Thursday, March 13, 2014

Restaurant Review Column

Starbucks, 110th Cathedral and Broadway, 2853 Broadway, 10025.7817

9.25AM 2.13.2014

Arrival for something to drink, or and eat is celebrated by a thug sized buffoon, with nameplate Jorge, who starts a polite whisper avalanche that has 'homeless' tracked as such as a neighborhood clean up job, subsequently allegorized by the arrival of a boyhaircut in female with chintzy glass stone drug store studs inserted in an otherwise euronorth square face, that nods how the clean up is handled by,outside, a laughing cop car siren. At which point customers join in with insults aimed at squashing the person to be harmed under a diarrheal flow of misapplied and anti constitutional social status, saying a bit of this and that, with the actual customer service line far away from the line formed behind me as I digit a text to the New York Police Department, describing the events. I am cajoled into believing I'm impeding a pilgrim's progress toward coffee, followed by an avalanche of slander applique'd to my name. At which point I need to make a disclaimer, euronorth flings herself at the exit door, telling it to leave, having waited for centuries for an opportunity like that. Outside a Fire Department station wagon with a big side sticker in cobalt blue medium pastel listing 17 drives by, sounding same siren, and I am stalked to the drugstore by their zombie politics race case head, in this incarnation a disheveled dark skinned African American male, with a necessary disarray displayed in his outerwear, as I buy two notebooks, to take notes with, of all things. The subways overlord and empty after another necessary disclaimer, to protect the general public with actually somewhere to go. Last month I had to shout it out on every street stop of the 23rd Street bus, headed West. There they used their colonized variation of both Hispanic and Indigenous population color, AND in school girl plaid, who, of course, I know, and who knows me but personally, since I'm both a teevee cinematic AND internet celeb available to each and everyone.

It also charges about 1/3 more for Espresso and Italianate drinks, the going rate not being chi chi.

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