Friday, August 24, 2012

FEEL LIKE MONEY LAUNDERING FOR NAZIS,TOO? USE THIS ACCOUNT! CHASE FRAUD, SELF-ADMITTED NAZI MONEY LAUNDERING ORGANIZED BY TENANTS WHO ARRANGED TO KEEP MY ACCOUNT OPEN AFTER THE MANAGER AT 196-03 NORTHERN BOULEVARD TOLD ME THE ACCOUNT HAD BEEN CLOSED AND WANTED TO FREEZE ALL MY FUNDS. I WAS JUST THREATENED BY THE DOWAGER TENANT HERSELF, AUDIBLE THROUGH MY DOOR: FURTHER INFO COMING. In my mail, the bank account still results open. The statement reads June 09,2012 through July 10, 2012. The withdrawals were never made by me. Statement from:JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. PO Box 659754 (1959 being the year of the founding of the U.S. Nazi Party), San Antonio,TX 78265-9754. The whole series of numbers above an irregular computer bar, that my name and address: 00377438 1 AV 0.35; under computer bar: 00377438 DRE 802 149 19312 NNNNNNNNNNN T 1 000000000 06 0000 T561733 P12442: before I continue let me say that the tenant is also willing colonist coolie ghettoizing the Whitestone, Bayside, Oakland Gardens, Auburndale area with the collusion of elements of the 111 Precinct by carting people,homeowners off to mental institutions. She just accused me today of threatening her with a hammer, and none of the redistricting or voting information for the primaries have arrived to this house. The cops called to take a harassment complaint did not, and a male said that my house was her casa. Continuing: Under the series of numbers above my name, Alexandra V Maffei, there's my address,which I will not divulge (do the legwork) and then top right under the dates June 09,2012 through July 10, 2012 (July 10?!?) the Account Number: 000000945815728 with Customer Service Information: Web site:; Service Center: 1.800.935.9935;then Deaf and Hard of Hearing: 1.800.242.7383; then Para Espanol: 1.877.312.4273; Then International Calls (what, Chase?)1.713.262.1679. Sideways, along this telephonic extravaganza is a series of differently wide computer bars, with the following numerical sequence written in the approximate middle: 19360012230000159401. The Beginning Balance in bold(my cursor mysteriously disappeared as I was writing this)$592.04; In lighter: Deposits and Additions $60.00. Fees and other withdrawals: -652.04. Ending Balance (in bold) $0.00. See how people lost their mortgages and houses?A Bank deposit listed on 06/12,as Bank Credit:$60.00. Under that, Total Deposits and Additions, in bold $60.00 (me, deposit? In a closed out account?). Here are the supposed ATM withdrawals: 06/12 at 0087330609196-03 N'Thrn.Blvd. Flush'G NY (Auburndale) 05611509030922207 for $60.00 (Sure.)Same date, different numerical sequence: 0089420610196-03 same reading of location. Then numerical sequence 05611509030922207, for $20.00. (Sure. Yup.)Then, same date, numerical sequence, but listed horizontally twice:0090400611196-03 same writing, then numerical sequence 05611509030922157, for $20.00. (Sure. Yup. I won't say anythin' massa.)Then, same date no numerical sequence, listed as a Withdrawal:$300.00. Then same date,no numerical sequence,but, agian, listed horizontally, twice: $192.00. Then, my lucky day: 06/13 Withdrawal,single listing, no numerical sequence: $60.04. Total Fees & Other Withdrawals: $652.04, this in bold.Behind, a blank page, urging me to balance my checkbook, and JP Morgan Chase Bank,N.A. Member FDIC with a little hut under which it reads: EQUAL HOUSING (in light) LENDER (in bold). Yup. FUCK YOU. Oh, and I forgot: well, not exactly, since devious ways need a mental adjustment to catch them: On the nevelope, delivered when I was otherwise imposed upon, but necessarily in my possessions: For undeliverable mail ONLY,please return to: (in bold) P.O. Box 659732, then, under: San Antonio,TX 78265-9751. No post mark on the envelope, just listed as Presorted First class Mail U.S. Postage, PAID (in bold) NSP. Again, FUCK YOU. YOU AIN'T SEEING A DIME OUT OF ME. Also, my new bank, DIME, is withholding payment on a check to the New York Times, listing my balance as more than it should be so that, should I not add and subtract, I would overspend. This also helped by retailers who have misquoted prices, such as Rizzoli at 57th,which overcharged me by .03 cents and quoted me the wrong price twice since I'm a brunette, so overall Semitic for the Arab like Jew like "Nigger" team (?), not cashed checks, as the Art Student's League, teams of fund depleting Ashley's at The New York Times, Condalisa Rice infiltrations at Levi's USA, with funds made available for payment doubled for holds, so I would have less of an amount available, this at Levi's. See what happens when you name your child Weighin' Change, and mean it? Railroad indentured fun, via Robber Baron JP Morgan, alive and well in redistricting.

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