Monday, April 08, 2013

Holocaust Remembrance Day and me as a Communist Terrorist for Alessandra Mussolini, who has damaged my career as professor through my estraged family and wants me a whore.

My mother, Emilia De Cristofaro Maffei, for real estate held in common, speaks on the phone about me, her daughter, continues the portrayal of me as a communist terrorist for Samantha Bee and Iolanda Tozzi, who knows if Pane, an estranged cousin who, last seen in 2000, claimed to be an investigator with the local police, and is now, in telephone directories, a contact of nazi confederate elements at the 111 Precinct, Queens, and runs a cafe',according to Internet white pages, Bar Planet, I think, in Teverola, Aversa, Caserta. Not only that, but her husband has plastic surgery and his eyelids not only droop, but now wears a carabiniere uniform. Iolanda has also graduated without ever attending a class or studying law at a University in Milano, where she has never lived. So today, she, Bee, and my mother grabbed the phone and started chatting with their police contact to claim I was a terrorist.

There were two police spies from the 111 on the footsteps at 196-37/39, always marked as 35/37  when I walk by, and, as I arrived at my destination, a Sub Saharan Maria Leon and Gero Carletto spy, along with one family member of the 103, Queens team that shot at Sean Bell, a Fisher (wanted by the FBI some time past, also, as a family member).

I was stalked by Japanese Imperialist terrorists, couldnot read thepaper without even the President telling us that he bans weapon sales so these types can coup d'etat in the States, and what does he care,he'll be rich on the pickings from  Democracies, including our very own,since his new plan is again to cut Social Security and that fits in.

I could be earning about $200,000.00 as a professor: my mother and her family, Capulli, Cavallo, Marzella, Renna, and others,send a slob from their criminal group to this cafe', intimating I should be his whore, andmarry Italian. Things will not be run as they were when my father was alive for my mother,who,along with the rest of the estranged family,not only insulted Jews on Holocaust Memorial Day, today, but arranged for these Japanese Imperialist terrorists here who are speaking "muslim" as if the termitself should make me quake in fear.


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