Zombie Politics: Break in, no sign of forced entry 11.29.13 two nights in a row.
Awoke with green (infected) mucus and blood in my mouth. Attempts to have me die of pneumonia, or AIDS, or frighten me into a psych hospital, again, to steal my material, to prevent me from publishing, and from exposure in art galleries, also to keep me from work, and my property. A historical continuation of the same team that killed my grandfather with pneumonia at 30 for daring to have a family, and to work honestly, as a taylor in the early 1900's. I've cleared my mouth both times, and checked it before falling asleep: my saliva is transparent and clean.
Directly responsible, at his own claims, amplified through Saint Nicholas:
Jon Stewart, Maria Leon, Carol Anastasia, Marilla Palmer Zaremba;
June Rossi through her mother's family;
Michele Serra, ellekappa at L'Espresso, and La Repubblica, both liberal news in a merger with The New York Times to which Serra has an inside contact;
Luciana Litizzetto comedienne Serra writes copy for, if he doesn't steal it, for Che Tempo Che Fa who also just said: "A meno che non lasci che ti rubi il materiale" "Unless you let me steal your material" ;
Ballaro's Conductor, who also set up a storefront for these slavist confederate arrangements by Houston Street, in the East Village, where I was asked to leave on false charges of having started trouble. Seems to be proud of being a pedophile,"daughter" figure, or at least tried to claim I supported that zombie proposition;
Robert De Niro, and most of Hollywood, backing George Bush for an absolutist monarchic coup d'etat allowing slavery in Europe and the States;
Scalfari, who altered his name from Scalfaro, connected to La Repubblica, who lately claimed descent from Henry the V, making a reference to the battle of Agincourt, and intense prejudice against Italians, and Italy;
Elan Portnoy, who for the Lower East Side Bowery Boy team, confederates , which Scorsese denies, is connected to the Fleshtones, Queens College, Marilla Palmer Zaremba, Carol Anastasia, Maria Leon, Greg Allen, and who has a connection to State Psych Hospital Creedmoor;
Amy Sedaris,who before had a chance her books would be considered ironic ploys, but since her Downy endorsement, her figure as a zombie homemaker with gross gusto is sealed in a stone thrown overboard to bust Merlin's balls way down past the sinking point in lake Stupid;
George Bush, for a coup d'etat favoring the inherited and idiosyncratic government of imperial colonization with empire in mind, and slavist aristocracy in Europe and the United States;
The 99 Posse singer, who last week arranged for a fascist to claim me as her slave, on Broadway, shouting through her 911 NYPD connections to the crime, that she wanted me to dress like her;
Inge Feltrinelli, who inherited the democratic publishing firm from her brother at his death,and refuses to publish me even though I've never submitted a manuscript to her and has no way of knowing me;
Nico Colonna, descendant of fascists who made themselves famous committing war crimes for a nonexistent state, the Republic of Salo' X MAS division, against the US, Italy and allies, and through allied infiltrants, such as the Queen of England, from '43-'45. Also Litizzetto's publisher,who last year, arranged for me not to receive Smemoranda, a 'liberal' daily planner with short stories and art work,through inside connections at Feltrinelli, and major import export of printed matter in New York City, Rizzoli and Speedimpex;
Michele Santoro, Marco Travaglio, Vauro, from Servizio Pubblico, whose front in New York City is Cave Canem, same area by Houston Street, where my father's family first lived on immigrating here from Italy, in the late 1800's;
Giorgio Napolitano, and Roberto Benigni, both ex communists, both claiming I was a whore, which is untrue, the latter revealing himself lately as an antisemite, the first still president of the country;
Casini, a Christian Democrat;
Lady Gaga;
Bill Clinton, who also has both a street, and a fort in Southern Manhattan, under that name, the street also further east off Houston immediately, and who Arline Lasberg, a contact of Portnoy's shares hometown Chappaqua with-nothing more fascinating than one's alma mater trying to off you and keep you from a professorship, who lately tried to tinker with believing that JP led to Jeeps and Gypsies, and eye gougings, for some delectable treat to madness accusations on their part. Who knows if these connections to places and people as a continuation of the name of the place in your life is just a paranoia factor, but it is a regular occurrence with people who wish me ill, and harm me in mine.I only can detail what I experience as discrimination and crime against me, not organizationally. All I know is that I've been stalked by people saying Queens College and Alexandra around me now for over twenty years, after they first started organizing criminal kids following me to the bus stop, then pointing at me, then looking at the bus driver, then saying my name, then leaving, which continued up to this latest move,with this piece of Chamberlain Petain Chechen Fundamentalist self declared Cretan next door living in a basement with three other adults as the house caretaker, then future owner, with Maddow who thinks she can establish truth by her thoughts, and is an Anastasia seer reading mine, and mine will be forced to be factual at all times, no flights of literary fancy allowed, mentioning my name everytime I walked by to whoever she was speaking to at the door, then shouting at me behind curtains, then shooting off a gun, then stalking me at 3:00PM to Waldbaums, then stalking me to same at 8.00AM the next day, then shouting leave her to my brothel police protected at 111, then her "brother-husband" walks by my window when I'm in the bathroom defecating, hoping for a show, then the same Walton face accumulating for 3 and more months, then finally letting up, after shouts hollers, free boasts of pederasty, incest, and this and that, around me on public transportation in different incarnations as arranged through the same face appearing on the same night, on The Daily Show, David Letterman, even Jay Leno's Tonight in a let the games begin way. Also I've applied to literature interpreting their way of organizing verbally with works of literature dealing with nazifascist absolutist confederate- which also includes their pressure to organize, say, a past tense into a future, such as the suggestion of theirs for the Placiti Cassinensi,which they want read in a way that would allow them to seize land around San Cosma and Damiano, and the abbey in Cassino, which a hacker just wrote now as "casino" or"whorehouse"in Italy, absolutely convinced I will be taken as mad, no one will believe me, hacking is a CIA plot against rap singers, rap singers as a race have united to declare me dead, and what have you;
1.45AM: Maria Leon shouts that everytime I think of taking a cock into my mouth I need to think of her, because arranging a class of her hispano contras from a high school through their teacher who also functioned as a co chairman ofmy department at Queensborough Community College just to have them claim I taught badly,and try to con meinto signing a contract that would have banned me willingly from teaching at any CUNY university or college, when I'm a national award winner for innovative teaching in Italy, who Santanche' right now is planning on having disappear as data, for her, asking her when that award was given, this through Berlusconi, since she pre-dated my techniques to several publishers in Italy at the time, without my permission. her connection, now, being Stewart, who either enjoys or wants me to be associated with eating vomit, urine, fecal matter,children and experiencing a sexual thrill from it, when I don't know him from a hole in the wall ,and as of late thought it necessary to keep my pasta in my boxes, but substitute the contents, which now show a slight vertical white 5or 6mm long line on them, since I don't deserve vitamin B,and by gum and carrageenan, with an occasional canauba wax FDA label, along with titanium white and varnish, is in my food.I first saw the wax, used to polish wood furniture on sale locally in the East Village, when I lived on 4th, by these cute ventures listed above with their confederate trash deals,etc. The Queensborough ploy was an extensive one against women staff. I remember students, professors, chasing after women professors, harassing them extensively verbally, in the hallways, and their fighting back. Gloria Steinem of course, is now backing Maria Leon in this venture and as cover, as I write this, who wants to insert piss in the mouth shawled bigot whores like Leon there to teach Italian by and as thought culture,as they're even working on a plot to claim the allies were too hard on Mussolini, now considered by Steinem a leftist democrat and his mistress Petacci both executed on a cannibal mission to have allies and Italian civilians eaten in the streets by dogs or abducted to nazifascist brothels to be fed shit and piss,sliced and diced alive then eaten as a scoproerotophiliac aphrodisiac by the wealthy, rich, absolutist and weird since that fits in both with farming by manure to crazy cows, and, cows being female, also a quick reference to the Goddess in her latest Kali'incarnation without a tan cause the object is to target Europeans. Leon -Noel, or mucus green blood red as Christmas colors now confers to me that Steinem is her superior, not me. Steinem is planning also on hitting me with a brick with a strap on black rubber biscuit dildo to legitimize Sharptons' KKK connection should maggots need them again against European women. She also wants to fuck up HRA, Medicaid, and Medicare, and will her boy too.
Walking away from the ironic comment for a moment for the list of not commoner perps looking forward to status quo as enemy combatants:
Barack Obama, hired to shuffle George Wilbur's fuck ups under the welcome mat of your house, not his yet;
Trent Lott, chased out of the Safety Council because of his ties with the KKK, who this crowd is saying they will erase from common memory to make Lott into a catholic saint, through revisionism
Rachel Maddow style, with Michael Moore feeling slighted because for society I'm writing this to let the right get away with it, since no one knows me, and the democratic voting process of course, requires a personal introduction to Moore's lair of infant fat heirs, so what else could I be politically but either that or a loser to the greater glory of Maria Leon's persecution based on race, and the same politics Moore claims as his own, supported by Allen Street that is.
Now it turns out Stewart's putting the menstrual blood of this fucked up Krupps backed whore and her infected mucus in my mouth because of jealousy, when I don't even know him, and Krupps, an old concentration camp slave owner, was sentenced, along with his chairpeople, in Litizzetto's native Torino, by the Italian constitutional court as responsible for the murder by arson of four Italian factory workers on his plant, which Moore is claiming Serra will say it's not true so they're both off their rocker. Steinem will also claim that the constitutional suit brought by nazifascists trying to claim that Italy was committing acts of terrorism against Nazis for fighting back and against concentration camps because they should have accepted their lower race status and gone to their deaths was valid, because war is terrorism, even for the left, when the constitutional court decided that Italy and Italians had a right to self defense. In the future even that will be barred fromus: nazifascist factory trials in basements of privatizing slavist companies like Krupps's will substitute courts and cannibalize the guilty- these factories were operational throughout Weimar by Nazi trash of Hitler's blaming innocent people of pedophily through pedophile gangs, and abducting them in areas where the lock was also ruled by people like Steinem. (To say I wouldn't shoot off her fucking face right the fuck now is really dancing with the fucking loons) And I know this is true because I was abducted by a false leftist, for a Krupps connection, that locked me in her apartment with a lock with no interior access on the first day after she gave me a place to stay, this all arranged for Alessandra Mussolini, a self proclaimed fascist,when fascism is illegal in Italy, and for Steinem and Jessica Williams it shouldn't be because the murder of constitutional rights embodied in people is freedom for a fucked up self proclaimed suit worshiper like that fucking whore who of course started out as an anarchist at Citizens' Upright Brigade, and in California, and who knows what else, and who knows me by torturing me psychologically, defrauding me from money form my bank through Nazi white supremacist connections, counting non confederate houses on the bus with her trash to blame me for being part of it all if it came down on her, and more. Next? I'm an exhibitionist that doesn't chauffeur. For Gloria Steinem Nazis are her sisters too: please send her to live with them, then, really, I'm way too busy to do nothing but sit on her fat ass and psychologically torture people all fucking day through Saint Nicholas among other amplification; ..she's not incestuous so she can't...she is,but can't stare at related noses...she can stare but the skin needs to be perforated by an adequate number of pores...she doesn't mind the pores so much as the sweat....hit a nerve: The sweat adds life to her Zombie Politics in full disgust of oily skin products...which also adds a good ! to Zombie Politics;
facebook page and blogger blocked because they're going haywire predating my term Zombie Politics in their hovel publications on the web as of now
Condalisa Rice's team is already using Zombie Politician as a term, and I don't allow that fucked up Zombie Politican to at all since it's her truly bipartisan politics I'm describing. This shouting started at 2.53AM @ 11.29.13. She was instrumental at altering my notes,through break ins,in a forgery of my handwriting, on WWII '43-'45 researched at Italian government libraries focusing on the time period;
Scalfari editor as Scalfaro of La Repubblica once, now Henry the V descent from Agincourt battle for him,setting me on death watch through a five tiered greek mythological romp on Canale 7,with death standing up, by the table,much like me,when I left a Maria Leon,Faustino Quintanilla, Italian Cultural Center doorman, este and Borghese connected Warhol aficionado Art Gallery at Queensborough Community College Bonanno arrangement to box me in a car and set me off to sweet Auschwitz through Faustino Quintanilla, or some face of NSA's , also, but in brown, asking me to go to Jews and tell them he could trust them, then having a Bonanno whisper good night in my ear, me deciding that working there was not a good idea after those incomprehensible statements, and I was right since that developed into heart eating in Syria and his auspicious collection in the MET which resulted in defacing della Robbia works through his other contacts Elizabeth the II and Marilla Palmer to precipitate a war in Italy where he's at home in the periphery of Napoli, for one, is also good clean fun just to watch Steinem pop out of that one;
Brambilla and the Lega, because I am for Italy, which they are trying to destroy for private companies and ultimately Nazis;
Alessandra Mussolini and Starace;
Bruno Vespa, conductor of a chintzy confederate indebted news show in RAI, whose father is claimed to be Mussolini, and whose mother is claimed to be a chambermaid, whose show, Porta a Porta, door to door, or bring to Door, plays Gone with the Wind's soundtrack in an effort to save paper,ink, and metal bottle caps for the next racist war;
Elan Portnoy is hacking again, claiming he'll blind me, I'll be his slave and say what he wants me to say in a Nazi Japanese imperialist brothel for the local Chase Manhattan at 196-03 Northern Boulevard, also a source of zen sound seachings for missing fingers that tried to stop me from accessing my funds in my checking account after stealing about $78.00, besides money laundering for Nazi ventures at a Texas PO address. Portnoy's mother old stomping grounds were not only Creedmoor, Queens College, Columbia University, but also here, at Auburndale, considered Flushing by the United States Postal Service extended zip code, starting about thirty blocks west. This at 11.29.13 @ 3.13AM;
Madonna Ciccone, who wants to drag Sean Penn into this to claim his features as Mott Street skin one bubbleblow away from, again, zombie politics, still my neologism. Steinem, seized by Silent Fury, in reconsidering the figure of Zombies in popular culture;
Patrizia Sammartino, an ex stalker now troller, and deep psychological Svengali of who? Connelly's? Wanna bet Litizzetto and Sammartino's "minchia" suspect in the former since it's Sicilian, and former said hates Southern Italians with a passion, is actually a call to Connelly, whose Nazi colors are well known displays on a bar under that name right on fourth, further east than first, and,when extrapolated can be Marie Antoinette of Hapsburg and the Louis series dead fuck trash let them eat cake which pissed the French off so much it continued the American revolution 'd into: minchia>cylindrical shape>cannoli, a Sicilian, Southern Italian dessert called cannolo, in Italian > Connelly, or,conigli, rabbits, also a favorite of a Bush connected "Scholl" in Naples, the Nazi commander charging 100 for 1 Nazi killed during, again, only a four day fight to get them the fuck out of the city, including a Nazi shot dead at the counter of a Department store because he wanted stuff for free due to the lower race status of the stuff, now operational in Gaza, through Hammas and Condalisa Rice who thinks she's a male fascist Salo' brothel spy housed in a mansions green painted room, while the girls get housed in white,for Steinem, my apartment, forgetting for a minute, that she reclaimed Petacci, Mussolini's lover as her own, thus by logic not having to say chuck me out in ground, instead of Shiva's Casein Paint's sacred cows. This irritates her so she's revising text again, not knowing on whose store window's Christmas display to knock on next. Perhaps Bergdorf Goodman's? How about Sack's?
Obama, Barak, since in Italian, baracca means also shack, which makes zombie sense since we have a van der Heuvel at The Nation, a Quaker named Stupid or something, a Jealous at NAACP, too!
Makes you wonder why so many dutch, the original ghetto builders for Catholics and Jews are making a reappearance lately, from Van der Heuvel to Van der Stross, another camorra ambiguity in Ramones admiring song;
Oh, my mother and her family, thinking they're either Madeleines or Proust's tea ,have decided not to let the bygones of a will, real estate and banking fraud operated against me in the '70's and still operational should I inherit their wind, and have cast their dye in the Rubicon, wishing it was the Hudson instead, which really needs no help from them, but you know, things never change.
tired of trite, bored by braggadocio, left and right puzzle alike? here.s a social satire and culture blog testing strained ethics all pre2010 posts stolen. I prohibit relatives, their fans from: me, contact, all administrative claims to decisional power or profit from info about me, in manners life, legal, medical, wear, social, intellectual or work, property, body, organ disposition, postmortem, alien to me. post hacking, slander is constant for slavery, torture and death also mine.
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Friday, November 29, 2013
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