tired of trite, bored by braggadocio, left and right puzzle alike? here.s a social satire and culture blog testing strained ethics all pre2010 posts stolen. I prohibit relatives, their fans from: me, contact, all administrative claims to decisional power or profit from info about me, in manners life, legal, medical, wear, social, intellectual or work, property, body, organ disposition, postmortem, alien to me. post hacking, slander is constant for slavery, torture and death also mine.
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- Alex Maffei, facebook page
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Monday, August 30, 2021
extreme hate, prejudice attempted attack on 5th avenue and 17th street 8.30.2021
Sunday, August 29, 2021
gray davis family serviced 2 queens children at cafe on 196th and northern blvd preferably greek for now, with " greek independence faces.I like to see them squirm". kira jolliffee, rolling stones acolyte, an english crown spy for these circles
npr, 1010am, mary mittler, kira jolliffe, sandra marzella hughues, unknown relative, peter zaremba all involved in preventing my access to swimming as a personal health approach for english crown
manhassett area, nassau county. extreme betrayal, belief " under god" extreme abductions
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Monday, August 16, 2021
the anatomy if a flight kidnapping
events occurring from 8.13.2021 through 8.16.2021
the anatomy of flight kidnappings
a crime , a false claim made by x warrants a call to 911 - my mother, her staff, and a concealed south vietnamese chase family connected team stole my reduced fare and snap - food stamp cards in a break in as I was outside smoking a cigarette
sympathetic souls hack into your phone and:
1. make the 911 calls ghost calls: no record in recent calls;
2. cell phone switched to airplane mode by hacker;
3. a hacking internet connection in my case called optimum 1 and something else pops a multiple series of windows ordering to connect to it.optimum does not service New York City;
4. calls to investigative agencies are recorded but blocked from receipt by another hack that claims to prevent calls from going through, promises delivery within 46 seconds, but does not;
5.a call to montauk police in suffolk county results in an invasion from confederate slobs from peconic after they arranged for tgeir cohorts in bayside- the mittlers- who passed the frequent low flight traffic as too noisy through queens community board 11 and allowed easier access to child cannibal markets through the traffic department by building speed bumps to justify the slow down and pick up of the children in various states of paralysis induced by them in front of houses involved in the commerce, after refusing to respect free room assistance in an emergency laws by beach front motels: all from carl fisher place to IG supermarket.this supported by trumped up claims of orange hair - mine- breaking into room 105 at sole. beach by staff at sole, I.m banned from the premises, no they didn.t find my cell and charging chord stolen on the 10 c bus. beach with the vacancy sign on - like psycho, by alfred hitchcock.the precinct, close to fisher place, responds by not understanding what the complaint.s about two times, wanting the name and address of the person requesting assistance and the location of the person.I say, I.m at the public bathroom right behind the precinct, she says she.ll send a cop right over.at requests to speak, she replies bithered and hostile that they.re busy at the precinct, what.s your name and address.
also death by extreme fatigue is the same systemic collapse induced by exposure to extreme hate, persecutory accusations, death threats.
Saturday, August 14, 2021
sustained nazifascist terrorist attack, in Montauk Suffolk County 8.14.2021
ANOTHER SUSTAINED TERRORIST ATTACK 8.14.2021 contingent vocally in support of salo' republic nazi mock state 11 years of nothing but nazi harassment talk willed by george bush to destabilize NATO , US.earlier on the beach insistence I should return as a slave to my family my mother.this insistence is continuous, continues to misrepresent US politics as nazi on a 24/7 hour basus with continuous line of concentration targeting me " until you need therapy" . team, male,female at guests quarters accessed locked office door, then left. could not secure assistence as emergency mitel voucher for extreme blight from motels: sole. called manager line after requesting assistance from office manager, female, refused esrlier.claimed no vacancy.rooms should be set aside for this. returned found office closed called thomas 631.668.2105 number on door at 12.00am as of 4.00am received no reply. in public constant affirmstions of walk through groups of murderous intent involving my own person, mentionings of belinging to fascist teams, attempted arrangements of kidnapping. one beach wear shop SW of carl fisher place, cement stairs leading down,merchandise visibly worsened, selling automatic rifle, handguns behind the counter.first shop from east on block accessible again through set of stairs going down. other motels refusing assistance: albatross, aqualina inn no staff in office, born free by the sea, montauk blue hotel, sands and across the street complex integrated to royal atlantic beach resort.motel with interstitial airconditioning behind sole. beach refused assistance. I wouldn.t of taken it.job by team up cbs,nbc johnson carolinas confederate job. bourbon crown fascist agents last week, present at citibank 24th street manhattan.refused overdraft and line of credit experian solely used, agent from amalgamated bank for soleiman, manager, supposedly union bank, denying access to fisher place, outlets to charge cell phones, team upstairs mentioned me, masochism,simulating nazi torture of me, for salo. . mentionings of me being jewish, will force me to be a nazi.false claims that the college professor,me, am blowjobbing them. false claims I.m their friend.
Friday, August 13, 2021
and, to top it off, incoming from the napoli contingent that defrauded me of my apartment in napoli declaring me never born
antonello florio, gun club producer sends two consular contacts over to my east hampton bench along with a hunter, a hughues, a cavallo, de grou coordinated with de niro because and for bosch industries he liquidated my apt by claiming I was never born.
a cop responding to a false complaint regarding me breaking in in immediate area, checks doors behind me to insure they.re locked- who needs them open at 3.29am. what.s worrisome is that I could be believed they could seize me and force me into a mental hospital.
they boasted of the persecution that falsely accused Dante of theft, not being able to say europeo for now, of having founded the term licola, of being a contingent from the Italian consulate in new york thst blocks access to comments, and - recanati-. that was the birth place of giacomo leopardi, an Italian poet I studied for a high school degree exam.
maria leon and antonello florio have sex and she sees him as her brother of noble descent, etc. leon was a backer of cbgbs a kentucky connected cannibal venture.she produced the ramones. this was new york punk.since the bust, none of the new york punk scene chose to take a stand against such goings on, so I got packing as a concert goer, considering the worsening of conditions and an extreme enmity derailment from a commoner side english civil war to this disgusting populist deriva.
the team also admitted to damage to NATO southern european division by otganizing under the term " licola" .
iolanda tozzi pane, my mother.s family organized me out of the guild hall show.
127 homes including mayoral in east hamptons were seized by this casale team employed by george bush, who is a reformation hessian tie to papal politicking and extreme removal.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
more extreme prejudice abductions.in Montauk.culpability admitted.
on recommendation of george bush, maria leon facebook and google email and blogs stand to be shut down because of too much interference by george bush and maria leon. one account, connected to my blog, is full of facebook posts in spanish by equadorian teams - leon.s nationality - including bank information, files in emails, etc.I continue to unsubscribe, they continue to send. this team abducted 4 people from Montauk and are cannibalizing a child now. found 4 pairs of beach sandals on a wooden staircase to the beach. this is what was said, by bush: " I don.t care" by leon" she.s just a child if a commoner. who is she to me. I deal with kings and queens all day long"
montauk extreme enmity attack.stun guns on children on beach ocean side 11.58am 8.12.2021
Thursday, August 05, 2021
8.5.2021 at 12.35am
KEEP VISIBLE AND OFFICIAL: technique used: you head toward your destination, they happen, an attack of any kind is made, severe enough to bar you access to what you need, you retrack and the environment is altered to isolate you within its new, hostile transformation, as if a stage set, they.re very flashy. indications to the location you headed towards are gone on your way back, or something.s removed as an impediment and as extension into harm to you, in my case, at the montauk, hamptons state park, street lights were turned off, or the way out or to safety are barred, it.s like a lure, friendly until the encirclement turns on you, but there is a need you feel engulfed, surrounded, a sartrean no exit situation - nazi invasion of southern france, vichy aeea during ww2, klaus barbie led- they speedily create, and just as easily dismantle after your presence in the area. maybe to confuse assistance or misdirect it. in the city multiple calls are made to rescue units, police, fire departments so the staff is thin, the location easily permeated by illegal enemy combatant raids, so you are costricted illegally in a seemingly plausible law abiding environment, constructed to passively sustain harm to you as a citizen by people with an incorrect badge number, or a crackerjack muddled badge, or one simulating lieutenantship but slimmer and just as muddled at the edges, like a fake id card or forged currency. the idea is to turn reality into a dystopia, a nomadic torture, kill and cannibalization stageset for the amusement of cognoscenti. to keep in mind, in New York City: NYPD OFFICER - 5 DIGITS; COURT OFFICER- 4 DIGITS; HOMELESS SHELTER OFFICERS: 3 DIGITS. that.s warfare on a civilian population. pay attention to surroundings. like the sun rising everyday, they should not change without warning or at your all important passage - for them. backtracking to safety has revealed itself a danger as well, like on my way to a montauk downs state park.I went to use a pool, and on my way to citifield , in New York City for the delta variant vaccine, where I was denied access to the vaccination by a white older woman led team of fundamentalists, using the - n word - to indicate their protestant forces with counter.reformation ties.that was in the 1500s.this is in 2021 with a secular tendency of lack if interest in religion felt by most of the citizenship, congregations dwindling not because of their being eaten, but out of choice, or a healthier,more positive, less american gothic living pantry entombment practice, not as shrill as english crown methodist post adolescents in salem, massachussetts, seizing even used underwear from smiths and brewers because they had a crush on the preacher and could arrest an A on a lawyer through a get out of dodge city by noon no thanks to his intestinal ties to the prince of wales . know the territory, in discrete bits, backtrack to a place of safety often, do not believe prohibitive stagesets or caveat canem signs, -beware of the dog- wouldn.t you be testy if they heat exhausted you in a stainless steel restraining collar with one inch prongs on the inside of the neck while holding the leash high enough to claim that a baby peckinese is an heir to jesus.s house because he floats above the sidewalk as a 7 foot tall brutish boor speedwalks him on a hit august day, 90/95 degrees and plus in montauk being reported as a 10 degree variance toward cool, typical of hampton/suffolk shorelines so the buses can skip rides, affirm hispanic bourbon race supremacy and cause you to doze in heat prostration in the bus, the 10C or so, with the heat on.and when his pal housemaid with notable heifer ties gets on the bus, on goes the airconditioner, only for her. speed dial in a complaint of EXTREME HATE EXTREME BELIEF EXTREME DURESS AT LODGINGS EXTREME REMOVAL and EXTREME PREJUDICE in to the Department of Defense.they.ll take it somewhere from there allright. insure your safety when getting through or going to where you.re going or want to be. the co.plaint usually works since they.re all blessed by a godson with clairvoyance, not ever EVER part of an enemy combatant line of concentration, EVER. toward the pool at Downs State Park, - I was even thinking of golf lessons- the signs were there signaling it around the bend.I accessed , saw a loungue, used a facility, retracked my step, decided, in hest prostration, that it was too overcast and cool to go for a dip, the lounge disappears behind a locked door thanks to personnel tbat denied the lounge being there saying they.ve been on staff for the past 30 years. before that, some post adolescent conveys the reason why by moving her body in a hostile matter, saying that the golf course, the pool, in a state park, is for "notables" and " only us". if a notable wants to cannibalize you it most surely can and will, who are you to go through burial rites. this in a state park. Montauk Downs State Park.at hither hills there.s camping and deer shooting, right in their home, hither hills. make it convenient. chase bank at carl fisher pkace monopolized the sewer: it reeked of shit only for them so I thought better of thrir toddler training practices - farst thar.s shaite to aite, then by tha queen, there.s mucus if you.re greek from st nick.s - a cult cover for nazi aviators extending throughout europe and turkey because they.re phenomenically openminded but you have to look a certain royal way to make it out of a lure of greek independence. and there.s a need to lure, to increase grief, or work themselves into a state of gore, block your way back to safety and surround and kill, changing the environment into its theater of agon, betrayed thought, and sheer maeneadism, then back again smiley and pleasant once when they.re done shredding a child as food because its profile in infancy is criminal. you.re the sperm, at the point of penetration, they.re the hostile ovum, the democratic lure turning exclusive and deadly , the enclosure inescapable, once you.re in like Flynn, and because you look like Flynn, as a parallel. as soon as you notice something odd, or hear the hostility, or they harm you in any way, get on your cellphones and make a complaint.that usually parts the waters like the house of orleans would, offended by the fact that moses, like a child abducted by some extreme belief crew, was,in origin Israeli, not the issue of a pharaoh.s left ball. always keep in touch with reality, location on, etc. never let theirs take a hold of you or the immediate environment.
Tuesday, August 03, 2021
payomatic manhattan refuses to load excella secured card, opts for another instead
hello! payomatic cash replenishment cashieers in new york city 23rd street by 6th ave and 224 varick, manhattan " mala" refuse to all money to excella card.try to sell another secured card instead.
Monday, August 02, 2021
in studio temperature,
rikers jail, madison family, new york city, new york state:
no victim.s rights for lower races only enslavement to the state or death in a brothel where your organs will be carved out and eaten.2 floor tenant, placed in home to.murder me for my constitutional effects, ben leon offer the latter. - if not we destroy your property with human blight -
8.2.2021 3.55am: temperature in studio, 82 degrees;
temperature outside 66 degrees.
8.2.2021 3.57am. cannot pin post on facebook.no command available.
story feature: no command available.
Sunday, August 01, 2021
extreme prejudice rush not abated yet
4.54pm 8.1.2021
found sewer catch area accessed when I returned home.mother, as usual, told me to mind my own business.
line of concentration noise from st nick.s, plus real estate agent for 2 floor tenant, and second floor tenant at 196.33 45th avenue auburbdale nuc 11358.they didn.t even give me their names.I want them and my mother out.
line of concentration courtesy of fried/ bush 111 nypd defrauded me of real constitutional effects with acuity since 2010 no resolution.have no air conditioning, appropriate ventilation may be abducted to brothel.mother refuses safety outside light removed inside door chain.kidnapping van parked in driveway right at my access.
chain inside my access door broken, no air conditioning, 111 precinct fried and team embezzled property 211.03 50 ave bayside hills 11358 through staff at rikers, rwady to kidnap.me to south vietnamese brothel where they torture red town extreme removal citizen victims calling the brothel north hanoi.
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