide menace, to her audience, without even troubling herself to alter it in the slightest, as -Jonathan Swift-, worriedly narrating the employ as writer of the writer, in pure resentment of the Boston Tea Party, showing end of the program skits of me as Cabaret by Liza Minnelli.s version of -interracial- marriage as a masochist gorilla eating pizza because I dared posit the Bill of Rights in my blog by claiming that race is a non.existent, persecutory concept to start a new persecution of whoever she filofaxed as -people who think breakingnewts.blogspot.com is the best thing that even happened on the web, news then and still now to me, since all emails even I send from this blog never reach my Google inbox, that accompanied by 24/7 shouts since 2010 that no one reads me, I.m no good, I.ll be a whore to their employment, and Stewart, to enarrate his fetch at my password to his infoline, Joseph Andrews, by info taken directly from the blurb in the back of my Penguin edition, altered by estranged relatives, wanted by the FBI into a pious servant not bothered at all by other pious people until Richardson triumphs for the entire century of English writing. This was done by Maddow with the sixth sense of a cavewoman sensing prey approaching msnbc through her 5,000 a month and year long internet connection delay because you dared consult the weather for today cable personnel contact and their spies,
then filling my carnet with stalking informants even at Pier 1, to intellectual theft me should I even approach a thought of a variation in a cup handle, organizing infants to claim a dalliance with at Whole Foods, Bowery, Confederate gang, ex Tammany Hall Bowery Boy -let.s do battle!- territory with its small side room marked -personnel- on the 2nd floor generating with regularity a column of people exiting it in traffic cop uniforms, silently solving the problem of why I have not been able to cross, N to S, and for thirty years Robert Moses' and the Kennedy.s creation of Houston Street with a median in constant repair since 2010, unless I calculate the time for a traffic light to switch moving from W to E is longer than the N to S or S to N crossing by a landslide, but in Manhattan! such as the East Village, and the entire slave informant unit mothered and fathered by Maria Leon,s cunt of the 109, after having created files for the entire American indigenous population favoring democratic systems of government of Jackson Heights - for their traipse to the Midwest convincing them that scoproerotoantropophagy is better than Jackson.s reservations as a Hapsburg lion, pushing and failing even in the expansion debacle toward California, to claim me as a a sexual casualty extending even to stray cats in the Bronx , through a band of conquest from the Brooklyn Museum of the Williams family, through William.s Street.s very own Women Intake Shelter, in Brownsville, Brooklyn, leaving the worst available in the Bronx, and anyone sent to shelters where they beat clients in Lutheran piglike fervor to push strollers full of children in the East Village, sizing up the buildings for intercommunicating walls between apartments and future sub.basements, the MTA Stone Street office, and take over Bayside Queens through a claim of a paint store, at 48th and Bell, and turn it into a no bank access mail reliant ghetto-all you have to do is take a ride to Brownsville to see why Bayside soon, like Flatbush will have miles to contend to access the nearest supermarket, all to get rid of me, in the future, starting now through night time break ins, no available door locks anywhere, everytime I look leading to claims of an estranged aunt riding on my scholarship that she will not stop poisoning my food, trying to seize property and goods, gluing my father.s exhumed bones because Yankee, and never having spoken to me in his whole life with me in racist, or in gender discriminatory to make obvious what she and they could not when he was alive, for them, that they are virulently anti.constitutional, were and will be, and now they -own- me, others can -own- me through them, only because their greatness is directly proportional to their ability to access me through a proximity that has always been non.existent in fact. I mean, my apartment is more related to them than me, in terms of visits and people stationed there when I.m not , claiming to be me.So, until she.s dead, she created Nucha Cushman, from The Usual Suspects and to have me understand that even if she never accessed my apartment with me, she had and the O.L. Cushman magnet bought at NYPL main branch stood for Olimpia, for her daughter Sandra, no connection to my name, and Sandra.s first name now as an FBI wanted steroids distributor by way of overgrown calves, is now a variation of a family name given me by my father, bothered as a Yankee Ben Soup even by Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg also with her heart in the Lower East Side, and a klan> Koln> Hapsburg, crown colonialism literalist liberal Maria Leon she a minority Jew in appearance, Leon anyone's guess, from Sicilian to Equadorian, well, hell, anyone who can pass for anything with brown hair and eyes in the world, a virulent Anastasia strain by the name of LuciaMariaBen Leon, of Hamilton and Jackson Heights, also in Queens, who are safe from revelation only in their fascist camp somewhere in Pakistan and whose teams hit my newly bought scarves if too boldly and contemporarily colored, or shaped, or even imagined, only they and the models that pay them, including Karl Lagersfeldt, can wear them, leading one to wonder exactly what -FECIT- stands for in their base.case, or for that matter, the precipitous ease of conception into fitting.
I cannot go anywhere without their teams following me 24/7 microaggressively reminding me with -Queens College-that I escaped their murder plan for my Bayside home in .85, then their parallel of my death to Peter Panto.s death, their feather in whose cap, an Italian union organizer in the early 1900.s which led to their birth in the Rockefeller, and much worse, in a ride I needed to accept in Ozone Park from a seething Hispanic male, and a Sub Saharan female, organized not only from the judge from the revered halls of criminal court after determining the location of my death in Ozone Park, as community service assigned for four days after I had been declared innocent by the Brooklyn Hinds, now on 4th street where I lived as Ellen Stewart Way, or the Jewish branch even at Long Island Jewish, that dallied with Leopold , Maximilian and Reinhardt of Hapsburg, the Evian conference and the Aztec heart eating crowd to which we all will be abducted from 2nd Avenue, on Laurie Anderson.s false claims that Lou Reed sang- Jinx fifth Avenue- instead of -Second avenue- in Run, Run, Run, and in the Velvet Underground, way before their singer Nico recorded Deutschland Uber Alles on commission for her twelve children. To this day, the Anastasia pose as union workers at Food Emporium and Waldbaums, only to ditch you next shopping spree if you show any sympathy for equal and wages that can sustain life in a democracy, applied to the worker, not returned, as a -slave-, to his -master-.
They still insist to this day, that all of New York is their little psychopathic club house, by slamming microaggression my way to have me
a. become their -slave-;
b. commit -suicide-;
even while I.m reading the cottage cheese ingredients label at Waldbaums, to see which combination of two ingredients will explode in my lower intestine, or where the Guar Gum is hidden.
meantime: Colbert Hardwick comedy central are spying my password through a google maps contact and FBI wanted estranged relatives for a false arrest as fundamentalist terrorist, disappearance in brothel for cannibalism instead through official infiltrations
post offices selling tickets for anticonstitutional abuse in NYC area marked by
street parking available
my PO box, twice in less than six months barred from access based on false claims of non payment to spread my mail to whoever pays. Local POs in Bayside Queens area already set up to catch the flack.
it.s 10.29 I need to fix me some potato soup, I.m hungry, and I.m still here, I need a break, I.ve been at it since 6 yesterday since 3 AM...
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
my death by Sandra Marzella and her brother, Steven Marzella, as Nucha Cushman after capture imposes plastic surgery on me, coordinated by -religious man- infiltrated in the FBI, George Wilbur Bush and the theft of my Gibbon substituted by a Nazi press edited by Jerome Marzella, to glorify estranged family to the rank of barbarian emperors under my nameplates though with their newly edited name for Wien underlined in my handwriting and extensive notes and underlining showing great interest in tyrants.They also altered Joseph Andrews to eliminate Tom JOnes from history to glorify Lovelace in Clarissa, and substitute writers with pious versions of Samuel Richardson, this done also by Emma Fasano in Napoli at Via Epomeo 181, 80126;
originally from 187 Hickory Hill Drive, Waterbury Connecticut, property of Uniroyal of New Orleans.
Frank Marzella is the ghost writer of the new version of the decline and fall of the roman empire that sees Aversa as his access to criminal psychiatric institutions for the criminally insane for false arrests and a podunk's claim to Norman origins through is wife's proximity to that town and Casal di Principe in birth, dates Charles Martel back to Germanic horde invasion times, around 700.s and disappears Germanicus as a campaign leader of great ethical character murdered by pretorian guards. This allowed them to exhume my fathers bones, and glue a powdered bit to a molar they break in to demolish when they can, nightly through the operanda of Iolanda Tozzi, of San Marcellino, and its pigsty at Via Conte, whatever number it was, and my place of origin, for them, where my vote is used by them, for them, the Italian consulate in New York, also thanks to John Liu and Condalisa Rice connections at Bank of America, more on that later;
third account at a major bank with the addition of two locals, amassing false charges for the benefit of estranged relatives and the Anastasia-Maria Leon-Comedy Central sphyncter set that has been stealing from same at the hit of 100.00 a month if not more. A quick summary
Astoria Bank, 47th and F Lewis:
the account is a home repair account in my mother.s name, and mine. Through intercession of Samantha Bee, I no longer have access to same, due to false charges of theft from it, and me not being a dutiful daughter since team The Daily Show team has adjourned at De Grou street, in Brooklyn, same last name of an estranged cousin, Lilli Cavallo, when and if married to her pimp, or an ex Dutch pimp or whoever he was or is, if still married. When involving financial determinations, the account and its amount is listed in my name. When not, I have no access to it to continuous repairs, damage to personal property and self operated by the cheap filth I discuss here and elsewhere;
Dime Bank, Springfield Boulevard and Horace Harding:
a direct hit of Alessandra Mussolini's self defined assassin and Maria Leon, with controlling factor, Marilla Palmer in Brooklyn. The former fathers children from Stewart and the entire Confederate branch of the 109, and is still shooting them out as slave children and tried to orchestrate me as well, for Eva Braun.s family. From a Williams infiltrated at any branch when I approach after same not only continued to block my access to my account by web, stole hundreds of dollars from same, internally:
I owe the bank about 300.00 will not open other account;
Chase Manhattan, Northern Boulevard, and 196th street:
St Nicks, busy altering books in the neighborhood for its fascist constituency and its school, through break ins, no sign of forced entry, stole money from my account, about 70, more reputable than the rest-please contact the board of accreditation about this-for the brief tenure of my account, employees tell me they money launder for Nazis, had contacts at Civil Court, Queens, and I could not touch my money from my account due to irregularities. At the end I did close the same, having them give me whatever remained of my balance;
Citibank, Madison Avenue and Grand Central:
account closed the same moment 2 floor tenant continuum, Alessandra Mussolini spy approached staff in my presence, ordering them to do so because I was Italian and they needed to misrepresent me as a gangster, also at the request of Samantha Bee of Comedy Central, who has Sforza family contacts;
Bank Of America: through the aegis of the 111, tells me my account will be shut down in a month because its effort to Bin Ladin-enemy combatant me had failed as an Arab with neighborhood witnesses at 45 and 28 there,ready to support my mother being brutally abused by me, as her would be daughter, who took the name of Alexandra Maffei as an aka, me through Condalisa Rice,s and Liu's relative connection to the COMITES at the Italian Consulate that requested he should ascertain the vote, bringing the Berlusconi through my mother.s contact with a prostitute in Miami Beach daughter of an idiot who worked at the US Embassy in Napoli, and left his job to become a postal carrier in Florida after the fall from the discovery of a tryst with a Viviana from the floor below, Patrizia Sammartino, also a genius who fathered children for David Bowie married to a Houston milk truck driver, then left him because he would buy porn and for a non.existent rich man, blowing post secondary relationships with rich men to fall in love with imbecils who needed her as a stand in for their affair with her cat.s assholes and their sticking lighters in them, landing her in Milano after a couple of bouquets from some guy who hosted her in his house, throwing her out to become a whore in same city and now claims she never had rhinoplasty, was born with inordinately big breasts, does not have sex with an Italian real estate magnate who claims her as his real estate agent, and continues to declare me her friend to blast my blogs into the underground Bunga Bunga prostitution world by declaring them whores, and me a possibility, since I can always -aggiusta- myself with plastic surgery. Thirty dollars a pop disappeared from my account, the Liu agent would absolutely NOT issue a debit card with the Human Rights Campaign logo, that organization.s use was collated by the winsome to lower race infants Rachel Maddow, with a rep saying on the air that he did not want me representing them to the left, with the Pope shoving children in front of news cameras shouting Alex is a whore! is a whore! then erasing the clip, tallying up the hospitalizations embezzled from government run health insurances;
this led to tonight.s shot in the dak this time from David Johansen.s wife there for Marilla -I.ll do battle- Palmer the reknowned artist of Whitney, Purchase, Pierogis, Chelsea art gallery, Hampton art gallery, Art Forum and Art in America fame to say she was there to -sell me- to Saint Nick.s and started the process by shouting that my planned blog title change was Marilla Palmer.s idea, Until it Ends, that is, or Until it.s Over, I was still working on it, with the rest of the New York Dolls, and relatives, such as Thunder's sisters a collection of cheap slobs who know me not, claim they do, and go for a reissue;
glitches prevent my setting appointments with Bank of,
I don.t care. I.m still in disbelief my mother is related to serial killers attracted at the time to harm to dad, now harm to me, who she thinks married to her sister.s advantage the very sisters, and has had me chased around EVERYWHERE I GO by teams of Anastasia crime family connected other serials, even the supermarket, and the MTA, to shout -Queens College- at me, for the past 4 years, and constantly, to finally reclaim, yesterday, at Waldbaums that Maria Leon saw me as her hit because I escaped the death she and Carol Anastasia had planned for me, by having me marry an acquaintance of theirs, who tried to club me to death with an umbrella, was bounced off me by people in my house he thought would not say anything, and absconded to safety, after stealing all my film books, by a team of match and patch haired police patrol dolls, same bosy size, who refrained from taking the complaint I called them there to take.This in 85. Now they limit playing around with my transcript, lowering the average, placing courses into foster semesters, and the like.
something is happeing to me in -February-through them, whatever that means.
and here I am, collaging to my photos the Bauhaus band and Stravinsky portraits thinking of Joseph Albers with Karen Finley shouting I.m not as rique' as her.she, so I throw her book into the get rid of pile as well, with Stewart hot on my trail as a nothing punk with is Russian chanteuses and his Maree spies at every bus stop on every bus, bothering me with -groupie- in every bus, until it sticks, until I am, until I.m destroyed, until....
and here I wanted to give my mother a good review for a coop she claims she.s buying for me to live in, as a settlement for moneys owed, and who knows who is, who will, who will live there, who what and to a coop board who does not even answer her calls, at her say, which at this point in my life, and considering she glees at telling me that figs ripen fruit three times a year with her family trailing at silver medal place with assertions such as we were together in that pool in Napoli, which I promptly report to the authorities, but this volume of Christmas Carol work can only be greedy.
Still mine, and not a criminal.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
originally from 187 Hickory Hill Drive, Waterbury Connecticut, property of Uniroyal of New Orleans.
Frank Marzella is the ghost writer of the new version of the decline and fall of the roman empire that sees Aversa as his access to criminal psychiatric institutions for the criminally insane for false arrests and a podunk's claim to Norman origins through is wife's proximity to that town and Casal di Principe in birth, dates Charles Martel back to Germanic horde invasion times, around 700.s and disappears Germanicus as a campaign leader of great ethical character murdered by pretorian guards. This allowed them to exhume my fathers bones, and glue a powdered bit to a molar they break in to demolish when they can, nightly through the operanda of Iolanda Tozzi, of San Marcellino, and its pigsty at Via Conte, whatever number it was, and my place of origin, for them, where my vote is used by them, for them, the Italian consulate in New York, also thanks to John Liu and Condalisa Rice connections at Bank of America, more on that later;
third account at a major bank with the addition of two locals, amassing false charges for the benefit of estranged relatives and the Anastasia-Maria Leon-Comedy Central sphyncter set that has been stealing from same at the hit of 100.00 a month if not more. A quick summary
Astoria Bank, 47th and F Lewis:
the account is a home repair account in my mother.s name, and mine. Through intercession of Samantha Bee, I no longer have access to same, due to false charges of theft from it, and me not being a dutiful daughter since team The Daily Show team has adjourned at De Grou street, in Brooklyn, same last name of an estranged cousin, Lilli Cavallo, when and if married to her pimp, or an ex Dutch pimp or whoever he was or is, if still married. When involving financial determinations, the account and its amount is listed in my name. When not, I have no access to it to continuous repairs, damage to personal property and self operated by the cheap filth I discuss here and elsewhere;
Dime Bank, Springfield Boulevard and Horace Harding:
a direct hit of Alessandra Mussolini's self defined assassin and Maria Leon, with controlling factor, Marilla Palmer in Brooklyn. The former fathers children from Stewart and the entire Confederate branch of the 109, and is still shooting them out as slave children and tried to orchestrate me as well, for Eva Braun.s family. From a Williams infiltrated at any branch when I approach after same not only continued to block my access to my account by web, stole hundreds of dollars from same, internally:
I owe the bank about 300.00 will not open other account;
Chase Manhattan, Northern Boulevard, and 196th street:
St Nicks, busy altering books in the neighborhood for its fascist constituency and its school, through break ins, no sign of forced entry, stole money from my account, about 70, more reputable than the rest-please contact the board of accreditation about this-for the brief tenure of my account, employees tell me they money launder for Nazis, had contacts at Civil Court, Queens, and I could not touch my money from my account due to irregularities. At the end I did close the same, having them give me whatever remained of my balance;
Citibank, Madison Avenue and Grand Central:
account closed the same moment 2 floor tenant continuum, Alessandra Mussolini spy approached staff in my presence, ordering them to do so because I was Italian and they needed to misrepresent me as a gangster, also at the request of Samantha Bee of Comedy Central, who has Sforza family contacts;
Bank Of America: through the aegis of the 111, tells me my account will be shut down in a month because its effort to Bin Ladin-enemy combatant me had failed as an Arab with neighborhood witnesses at 45 and 28 there,ready to support my mother being brutally abused by me, as her would be daughter, who took the name of Alexandra Maffei as an aka, me through Condalisa Rice,s and Liu's relative connection to the COMITES at the Italian Consulate that requested he should ascertain the vote, bringing the Berlusconi through my mother.s contact with a prostitute in Miami Beach daughter of an idiot who worked at the US Embassy in Napoli, and left his job to become a postal carrier in Florida after the fall from the discovery of a tryst with a Viviana from the floor below, Patrizia Sammartino, also a genius who fathered children for David Bowie married to a Houston milk truck driver, then left him because he would buy porn and for a non.existent rich man, blowing post secondary relationships with rich men to fall in love with imbecils who needed her as a stand in for their affair with her cat.s assholes and their sticking lighters in them, landing her in Milano after a couple of bouquets from some guy who hosted her in his house, throwing her out to become a whore in same city and now claims she never had rhinoplasty, was born with inordinately big breasts, does not have sex with an Italian real estate magnate who claims her as his real estate agent, and continues to declare me her friend to blast my blogs into the underground Bunga Bunga prostitution world by declaring them whores, and me a possibility, since I can always -aggiusta- myself with plastic surgery. Thirty dollars a pop disappeared from my account, the Liu agent would absolutely NOT issue a debit card with the Human Rights Campaign logo, that organization.s use was collated by the winsome to lower race infants Rachel Maddow, with a rep saying on the air that he did not want me representing them to the left, with the Pope shoving children in front of news cameras shouting Alex is a whore! is a whore! then erasing the clip, tallying up the hospitalizations embezzled from government run health insurances;
this led to tonight.s shot in the dak this time from David Johansen.s wife there for Marilla -I.ll do battle- Palmer the reknowned artist of Whitney, Purchase, Pierogis, Chelsea art gallery, Hampton art gallery, Art Forum and Art in America fame to say she was there to -sell me- to Saint Nick.s and started the process by shouting that my planned blog title change was Marilla Palmer.s idea, Until it Ends, that is, or Until it.s Over, I was still working on it, with the rest of the New York Dolls, and relatives, such as Thunder's sisters a collection of cheap slobs who know me not, claim they do, and go for a reissue;
glitches prevent my setting appointments with Bank of,
I don.t care. I.m still in disbelief my mother is related to serial killers attracted at the time to harm to dad, now harm to me, who she thinks married to her sister.s advantage the very sisters, and has had me chased around EVERYWHERE I GO by teams of Anastasia crime family connected other serials, even the supermarket, and the MTA, to shout -Queens College- at me, for the past 4 years, and constantly, to finally reclaim, yesterday, at Waldbaums that Maria Leon saw me as her hit because I escaped the death she and Carol Anastasia had planned for me, by having me marry an acquaintance of theirs, who tried to club me to death with an umbrella, was bounced off me by people in my house he thought would not say anything, and absconded to safety, after stealing all my film books, by a team of match and patch haired police patrol dolls, same bosy size, who refrained from taking the complaint I called them there to take.This in 85. Now they limit playing around with my transcript, lowering the average, placing courses into foster semesters, and the like.
something is happeing to me in -February-through them, whatever that means.
and here I am, collaging to my photos the Bauhaus band and Stravinsky portraits thinking of Joseph Albers with Karen Finley shouting I.m not as rique' as her.she, so I throw her book into the get rid of pile as well, with Stewart hot on my trail as a nothing punk with is Russian chanteuses and his Maree spies at every bus stop on every bus, bothering me with -groupie- in every bus, until it sticks, until I am, until I.m destroyed, until....
and here I wanted to give my mother a good review for a coop she claims she.s buying for me to live in, as a settlement for moneys owed, and who knows who is, who will, who will live there, who what and to a coop board who does not even answer her calls, at her say, which at this point in my life, and considering she glees at telling me that figs ripen fruit three times a year with her family trailing at silver medal place with assertions such as we were together in that pool in Napoli, which I promptly report to the authorities, but this volume of Christmas Carol work can only be greedy.
Still mine, and not a criminal.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Monday, December 15, 2014
Laurie Anderson, hunt name, is working on a false arrest situation involving children by altering Reed.s texts and recordingssold to Alessandra Mussolini of FI party in Italy...
pieces of trash at 196.21 45th avenue Auburndale, Queens hosting the house this time for a piece of filth from Howard Beach with a -have a merry little Christmas- Simon and Shuster Scribner Anita Diamand, and CBS contact issued also through Bruce Springsteen.s very own at 28, Jon Stewart.s Maria Leon, who listed all of Jackson Heights for a concentration camp and is now working on Elmhurst with her brother Ben Leon, and an FBI wanted piece of trash if she is my estranged cousin, Sandra Marzella, if the Marzella are related to me, aka Nucha Cushman, latter name from a magnet on my fridge, known to her only through break ins, no sign of forced entry, and Tammi now Tami Petersen, a George Wilbur Bush, Eva Braun and Scholl 100 for 1 Nazi killed in war, of Strummernews, on the web, and also known as -web princess- by insistent spying and intellectual theft.
I.ve been at it since 5 this morning. The amplification is even my Waco based on race by Hil-l-ary Clinton, as one of the interpreters, Bush being the other, to subvert the constitution of the US, and create legislative genocidal efforts based on race.
it.s a loose coalition of a hundred million strong based on previous wars and losses to the constitution of the United States- Hil-l-ary Clinton
it.s hard to keep my food down in disgust and impatience
so anyway:
Velvet Underground.s lyric on run run run on You Tube is, instead of -take a drag or two/ Second Avenue- take a drag or two/ jinx 5th Avenue
courtesy of
the klan at the 111, making my name;
2nd floor tenant shouting filth at me, and I own the house, while there.s no way I could even have seen her today, or see her normally unless she intercepts me outside the front door;
Steve Wynn.s little drummer girl whatever her name is, something in college floor family room sit com watching clean, gesticulating like Condalisa Rice when in the Knesset to remember Chamberlain and Petain in the rest of us, I really forget her name, a complete slob who kept on shouting through the amplification that she would destroy my breasts, ?, much like Palmer starts shouting whenever she senses anyone but her heading north on Broadway from Canal, ready, in her Art Forum, Art in America, Tate Gallery, SUNY Purchase, Whitney Museum critique of Western Society
-I.m ready to do battle- George
oh, yeah Linda Pittman or Pittmon;
Petersen is a dangerous psychotic. For some reason my father.s life is important to her, has people stalk me with bits of it imprinted in their stair closet cellar to reality transit harassment, me, she wanted to meet me once as Joe Strummer.s Strummernews something or other, only to glare at me, say she scared at dives- at the time I hadn.t been apprised of Liza with a Z.s regretful interpretation of Sally Bowles since I hadn.t experienced Joel Grey.s toungue action in harassment yet, so I still don.t pity her having to eject her fat carcass from the sealed underground to capture poor souls who actually love avantgande, liberal cabaret. Then she said she wrote too. Then at another location, she proceeded to steal two ideas and throw me off the web by claiming I feared her, them what have you.
So: compare that gunk putting in its place the- take a drag or two/ run run run second avenue- by forcing Reed into the Nazi collaborationist jinx- Lou Reed -jinx?- sounds also like Marilla Palmer.s very own Peter Zaremba and The Fleshtones. Hex.Breaker Uh Uh Uh as a title concept;
Lou Reed -jinx-?
the guitar on Run Run Run -jinx-?
so anyway,
on the web at various locations, I consulted three, could not be bothered other than
even jinx was not good enough
it went from pupae to Mrs Butterworth with
-gypsy death-
this seasoning is to my palate as oregano, rosemary are to my palate
incidents including my mother.s family's perseverance, a car from Leon Stewart loitering gassing me in front of my house, claiming to live there for a good 10 minutes, supported by the trash at 28 puckering like Nucha Cushman toward me, saying she was in close contact with her, and 21 shouting I was crazy after an ambulance with sirens drove by, telling me that I walked around with a shopper, while he was Mofungo, the driveway valet jostling a good two Mercedes from the cellar driveway to the world.
You know, the only reason Howard Beach stabbed Sharpton to non.psychotics is because Sharpton wears a wordless badge claiming him for a would be FBI in fascist file. Same for estranged family. Cause I.m busy, mostly.
she backs her car in my driveway, looks at me in scorn of the -poor- in a hunting cap with clumped fur, and new plastic surgery, interferes with my complaint on my laptop, then the complaint goes through, then, more comments, unstoppable, as I write who am I? Who are THEY to not email me if they have something to say?
til it.s over...may be the new name of this blog. I have to think about it.
not receiving emails at google inbox.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
pieces of trash at 196.21 45th avenue Auburndale, Queens hosting the house this time for a piece of filth from Howard Beach with a -have a merry little Christmas- Simon and Shuster Scribner Anita Diamand, and CBS contact issued also through Bruce Springsteen.s very own at 28, Jon Stewart.s Maria Leon, who listed all of Jackson Heights for a concentration camp and is now working on Elmhurst with her brother Ben Leon, and an FBI wanted piece of trash if she is my estranged cousin, Sandra Marzella, if the Marzella are related to me, aka Nucha Cushman, latter name from a magnet on my fridge, known to her only through break ins, no sign of forced entry, and Tammi now Tami Petersen, a George Wilbur Bush, Eva Braun and Scholl 100 for 1 Nazi killed in war, of Strummernews, on the web, and also known as -web princess- by insistent spying and intellectual theft.
I.ve been at it since 5 this morning. The amplification is even my Waco based on race by Hil-l-ary Clinton, as one of the interpreters, Bush being the other, to subvert the constitution of the US, and create legislative genocidal efforts based on race.
it.s a loose coalition of a hundred million strong based on previous wars and losses to the constitution of the United States- Hil-l-ary Clinton
it.s hard to keep my food down in disgust and impatience
so anyway:
Velvet Underground.s lyric on run run run on You Tube is, instead of -take a drag or two/ Second Avenue- take a drag or two/ jinx 5th Avenue
courtesy of
the klan at the 111, making my name;
2nd floor tenant shouting filth at me, and I own the house, while there.s no way I could even have seen her today, or see her normally unless she intercepts me outside the front door;
Steve Wynn.s little drummer girl whatever her name is, something in college floor family room sit com watching clean, gesticulating like Condalisa Rice when in the Knesset to remember Chamberlain and Petain in the rest of us, I really forget her name, a complete slob who kept on shouting through the amplification that she would destroy my breasts, ?, much like Palmer starts shouting whenever she senses anyone but her heading north on Broadway from Canal, ready, in her Art Forum, Art in America, Tate Gallery, SUNY Purchase, Whitney Museum critique of Western Society
-I.m ready to do battle- George
oh, yeah Linda Pittman or Pittmon;
Petersen is a dangerous psychotic. For some reason my father.s life is important to her, has people stalk me with bits of it imprinted in their stair closet cellar to reality transit harassment, me, she wanted to meet me once as Joe Strummer.s Strummernews something or other, only to glare at me, say she scared at dives- at the time I hadn.t been apprised of Liza with a Z.s regretful interpretation of Sally Bowles since I hadn.t experienced Joel Grey.s toungue action in harassment yet, so I still don.t pity her having to eject her fat carcass from the sealed underground to capture poor souls who actually love avantgande, liberal cabaret. Then she said she wrote too. Then at another location, she proceeded to steal two ideas and throw me off the web by claiming I feared her, them what have you.
So: compare that gunk putting in its place the- take a drag or two/ run run run second avenue- by forcing Reed into the Nazi collaborationist jinx- Lou Reed -jinx?- sounds also like Marilla Palmer.s very own Peter Zaremba and The Fleshtones. Hex.Breaker Uh Uh Uh as a title concept;
Lou Reed -jinx-?
the guitar on Run Run Run -jinx-?
so anyway,
on the web at various locations, I consulted three, could not be bothered other than
even jinx was not good enough
it went from pupae to Mrs Butterworth with
-gypsy death-
this seasoning is to my palate as oregano, rosemary are to my palate
incidents including my mother.s family's perseverance, a car from Leon Stewart loitering gassing me in front of my house, claiming to live there for a good 10 minutes, supported by the trash at 28 puckering like Nucha Cushman toward me, saying she was in close contact with her, and 21 shouting I was crazy after an ambulance with sirens drove by, telling me that I walked around with a shopper, while he was Mofungo, the driveway valet jostling a good two Mercedes from the cellar driveway to the world.
You know, the only reason Howard Beach stabbed Sharpton to non.psychotics is because Sharpton wears a wordless badge claiming him for a would be FBI in fascist file. Same for estranged family. Cause I.m busy, mostly.
she backs her car in my driveway, looks at me in scorn of the -poor- in a hunting cap with clumped fur, and new plastic surgery, interferes with my complaint on my laptop, then the complaint goes through, then, more comments, unstoppable, as I write who am I? Who are THEY to not email me if they have something to say?
til it.s over...may be the new name of this blog. I have to think about it.
not receiving emails at google inbox.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Saturday, December 13, 2014
CIA infiltration, -black zone- in New York City area blocking access to supermarkets and organizing scoproerotoantropophagic abductions of US citizens to Nazi brothels for torture and death organized on computer through DOS window, as on mine, for the advent of tyrannical and aristocratic empire. I mean, Star Wars is as far as they can go, on this side of Ponds. The DOS window appears top left on computer screen.
Feel free to sue. Grounds, some: fraud, slander, civil, genocide, anti.constitutional, in complete violation of Bill of Rights. They don.t stand a chance,face deportation and extradiction charges as well, for continuous attempts to subvert democratic countries worldwide, coordinating areas of operation, in my case: US and Italy. Stay safe and sue out of our lives. They will not stop until we.re all dead. No parole as possibility.
coup d'etatist against United States as a democracy, all targeted.
intellectual theft:
The New York Times, La Repubblica, and L' Espresso through ellekappa, Michele Serra and other leftists who are quotaing democratic talent for these abductions through Marilla Palmer wife of Peter Zaremba, lead singer of The Fleshtones, and Maria Leon, of 37 88th Avenue, Jackson Heights, New York City, both confederate willing slaves. Palmer, through a Condalisa Rice contact now operational at 196.29 45th avenue, a house she has no reason to be in, and is here to steal an idea I have for a book- involving nutrition, art, and the process of writing and researching. Rice has already broken in to alter my notes on WWII 43-45 into stupid, I am a university professor. All estranged family is involved. All ties, on this terrain confederate. Rice also infiltrated New York shelters and targets Jews, and indigenous people.
The same program switches my screen to photo, which I can.t operate to turn on or off. I blocked the lenses, and if they don.t stop, I.ll bash them the fuck out.
Serra also has contacts to blacklist through:
facebook: Il Male, Frigidaire, and Altan.
In publishing: Feltrinelli, and the day book Smemoranda, run by someone proving himself to me, more and more the heir in thought of the Colonna family, which fought against us freeing Europe from 43-45 from Nazi rule, the latest embodiment of empire.
In my case, Serra boasts of me being nothing to him, and is already sharpening his tendrils at selling my idea to whoever he has as contact, even through The New School, Parsons through Donna Karan as well, and Van Heusen which bought Calvin Klein, to block anyone in clothing, tailoring, and art issues involving same, reason being lack of talent. Again: what they propose, are in the most part, as evidenced in my research and what was done to me, ideas stolen from people with real talent.
estranged family: now amplified saying -well, now she.s targeted, we can go on living our lives-we did our best to have you hated throughout your life, and now we did this to you. The CIA will erase this, like it will erase all regarding Bush-
Maria Leon, a Gambino Anastasia Rockefeller Clinton Obama Bush contact is barring access to Key Food on Kissena Boulevard through thugs since yesterday afternoon, at the beginning of the Sabbath, at two locations, through the aegis of the 107 Precinct, one in Elechester mall, the other on Kissena, in Queens, a block west. Access to Arons Supermarket in the same area also blocked.
The attempt was to abduct through Clinton cleared borderline zones to said brothels, in Canada, this a significant traipse to Mexico. Consider methods of abduction incorporated in systems of good transportation and prevent, block.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg contributed to the blocking of the email to authorities and Italin supreme court for at least 6 times through google world verification.
email of this post never made it to google inbox.
Gambino vyes for presidency, backed by the Queen of England, who blocks emails sent through control of Nazis in verification process at blogger as one, other entities elsewhere.
misspellings not mine.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Feel free to sue. Grounds, some: fraud, slander, civil, genocide, anti.constitutional, in complete violation of Bill of Rights. They don.t stand a chance,face deportation and extradiction charges as well, for continuous attempts to subvert democratic countries worldwide, coordinating areas of operation, in my case: US and Italy. Stay safe and sue out of our lives. They will not stop until we.re all dead. No parole as possibility.
coup d'etatist against United States as a democracy, all targeted.
intellectual theft:
The New York Times, La Repubblica, and L' Espresso through ellekappa, Michele Serra and other leftists who are quotaing democratic talent for these abductions through Marilla Palmer wife of Peter Zaremba, lead singer of The Fleshtones, and Maria Leon, of 37 88th Avenue, Jackson Heights, New York City, both confederate willing slaves. Palmer, through a Condalisa Rice contact now operational at 196.29 45th avenue, a house she has no reason to be in, and is here to steal an idea I have for a book- involving nutrition, art, and the process of writing and researching. Rice has already broken in to alter my notes on WWII 43-45 into stupid, I am a university professor. All estranged family is involved. All ties, on this terrain confederate. Rice also infiltrated New York shelters and targets Jews, and indigenous people.
The same program switches my screen to photo, which I can.t operate to turn on or off. I blocked the lenses, and if they don.t stop, I.ll bash them the fuck out.
Serra also has contacts to blacklist through:
facebook: Il Male, Frigidaire, and Altan.
In publishing: Feltrinelli, and the day book Smemoranda, run by someone proving himself to me, more and more the heir in thought of the Colonna family, which fought against us freeing Europe from 43-45 from Nazi rule, the latest embodiment of empire.
In my case, Serra boasts of me being nothing to him, and is already sharpening his tendrils at selling my idea to whoever he has as contact, even through The New School, Parsons through Donna Karan as well, and Van Heusen which bought Calvin Klein, to block anyone in clothing, tailoring, and art issues involving same, reason being lack of talent. Again: what they propose, are in the most part, as evidenced in my research and what was done to me, ideas stolen from people with real talent.
estranged family: now amplified saying -well, now she.s targeted, we can go on living our lives-we did our best to have you hated throughout your life, and now we did this to you. The CIA will erase this, like it will erase all regarding Bush-
Maria Leon, a Gambino Anastasia Rockefeller Clinton Obama Bush contact is barring access to Key Food on Kissena Boulevard through thugs since yesterday afternoon, at the beginning of the Sabbath, at two locations, through the aegis of the 107 Precinct, one in Elechester mall, the other on Kissena, in Queens, a block west. Access to Arons Supermarket in the same area also blocked.
The attempt was to abduct through Clinton cleared borderline zones to said brothels, in Canada, this a significant traipse to Mexico. Consider methods of abduction incorporated in systems of good transportation and prevent, block.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg contributed to the blocking of the email to authorities and Italin supreme court for at least 6 times through google world verification.
email of this post never made it to google inbox.
Gambino vyes for presidency, backed by the Queen of England, who blocks emails sent through control of Nazis in verification process at blogger as one, other entities elsewhere.
misspellings not mine.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Thursday, December 11, 2014
question of the week
NPRs version of the CIA, yesterday
an agency whose main coordinator is chosen by a president, elected by citizens, all agreeing to live by and in respect of the Bill of Rights, formed to protect, uphold, defend, and make known the principles of the same, to those brutalized to such an extent torture is a value to die for and force upon others, is now being associated to the claims of an office takeover that if tortured, employees learn to withstand torture, a process all supposedly undergo.
check the statistics on how many found their way back home after a bout of gassing in a concentration camp, then.
if you need, fact check: the Constitution of the United States, a quick read.
THINK: president means minutes recorder. For the vomit blood and severed limb crowd, witness.
You.re not, get the fuck OUT of all democracies.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
NPRs version of the CIA, yesterday
an agency whose main coordinator is chosen by a president, elected by citizens, all agreeing to live by and in respect of the Bill of Rights, formed to protect, uphold, defend, and make known the principles of the same, to those brutalized to such an extent torture is a value to die for and force upon others, is now being associated to the claims of an office takeover that if tortured, employees learn to withstand torture, a process all supposedly undergo.
check the statistics on how many found their way back home after a bout of gassing in a concentration camp, then.
if you need, fact check: the Constitution of the United States, a quick read.
THINK: president means minutes recorder. For the vomit blood and severed limb crowd, witness.
You.re not, get the fuck OUT of all democracies.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
the various degrees of separation of nefariousness
I awake
Frank Marzella , the chosen interlocutor for a collection of cheap trash that forgot to learn how to write their hostage statement, and will not allow you to even keep your shopping list to yourself, because if you write better than Jeremy I will kill you, all estranged family amplified by the 111, Queens for Williams, the Conquest catch of the day
-she was a Red Brigadist-
address to the audience- a new technique- we scare info about her life from her as she will be to those who hate her
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
I awake
Frank Marzella , the chosen interlocutor for a collection of cheap trash that forgot to learn how to write their hostage statement, and will not allow you to even keep your shopping list to yourself, because if you write better than Jeremy I will kill you, all estranged family amplified by the 111, Queens for Williams, the Conquest catch of the day
-she was a Red Brigadist-
address to the audience- a new technique- we scare info about her life from her as she will be to those who hate her
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Monday, December 08, 2014
reduction ad abductio from the London, Olympics to NYC, for winter wonderland! with john Tork as paper goods season @Astoria Rite Aid, -usual places, my Queen!-@ Catherine of Cambridge.s. Dolan has declared an emergency on USAToday: We.re All Catholics!
12.7.14@ in the afternoon. Mom asks, buy Pepperidge Farm Italian bread for me, full of guar gum. I say why not a better version of? response negative I spend a good hour of my time shopping for bread, only to have Country White Pepperidge, without guar, me not thinking to check for folate, leaning on my apartment door, forlorn the other loaf held as evidence for...
6.46pm. I return home, running errands. My mother has 2 floor tenant park her car wiyhin my apartment area, after having, and for about a week, insisted that I speak to her, leaving my porch light on, when their entrance is well outside the driveway, at the front door I don.t have the keys to because...
@1.30am mother.s door opens again as I return home from errand shopping again at a 24/7drugstore, no one.s business, really, with a 60s tan mink coat following me in store sent from 196.28 45th avenue, Auburndale, NY 11358.3507 having plastered her face n at least four people within the past two days just to say I talk to the walls, pissed they refuse to answer with a -Baby, we are born to win- medley with -BOOOOOOOORN! BOOOOOORN in the USAH!!!!-
I look and say, it.s none of your business where I.ve been -me living in a separate apartment, and her and her relatives, who I.ve seen about 6 timesin my entire life, forgetting that my last curfew when I was 17, set at 10.00pm on weekends, and now I am a 55 year old woman, thought they would break in a -you don.t start acting like Mussolini and wearing clothes showing how we broke you, we won't stop altering our voices a millionfold and detailing what your asshairs are doing to whoever can make us big, and I.ll sue
second floor tenant starts rehearsing for her cops oh she waits for me outside, and ....
estranged relative, Frank Marzella, 187 Hickory Hill Drive, Waterbury Connectictut details to the world how my bed has way too many blankets on it I should be fiscally conservative and allow them to break in,
a. assessing exactly how many break.ins I.ve gone through by detailing blankets never seen with me in area;
b. claims he.s a seer, and chosen by God, that.s how he knows;
c. my glass vase is gone;
d. since 2011, I have not been able to find anything but a one key for many locks on sale at
Target, Sky View Mall, Flushing every visit;
Home Depot, everystore, every visit;
e. arrange through Condalisa Rice, and under the threat of you say anything we close the account at Bank of America, Bell Boulevard, Bayside, and to prove I.m at a financial loss without him or another criminal controlling my finances, to:
break in at night, substitute my card with the security code they like best, stealing mine, and pretending mine was cut like I did the surplus sent to my PO BOX at the POffice he sells tickets to, on a special school bus ride named Patterson, nary a Board of Election Card receipt, since 1982, only two or so made it to get stolen from my wallet in.house job, I thought lost, same with at least six Social Security card SSA refuses to record as stolen everytime I call and boy what a thorough job this is;
so,for wearing a hat, shopping when I want, minding my own business, my mother gets on the phone at
1.32am, 12.8.14 and speaks somberly to 911, who never dispatch a car for me when bothered at bookstore cafe's , but for Catherine, hell, telling them she feels threatened by me...
1.54am, 12.8.14 call to 111, Queens
I speak to operator, who tells me I should talk to the squad car dispatched, then that he can.t take a complaint over the phone twice, after I specified I wanted to make a complaint at the precinct, so I interrupt the call to
call IAB after getting out of range at
2.04am because 196.28 45th ave has contacts for a three month stay in the psych ward at New York Presbyterian because I.m scary
the 111 for a year long at Long Island Jewish, because they hate the HRA, Medicaid, Medicare and if you abort their slave babies you.re in trouble.
12.8.14still, at 11.30am cont
at 26 stop by Hollis, the 111 team of Rice.s begins to accrue informers:
3 cars driving by and a Church Van parked on the street
to the next precinct, the one serving the Queens College, CUNY area, 107
intercepted by 17 bus right at Fresh Meadows, worked out by Condalisa Rice team who responded to my mother.s call:
license plate M58164, front dashboard number 02 then empty space like the bus estranged tried to arrange the prior afternoon with the MTA driver backing an Asian attempt to have me, for the nth time, -pump a niga-or generate slave children. Inside bus number 4662.
a scenario was enacted between a criminal and the driver- I was to accept after being exposed to this filth, if not, murder.
at the 107, a male Asian, at the desk, noted:
a. shopping at 1.30 needed to be repeated twice, to determine if a complaint should be taken;
b. My mother and the precinct needed to be consulted before he could take a complaint for harassment, sequestering etc;
3.14am reported to IAB;
I take the bus to Forest Hills, harassed;
at T Bone Diner on Queens Blvd: spied, harassed, my name made by staff I had never met prior, I refuse to leave a tip;
5.39am message conveyed for Catherine Cambridge: its all wired for our -fun and games- with you at E,F train stop platform;
5.44am one older woman, a man and woman, all fans of Elizabeth II: -usual place- there because were told I would go to the area;
spied at entry of drugstore nearby;
9.16am Bank of America 589 Broadway 10012 212.219.2927 card listed as Nelson Ramos, the latter name connected to a police officer at the 111, and at the precinct on 12, a complaint taker contact, who targeted me in the 90's;
woman takes my name starts confederate racist abuse of me, as to be sterilized, Yankee, etc after taking my ID number. I leave. A Marilla Palmer arrangement through nearby traffic officers, who was ready -to do battle with- me, as a true contemporary artist should;
Bank of America again, at Broadway and 8th: a claimed vice president, whose last name is different from the one listed after her fist as an email at the bottom of the business card intercepts me, claims the other desk jockey does not respond by the name on the business card, but another, wants my ID, I refuse and leave after she accepts a murder arrangement ordered by my mother by a resemble of the 2 floor tenant, a Mussolini spy and assassin;
Dunkin Donuts on Canal starts the communist bucchina, which translates from the confederate in Yankee abolitionist, to be sterile because lower race, this by Indian coolies. I leave saying I.d never patronize the chain again. Patrol comes in,male saying -we want to kill her-;
male at Ottendorfer arranged by director at Library, claims I receive much more than I get deposited, and is in a rage, saying that they pay off George Bush to do so. Detailed to FBI in 1990.s. Never addressed, but 6 more dollars stolen from me and through bank fraud backtracking the monthly deposit by some weeks to 6 less;
on walk here:
intercepted by two Frank Marzella 187 Hickory Hill Drive Waterbury Connecticut spies, two procurers threatening me with a lock change, my things thrown out a writ that Marzella had declared me unable to administer my finances, this writ having been passed recently, that now I was his slave, that he wanted me in Connecticut, that my house was no longer accessible to me, my mother petitioning for another fraudulent court order;
lock resale store: Homeland. As soon as I walk in, two males, one on phone mention something then -Frank-. I leave. Cheap locks that jut out bolts in soft metal are $20.00 instead of $9.00;
lock resale at store across the street: called lower race as soon as I walk in;
I was arranged away from Italy in the .90s through a Bill Clinton claimed contact just so he could say that he had done it to precipitate a war in which I would be declared unconstitutionally protected as a lower race.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
12.7.14@ in the afternoon. Mom asks, buy Pepperidge Farm Italian bread for me, full of guar gum. I say why not a better version of? response negative I spend a good hour of my time shopping for bread, only to have Country White Pepperidge, without guar, me not thinking to check for folate, leaning on my apartment door, forlorn the other loaf held as evidence for...
6.46pm. I return home, running errands. My mother has 2 floor tenant park her car wiyhin my apartment area, after having, and for about a week, insisted that I speak to her, leaving my porch light on, when their entrance is well outside the driveway, at the front door I don.t have the keys to because...
@1.30am mother.s door opens again as I return home from errand shopping again at a 24/7drugstore, no one.s business, really, with a 60s tan mink coat following me in store sent from 196.28 45th avenue, Auburndale, NY 11358.3507 having plastered her face n at least four people within the past two days just to say I talk to the walls, pissed they refuse to answer with a -Baby, we are born to win- medley with -BOOOOOOOORN! BOOOOOORN in the USAH!!!!-
I look and say, it.s none of your business where I.ve been -me living in a separate apartment, and her and her relatives, who I.ve seen about 6 timesin my entire life, forgetting that my last curfew when I was 17, set at 10.00pm on weekends, and now I am a 55 year old woman, thought they would break in a -you don.t start acting like Mussolini and wearing clothes showing how we broke you, we won't stop altering our voices a millionfold and detailing what your asshairs are doing to whoever can make us big, and I.ll sue
second floor tenant starts rehearsing for her cops oh she waits for me outside, and ....
estranged relative, Frank Marzella, 187 Hickory Hill Drive, Waterbury Connectictut details to the world how my bed has way too many blankets on it I should be fiscally conservative and allow them to break in,
a. assessing exactly how many break.ins I.ve gone through by detailing blankets never seen with me in area;
b. claims he.s a seer, and chosen by God, that.s how he knows;
c. my glass vase is gone;
d. since 2011, I have not been able to find anything but a one key for many locks on sale at
Target, Sky View Mall, Flushing every visit;
Home Depot, everystore, every visit;
e. arrange through Condalisa Rice, and under the threat of you say anything we close the account at Bank of America, Bell Boulevard, Bayside, and to prove I.m at a financial loss without him or another criminal controlling my finances, to:
break in at night, substitute my card with the security code they like best, stealing mine, and pretending mine was cut like I did the surplus sent to my PO BOX at the POffice he sells tickets to, on a special school bus ride named Patterson, nary a Board of Election Card receipt, since 1982, only two or so made it to get stolen from my wallet in.house job, I thought lost, same with at least six Social Security card SSA refuses to record as stolen everytime I call and boy what a thorough job this is;
so,for wearing a hat, shopping when I want, minding my own business, my mother gets on the phone at
1.32am, 12.8.14 and speaks somberly to 911, who never dispatch a car for me when bothered at bookstore cafe's , but for Catherine, hell, telling them she feels threatened by me...
1.54am, 12.8.14 call to 111, Queens
I speak to operator, who tells me I should talk to the squad car dispatched, then that he can.t take a complaint over the phone twice, after I specified I wanted to make a complaint at the precinct, so I interrupt the call to
call IAB after getting out of range at
2.04am because 196.28 45th ave has contacts for a three month stay in the psych ward at New York Presbyterian because I.m scary
the 111 for a year long at Long Island Jewish, because they hate the HRA, Medicaid, Medicare and if you abort their slave babies you.re in trouble.
12.8.14still, at 11.30am cont
at 26 stop by Hollis, the 111 team of Rice.s begins to accrue informers:
3 cars driving by and a Church Van parked on the street
to the next precinct, the one serving the Queens College, CUNY area, 107
intercepted by 17 bus right at Fresh Meadows, worked out by Condalisa Rice team who responded to my mother.s call:
license plate M58164, front dashboard number 02 then empty space like the bus estranged tried to arrange the prior afternoon with the MTA driver backing an Asian attempt to have me, for the nth time, -pump a niga-or generate slave children. Inside bus number 4662.
a scenario was enacted between a criminal and the driver- I was to accept after being exposed to this filth, if not, murder.
at the 107, a male Asian, at the desk, noted:
a. shopping at 1.30 needed to be repeated twice, to determine if a complaint should be taken;
b. My mother and the precinct needed to be consulted before he could take a complaint for harassment, sequestering etc;
3.14am reported to IAB;
I take the bus to Forest Hills, harassed;
at T Bone Diner on Queens Blvd: spied, harassed, my name made by staff I had never met prior, I refuse to leave a tip;
5.39am message conveyed for Catherine Cambridge: its all wired for our -fun and games- with you at E,F train stop platform;
5.44am one older woman, a man and woman, all fans of Elizabeth II: -usual place- there because were told I would go to the area;
spied at entry of drugstore nearby;
9.16am Bank of America 589 Broadway 10012 212.219.2927 card listed as Nelson Ramos, the latter name connected to a police officer at the 111, and at the precinct on 12, a complaint taker contact, who targeted me in the 90's;
woman takes my name starts confederate racist abuse of me, as to be sterilized, Yankee, etc after taking my ID number. I leave. A Marilla Palmer arrangement through nearby traffic officers, who was ready -to do battle with- me, as a true contemporary artist should;
Bank of America again, at Broadway and 8th: a claimed vice president, whose last name is different from the one listed after her fist as an email at the bottom of the business card intercepts me, claims the other desk jockey does not respond by the name on the business card, but another, wants my ID, I refuse and leave after she accepts a murder arrangement ordered by my mother by a resemble of the 2 floor tenant, a Mussolini spy and assassin;
Dunkin Donuts on Canal starts the communist bucchina, which translates from the confederate in Yankee abolitionist, to be sterile because lower race, this by Indian coolies. I leave saying I.d never patronize the chain again. Patrol comes in,male saying -we want to kill her-;
male at Ottendorfer arranged by director at Library, claims I receive much more than I get deposited, and is in a rage, saying that they pay off George Bush to do so. Detailed to FBI in 1990.s. Never addressed, but 6 more dollars stolen from me and through bank fraud backtracking the monthly deposit by some weeks to 6 less;
on walk here:
intercepted by two Frank Marzella 187 Hickory Hill Drive Waterbury Connecticut spies, two procurers threatening me with a lock change, my things thrown out a writ that Marzella had declared me unable to administer my finances, this writ having been passed recently, that now I was his slave, that he wanted me in Connecticut, that my house was no longer accessible to me, my mother petitioning for another fraudulent court order;
lock resale store: Homeland. As soon as I walk in, two males, one on phone mention something then -Frank-. I leave. Cheap locks that jut out bolts in soft metal are $20.00 instead of $9.00;
lock resale at store across the street: called lower race as soon as I walk in;
I was arranged away from Italy in the .90s through a Bill Clinton claimed contact just so he could say that he had done it to precipitate a war in which I would be declared unconstitutionally protected as a lower race.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Sunday, December 07, 2014
Diane Feinstein, her CIA contacts through George Bush, Condalisa Rice, Jon Stewart, temple Beth Shalom, now Beth Sholom, the Gambino connected Leon, Anastasia- English crown double agents and Israel betrayed in the Aliosha:
at Bazaar:
my account data book disappears, then reappears;
Feinstein.s , Marilla Palmer.s and Stewart.s family are there arranging scoproerotoantropophagic brothel murders of US citizens through organizational nazi, then confederate arrangements;
inform Alessandra Mussolini FI party and the Queens of England through a Microsoft connection on a history of philosophy book I bought printed in nazifascist dictatorship years, but not by state presses;
inform the Queens of England on another book I bought, confessions of an Irish rebel, by Brendan Behan, a Hutchinson press book, I think -rebel- where a quick leaf through shows he went through the same MTA transport delights we are all going through no thanks to the English crown, now even detailed in lighted panels, so the royalist crowds can thrill at how my D ride was derailed from 34th to West 4th skipping 14th because I wanted to go to a bookstore cafe';
Not only my Target receipt for two watches, on sale, a total of $15.75 I.m wearing along with my original, as a sculptural piece, is gone, but my checking account is in inexplicable red for exactly
usually not recorded even as a purchase by
Bank of America, with military, human rights gender bias, animal welfare, school and sports charity connections you can decorate you r card with if the desk jockey at the Bell boulevard branch bank doesn.t say -Obama- then -communis- in confederate nippokorean feigning Chinese non imperial
since, oh, about five months ago, with Condalisa Rice.s group threatening me with account closure after issuing a good 12 debit cards connected to my account, to unknown filth
started at Pier 1, on 11.5.14, also in the neighborhood, at Northern boulevard, 191.24 , Flushing NY 11358.2829 through the Marzella, Rachel Maddow, and halflinge groups in George III for buying a Christmas ornament because I don.t look like Reinhardt or his Aztec descent, waiting for me in a brothel in Central America, to feed hungry Contra children they all colluded to have invade from El Salvador for the weekend, to decorate with their particulate brand of cheer the corridors of Target, in Sky View Mall, Flushing NY me at turns a Nazi, then starving poor contra children for Maddow, on the amplification, while the whole team betrays and to the queen location location location of our military in the Middle East, it.s the wring war, it.s the
Biff Cholo islisted as a reform synagogue, and a favorite hotspot of Hollywood.s Hapsburg English Royal Crown very own Fran Dreschner, Nanny who could not work in the bridal shop no more, until she sired English Broadway producer, a prenupt in the works because she would not go into the night gently by not marrying a doctor, oh nonny nonny, in these Post.Thatcher.Oscar years. Sigh!
In evaluation: information and cover.ups for parent betrayal of rowdy offspring listening to Billy Budd by Britten, filling the cd with spongy colored stuff to see if menstrual is thought, or explosives, like the Stern Gang.s , inform the Queen and she expurges her memories of Israel as the Palestinian Protectorate when she was blown away from the land, accepting to leave gracefully, hell if she will now
my laptop camera is continually on, no command for -off- in sight. I.m not subject to ANY investigation.
review-the thrift is great, the organizing, setting about even a Kurt Vonnegut lookalike who lights up if one thinks Kurt Vonnegut only to start the litany of trade through nazi, then conf,
in gesprache.
no trace of the email of this post sent to authorities from this blog in Google, also crown double agents, for a tyrannical theocracy, aristocratic.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
at Bazaar:
my account data book disappears, then reappears;
Feinstein.s , Marilla Palmer.s and Stewart.s family are there arranging scoproerotoantropophagic brothel murders of US citizens through organizational nazi, then confederate arrangements;
inform Alessandra Mussolini FI party and the Queens of England through a Microsoft connection on a history of philosophy book I bought printed in nazifascist dictatorship years, but not by state presses;
inform the Queens of England on another book I bought, confessions of an Irish rebel, by Brendan Behan, a Hutchinson press book, I think -rebel- where a quick leaf through shows he went through the same MTA transport delights we are all going through no thanks to the English crown, now even detailed in lighted panels, so the royalist crowds can thrill at how my D ride was derailed from 34th to West 4th skipping 14th because I wanted to go to a bookstore cafe';
Not only my Target receipt for two watches, on sale, a total of $15.75 I.m wearing along with my original, as a sculptural piece, is gone, but my checking account is in inexplicable red for exactly
usually not recorded even as a purchase by
Bank of America, with military, human rights gender bias, animal welfare, school and sports charity connections you can decorate you r card with if the desk jockey at the Bell boulevard branch bank doesn.t say -Obama- then -communis- in confederate nippokorean feigning Chinese non imperial
since, oh, about five months ago, with Condalisa Rice.s group threatening me with account closure after issuing a good 12 debit cards connected to my account, to unknown filth
started at Pier 1, on 11.5.14, also in the neighborhood, at Northern boulevard, 191.24 , Flushing NY 11358.2829 through the Marzella, Rachel Maddow, and halflinge groups in George III for buying a Christmas ornament because I don.t look like Reinhardt or his Aztec descent, waiting for me in a brothel in Central America, to feed hungry Contra children they all colluded to have invade from El Salvador for the weekend, to decorate with their particulate brand of cheer the corridors of Target, in Sky View Mall, Flushing NY me at turns a Nazi, then starving poor contra children for Maddow, on the amplification, while the whole team betrays and to the queen location location location of our military in the Middle East, it.s the wring war, it.s the
Biff Cholo islisted as a reform synagogue, and a favorite hotspot of Hollywood.s Hapsburg English Royal Crown very own Fran Dreschner, Nanny who could not work in the bridal shop no more, until she sired English Broadway producer, a prenupt in the works because she would not go into the night gently by not marrying a doctor, oh nonny nonny, in these Post.Thatcher.Oscar years. Sigh!
In evaluation: information and cover.ups for parent betrayal of rowdy offspring listening to Billy Budd by Britten, filling the cd with spongy colored stuff to see if menstrual is thought, or explosives, like the Stern Gang.s , inform the Queen and she expurges her memories of Israel as the Palestinian Protectorate when she was blown away from the land, accepting to leave gracefully, hell if she will now
my laptop camera is continually on, no command for -off- in sight. I.m not subject to ANY investigation.
review-the thrift is great, the organizing, setting about even a Kurt Vonnegut lookalike who lights up if one thinks Kurt Vonnegut only to start the litany of trade through nazi, then conf,
in gesprache.
no trace of the email of this post sent to authorities from this blog in Google, also crown double agents, for a tyrannical theocracy, aristocratic.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Saturday, December 06, 2014
curriculum vitae, and growing Alexandra Maffei
craigslist 12614 @ 6.57am in free chapter
email feature disabled claiming my email addresses, that of the FBI and United Nations sent to prove intellectual theft of type date elements on pillow in photo and request for arrest, judicial intervention through Human Rights, International Law sectors listed by web page as
fraudulent, mock addresses try again later
Greeenpoint Brooklyn NYC home of the sewer treatment plan and Marilla Palmer, posted 12.6.14 about 7 hours prior to 6am email: ssxnw dash 4792585584 at sale dot craigslist dot org
1. 79 being the old telephone exchange of my area, Bayside Queens, NYC;
2. 79 being within the realm of the 111, Queens;
3. telephone number tracking from phone books being the connection device used by fascists to fire from jobs for not being fascist only fascists, as confederates, need apply;
4. reference to area: codification for home invasion based on citizenship.
this at craigslist
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
craigslist 12614 @ 6.57am in free chapter
email feature disabled claiming my email addresses, that of the FBI and United Nations sent to prove intellectual theft of type date elements on pillow in photo and request for arrest, judicial intervention through Human Rights, International Law sectors listed by web page as
fraudulent, mock addresses try again later
Greeenpoint Brooklyn NYC home of the sewer treatment plan and Marilla Palmer, posted 12.6.14 about 7 hours prior to 6am email: ssxnw dash 4792585584 at sale dot craigslist dot org
1. 79 being the old telephone exchange of my area, Bayside Queens, NYC;
2. 79 being within the realm of the 111, Queens;
3. telephone number tracking from phone books being the connection device used by fascists to fire from jobs for not being fascist only fascists, as confederates, need apply;
4. reference to area: codification for home invasion based on citizenship.
this at craigslist
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Declared a slave by, expanding to the world through deceipt for slavery, anti.constitutional tenets organized within US Department of Defense directly through Hilary Clinton, Obama. Coup.s planned expansion to other countries. Called : -Conquest-
Jon Stewart, Rachel Maddow, Maria Leon, Frank Marzella, the: Renna Cavallo Tozzi Capulli and relatives, George Wilbur Bush, Condalisa Rice -when the time comes and Oh! will it ever come if I have anything to do with it!-, WWII Nazi slaves in the US, Confederates, NYPD amplificators, FBI, Alessandra Mussolini, Gloria Steinem, Coalition for the Homeless, Queen of England
12.6.14 @ 5.23am
steps taken
1. false information provided to Stewart by my mother and her family, Gambino Anastasia associates to Bush, his infiltration in the CIA, Coalition for the Homeless, and governmental agencies should have me falsely arrested for fraud
2. moments ago, broadcast through the amplification by the police, all work will be blocked by a coalition including Elizabeth the II until
-I declare you me and Maria Leon.s slave for the rest of your life. You.ll account to me for your actions. You can.t vote differently than me. You will work for me. I.ll take your home. I declare you my slave. All else is only for confederates, and confederate allies. You are not equal. Not equal as a woman-
-NYPD @ 5.29am -Now will you be my informer?- from Precinct close to Ave B East Village
3. infiltrants in UN declare me a slave for Mussolini because Leon -greased the wheels with false complaints against you which we believed. Where were you the past twenty years?-
6.23am -When we plan a world war, we plan a world war!- Gambino through NYPD amplification, and for same.
Two emails sent, not one received;
Google blocks emails, Google and Yahoo, through Frank Marzella, slavist, estranged relative, if, post non.functioning link to this blog, when I expect full transcript of post. Since the birth of Internet. That and returned emails.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Jon Stewart, Rachel Maddow, Maria Leon, Frank Marzella, the: Renna Cavallo Tozzi Capulli and relatives, George Wilbur Bush, Condalisa Rice -when the time comes and Oh! will it ever come if I have anything to do with it!-, WWII Nazi slaves in the US, Confederates, NYPD amplificators, FBI, Alessandra Mussolini, Gloria Steinem, Coalition for the Homeless, Queen of England
12.6.14 @ 5.23am
steps taken
1. false information provided to Stewart by my mother and her family, Gambino Anastasia associates to Bush, his infiltration in the CIA, Coalition for the Homeless, and governmental agencies should have me falsely arrested for fraud
2. moments ago, broadcast through the amplification by the police, all work will be blocked by a coalition including Elizabeth the II until
-I declare you me and Maria Leon.s slave for the rest of your life. You.ll account to me for your actions. You can.t vote differently than me. You will work for me. I.ll take your home. I declare you my slave. All else is only for confederates, and confederate allies. You are not equal. Not equal as a woman-
-NYPD @ 5.29am -Now will you be my informer?- from Precinct close to Ave B East Village
3. infiltrants in UN declare me a slave for Mussolini because Leon -greased the wheels with false complaints against you which we believed. Where were you the past twenty years?-
6.23am -When we plan a world war, we plan a world war!- Gambino through NYPD amplification, and for same.
Two emails sent, not one received;
Google blocks emails, Google and Yahoo, through Frank Marzella, slavist, estranged relative, if, post non.functioning link to this blog, when I expect full transcript of post. Since the birth of Internet. That and returned emails.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Friday, December 05, 2014
FBI New York, Obama NYPD and art world lose mandate
11.5.14 @ 8.30am, epochal moment in US constitutional history
open admission to coordination of racial murders for cannibal commerce in the US, from the presidency on down, along with a comment on how both agencies proved their effectiveness in the field by -blocking my vote-:
plan to assassinate me as a -racial murder- arrange their Wanted to do the job, such as -Nucha Cushman-, who is Sandra Marzella. The photo is what they want me to look like or misrepresent me as. They just ordered to kill me in the street or through night break in, no sign of forced entry;
Italian governmental connection to the assassination is coordinated for FI Alessandra Mussolini by the second floor tenant, at 196.33 45th avenue, Auburndale, NY 11358 . The Nation.s very own van der Hovel who is derailing my subcriptions, a situation I have not been able to correct due to the tsunami of effluvia trown my way, lately, which is all I have left. The second floor tenant makes a covered announcement: let that be a lesson to you -anybody who interferes with our racial murders in the States will have Mussolini to account for, and the Hamilton, Jackson and Admiral Nelson families;
collusion: Art Forum, Art In America, Whitney, MoMA, Guggenheim, Fisher Housing Court Queens for my property to become a Nazi brothel, called -hospital-l, for Arab and English royal crown interests- for scoproerotoantropophagic torture and murder, through Marilla Palmer, a police informant in the Whitney, SUNY Purchase collections through Bowery Boy intercession, and well spoken of for same purposes, and also to blind artists in spaces in collusion with plan through laser equipment, by the glossies mentioned above ;
the FBI is arranging for Frank Marzella, an Anastasia connection, to erase posts from this and other blogs;
the emails sent yesterday were erased from my account records;
Manitoba.s at Ave A and Thompkins Square a concealed fascist Salo' brothel, -hospital- also a location patronized by Marilla Palmer and her husband.s band, the Fleshtones;
as soon as you walk in the scenario is as follows: some ersatz Jew and musician as a Borbone, Andrew Jackson, Hapsburg Richard the III, Hamilton, Nelson, tells you he.s from the Bowery Boys then makes your name-Nazi channel, and adds a scoproerotoantropophagic association to Bowery Boy, or Confederate Hapsburg antropophagic commerce, in my case, a recall to the Ben Leon, or-sow buttons-also a Jon Stewart, Maria and Lucia Leon team, who already tried to kill me in the 80's for my house, the 111, Queens refusing to take a complaint, who also coordinated me as a walk on for 9.11, as Condalisa Rice is for the next terrorist attack through as a Yankee misrepresented as in a collusion with Arab fundamentalists. The Leon are also Gambino, and connected as Pelosi is, to the murder of Pasolini through English crown Arab contacts in a Salo' type brothel. The Gambino arrests committed by the FBI do not resemble Leon in the slightest, while more than a thousand people they organized to stalk me do. They could be arrests of small business owners based on race, as are organized around me by teams of trash, including Gambino recommended B and H which use the same family contacts mentioned and a catch phrase, such as Enjoy, which I used for jewelry art and was arranged away in intellectual theft by Gambino Anastasia my estranged family and all others involved- the Leon also reproduce in an illegal prison complex connected to George Wilbur Bush, located in an unknown area, but referenced by the film Samsara involved in child deaths, another Gonzales Chairperson of Queens College CUNY connected to the Leon specialty. It also proposed examples of amplification in Nazi offices, much like the noise you hear in the air today. These are extra.legal sequestering torture and murder zones, much like the -Debtors Prison- just disbanded in Alabama: there is no such thing within law enforcement and it.s a throw back to the past as a sequestering consequence from Victorian England for people who could not pay their debt.
Yahoo CEO is boasting of allowing access to my email accounts to the estranged family whose persecution made me aware of these occurrences;
New York Transit Authority is also not only derailing trains to skip stops just because I could go to a cafe' there, such as Barnes and Noble at Union Square, by Condalisa Rice, but actually expanding the graft to the lighted panels on the subway platform which showed the skipped stops of the D train in question, last night: from 34th to West 4th;
ABC No Rio, a supposed leftist community center is also accepting contracts for the same reasons, but through aristocratic Italian trash connected to same -hospital- proposition;
The Coalition for the Homeless expanded from Whole Foods, listing in letter form locations I never even knew existed in Brooklyn and Chelsea, the Body what have you for some and is now sitting in dining areas at A and P.s very own Food Emporium rubbing in to HRA recipients how they can afford an inch thick lotto ticket pack while her family office partner is falling asleep on who knows what opposite her at the cafe' table.
Form the city that never slept, now the city overloading you with an excess of material.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
11.5.14 @ 8.30am, epochal moment in US constitutional history
open admission to coordination of racial murders for cannibal commerce in the US, from the presidency on down, along with a comment on how both agencies proved their effectiveness in the field by -blocking my vote-:
plan to assassinate me as a -racial murder- arrange their Wanted to do the job, such as -Nucha Cushman-, who is Sandra Marzella. The photo is what they want me to look like or misrepresent me as. They just ordered to kill me in the street or through night break in, no sign of forced entry;
Italian governmental connection to the assassination is coordinated for FI Alessandra Mussolini by the second floor tenant, at 196.33 45th avenue, Auburndale, NY 11358 . The Nation.s very own van der Hovel who is derailing my subcriptions, a situation I have not been able to correct due to the tsunami of effluvia trown my way, lately, which is all I have left. The second floor tenant makes a covered announcement: let that be a lesson to you -anybody who interferes with our racial murders in the States will have Mussolini to account for, and the Hamilton, Jackson and Admiral Nelson families;
collusion: Art Forum, Art In America, Whitney, MoMA, Guggenheim, Fisher Housing Court Queens for my property to become a Nazi brothel, called -hospital-l, for Arab and English royal crown interests- for scoproerotoantropophagic torture and murder, through Marilla Palmer, a police informant in the Whitney, SUNY Purchase collections through Bowery Boy intercession, and well spoken of for same purposes, and also to blind artists in spaces in collusion with plan through laser equipment, by the glossies mentioned above ;
the FBI is arranging for Frank Marzella, an Anastasia connection, to erase posts from this and other blogs;
the emails sent yesterday were erased from my account records;
Manitoba.s at Ave A and Thompkins Square a concealed fascist Salo' brothel, -hospital- also a location patronized by Marilla Palmer and her husband.s band, the Fleshtones;
as soon as you walk in the scenario is as follows: some ersatz Jew and musician as a Borbone, Andrew Jackson, Hapsburg Richard the III, Hamilton, Nelson, tells you he.s from the Bowery Boys then makes your name-Nazi channel, and adds a scoproerotoantropophagic association to Bowery Boy, or Confederate Hapsburg antropophagic commerce, in my case, a recall to the Ben Leon, or-sow buttons-also a Jon Stewart, Maria and Lucia Leon team, who already tried to kill me in the 80's for my house, the 111, Queens refusing to take a complaint, who also coordinated me as a walk on for 9.11, as Condalisa Rice is for the next terrorist attack through as a Yankee misrepresented as in a collusion with Arab fundamentalists. The Leon are also Gambino, and connected as Pelosi is, to the murder of Pasolini through English crown Arab contacts in a Salo' type brothel. The Gambino arrests committed by the FBI do not resemble Leon in the slightest, while more than a thousand people they organized to stalk me do. They could be arrests of small business owners based on race, as are organized around me by teams of trash, including Gambino recommended B and H which use the same family contacts mentioned and a catch phrase, such as Enjoy, which I used for jewelry art and was arranged away in intellectual theft by Gambino Anastasia my estranged family and all others involved- the Leon also reproduce in an illegal prison complex connected to George Wilbur Bush, located in an unknown area, but referenced by the film Samsara involved in child deaths, another Gonzales Chairperson of Queens College CUNY connected to the Leon specialty. It also proposed examples of amplification in Nazi offices, much like the noise you hear in the air today. These are extra.legal sequestering torture and murder zones, much like the -Debtors Prison- just disbanded in Alabama: there is no such thing within law enforcement and it.s a throw back to the past as a sequestering consequence from Victorian England for people who could not pay their debt.
Yahoo CEO is boasting of allowing access to my email accounts to the estranged family whose persecution made me aware of these occurrences;
New York Transit Authority is also not only derailing trains to skip stops just because I could go to a cafe' there, such as Barnes and Noble at Union Square, by Condalisa Rice, but actually expanding the graft to the lighted panels on the subway platform which showed the skipped stops of the D train in question, last night: from 34th to West 4th;
ABC No Rio, a supposed leftist community center is also accepting contracts for the same reasons, but through aristocratic Italian trash connected to same -hospital- proposition;
The Coalition for the Homeless expanded from Whole Foods, listing in letter form locations I never even knew existed in Brooklyn and Chelsea, the Body what have you for some and is now sitting in dining areas at A and P.s very own Food Emporium rubbing in to HRA recipients how they can afford an inch thick lotto ticket pack while her family office partner is falling asleep on who knows what opposite her at the cafe' table.
Form the city that never slept, now the city overloading you with an excess of material.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
who would arrange to refuse a credit card payment and address on the web for an animal house order for kittens and cats living outside in the winter in the Bronx?
George Wilbur Bush;
Condalisa Rice;
Bank of America, at Bell Boulevard, in Queens, a John Liu, Condalisa Rice contact for false arrests on charges of US territory terrorism, signaled by phone with a two touch tone sound. All of the involved report movements of the person targeted to whoever wants them to give birth to slave chillun, so they are seen in the same area. The digital medium is then used as proof that pixels don.t lie, you do;
estranged relatives;
Mary Mittler 48.63 211th street Bayside Hills, Queens, NYC 11364 to put them into a brothel, have them eat human meat on arrangement with -base- cops on a tour of military duty in Yankee side, civil war 1860 land infiltrated at the 111;
Petco Headquarters
9125 Rehco Road
San Diego California 92121 858.453.7845;
Confederate infiltration:
Whole Foods Bowery-where I was told not to shop at any location by a counselor at the Coalition for the Homeless posing as security that identifies himself as English and doing all of this for Catherine of Cambridge and her December visit to New York City, with her cheap trash swarming in the subway cars choosing their cut and their children, blonde and about 5 or 6, shouting at the ready made food counters of Whole Foods, Bowery that they want a BAyBey, this yesterday, no joke. Police have been banned from the entire store so there can be no witnesses that are not those called personally by infiltrants from the Coalition of the Homeless, who will sick his infiltrants in the NYPD on people like me_ they arranged for my section 8 to be stolen twice, and given to -their own- or slaves of these confederate Nazi fascist slavist rings, boasting about it openly in an office that displays, for whatever reason, mass marketed satanistic side dish jokes as books since everybody knows that slaves are devils and same for cats and women. Gloria Steinem and Ms Magazine staff recommend the organization,
The Bowery Mission, Coalition for the Homeless;
The Publisher of The New York Times who is overbilling me as a lower race. I have asked twice for the charge to be corrected, connected to a time period in which my bag with material and account notes, recorded payments was stolen, and reported as such to the MTA. I did not receive even an email to detail procedures taken to resolve the issue. Petco web claimed they could not process payment through the card info provided, claiming I needed to contact my financial institution. I called the newspaper, successfully paid the entire bill, will sue for the difference after Petco blocked another , say, hour of my time, to clear a non.existent issue at the bank,
Alessandra Mussolini, of the FI party in Italy, whose body hair estranged relatives are scaling like lice to get somewhere by organizing my abduction and murder through, unremittedly, and without even the slightest awareness of my rights being equal to theirs, since I was born;
as of 12414@ 6.15am:
Wei Jin Chang, 211.16 50th avenue Bayside Hills, queens, NY 11364 a JP Morgan through a female patrol officer wearing Crown, a name associated to Morgan, an old monopolizing railroad builder who enslaved Chinese for the project, middle build, long blonde hair who seizes homeowners in the Bayside Hills area with a team of about 8 officers in similar uniform, sequestering keys, bags, then abducting them to psych hospitals in some cases, through an old internal Dachau connection Long Island Jewish, New York Presbyterian, for a year, and kept from paying their bills, mortgages for the same amount of time her family.s access to law enforcement at the 111, Queens and slave from way back, still trying to drum up false evidence for the sequester in the subway, as usual yesterday morning on the 7 line, at 8am. Coming from an extensive stint of spying on people living in the neighborhood she moved in in the .80s with a father who was in turns, a college professor in economics, a tea leaf dealer, a coffee leaf dealer, a profferer of moon cake, then a set up artist of an babysat with mother a librarian at her say questioning the child if she had been touched, audibly as she was walking toward her house about 10 feet from mine, then enacting an abduction in my mother.s car or Wei Jin, coordinated in the CVS parking lot to prove I would interfere, twiddling a child with very different features than her but wearing the same family name in his den at the time of circumnavigation of possibilities in the neighborhood, then seen in a preoccupied run toward his house in the am when I had moved out and was in the neighborhood, then seen with the new coat as a dull mattress cover version of child, pointing me to exile but toward my house, then seen pointing toward me in my house with Crown as a patrol, thens seen with child gesticulated by Crown pointing me toward my own excision with her very own index finger, then heard spoken to by Crown who was ordering them as false witnesses in a car accident.
yesterday.s very own, two high school girls wearing a Bayside Commodore shirt in the 7 at 11.00am car 1998, looking like Hamilton and Nelson, contacts of Ben Leon at their own admission, residing somewhere in the upper 30.s on 88 avenue, Jackson Heights, whose sister still focuses on Indigenous and Jon Stewart for excisions, along with Italians, and who along with Carol Anastasia, tried to murder me for my house in the 80.s no complaint taken by a team of four identically hair colored men escorting the responsible party out of my house without nary a complaint.
the scenario, among the million I.m subjected to everytime I even think of stepping outside, a barrage of hostility and set.ups much like those in Chaplin.s movies, was enacted as this:
1. George Takei sits in a car, expresses feminine and feeling pretty. A Chinese woman, indignant at the affront, part of the same team that focused on Oscar Wilde, through the same Hamiltonian Jacksonian Leopoldine- means dirty in Hapsburg-set up artists but in Britain, and for the choice of cut in Crimea called by her, -errors- slams the newspaper down- a nazifascist signal- the two board the train in immediacy, and sit one seat over from him,intimating resistance to any self determined sexual preference at all, I sit in the empty seat, tired of it all. They move opposite and start a litany -
a. I helped an obvious Japanese, two on cell, the moonpie theme not having worked from an earlier decade or the tea leaves in their good luck curl for neapo-LEE-tans to get out of same town, every little thing helps;
b. two two engage in constant baiting implying I.m wanted by the law, and disgusting a blowjob-lower race unwanted for reproduction and marriage, offer me a job as a slave chillun producer, then offer to decapitate me like Cartesius was, after fleeing France during cant times, offered asylum by Queen Christina of Sweden only to have his body decapitated after death for having thought by the coeval cant curia seated in the Vatican at the time, much like my father.s bones, and in the night too! by Jew impersonators, or Salo' brothel trash, were exhumed from the grave, ground, and cursing my A+ grades for my Masters at -Queens College Queens College Queens College- that made me a professor, were glued to a molar, too good for me to have in my mouth for the Queen of England, so tilted left and right in a swing now decorated in a good luck Neapolitan -corno-or stalactite on the outside, because I should have stayed, as a woman in the inside of a walled brothel my entire life, aaAAAaaah, knowing the place my -race- put me in society.
c. I get pissed, tell those riding the car without a false arrest objective, one other person, to stay away from them, that I am not object of any investigation, that the matter is being reported even to the Italian constitutional court by me, the FBI, that they.re extremely dangerous and after us all as US citizens for the advent of US citizens as slaves for the Queen of England who just expressed those sentiments amplified through the same channels the Big Ben tone sounds from Saint Nicholas, a supposed Greek Orthodox church that infuriates during its annual celebrations is the performers they hired are professional and experts, duly witnessed twice.
I call them whores, which they are, and express steadfast wishes for their demise in this war we.re fighting against them in the Middle East, since the same team is also furnishing journalists to Isis through extreme competition which is slowly becoming synonymous to maddow, which can be a reference to -breaking heretics-then setting them on fire, which explains why:
the Puritans went to Sunday services bearing rifles- they were exiled after restoration from France, the aristocracy and Holland, the aristocracy fed the Tudors back in England and they were sent off to the colonies being unappetizing for having eaten only turnips not seasoned themselves in fecal or urine, and were not uptight about anything at al. Hell, they could have been also abducted in Ships of Fools, clearing out entire villages like they did throughout Europe from the Middle Ages on up;
how this bunch uses -radical- as an insult even for republicans and the military because both are constitutionalist.
d. they shell out a -police auxiliary- tell me to get off the train as I am getting off at my stop, also to shoot off a text to the FBI.
highlights of the rest of the day, arranged by the Mod Squad, in sequence, which now I can connect to the above thanks to late night early morning admissions:
Bowery Restaurant Supplies at 1.18pm
183 Bowery NY NY 10002
212.228.2900, 212.254.9720
Fax 212.254.0126
Toll Free 800.776.8893
E-mail: Pchang2033 at aol dot com on a business card in beige and darker brown script, Chinese characters towering arrogantly because of the bleach job that seized the Chinese from New York slamming them as slaves for the rail road, based on the same false arrest circuit that is now trying to fuck me over, not exactly from China and by choice in all cases.
as soon as I walk in, an accumulation of no hair fascist shaves in euro, males, and someone trying to frame me for copy cat shootings in the face since a Victoria is a Victoria is a Victoria is a Victoria is a Victoria in all colonized fabric swatches and boy will it keep you out of your business, including your country, to keep it all for itself;
my last name made, nazi organizing;
detailed as terrorist, royal slave side, 1776 US, 1789 France, 1899 Repubblica Cisalpina, and Repubblica Partenopea in Italy which failed through banking overarching taxes based on old feudal ties blamed on the Jacobins for being Jacobins false arrests home invasions, child abductions customs torture death and disappearing after promise of intervention by a collusion including Hamilton, Admiral Nelson and Napoleon which later coalesced in marriage to the Hapsburg and set people abducted to psych arrangements for the criminally insane people who refused to believe they were Napoleon and no one else;
was given no cash register receipt told there was a 25.00 minimum for a card purchase, bought two beautiful bowls for 6.00 each, costing in a smaller, staid version at Target, Threshold-yecch-15 a pop and was called crazy for being able to perceive the visual import of the pieces;
the written receipt reads:
12.50 for the bowls
111 for the precinct as tax
total: 13.61....
Just to watch the receipt disappear in the future, who will believe me trapped in Dante.s hell as people all day said they wanted to -sit- on me trapped somewhere under the water closet and on MTA buses too, followed by a snuff film team, busy blinding people on Jersey Street by Crosby yesterday then as Voice of America in The Bowery Mission, where my name was made by a volunteer as if I were regular clientele, while in reality I had never seen her before. I was told the Mission does not ask for tax exempt status and it was no business of mine...
Rainbow Kitchen and Hardware 276 Bowery St, New York NY 10012
where I bought a variety of Chinese good luck in business cats which I can.t get enough of, most left paw up, a tiny smiling, eyes closed, one both, another golden, chubby and serious, a food thermometer whose interest in balance visually also led to comment -crazy-two ceramic spoons @dollar for a meditation on whites now along with the bowls on a shelf a salt shaker that also drops grains in the neck inside, or me bled to death by a fascist collusion of Portuguese Spanish and English crown conquest of the Americas 1492 still going strong through their metal ties, with the Hapsburg hiding as a surprise birthday party until expansion uut West time in Andrew Jackson.s face.
There were two shaved, euro males, and the cashier a female, again with
my name, close to access of store: nazi organizing;
my name, at card purchase processing time: asked why, the cashieer was non cognizant;
communist on leaving the store: Hamiltonian Greek slavist for female leaving building, daring to venture alone in the streets so a woman of the streets
confederate criminal moniker for Yankee, or Civil War, US 1860+ against slavery, motive for the conflict, these days revisionistically denied and within immediate parameters and insistence by those who always have and always will and Northener in general after the Southern slavist states seceded from the Union, making the Bowery from to a foreign country for Newyorkers in toto, us as Barack Obama, Hamiltonian Nelsonian pharaonic prisoners of war because our life forms remind the Hapsburg of how they lost their penal colony, Italy and pay local staff good money to insult you while you compare prices for organic cocoa and are banged into by old women related to
48.64 211th street Bayside Hills, the home invasion adoption agency teaching its children to slap their codpiece fish crotch: it.s my house not yours you wait and see, ha ha ha and you as a dead chicken meal for the first false jew available, ha ha ha what can you stop, with military on duty from Giza, then Gaza 100 to 1 a Scholl pop at their previosuly called precinct Base.
As last time I dared approach the Bowery Mission, currently planning on eliminating the effect, notthe cause of the 80% increase sook in alimentary need from food kitchens and pantries lately since the HRA are blocking off from providing with food stamps ,
at Whole Foods Bowery 212.420.1320 on Houston at F train stop, 2nd avenue I am told I can no longer shop at ANY Whole Foods by a homeless counselor who goes by the name of Jeff there, not Mutt, also a reference to Duchamp and urinals, refuses to show me ID and refuses to allow me to photograph him and who by practice resolves no issues at all unless you have confederate ties at Coalition for the Homeless now not only disregarding providing legal aid-requested by me at least 10 times, housing, stealing Section 8 vouchers to destroy property that endorses the program, sets only confederate willing slaves into Public Housing to do the same, and who see it as a mission of mercy for staff descent from Hitler, Hapsburg, Nelson, a variety of Florentine fascist families, and the French Scarlet Pimpernel Ingres with Jon Stewart -the Scotch?- -Auld Lang Sein?-eyes aristocrat team is busy building stalls with doors and male pissoirs listed as women
-8.10am typo characters altered by hacker access of 2 floor tenant at 196.33 45th avenue, Auburndale, NY 11364 who coordinates details of my location as I leave return to have me abducted by the AIC as a terrorist for Alessandra Mussolini, who now bellows- not a little but a lot-can.t use innovative punctuation, sets them in a spin...so, for about 6 times, my women.s becomes women's as if spellcheck had taken a maniacal turn.
women's, as I was writing, with staff racing toward you, rabid, if you accept the nomenclature and use it, as an alternative to the other bathrooms, also male also female, but separate, inaccessible for works closer to the elevator banks.
The team, serialized me a photocopy of a letter from Connecticut, first state at bottom,silver medal New York, the former home of Marzella, along with New Jersey, involved with the counselor in persecutory rites against me because my will must be a codicil of a stranger claiming to be my uncle, and signed by a sequestering bibliophile.s serial by the rules reference to Barrett Browning, or Eva Braun, or the New Jersey blacklisting Hendrickson.s in the '50s that set sail to jobs for graphic artists who did not look like them, here in the states, are now investing in modern art through ersatz galleries where modern art is a boast of the torture human bodies for toreadors are put through because gay, by also ersatz names connected to the chairperson of Queens Collage another close relation to the Leon, to Hamilton, to the lower kingdom, and King Tut.s Wah Wah hut on Ave A with the Pyramid across the street with its soirees of yesteryear disco nites, and Thompkins, and the mess blocking everybody from benefits that do not look like them or are willing to sit in unairconditioned rooms for the entire day doing nothing seeing no one but harassing the client in need of, Tony Gonzales, Chairperson of Queens College CUNY.
Not to say, but after awhile don.t you get bored giving me names such as Mosley for a Dept of Homeless services who offers the same lack of service, Portnoy as a male partner, Allen the same, and so on and so on...I mean why not have me meet a real writer instead of a relative of Updike who represents New England in subway cars just to say -communist- in public, then walks off, followed by a new team at the next stop, that gets off when another addition is built to the house of XXX.
So this Barrett Browning signs the photocopy with Sylvan Ave Englewood Cliffs, NJ as a header, also home of the Marzella.
CC listed to:
Christina Minardi;
Paula DiMeglio -actual type, should be Di Meglio, means Say Better, Paula a monicker associated with the Braun klan;
Peter Ormond;
William Renna
really. A way of arranging and coordinating the hit through the Renna of Millery, my mother.s relatives by marriage at her say, living in Rue Centrale, my mother soon to be their neighbor without giving me my share of real estate sales also, dedicated to genocidally excisionist Casal Di Principe Caserta Borbone affiliated organized crime groups, who my mother invited to insult then deny with a you.re crazy my foot which they had never even seen at least with me awake to witness the process,then tell me that they collude through the 111 with a -Famiglietti - and William Cambridge to this excisionist process soon to hit me with an abduction for insanity, loss of property, loss of work, loss of loss, loss of dental floss, the river on the George Eliot...I mean, fuck you. Then Franca Renna starts with remember we were at the Napoli pool together, to which I removed myself from the trajectory and shot a text to the FBi that these people would not leave me alone, and in my house and at no urging of mine. Olimpia Marzella if that.s their real names, actually looked at me and said she was a -malafemmena-meaning a bad egg, gender female, or a song title, later also to be denied by her Biffy and Buffy answering message on the phone line.
The letter also claims to be serving me with a Notice of Trespass, with no legislative or juridical effort behind it at all. Tried by race and without even having to set foot at the proceedings.
last name sets me for an airplane abduction by Rihanna for the abovementioned cats, who are getting stained in black spots and at the eyes, filled with fat by injection, and a little too nervous at bastards feigning a friendly approach in their neighborhood, by running away. They're even being beaten by people who try to get close to them by offering them toys, a ball, what have you with the nearby fire department telling me paperwork is impeding assistance in hispanicoid, or my Auschwitz traipse courtesy of, under the name of
Rahana Gittens
Barrett the signature is listed as a -loss prevention-associate, so me hung as a thief for an English gallows KKK ceremony, in what costume...who knows. They left photos of a hanging, a woman, in US colony wear, brown hair, in a garage of mine, in Valley Stream, the garage with a US flag defaced by fecal matter and urine on the southern side of same, pinned to the wall. Cops called disregarded said refusing as usual to take a complaint. Same for an atlas showing Liverpool on the same meridian as Tripoli, Libya. Is that still there?
I have never stolen a thing from Whole Foods, have been shopping there since 2010 with no problems, and under the aegis of their racist arrangements through willing cashiers making announcements as of 11.26.14 calling for a prostitute in the store that and a duly camouflages, witty paen to the Tea Party as announcements of -Tea Members- can be claimed as announcements for -Team Members-. With base cover everything is possible, only for them.
and, come to think of it, I don.t know if it.s illegal to take food from supermarkets if hungry. The US and New York State both sustain a right to food and shelter as a constitutional right. For anyone. And considering the bank account of supermarkets and groceries, the right is not abused in the slightest. Another legislative effort by the blighty, I suppose.
The letter also lists a store in Tribeca, Brooklyn, Whole Body at Chelsea, E.57th street which must have opened within the past minutemen. Whenever I access the web page, these locations are nowhere to be found. So what is this? A joke?
at Dick Blick New York 1-5 Bond Street 212.533.2444 about 2.38pm I was treated as a thief my bags requested upon entry, a tiring matter, since I shop there regularly, and the Fabriano display was a mess because Italian in honor of
William Renna to the Renna of Millery.s Camilla of the Franca Renna, whatever her last name is, if she has one different than Renna. I mean these people have claimed to be pediatricians with rights of access to pediatric units in hospitals who do not even know who they are, like the Marzella who also pose as Social Workers. I do not want to and will not near, for emotional wellbeing. It.s not that I.m saying they.re not well connected, but that their connections make me nauseous, and please stay away does not work.
A big black box also blocks a little shack the cats used as a home, beautiful trees chopped, also where one of them would go to dream and look at the transparencies of a leaf against the sky on the property,trunks left for them to use as claw scratching posts gone, ground barer, harder, drier than winter desolation would allow with any plausibility, a spigot for water access at a park area, by Yankee stadium, now a gallon a day a necessity for us listed by Consumer Reports, has been sealed as well.
so we.ll see if this doesn.t stop.
all based on their viewing me as : -lower race- as their lexical contribution to culture, not stolen from Voltaire
sent to IAB NYPD, FBI, Italian police, Italian constitutional court, ANPI, BBB and me.
no receipt as of about three minutes in my inbox.
as of about ten minutes later, no receipt still through interference by Iolanda Tozzi, and Frank Marzella, hacking from who knows where. Will continue to send.
to IAB: please add to preexisting complaint beginning with 1;
to BBB New York: please consider these complaints against businesses mentioned, as to info you have under Alex Maffei. Until the message from Google is received which they link anyway instead of sending as text, somehow.
Receipt of emails also interfered to Associazione Nazionale Partigiani Italiani in Italy.
12414 @ 9.53am message on blogger email lists me as having exceeded the maximum number of emails that can be sent for today. Try again later.
Stay safe, New York until over is over. This month.s galish.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
George Wilbur Bush;
Condalisa Rice;
Bank of America, at Bell Boulevard, in Queens, a John Liu, Condalisa Rice contact for false arrests on charges of US territory terrorism, signaled by phone with a two touch tone sound. All of the involved report movements of the person targeted to whoever wants them to give birth to slave chillun, so they are seen in the same area. The digital medium is then used as proof that pixels don.t lie, you do;
estranged relatives;
Mary Mittler 48.63 211th street Bayside Hills, Queens, NYC 11364 to put them into a brothel, have them eat human meat on arrangement with -base- cops on a tour of military duty in Yankee side, civil war 1860 land infiltrated at the 111;
Petco Headquarters
9125 Rehco Road
San Diego California 92121 858.453.7845;
Confederate infiltration:
Whole Foods Bowery-where I was told not to shop at any location by a counselor at the Coalition for the Homeless posing as security that identifies himself as English and doing all of this for Catherine of Cambridge and her December visit to New York City, with her cheap trash swarming in the subway cars choosing their cut and their children, blonde and about 5 or 6, shouting at the ready made food counters of Whole Foods, Bowery that they want a BAyBey, this yesterday, no joke. Police have been banned from the entire store so there can be no witnesses that are not those called personally by infiltrants from the Coalition of the Homeless, who will sick his infiltrants in the NYPD on people like me_ they arranged for my section 8 to be stolen twice, and given to -their own- or slaves of these confederate Nazi fascist slavist rings, boasting about it openly in an office that displays, for whatever reason, mass marketed satanistic side dish jokes as books since everybody knows that slaves are devils and same for cats and women. Gloria Steinem and Ms Magazine staff recommend the organization,
The Bowery Mission, Coalition for the Homeless;
The Publisher of The New York Times who is overbilling me as a lower race. I have asked twice for the charge to be corrected, connected to a time period in which my bag with material and account notes, recorded payments was stolen, and reported as such to the MTA. I did not receive even an email to detail procedures taken to resolve the issue. Petco web claimed they could not process payment through the card info provided, claiming I needed to contact my financial institution. I called the newspaper, successfully paid the entire bill, will sue for the difference after Petco blocked another , say, hour of my time, to clear a non.existent issue at the bank,
Alessandra Mussolini, of the FI party in Italy, whose body hair estranged relatives are scaling like lice to get somewhere by organizing my abduction and murder through, unremittedly, and without even the slightest awareness of my rights being equal to theirs, since I was born;
as of 12414@ 6.15am:
Wei Jin Chang, 211.16 50th avenue Bayside Hills, queens, NY 11364 a JP Morgan through a female patrol officer wearing Crown, a name associated to Morgan, an old monopolizing railroad builder who enslaved Chinese for the project, middle build, long blonde hair who seizes homeowners in the Bayside Hills area with a team of about 8 officers in similar uniform, sequestering keys, bags, then abducting them to psych hospitals in some cases, through an old internal Dachau connection Long Island Jewish, New York Presbyterian, for a year, and kept from paying their bills, mortgages for the same amount of time her family.s access to law enforcement at the 111, Queens and slave from way back, still trying to drum up false evidence for the sequester in the subway, as usual yesterday morning on the 7 line, at 8am. Coming from an extensive stint of spying on people living in the neighborhood she moved in in the .80s with a father who was in turns, a college professor in economics, a tea leaf dealer, a coffee leaf dealer, a profferer of moon cake, then a set up artist of an babysat with mother a librarian at her say questioning the child if she had been touched, audibly as she was walking toward her house about 10 feet from mine, then enacting an abduction in my mother.s car or Wei Jin, coordinated in the CVS parking lot to prove I would interfere, twiddling a child with very different features than her but wearing the same family name in his den at the time of circumnavigation of possibilities in the neighborhood, then seen in a preoccupied run toward his house in the am when I had moved out and was in the neighborhood, then seen with the new coat as a dull mattress cover version of child, pointing me to exile but toward my house, then seen pointing toward me in my house with Crown as a patrol, thens seen with child gesticulated by Crown pointing me toward my own excision with her very own index finger, then heard spoken to by Crown who was ordering them as false witnesses in a car accident.
yesterday.s very own, two high school girls wearing a Bayside Commodore shirt in the 7 at 11.00am car 1998, looking like Hamilton and Nelson, contacts of Ben Leon at their own admission, residing somewhere in the upper 30.s on 88 avenue, Jackson Heights, whose sister still focuses on Indigenous and Jon Stewart for excisions, along with Italians, and who along with Carol Anastasia, tried to murder me for my house in the 80.s no complaint taken by a team of four identically hair colored men escorting the responsible party out of my house without nary a complaint.
the scenario, among the million I.m subjected to everytime I even think of stepping outside, a barrage of hostility and set.ups much like those in Chaplin.s movies, was enacted as this:
1. George Takei sits in a car, expresses feminine and feeling pretty. A Chinese woman, indignant at the affront, part of the same team that focused on Oscar Wilde, through the same Hamiltonian Jacksonian Leopoldine- means dirty in Hapsburg-set up artists but in Britain, and for the choice of cut in Crimea called by her, -errors- slams the newspaper down- a nazifascist signal- the two board the train in immediacy, and sit one seat over from him,intimating resistance to any self determined sexual preference at all, I sit in the empty seat, tired of it all. They move opposite and start a litany -
a. I helped an obvious Japanese, two on cell, the moonpie theme not having worked from an earlier decade or the tea leaves in their good luck curl for neapo-LEE-tans to get out of same town, every little thing helps;
b. two two engage in constant baiting implying I.m wanted by the law, and disgusting a blowjob-lower race unwanted for reproduction and marriage, offer me a job as a slave chillun producer, then offer to decapitate me like Cartesius was, after fleeing France during cant times, offered asylum by Queen Christina of Sweden only to have his body decapitated after death for having thought by the coeval cant curia seated in the Vatican at the time, much like my father.s bones, and in the night too! by Jew impersonators, or Salo' brothel trash, were exhumed from the grave, ground, and cursing my A+ grades for my Masters at -Queens College Queens College Queens College- that made me a professor, were glued to a molar, too good for me to have in my mouth for the Queen of England, so tilted left and right in a swing now decorated in a good luck Neapolitan -corno-or stalactite on the outside, because I should have stayed, as a woman in the inside of a walled brothel my entire life, aaAAAaaah, knowing the place my -race- put me in society.
c. I get pissed, tell those riding the car without a false arrest objective, one other person, to stay away from them, that I am not object of any investigation, that the matter is being reported even to the Italian constitutional court by me, the FBI, that they.re extremely dangerous and after us all as US citizens for the advent of US citizens as slaves for the Queen of England who just expressed those sentiments amplified through the same channels the Big Ben tone sounds from Saint Nicholas, a supposed Greek Orthodox church that infuriates during its annual celebrations is the performers they hired are professional and experts, duly witnessed twice.
I call them whores, which they are, and express steadfast wishes for their demise in this war we.re fighting against them in the Middle East, since the same team is also furnishing journalists to Isis through extreme competition which is slowly becoming synonymous to maddow, which can be a reference to -breaking heretics-then setting them on fire, which explains why:
the Puritans went to Sunday services bearing rifles- they were exiled after restoration from France, the aristocracy and Holland, the aristocracy fed the Tudors back in England and they were sent off to the colonies being unappetizing for having eaten only turnips not seasoned themselves in fecal or urine, and were not uptight about anything at al. Hell, they could have been also abducted in Ships of Fools, clearing out entire villages like they did throughout Europe from the Middle Ages on up;
how this bunch uses -radical- as an insult even for republicans and the military because both are constitutionalist.
d. they shell out a -police auxiliary- tell me to get off the train as I am getting off at my stop, also to shoot off a text to the FBI.
highlights of the rest of the day, arranged by the Mod Squad, in sequence, which now I can connect to the above thanks to late night early morning admissions:
Bowery Restaurant Supplies at 1.18pm
183 Bowery NY NY 10002
212.228.2900, 212.254.9720
Fax 212.254.0126
Toll Free 800.776.8893
E-mail: Pchang2033 at aol dot com on a business card in beige and darker brown script, Chinese characters towering arrogantly because of the bleach job that seized the Chinese from New York slamming them as slaves for the rail road, based on the same false arrest circuit that is now trying to fuck me over, not exactly from China and by choice in all cases.
as soon as I walk in, an accumulation of no hair fascist shaves in euro, males, and someone trying to frame me for copy cat shootings in the face since a Victoria is a Victoria is a Victoria is a Victoria is a Victoria in all colonized fabric swatches and boy will it keep you out of your business, including your country, to keep it all for itself;
my last name made, nazi organizing;
detailed as terrorist, royal slave side, 1776 US, 1789 France, 1899 Repubblica Cisalpina, and Repubblica Partenopea in Italy which failed through banking overarching taxes based on old feudal ties blamed on the Jacobins for being Jacobins false arrests home invasions, child abductions customs torture death and disappearing after promise of intervention by a collusion including Hamilton, Admiral Nelson and Napoleon which later coalesced in marriage to the Hapsburg and set people abducted to psych arrangements for the criminally insane people who refused to believe they were Napoleon and no one else;
was given no cash register receipt told there was a 25.00 minimum for a card purchase, bought two beautiful bowls for 6.00 each, costing in a smaller, staid version at Target, Threshold-yecch-15 a pop and was called crazy for being able to perceive the visual import of the pieces;
the written receipt reads:
12.50 for the bowls
111 for the precinct as tax
total: 13.61....
Just to watch the receipt disappear in the future, who will believe me trapped in Dante.s hell as people all day said they wanted to -sit- on me trapped somewhere under the water closet and on MTA buses too, followed by a snuff film team, busy blinding people on Jersey Street by Crosby yesterday then as Voice of America in The Bowery Mission, where my name was made by a volunteer as if I were regular clientele, while in reality I had never seen her before. I was told the Mission does not ask for tax exempt status and it was no business of mine...
Rainbow Kitchen and Hardware 276 Bowery St, New York NY 10012
where I bought a variety of Chinese good luck in business cats which I can.t get enough of, most left paw up, a tiny smiling, eyes closed, one both, another golden, chubby and serious, a food thermometer whose interest in balance visually also led to comment -crazy-two ceramic spoons @dollar for a meditation on whites now along with the bowls on a shelf a salt shaker that also drops grains in the neck inside, or me bled to death by a fascist collusion of Portuguese Spanish and English crown conquest of the Americas 1492 still going strong through their metal ties, with the Hapsburg hiding as a surprise birthday party until expansion uut West time in Andrew Jackson.s face.
There were two shaved, euro males, and the cashier a female, again with
my name, close to access of store: nazi organizing;
my name, at card purchase processing time: asked why, the cashieer was non cognizant;
communist on leaving the store: Hamiltonian Greek slavist for female leaving building, daring to venture alone in the streets so a woman of the streets
confederate criminal moniker for Yankee, or Civil War, US 1860+ against slavery, motive for the conflict, these days revisionistically denied and within immediate parameters and insistence by those who always have and always will and Northener in general after the Southern slavist states seceded from the Union, making the Bowery from to a foreign country for Newyorkers in toto, us as Barack Obama, Hamiltonian Nelsonian pharaonic prisoners of war because our life forms remind the Hapsburg of how they lost their penal colony, Italy and pay local staff good money to insult you while you compare prices for organic cocoa and are banged into by old women related to
48.64 211th street Bayside Hills, the home invasion adoption agency teaching its children to slap their codpiece fish crotch: it.s my house not yours you wait and see, ha ha ha and you as a dead chicken meal for the first false jew available, ha ha ha what can you stop, with military on duty from Giza, then Gaza 100 to 1 a Scholl pop at their previosuly called precinct Base.
As last time I dared approach the Bowery Mission, currently planning on eliminating the effect, notthe cause of the 80% increase sook in alimentary need from food kitchens and pantries lately since the HRA are blocking off from providing with food stamps ,
at Whole Foods Bowery 212.420.1320 on Houston at F train stop, 2nd avenue I am told I can no longer shop at ANY Whole Foods by a homeless counselor who goes by the name of Jeff there, not Mutt, also a reference to Duchamp and urinals, refuses to show me ID and refuses to allow me to photograph him and who by practice resolves no issues at all unless you have confederate ties at Coalition for the Homeless now not only disregarding providing legal aid-requested by me at least 10 times, housing, stealing Section 8 vouchers to destroy property that endorses the program, sets only confederate willing slaves into Public Housing to do the same, and who see it as a mission of mercy for staff descent from Hitler, Hapsburg, Nelson, a variety of Florentine fascist families, and the French Scarlet Pimpernel Ingres with Jon Stewart -the Scotch?- -Auld Lang Sein?-eyes aristocrat team is busy building stalls with doors and male pissoirs listed as women
-8.10am typo characters altered by hacker access of 2 floor tenant at 196.33 45th avenue, Auburndale, NY 11364 who coordinates details of my location as I leave return to have me abducted by the AIC as a terrorist for Alessandra Mussolini, who now bellows- not a little but a lot-can.t use innovative punctuation, sets them in a spin...so, for about 6 times, my women.s becomes women's as if spellcheck had taken a maniacal turn.
women's, as I was writing, with staff racing toward you, rabid, if you accept the nomenclature and use it, as an alternative to the other bathrooms, also male also female, but separate, inaccessible for works closer to the elevator banks.
The team, serialized me a photocopy of a letter from Connecticut, first state at bottom,silver medal New York, the former home of Marzella, along with New Jersey, involved with the counselor in persecutory rites against me because my will must be a codicil of a stranger claiming to be my uncle, and signed by a sequestering bibliophile.s serial by the rules reference to Barrett Browning, or Eva Braun, or the New Jersey blacklisting Hendrickson.s in the '50s that set sail to jobs for graphic artists who did not look like them, here in the states, are now investing in modern art through ersatz galleries where modern art is a boast of the torture human bodies for toreadors are put through because gay, by also ersatz names connected to the chairperson of Queens Collage another close relation to the Leon, to Hamilton, to the lower kingdom, and King Tut.s Wah Wah hut on Ave A with the Pyramid across the street with its soirees of yesteryear disco nites, and Thompkins, and the mess blocking everybody from benefits that do not look like them or are willing to sit in unairconditioned rooms for the entire day doing nothing seeing no one but harassing the client in need of, Tony Gonzales, Chairperson of Queens College CUNY.
Not to say, but after awhile don.t you get bored giving me names such as Mosley for a Dept of Homeless services who offers the same lack of service, Portnoy as a male partner, Allen the same, and so on and so on...I mean why not have me meet a real writer instead of a relative of Updike who represents New England in subway cars just to say -communist- in public, then walks off, followed by a new team at the next stop, that gets off when another addition is built to the house of XXX.
So this Barrett Browning signs the photocopy with Sylvan Ave Englewood Cliffs, NJ as a header, also home of the Marzella.
CC listed to:
Christina Minardi;
Paula DiMeglio -actual type, should be Di Meglio, means Say Better, Paula a monicker associated with the Braun klan;
Peter Ormond;
William Renna
really. A way of arranging and coordinating the hit through the Renna of Millery, my mother.s relatives by marriage at her say, living in Rue Centrale, my mother soon to be their neighbor without giving me my share of real estate sales also, dedicated to genocidally excisionist Casal Di Principe Caserta Borbone affiliated organized crime groups, who my mother invited to insult then deny with a you.re crazy my foot which they had never even seen at least with me awake to witness the process,then tell me that they collude through the 111 with a -Famiglietti - and William Cambridge to this excisionist process soon to hit me with an abduction for insanity, loss of property, loss of work, loss of loss, loss of dental floss, the river on the George Eliot...I mean, fuck you. Then Franca Renna starts with remember we were at the Napoli pool together, to which I removed myself from the trajectory and shot a text to the FBi that these people would not leave me alone, and in my house and at no urging of mine. Olimpia Marzella if that.s their real names, actually looked at me and said she was a -malafemmena-meaning a bad egg, gender female, or a song title, later also to be denied by her Biffy and Buffy answering message on the phone line.
The letter also claims to be serving me with a Notice of Trespass, with no legislative or juridical effort behind it at all. Tried by race and without even having to set foot at the proceedings.
last name sets me for an airplane abduction by Rihanna for the abovementioned cats, who are getting stained in black spots and at the eyes, filled with fat by injection, and a little too nervous at bastards feigning a friendly approach in their neighborhood, by running away. They're even being beaten by people who try to get close to them by offering them toys, a ball, what have you with the nearby fire department telling me paperwork is impeding assistance in hispanicoid, or my Auschwitz traipse courtesy of, under the name of
Rahana Gittens
Barrett the signature is listed as a -loss prevention-associate, so me hung as a thief for an English gallows KKK ceremony, in what costume...who knows. They left photos of a hanging, a woman, in US colony wear, brown hair, in a garage of mine, in Valley Stream, the garage with a US flag defaced by fecal matter and urine on the southern side of same, pinned to the wall. Cops called disregarded said refusing as usual to take a complaint. Same for an atlas showing Liverpool on the same meridian as Tripoli, Libya. Is that still there?
I have never stolen a thing from Whole Foods, have been shopping there since 2010 with no problems, and under the aegis of their racist arrangements through willing cashiers making announcements as of 11.26.14 calling for a prostitute in the store that and a duly camouflages, witty paen to the Tea Party as announcements of -Tea Members- can be claimed as announcements for -Team Members-. With base cover everything is possible, only for them.
and, come to think of it, I don.t know if it.s illegal to take food from supermarkets if hungry. The US and New York State both sustain a right to food and shelter as a constitutional right. For anyone. And considering the bank account of supermarkets and groceries, the right is not abused in the slightest. Another legislative effort by the blighty, I suppose.
The letter also lists a store in Tribeca, Brooklyn, Whole Body at Chelsea, E.57th street which must have opened within the past minutemen. Whenever I access the web page, these locations are nowhere to be found. So what is this? A joke?
at Dick Blick New York 1-5 Bond Street 212.533.2444 about 2.38pm I was treated as a thief my bags requested upon entry, a tiring matter, since I shop there regularly, and the Fabriano display was a mess because Italian in honor of
William Renna to the Renna of Millery.s Camilla of the Franca Renna, whatever her last name is, if she has one different than Renna. I mean these people have claimed to be pediatricians with rights of access to pediatric units in hospitals who do not even know who they are, like the Marzella who also pose as Social Workers. I do not want to and will not near, for emotional wellbeing. It.s not that I.m saying they.re not well connected, but that their connections make me nauseous, and please stay away does not work.
A big black box also blocks a little shack the cats used as a home, beautiful trees chopped, also where one of them would go to dream and look at the transparencies of a leaf against the sky on the property,trunks left for them to use as claw scratching posts gone, ground barer, harder, drier than winter desolation would allow with any plausibility, a spigot for water access at a park area, by Yankee stadium, now a gallon a day a necessity for us listed by Consumer Reports, has been sealed as well.
so we.ll see if this doesn.t stop.
all based on their viewing me as : -lower race- as their lexical contribution to culture, not stolen from Voltaire
sent to IAB NYPD, FBI, Italian police, Italian constitutional court, ANPI, BBB and me.
no receipt as of about three minutes in my inbox.
as of about ten minutes later, no receipt still through interference by Iolanda Tozzi, and Frank Marzella, hacking from who knows where. Will continue to send.
to IAB: please add to preexisting complaint beginning with 1;
to BBB New York: please consider these complaints against businesses mentioned, as to info you have under Alex Maffei. Until the message from Google is received which they link anyway instead of sending as text, somehow.
Receipt of emails also interfered to Associazione Nazionale Partigiani Italiani in Italy.
12414 @ 9.53am message on blogger email lists me as having exceeded the maximum number of emails that can be sent for today. Try again later.
Stay safe, New York until over is over. This month.s galish.
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Tuesday, December 02, 2014
NYPD 111 Precinct, Queens NYC amplified at 12214@ 6.08am covered also by P2 coup d.etatists in Italy and right arm of Al Quaeda known to 111 as Quintanilla who they will claim I know
Regarding a possible move to a nearby co.op requiring as gang member initiation a violation of a constitutional amendment, in this case the first, the erasure of all my blog posts:
with a self.defined -mayor- because she knew everybody's business, leaving for her Huntington mansion, with cops on the take ready and willing, and working force ped, bank robber, false arrest arranger, sperm donor in break ins, no sign of forced entry on clothes and bedsheets in your closets, necessarily after laundering, and fellow constitutional violator, Peter Mittler, still trapped by choice in the basement of 48.63 211th street Bayside Hills, NY 11364, with no access to the divertissement room- in about 10 years of next door neighborhood never seen any member of the family lounge even once in the game room addition, hell, or kitchen, while spotting them planning a bank robbery roosted on the roof, and the mentioned shouting above his lungs to two toddlers, whose father will never ever be caught witnessing, give me a blowjob or...covered by its inaudible after I hand delivered the tape at the ribald, foppish precinct of muscle men with the same high school bully sense of humor,
I.m mentioned as Alex, by the new ACLU where white does not mean European and even then, but supremacist, amplified along with security at Whole Foods Bowery busy getting paid off to throw me out or falsely arrest me, and told
to accept the new lodgings from the -entire police department or get removed from your house things on street,
violating not only state laws on illegal evictions, cops being the ones securing your right of access should that happen with a landlord, when, hell, it.s commonly held property between my mother and me, with me contributing work and rent
but, for the news of their right t investigate and -ruin property, lives, and reproductive ability based on race until the whole world is nazi confederate and slavist, with Ginsburg now showing off, and for a good twenty years, how this resolves itself with a trio od domino presidents from Clinton to Obama much indebted to annihilating any vestige of 1776 from this land, any minute now-: the main body of the constitution, never read by the same cops, who state right now, openly, they -don.t believe in it-along with codicils called amendments, with AP, Direct TV, NPR, Comedy Central, RAI television, Mediaset through NPR here frying the house up through a good nine wireless access connections trying to hack into mine, public for this reason, to first dib on the story having achieved credibility in harm to the constitution and me by decades of not even trying to help, and giving themselves over to the pioneering Hapsburg spirit by committing acts of intellectual theft, pouring acid on all my photography, damaging my father.s, stealing artwork, damaging my clothes, advertising contracts through the media set on me because Biffy.s miffed at my insolence at not understanding how I.m necessarily a slave, along with Italian President Napolitano throwing in a Merry Christmas Y.All, for his confederate share in the looting, arranged also by Alessandra Mussolini, whom Jews will claim is my namesake for the same reasons, through Bush Wilbur, the Arab Emirates-
-until New York is dead and gone and liberalism dead, and we can do what we want with our slaves, ex citizens all-
Giorgio Napolitano
Also violated:
Amendments 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10,13,14,15,19.
locks will be changed, I will lose my home, through Mittler, interference, allowed by my mother who just stated over the phone yesterday to her Real Estate agent who arranged it, that she had found something missing from her apartment and would change the locks, me homeless. Mittler has been in hiding in neighboring houses, no longer for a blowjob from a toddler he needs to consider lower race to get it up, but for me to run to the nearest chicken coop at 3.10AM in a state of Italian panic.
He checks for local U-Haul van location, stored in a neighbor.s garage, then other niceties of said trash necessarily continue. I have work to do, so...
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
Regarding a possible move to a nearby co.op requiring as gang member initiation a violation of a constitutional amendment, in this case the first, the erasure of all my blog posts:
with a self.defined -mayor- because she knew everybody's business, leaving for her Huntington mansion, with cops on the take ready and willing, and working force ped, bank robber, false arrest arranger, sperm donor in break ins, no sign of forced entry on clothes and bedsheets in your closets, necessarily after laundering, and fellow constitutional violator, Peter Mittler, still trapped by choice in the basement of 48.63 211th street Bayside Hills, NY 11364, with no access to the divertissement room- in about 10 years of next door neighborhood never seen any member of the family lounge even once in the game room addition, hell, or kitchen, while spotting them planning a bank robbery roosted on the roof, and the mentioned shouting above his lungs to two toddlers, whose father will never ever be caught witnessing, give me a blowjob or...covered by its inaudible after I hand delivered the tape at the ribald, foppish precinct of muscle men with the same high school bully sense of humor,
I.m mentioned as Alex, by the new ACLU where white does not mean European and even then, but supremacist, amplified along with security at Whole Foods Bowery busy getting paid off to throw me out or falsely arrest me, and told
to accept the new lodgings from the -entire police department or get removed from your house things on street,
violating not only state laws on illegal evictions, cops being the ones securing your right of access should that happen with a landlord, when, hell, it.s commonly held property between my mother and me, with me contributing work and rent
but, for the news of their right t investigate and -ruin property, lives, and reproductive ability based on race until the whole world is nazi confederate and slavist, with Ginsburg now showing off, and for a good twenty years, how this resolves itself with a trio od domino presidents from Clinton to Obama much indebted to annihilating any vestige of 1776 from this land, any minute now-: the main body of the constitution, never read by the same cops, who state right now, openly, they -don.t believe in it-along with codicils called amendments, with AP, Direct TV, NPR, Comedy Central, RAI television, Mediaset through NPR here frying the house up through a good nine wireless access connections trying to hack into mine, public for this reason, to first dib on the story having achieved credibility in harm to the constitution and me by decades of not even trying to help, and giving themselves over to the pioneering Hapsburg spirit by committing acts of intellectual theft, pouring acid on all my photography, damaging my father.s, stealing artwork, damaging my clothes, advertising contracts through the media set on me because Biffy.s miffed at my insolence at not understanding how I.m necessarily a slave, along with Italian President Napolitano throwing in a Merry Christmas Y.All, for his confederate share in the looting, arranged also by Alessandra Mussolini, whom Jews will claim is my namesake for the same reasons, through Bush Wilbur, the Arab Emirates-
-until New York is dead and gone and liberalism dead, and we can do what we want with our slaves, ex citizens all-
Giorgio Napolitano
Also violated:
Amendments 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10,13,14,15,19.
locks will be changed, I will lose my home, through Mittler, interference, allowed by my mother who just stated over the phone yesterday to her Real Estate agent who arranged it, that she had found something missing from her apartment and would change the locks, me homeless. Mittler has been in hiding in neighboring houses, no longer for a blowjob from a toddler he needs to consider lower race to get it up, but for me to run to the nearest chicken coop at 3.10AM in a state of Italian panic.
He checks for local U-Haul van location, stored in a neighbor.s garage, then other niceties of said trash necessarily continue. I have work to do, so...
the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of
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