Monday, March 26, 2012

21 CENTURY RELIGION. Bolstered by the current upswing of religion in politics and all things secular, from the Arab Spring countries to the States, where it took a Democratic president to exempt religious employers from the equality in contraceptive coverage with the same religious employers now briefing the Supreme Court to exempt all Americans from comprehensive health coverage, since the court has ruled to favor the spiritual administration of absolution regardless of the existence of law enforcement agencies, Pope Benedict XVI has decided to throw his weight around the world, much as Angela Merkel throws hers around Europe. Now in Mexico, just to illustrate how efficient the metaphysical legislature will be, the Pope supports the conservative PAN party in the upcoming election by fondly recalling how he sentenced a Father Maciel, a rapist of seminarians, to a life of prayer and penance, in choosing not to visit with victims of sexual abuse in the country. Next stop Cuba, to convince President Raul Castro that socialized medicine is an affront to procreation, status differences between people and to the individual right to higher premiums.

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