Friday, June 28, 2013

6/28/13 between 6:00 and 6:30PM Mathausen sterilization procedures, and a death trip to Nazi brothels, organized by:

Maria Leon, Fran Dreschner, Jon Stewart's mother, and his wife, or ex-wife, Tracey Stewart, Joan Rivers. Rachel Maddow, in the meantime, isolates by accessing email accounts, so chosen targets have no support.

Houses involved in Nazi cannibal market:
196-37/39 45th Avenue, mismarked 35/37; 27, mismarked 29; -36, -41; This in Auburndale New York City, a neighborhood they need to forage in. Object: locals, of  immigrant origins.

At Jon Stewart's mother message: "You go in there for your ultimate thought capture"

Look out:Maria Leon whore, on main avenue, covering area for the entire time with others stopping car, calling me crazy, saying that they were looking at a house.

list of cars involved:
NY GFL 8490;
NY ESK 6303;
NY ECU 7931;
NY FZL 8403;
CT 433 PDE;
NY GCH 2852;

911 NYPD calls covering for the Nazi cannibal venture:
6: 34/07/39/40.

Stewart's wife or ex Tracey, involved in having him harassed for Nazi sex abuse, consisting of shouting sexual and racist abuse in public situation,  by same;
Leon arranged for same in public: they had stalking "johns" female, follow me saying I farted if I bought milk, meaning I was lactose intolerant as an African, by "German" group wanting to invade Italy again, including two older women. This at supermarkets and while I run errands.

Also: there seems to be a reference to a strain of syphilis in a google word verification process: trenowa etc;

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