Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tales from Bucharest's CIA: why not go back there?

Trent Lott: Chucked out of the security council for an aversion to us for winning WWI and KKK ties that led to

Janet Napolitano: Jealous of Cleo's Napolitano's tattooes and refuses to believe there are confederates, nazifascists absolutists and white supremacists in this country even if the FBI collated a study that led to

Diane Feinstein: another one who joined the democratic party to feel close to her prey and a big fan of English crown torturers who put an end to the American revolution in Italy and France, sees the upcoming US monarchy of conquest a panache of sugarplums. She thinks her last name is Spenc
er because her fairy godmother is Marilla "Dutch Butch" Palmer and plans to stuff economically discriminated people like me into sub basements by inserting lockless room rentals in Craigslist for "hospitals" then landing you in a sub basement, just for for not hating by gender, free thought ,belief, national origin.

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