Sunday, June 02, 2013

George Bush ordained crime, covered by NYPD:

Break ins, and harm to a molar. It has been bleeding for over a week, due to:

196-37/39, on moveable slats 35/37, since 2010, with the 111, Queens, covering for it. Other contenders: my mother, Frank Marzella, and their relatives, whom I'm estranged from, the "Capolarello" family, and,so far: 196-28 45th Avenue, Flushing New York, through them Bruce Springsteen, Gloria Steinem, for whom I should be kept out of work to be a "whore", the Tapiero, a pedophile and cannibalistic police plant .

They damaged the tooth originally about a year ago, by stripping a vertical 10mm piece of gum away and damaging the connection between tooth and bone. They were a denied but actual contact of 196-37/39 45th Avenue, which also commits human rights violation crimes for Alessandra Mussolini, not considered crimes because immigrants are not human to Steinem, Mussolini, or many Neo Confederate funded Human Rights organizations.

Bush is to have the tooth at extraction, from extractor, in a quick switch, since I'd rather pulverize it than give anyone any part of my body. This thanks to the law enforcement agency of the biggest city in the world, New York, where your investments, property and welfare, will be handled with the same care. You can count on it.

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