Friday, October 25, 2013

Woman, the concept, and African American the Continent 911 declares I need to be nice to call in a polio distribution attack on New York City. Elan Portnoy hacks my cursor to force me to say  Judy Garland was really not an antisemite.

After an afternoon spent chasing me from subway stop to errand site shouting I lick ass, things finally get serious around 5.oopm at Flushing Macy's stop subway,line 7.

Toad faced Never Again Indigenous teenage couples gather to grimace that they finally made me amenorrheic by night injections, no sign, after trying a first time, and for months, in 2010, along with enourmous amounts of fat deposits, and a twack to the heart or two, all for Maria Leon, or you need 3D spy glasses to see the toad in me @33.39 88th Street,Jackson Heights, NYC an Anastasia garbage dump, and proud of it. They said they were getting intelligent as a race infused by Jon Stewart sperm -diditworkmaria- AND boy, would they show me! What her kids with Craig Fergusson look like is anybody's guess.

So I get on the 12 bus, headed toward Long Island, NY, and am followed by a series of coughing Somali, Eritrean fascist spies, doused in Borghese Japanese slaves who tell me to shut up as they boast flinging the same virus that, now I know, the Anastasia clan used to kill Italian immigrants, after tracking them as no good because earning an honest living independent of them, like my grandfather, who was a taylor, and knew how to write, whom they killed when he was about thirty, and whose name was Biagio Maffei.

she fucked Pinsky too? The poet? Was he unconscious? What did he do, was she grateful he  accompanied  her on a fodder campaign? did she get to Paul Auster too just because I think his name is hilarious in Northern Italian dialect? They're THAT hard up? Maybe she mentioned she was related to Diane Arbus and Joseph Cornell box models.You could waste HOURS on this one.

So, as I was writing, 911 decided to overthrow African women my way, at this and oh so many junctures recently, making clear that:

1) They would not take the complaint;
2) They thought it adequate to send a cop car to the scene of the crime, albeit mobile;
3) They wanted the address of the crime scene, still mobile;
4) I needed to be nice to have the complaint recorded;
5) They played a foghorn in the auricular;
6) They meant an eye.gouging if I didn't shut up. It was just impolite to mention explicitly and what did I care anyway, I already wear glasses;
7) They need terrorist attacks to train for an emergency to get it right eventually, so who am I?.

Calls to 911 occurred on 10.25.13 @

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