Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cuts on body, dark areas marked by needles on body, and the soles of my feet blackened withh color put in the resulting cracks to prove I was a Peter Mittler slave, when I never have been, thei sth eultimate stroke of genius of Marilla Palmer's. Harassment by the Tapiero children today at abput 4:00PM  implying I was not a pederast I was an Italian and not a slave, or the result of an abduction of child from a good family murdered to take the house over for Nazis and confederates; CROCS yesterday: an arrangement of Condalisa Rice, Caroline Kennedy,Kelly, George Bush and Petreus to harm my feet to sell my heel and foot to nazi cannibals including the Queen of England. The Tapiero broke in, and stole the shoes I had bought substituting them with a worse model. A delegation of their trash was there at the store harassing me with a false witness threatening me with abduction to a brothel where my leg would be severed slowly for two weeks and the thigh flesh would be mounted on my face and I would be kept half alive for two days, then they would suture it and add two black eyes, or balls to the side and symbolize my body as a fish. They would them enjoy eating in and revel in its decomposition. This is the destiny for all US and democratic government citizens and the advent of slavery. I spent hours searching for shoes, with everything overpriced, illmade or demeaningly ugly. Even after extreme care, my feet still show rough patches and black in extremely dry cracked areas. Some skin was removed so the dark would deposit in an irregular manner;

The Queen of England used Elan Portnoy's penis shape non erect and then erect (we were engaged) to exchange my Ralph Lauren socks with a smaller model, as if knowing him but not knowing who he really was, and discounting my leaving him would inevitaly make me a slave.

" Marta Tapiero's son spied on my password below, and says as "Mom, I spied on her password, now what?"

Also, the New Yorker customer service staff in agreement with the Tapiero arrange for them to steal the magazine, and deliver it late ( a genocidal contract). I call in, and have asked them to record the lateness in my account, and the staff has invariably refused to do so. The day after I call, so far, twice, the magazine is placed in the foyer, before actual mail delivery. The staff says thanks, Tapiero responds Oh don't mention it, which is what I say, so it seves to identify me to whomever. "

The above bracketed sentences were to be added to the end of the message, since I wrote them after that entire text of the post. Tapiero is responsible for this.

There is nazi slave organizing at 196th avenue south of Saint NIcholas: today's the second time I've seen substances, chemicals, thrown on the street for their slaves to pick up and use after breaking in our houses . There are no good vitamins on the market, plastic (acetate)  is being sold as Vitamin A and E, cellulose will occlude your circulatory system, and many products list phosphate which binds with calcium to thicken arterial and venal walls, and which is banned from sale in New York state but is endemic in all vitamins I've seen, from Centrum to One a Day, to Rite Aid, to Duane Reade, to all the other brands on sale. Vitamin E as tocopherols is on sale at 25.00,but the same company sells smaller confections with vitamin E as acetate, so that this break in trash can substitute it after you buy it.

Do not shop at Kmart at Astor Place, New York: they spy your purchases for confederates and nazis, organize for them before you, even in spite of you: yesterday an obese mammy whore with a wrap for headgear said I didn't fall for a purchase to a mas of lurid smiling confederate trash, the cashieer on three openly organized a CROCS fishmaker at her register, threatened to punch my face, said I was racist, that I threatened to punch her face, and alled the manager who sustained the tale. I shouted she was a Nazi slave instead, and I wasn't racist at all, and that the whole matter was a frame.

196-49 45th Avenue was indicated by CIA's Petreus agents who were driving a joke car with license plates ARF something, so he's also someone's slave, and not working for us, implying the house would be theirs. I told them to go to hell, and that they were involved in confederate subversion, and the house had been eyed by the Tapiero as well.

At Waldbaums by Crocheron Avenue, I returned paper towels that had been substituted at night by the Tapiero with half sheeted ones, which meant they wanted to arrange for my heart to be eaten at their private ocation, on a surgery table. My legs and arms seem to fall asleep too often through the Tapiero's night time injections of who knows what, so that the circulation going bad, they can sell my limbs. The Cavallo, my mother 's relatives are involved in the same business,and they think this is advertising, what can I stop, and more. My  left leg is worst off. I eat light, no fat, vegetables and fruits, so there is no reason other than this filth getting involved for my limbs to fall asleep like they do. Marilla Palmer and Wilson Tapiero are organizing for tattooing the soles of my feet again tonight, in my sleep. They must apply some acid and file the soles. Marilla Palmer resembles a dog, and Wilson Tapiero is Hispanic, so their accomplishments seem moot, and my writing about them should limit their range, and their ultimate productivity. I've never hit anyone in my life, and I feel like buying tickets for this.

I've been stalked by them, neighborhood ghouls, including 37-39 which is incorrectly marked as 37-35 and which the hacker just turned into 27-39, to poison my food.

Julian Assange is also camouflaged to the left, and involved in this, it seems.

Back to Waldbaums: You want it confederate? Go to Crocheron and Francis Lewis to see what you'll look like if you do. My receipt was mutilated by the Tapiero at the bottom when they substituted the paper towels and looked through my files, and the trash at the service desk at Waldbaums Crocheron tore the top off (for the Savoia and bone chewing for the Borubons, which brings 196-28 45th Avenue, Auburndale, New York City, BNew York 11358 in, 32, 37-39 incorrectly marked 37-35, and the Mittlers at 48-63 211th Street, Bayside Hills, New York City, New York 11364, 211-16, 212-02, Ellen Hinds from 211-03 50th Avenue who still doesn't own the house but plans on using it for access. She's a white supremacist terrorist who puts infants in refrigerators, and them  tears limb by limb, keeping them alive for weeks in the fridge. She comes to live there, please consider shooting her and whoever accesses the area, same for the others involved, at the other addresses: for what they do they stand to be assassinated by injection by the Israeli secret services. 32 thinks he can store his trash in our garage, which the Tapiero have no access to, since  considering house placement, he is destined to eliminate us: the real estate agent who arranged for the sale of this house to us, the seller, and the podiatrist at the beginning of the block, 45th Avenue and Francis Lewis, arranged for the murder of the disabled, and their torture, for Nazi groups, because for them they are ugly. Again, consider swat teams. They don't deserve to live.

I was followed by a Waldbaums contact with fish legs and false private school student uniforms to the mall, where she actually told me she was there to spy on my purchases, see what I would buy, and proceed to kill me. She was a mess of a Jefferson Davis whore. Again, consider swat teaming that supermarket, it's full of the worst trash I've ever seen, even worse than the Waldbaums at 47th Avenue, and Francis Lewis, they're filthy and disgusting, inept, hateful, incompetent, brutal, and all think they can enslave us. For that matter an idiot here at 44, which has been on unemployment, is convinced she can enslave me. I'm a professor, I'm not involved in crime, I do not know them, I have no questionable acquaintances,and I do not know, or speak, or have anything to do with any of the neighbors and like to keep it that way. I have never seen or heard such human dregs as those at Crocheron when I'm there, ever. they whisper yor name behind your back, insult you, imply they know you. threaten you, spy on what you buy, are serial about food groups, launching themselves in bunches if you near the milk, or cereals and accumulate carts to try to cause an incident.For food. In a suburban area, with the highest rents of all of Queens, and good school districts. It's as if those living in houses  here started acting up suddenly for the beniefit of the worst invasion of human refuse ever seen: there's coolies swathed in joke wear who follow you on the street for your shins, cashiiers at Convenience Stores that sell newspapers, which, if you buy, categorize you as a whore because you read, and, at SAI-Te Amo on 211-12 northern Boulevard a man says he would rather sell to men, using a whore to sell to women, and that whore's cloned face has been following me with fierceliness as I take the subway, go to the city (for what! She says. Must be a whore!"come work for me, I can afford you for now, there are ten thousand john from the South that want to torture you up to a point for being not a Southern Belle, if you know what I mean? I see the North as a growth industry, I really do. So what if I inform on you from Peter Mittler, the Tpaieor and your mom, if she wants to inform on you, she might as well to me or to Singh who has vested interests in keeping you insane for as long as he can stick his long cock in your mouth and luagh about it for having insulted a professor, a brilliant mind. Wjat do you think those cops were all about at (...) abductions? They want to humiliate northeners with southern spies until the world is slavist, untyil the world is yours, and yours, and then mine, and then yours again" etc. This because the hacker tells her, and she's amplified at Saint Nicholas, who was stalking me and rubbing their noses up in cosmopolitan anti semitism. I was intercepted by african coolie whores with their "charges": if they get indignant, it's because only their masters who rape them from 0 to 6 can call them that, and they need to feel them by telepathy, to be told what to do by a voice in theri head, to kill you if that voice leaves them for a minute, and so on. And all this for the elections. What's happening is absurd.

Please seize the assets of these firms and close them down.

Again, see Breakingnewts totle for details on alterations of orthography and sentences.

See the spaceing and added sentences above.More Tapiero interference.

Frank Marzella also sees prostitution as a career opportunity, same as staff at Fordham University, same as Saint John's, same as Queens College, not at Hunter or Brooklyn.

Another reason why I'm stalked by trash I would never be caught with dead and that is patently obvious especially by their outer wear: it's to imply acquaintanceship, knowledge of one another, and my state of being mute and perennially lost in thought , for them, incomprehesible and brain damaged away from long and short term memory and grateful for it, Queen of England included, to  able to interpret my extreme removal from them and revulsion .

Daniels is grateful for there being no reference to teeth, sks Marta Tapiero or whoever who arranged for the hacker, and was told she did along with Condalisa Rice.

Also, more importantly I awoke to a mixture of tan and rust red in my mouth, same color substances on the street for the slaves to pick up and use on us.

There are implications that my mother sees my career, my seriousnes, and my achievements in this blog and elsewhere as nonexistent, which only prostitution and debasement, limb selling, can ennoble. To me this is incomprehensible, and not the values I've grown up with. Wilson Tapiero shoots his gun outside the window and wants this communique transmitted:" I want you to prostitute with my sister, if not I'll com eup there and rape you, then you'll be ruined goods for a republican, too communist for a democrat, and a ruined whore for me and my family to capitalize on. That's it, end of story."  I think of Renaissance humanism, art, literature and writing, journalism, accomplishments, and values based on ethics and spirituality, and free thinking, and this fool shoots a gun out his window threatening me with rape and used goods, seeing high heels as the sign of a true woman, a vleach job as an assent to white supremacism,  and a cheesy pimp mobile as a vehicle to stardom and success? I'll be ruined goods? For Mary Mittler, I'm hoity toity, for my mother too? And who exactly did my mother marry, if I was raised like that? What happened? An epiphany of trash broke loose in her life? I hope for her sake its\'s the stress, because in all of this what can a poor girl do but eat her menstraul fluids, and get pissed in the face for a living, I haven't changed at all. Now that whore who enjoys torturing me at 39 mismarked 35 who thinks she whores by mind starts in you haven't changed? Alex Alex alex? I don't even know what she looks like.

A room rental was spying on me today at Rite Aid as I was buying things for my feet: everything's swamped with coconut betaine, heart attack agents. This comes as a push to conquer the North by nazi fascist  and confederate flag flying slobs who see us as the throbbing, cringing, suffering body of a beached whale. I'm getting a gun permit.

A Queens College connected whore, possibly a Gotti, just cliamed that"now I own the blog".
I fogot to mention that the penile dimensions were reproduced in stealing my socks so I would be forced to have blackened tattooed feet and fingers (now, with this I have proof that it was Mittler who broke in my house and tattooed some lines under a flap of cut skin on me left thumb and I am planning on suing all responsible out of these neighborhoods, and back into their pig fucking farms) and leaving behind Ralph Lauren (Lipshitz) smaller ones. Lauren's relative married a George Bush relative. They could have done something to my other socks. A diminitive wrinkly whore was arranging for a cover up for the foot damage at Waldbaums, thia arranged by Frank Marzella. I bought great shoes, cheap, and comfortable, for two dollars a pair. He arranged to have the green changed with an Indian Scout child abductor worn pair, to show me a lesson, to say he doasn't like green, and to make me a prostitute, since he became a Uniroyal chemist for him without a college degree. My houses must be run by a man, I should give him my money, live on nothing but "blowjobs for awhile and marry him for the money I would bring him as a writer. End of story". There's no telling where and how insanity lurks in his mind, or his family's or his patriarch's patriarch. He comes near, I have a gun, I'll call the police. I can't get out of it, I'll shoot him in the
fucking  face until he exhales his last break backwards for trying to put me there himself. That's all, folks.

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