Sunday, March 18, 2012

THE FCC BAN. If one starts from a standpoint of freedom, justice and all-inclusiveness it seems untenable to support the FCC bans since, not living in a perfect world, one might support a biologically determined ruling class and another might claim that racial (white, black) riots are justifiable only to support brain-deadening power structures that have nothing in common with governing. I mean, I still need to say that Grover Northquist is a dumb twat in waiting for a dead genocidal master who thought he could submit millions ptolemaically. And it also follows that I have nothing in common with a power-fucker bumbo who limbos also for the cheap thrill of rubbing her pair of Chanel pumps in my face. Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut was sexist and classist; calling someone a slut isn't necessarily so. And the ban is classist.

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