Friday, August 19, 2011

The Attack of the Tea Partier

You think only Michele Bachmann infiltrates entities like the I.R.S.? We have a Tea Partier who gets his jollies by carrying a Whole Foods canvas shopping bag to the local library.

Yesterday I was waiting for the library to open and saw a graying sixty year old tall man by the doors, carrying the Whole Foods bag. I struck up a conversation, asking him if he shopped there. We discussed locations, the Bowery store being the cheapest in my opinion, but the one he favored was at Union Square, since there is also an open air market there that sold organic garlic which I was supposed to smell on his breath at a distance of 6 feet. He lamented the demise of the small farmer, the same whose votes decades past supported entitlements. I mentioned how the Republican Party nominations were radicalizing into Tea Party candidates, and how they were Klan. He mentioned Monsanto critically, saying it had been involved in the production of Agent Orange. Then he started to tell me not to trust Whole Foods, he had read on the Internet that they were stocking Monsanto products, he would download the article for me since he assumed I came to library often. He then said he was for the Tea Party. I walked in the library, sat down with the newspaper funnies, he at the computers. After awhile, he comes over holding some papers, the article he had promised me, and says with a growl, here it is. I say thank you and put it in my bag. It was an article printed from the Nutrition Research Center dot org. I left the library, went home, tore the article in half without reading it, and placed in in the recyclable bin.

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