Friday, August 02, 2013

RAID ON DISABLED RUN BOOKSTORE: Hit with would be NYPD cars, but a Vermacht English Cab organized by Marilla Palmer, Frank Marzella, Maria Leon, Tracey Stewart,and Jon Stewart's mother related to an Episcopalian bishop in the basement way, and a King at religion at that.

Barnes and Noble here tried to rile me up with phosphate and a Provenzano contact Maria Leon started shouting over the amplification that I shoud escape and FEAR! Love Tracey Stewart's ass. It went ethnic.

7:20AM. Ped creep from 196 37/39 45th Avenue, Flushing New York city, under 111, Queens cover interferes with me by throwing himself at me as I walk by from his driveway to make me a willy nilly whore. I'm filmed by Jessica William's and  Rice's NSA spy contact, a red light stuck on its door, the inside side iron, a shiny red nose bulb, so that they can sustain me as a would be Nazi terrorist and ped on top of that.

At 7:33AM East Flushing library has a Greg Allen Kira Jolliffe Long Island City precinct by Vernon contact ridicule me by  paralleling my plight with that of an African immigrant cleaning windshields on streets. The woman laughs as she  opens the door to the library - opens at 11:00AM- as 911 refuses assistance because it needs to collude a university professor as a cheap whore informer, since I've lost quota based on?

All the 911 operators were African Americans still indebted to slavery circles, capturing people like me as prizes for Georgia or what have you, as racial false arrests, the quota being two innocent people a day:

911 calls?

7:54: theft of a Palm by Palmer just to have me storm to the 111, Queens, so she could have me carted off by one of the four ambulances driving around within half an hour from my "sortie".

911 calls that refuse to send squad car assistance for theft complaint:

7:55/9/8:00/2;  8:12/3/4/5.

In full response they arrange for a false nurse, an African American criminal street hire to coordinate a Waterbury, Connecticut "lorry" dispatcher raid for a Fascist concentration camp stuck somewhere in a desert, one car resembling a squad car,the other the Vermacht British lorre, following it.
The bookstore is nice, and at 39th Avenue, and Bell Boulevard, at 39-15 a Bell Boulevard. I hope no one was abducted. I called 911 immediately, and met with the usual African American female trash that delayed and refused assistance for disabled kids learning a skill.

Here are the 911 calls:


Here at Barnes and Noble the coordination is Nazi Napoli '43-'45,100 for 1 Nazi soldier which has also extended itself to, guess where, Gaza and people like CindyLindy Rice cover for, besides embezzling my money from my accounts to blame me with shrapnel if they can.

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