Thursday, September 20, 2012

Probable Paul Polivko store front "Constantin" on 48th Avenue;

Saint Nicholas, Kevin and Reseurrection Lutheran Church are setting their trash to breaking into my blog and erasing posts (again, they announce it over the amplification, I'll sue. I need to prove, it, they'll abduct me and say I'm crazy, and for them that's not more counts because,  police corruption is not an additional count as well).

This at 2:51AM. Dopo you know where your children are?

And you would sent these kids to a religiously affiliated school?
Imagine what would happen to a real Greek child at Saint Nicholas, if he or she were to believe it was actually Greek Orthodox.First they say it's only a "Royal Crown contract", then they say "homologate". then they call an ambulance for a ride to a psych hospital or arrange for a false arrest, and there you go, well strated on a religious crime career "that leads to death based on ethnic upbringing".

Alessandra Mussolini has been behind everything that happened yesterday and still is.

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