Tuesday, April 10, 2012

CROSSROADS DENIES PRESTIGE ITS HEREDITARY RIGHTS. Steven J. Law, the chief officer of Crossroads, the Republican superPAC that lobsters to President Obama's Priorities USA Action shrimp, is complaining that Demoratic strategy for the election campaign will remind its voters that prejudice, exclusivity and an entire set of supposed values having nothing to do with capacity determine income and create social status in this country. He calls it a "dystopian vision" and a "narrative" that "has some gravitational pull." In the meantime, yesterday President Obama was extolling the virtues of natural gas versus oil dependency, which is all fine and dandy, unless one takes into account that fracking as a means of extraction creates one hell of an inflammable and chemically redolent dystopian reality for those whose only access to water is from aquifers in the general area of gas deposits.Why not find a better technique?

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