Friday, September 09, 2011

Italo Calvino. People from Biella are a hard people. From Italian Fables. A farmer was going to Biella one day. The weather was so bad the streets were impassable. But the farmer had important business to attend to so he lowered his head, and went on, in the rain and storm. He met an old man along the way who said:" Good day! Where are you going in such a hurry, my good man?" -To Biella,- said the farmer, without stopping. -You could at least say:" lord willing". The farmer stopped, looked the old man straight in the face and answered:" lord willing I go to Biella. Lord not willing, I go to Biella anyway." Now, that old man was the lord. -Then you'll get to Biella in seven years,-He said.- In the meantime go jump in that marsh and stay there for seven years. The farmer was suddenly changed into a frog, then jumped in the marsh. Seven years went by. The farmer came out of the marsh, became a man again, pressed his hat on his head, and started on the street to the market. After a couple of steps the old man appeared again.-"Where are you going, good man?" -To Biella. You could say " lord willing" If the lord is willing, good, if not I know the deal, and by now I know the way to the marsh too. It was impossible to get more from him.

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