Monday, August 15, 2011

Hey FBI and CIA: you've got Perry to worry about.

The guy is openly secessionist and somehow was elected governor of Texas without anyone raising so much as a claim of treason against him. Where are the files? The Tea Party supports him and Bachmann? Where are the files on them? Why not look into funding, support and more for him and Monster Bachmann and remember voting doesn't mean democratic process: $30 dollars a pop in Iowa Straw is the proof of the pudding. A vote for these creeps is a vote against the United States. We don't recognize Hamas as legitimately elected, and rightly so, why should we these jokers who want to close down Washington anyway?

Other tip, in case you weren't watching: Perry was in the military, before going back to his family cotton farm. Why not look into those contacts of his and FIRE them instead, doing the entire country a big favor?

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