Friday, August 12, 2011

Outrage of the epoch

Not only is the United States Postal Service solvent, but it has had to deposit its employee contributions for pension and health benefit funds into a governmental account that then uses the money to pay for other agencies whose budget allotments have been cut.

So all the rash closings of post offices, the planned 20% cuts in personnel and the 5 day service plans are not due to USPS, but to government spending cuts by Republicans and some Democrats.

Hey, if lower ranks of society are still taxed and paying for the highest, and the highest are doing nothing for our country, if a soldier's veteran benefits are cut or next to nothing while a corporation gets to pocket stimulus plan money without creating new jobs just to show Obama, why don't the highest get the hell out of here and take their political vote with them, just like the Stones left England as tax exiles? They can hire their own thugs as a military force ( not that they haven't) and live in a spaceship. But then they'll try to charge us for maintenance of the spaceship.

When is this going to STOP?
Write to your representatives, and to those responsible.

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