Saturday, September 08, 2012


My urine is slightly  green. I do no drugs, and there's no change of a urinary tract infection. green urine is the sign of propofol use, an injectable hypnotic anaesthetic. The Tapiero don't know how to dose it, because this shit has been going on for years. They must inject you as a second stage measure: the first must be something administered by inhalation, how not to awake at the feel of a pinprick?  See what these filthy trash are doing? Poetic justice, something which affects Marta Tapiero, would have led her to use the pharmaceutical, since indomethacin is used to relieve osteoarthritis, which my  mother has. Then indo, since she's a cunt bag in that language at someone's say. there debating what I'm writing, Wilson Tapiero is uhmming in pleasure, they're slamming each other againt the walls, and cunt bag said "We'll say she's paranoid". Now she's yodeling, he calls at her, Oh te amo, she says to her brother, and "nelufokki" "necro sex" is what he responds. Then he gets serious in tone of voice, as if he were proposing to her, then she yodels some more, this time it's a horizontal stay in the tone of voice, then they syllabify, then she chortles like a turkey, they he says Aulevacapir, or classes as in school classes in Italian, or a version of Torino dialect or "urdu" with my name, Ale, va capir is understanding, which also could be a call to cow pire? So, schoolclasses! cow, pire! She sucks his dick and UUUUhhms! He says something as if he were flattered by the attention as a high school boy at his first sexual experience, or a shy child withholding slightly but flattered at the same time. So that explains the needle marks I find when I awake. They use the anesthetic to cut, mutilate gums and the like. It's manufactured in India, Europe and America. More scansion from Marta Tapiero in a young female child's voice as she nears her door, her brother follows, both child talk and say "Alora Ale a dopo", meaning then Ale see you later, or a lure Leah (my cousin's daughter's name) seggiolone, or high chair, or Bassinette, or Bayside.

Now, isn't that something? Let's just fucking see who says I want it to happen.

While google gets involved saying it's made in Israel: how do they know? And they say I'm being murdered for being a communist, as if that were a crime, for them it is in Israel, which it's not. The Tapiero thank them for the cover by returning upstairs. So it's downstairs, to the camp, google false arrest/false prison, a would be Israeli camp, then the return of our heroes to hunt for more.

My guess? They're trying to overdose me to claim I do drugs and it was an accidental injection. To me? i can get them the hell out of here faster since it means they deal in drugs.

My guess? They'll claim drugs and suicidal tendencies and wanted to boast about it by showing me what they do, just like they stole my hammer after they claimed i used it against them. Police Commissioner Kelly just spoke to Wilson Tapiero and said that this would not change their plan to murder me, and Tapiero thanked him. The Chief of the Department answered " 'nuff said".

So Kelly, Lega, the North African Rommel campaign, the British Green are all involved, and it's a conspiracy. It also is connected to Confederate contracts since a medicinal that cures arthritis also causes green urine, and those false diagnoses, along with an unexplainable association connecting the use of Propolis  to Hep C are arranged via Alabama. Now Tapiero is in a homicidal fury but expresses it as desperation emotionally, meaning desperation, or justified sorrow at terrible loss is what he serial murders, the love of family, the loss of loved ones.That puts him into a state of homicidal trance.

It could also be a contract arranged through Queensborough Community College, for writing, since a book, Persepolis, was on the reading list for creative writing classes there years ago, and I need to know for the same reasons they kill parents in front of their children. The main character was an Iranian from a leftist family who emigrated to Austria, after having innocent Iranians falsely arrested. She went to aconvent, could be sacred heart, since her body was disfigued by having one eye become larger than another, etc, same as I noticed the other day, when one of my breasts was noticeably larger than the other, for no plausible reason at all. Wilson Tapiero is incredulous and impatient as a frustrated patient saying downstairs that I should not write about this, but accept my death willingly! Willingly! If not they get caught. My house in Bayside is near the campus, and Peter Mittler followed me there when I attended. I saw him organize with someone. Wilson Tapiero now thinks I'm thinking to him, and imagines a conversation while he strums something. His sister becomes amorous again toward him, says williou? meaning I'm a dead body they'll necro and cannibalize, and that's an acceptable proposition. Frankl Marzella does the same thing, asking me over the amplification if I will something. So Faustino Quintanilla, his Art Gallery secretary, his staff are all involved, so are concealed fascists who pose as leftists, as Franca Rame. I file reports to all the authorities about this. They're still here. Nuff said? I could possibly die and 'nuff said? Let's just fucking see. The secretary is a Nazi nut by the name of Carol something who walked a 90 degree pattern by Bell and 48th with sunglasses (wants me blind and sacrificed) years ago, and still hasn't gotten a hold of me yet. Carol and Faustino Quintanilla, out of the blue, told me that I needed to go to Jews, and tell them to believe in him, deceive him. I said no, and Carol, who was also married to a Bonanno, and who knows if Bonanno is involved, could be as a fascist, who knows which Bonanno, whispered in my ear Good Night, meaning my death in a concentration camp. Asshole Tapiero is stumming something in a violent way, making no melodic sense, it just sounds jarring and compulsive, intermittent strums, and Marta is crying, desperate, with a rolled r, a German r, they just killed a child in Germany in front of the mother with Faustino Quintanilla, so it's a moment of celebration for them. Monica Cunningham is slamming someone around to convince me to accept my death by torture in an Imperial desert concentration camp, the one with a cracked statue of Constantine among the dunes, one the Squid of England sacrificed the English in, because, well, they're there. Since 1815, if you didn't recognize that Napoleon had French and English ties, since we are now one people thanks to the Rosetta Stone. Marta Tapiero just blew her mind away on some substance (frontal right lobe, a dulling chemical) and wants to show and tell, Wilson is strumming away and yodeling in desperation, now it's more melodic, the Art Gallery team is chasing another Italian around, Kelly tries to say that it's off for me if I let this happen to another Italian through them, what aboutto a Bonanno, then if I don't I'm a career criminal, as if criminals should be sent torture and death camps. The music is erratic, Marta is gobbling like a turkey, in a high pitched noise, she must miss that little red rooster something terrible. Maybe she'll calm down with her next period. Now the fucking asshole is on a microphone, and there's some theater downstairs. Marta Tapiero's voice has changed, and it sounds masculine, like a 6, 7 year old in fear, maybe an 11 or 12 year old, but in a shying away fear. Someone slams the door and walks down the stairs. It's her shouing AIIII! in a female voice, but also young, about the same age. So that's why she's his brother. he's on the fucking microphone making my name, making announcements, Alessandra this and that, now the sound of a harmonium, then Alessandra what is it, and marta crieds because she can't stand being away from his fucking thought, and says, lo! Lo! because they are Jews in punishment, and gets to sing with Juan Valdez tunes down there if she simulates slamming my cheekbone and eye. She may be doing it to herself, I don't know, but it's some sort of impact. Then she sings in an innocent clear india girl voice, young, in her teens, Alessandra then? See? Mi vizio senno' (she starts masturbating, touching her clit) this means if not I'll vice, now she's desperate, as if she were afraid of the excitement, or better (Wilson Tapiero is peremptory, on the microphone saying Alessandra va impazzir, Alexandra will go crazy) maybe there's false mental hospital facilities? Maybe they were camps? So he still strums like a happy Columbian, happy and emphatic. Kelly hates me because I know emphatic and they;'ve just sent him an email about it. I just hope that I survive this and can, one happy day, shoot them in the fucking face.

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