Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10.30.13 7.18AM > 12.00PM Break in, no sign of Forced Entry

1) Pajama top gone, Charter Club, Intimates Collection, bought at Flushing's Macy's;

2) An inordinate amount of underwear of mine in the laundry bag;

Celebrities Corner:

Amy Sedaris stages a needed assistance call on her facebook medicine chest page, connecting Marilla Palmer Zaremba to me, whom I donot know, but who breaks in and causes me harm continuously. She issues, almost immediately an ad on NPR, unassignable to a person harmed according a common understanding of satire. Another ad, playing today at 7.18AM on NPR 93.9FM indentifies me as a serial killer she is afraid of. I  godspeed to her page, share command gone ,soI write a post on Lehrer's explaining the situation, and how, should they still accept these eugenic confederate Nazi arrangements, I would report them. Any doubts on me, I would easily clear, with a phone call or an 11:58AM  I discover that the rug I had spent three hours cleaning was dirtied for my mother,to put me in a mental hospital under the contacts she had made to Maria Leon, her sister's, there in NPR's studio, by the name of Lucy through a call by a "Susan" lazy in racist, who Lehrer shoots over after answering a call in support of royal English crown, racist cause, a Famiglietti at the 111,Queens, politically racist, ex tenants who were requested to be extradicted to sustain a trial in Columbia, since responsible for thousands of indigenous children's deaths, for genocidal sex. A new caller at 11:58AM requested my password be spied to this blog, which occurred, by Palmer herself.
facebook,for her, is now erasing my posts as I compile them, the excuse: improbable cause, obscure connection, and fantasies due to vapors by me, because I just ate pudding from scrap, sans any butter or margarine and less sugar, some nuts and bread, instead of pizza, which would not be a bad idea, at that.

Yesterday I worked on the house from 3:00>10.00. When I left, the rug was cleaner that I found it this morning. My DAP acrylic caulking was stolen, one tube gone, the other substituted with another containing formaldehyde and ethyl glycol, that arranged through Elan Portnoy.

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