Thursday, September 06, 2012

Sargeant Granelle of the 111 Precinct  has given up the ghost and is finally donated what's left of her senses to an Indentured Slave maker posing as a Grand Street optometrist for Genenral Lee: She arranged for the Tapiero here, and refuses to operate, as if she had a choice, but then, who would want her anywhere near anybody who doesn't pee on her diabetes tester, or finger, trying to catch an Italain to sacrifice to her charnel houses. She arranged for a contact of Sandokan's to operate at the Waldbaum's by Crocheron Avenue, to say I was organized with a TeeVee character, to have me arrested, because dementia and sheer,unadulterated racist hatred are an impossible thing to resist. The actual nick name bearer (how do you know? By Granelle, and I'm not exactly shouting this from rooftops, there being no investigation involving me, but a strabge collusion covering up for George Bush's house take overs in the 1980's, when a relative of his married me under the name Paul Polivko, tried to kill me for my house in Bayside, New York, and was escorted out, no complaint taken by the ever faithful 111 in matching hair color, and for whom Granelle is not only grateful, but instrumental in continuing her plans of orld domination by getting US citizens out of the way. Luisa Monica thinks this ,means her taking over the world, as a cheap Italian prostitute, secretly a pious devotee to the Madonna of Pompeii, but very secretly, since she too was flattered by a fascist who lent her prestige and class just because he wanted something from her and she was stupid enough to believe it, for that matter, so was he, since he would boast to everybody that he was a fascist, and when the time was right, his fascist world domination contact killed him. For Granelle, who is also stupid, and hates italians to a point of folly, this menas that her Confederates won, since it's legal in South Carolina, so are house take overs. You don't handle this mess legally and stop it, I will hold you accountable by every extent of the law. For Luisa Monica, her African contacts are her blacks, because she's white, and she's missed th etrip to India, so there's little awareness of sweat and humidity in her consciousness, but she's well on the process to being birthed by a Nation.) is supposedly a criminal from the Casal Di Principe area, who Granelle will say I know, since I know everybody in New York City as well, separation from Lynchburg Podunkia being a stress Granelle can ill afford. So his arrest was televised, the Lega (the Nazi coolies for the Squid of England among many others) seized all their assets (e il modo ancor ci offende-by Luisa Monica, who is unbearably stupid, and this comment works for granelle because she's Italian-And don't you forget it, right George Bush-this conferring on her a needed Harrison Ford as yoda veneer instead of Dante who is number one son of her class contract against United States citizens. Only I know that, who will believe me? She is more American than me, she will be believed, after all, and so will George Bush, and so will Condalisa Rice, FBI investigations in their accounts a concealed communist operation, this during the rancher's reign ), if I can be allowed to continue, (No, because Granelle considers this a Grand Tour death plan, since I'm apologetically submitting to the KKK, and don't you forget it! Till she legalizes the KKK, and then they say communist groups have a tendency toward communiques, now Stewart chiming in, because he can't read English, and I absolutely must have something to hide, while all he does for the KKK and nazi interests is spy on passwords of anybody msnbc has turn the dial to his show by recommending him or Colbert as comedic dempcratic sensations, which they are at the beginning until the point of no return is reached when they flat out say they value riches, and you're stupid for being a nobody) so, as I was writing, Sandokan was an arrest made notorious by television, and as a character threatening to shoot Saviano, who was assigned a police escort and moved to Milano because of it, and whose story was popularized even by the likes of Roberto Benigni,. I have no knowledge of him, only of this story. For Granelle, I say that. I'm a professor, and Granelle says: No, how can you be by race. You're dull and stupid, much like your mother. The thought of Christopher Columbus puts her in a confusionary spasm. I really don't have the time to indulge people victims of such extreme prejudice they need a psych hospital branch named after themselves and need to be removed, far, far from reality and populated communities for the harm they bring to them. I've been furthering complaints, you can't read English because you're seized up by KKK jibberish every time you see an upholstery store display? I tell you way ahead of time that there's a lunatic who thinks he can take over my property and is a crazed feral cannibal with a penchant for necrophilia, and you'd rather play cards in the precinct after sipping on a frappuccino, filing your nails, and placing bets at an OTB because horses come from Kentucky? You're fucking crazier that he. The latest: My mother wants to immure me. Fascists and Chase come arunning with Granelle leading the way. She sees me, she sees a living cliche'. She's not fit to be in society, let alone be a police officer. You keep her there, I'll call an ambulance on the Precinct itself. Also, Hilary Clinton has a way of filling common graves with her mouth too: but I'm bored, and have them attack you with unwanted confidences because they're convinced that just hearing them makes you their prey. I imagine all journalists have name like Edwardian Old English, for her, not the occasional Gina Colata, as of the New York Times, Colata being a name that has very little business doing with Italian, and at Ellis coming from the queen's Degolandia Colatas had its wings clipped so it could turn us all into a cannibal chef's symbol for "prey" (this calms Granelle, prey justifies her sacrificing us as small boars to her Borneo demi Gods) or, a chicken's cluck. You don't see excess in this? You don't see a need to act? There's something so, so wrong with you that you are concealing only a deep cleaning of your body and premises can cure. No wonder they condemn buildings after you've been in them. You live in filth and are it. I hear Geoge Bush sniffs his armpits for inspiration.And what a fine trait to look up to that is. Oh, and how is it that those slughtered in the Middle East, whose photos were published in the New York Times look nothing like the people following me, bothering me, stalking me, harassing me, for all of my life, while the latter look like clone replicas of one another? Oh, I see, they were the real enemy, and a racial quota (US citizens who cared) you still cannot acknowledge tearfully. For George Bush this is communist propaganda, and he's in a panic. He 's not through stuffing the fields with us yet, after all, he's set himself for a challenging task: he's in a permanent encampment. Where else to hunt United States citizens but in the States? How do I know? This is an Italian, Greek and Irish neighborhood. What are Alabama klan houses doing in it? They're at camp?

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