Saturday, April 19, 2014

Coup d'Etat planned for Italy, then the US by Hi-l-lary Clinton and the Obama families,
why saying terrorist never means me.

In Italian, details at

let it be said that Obama, in an effort to ultimately have the States itself thrown out of common dialogue with democratic nations, such as the World Bank and the Arab League , among all else, thought he'd start moving to Antigua early by throwing Italy, and allied country so sharing in our constitutional law,by posing me as burnt offerings as terrorist, then by giving Italy back to fascists, so they can concentration camp us better.

As a name in the name naming bipartisan effort since the '90's  Hil-l-ary Clinton, along with Maria Leon, the Anastasia, Condalisa Rice are creating me today as a criminal, gun runner, alcohol drinker, have contacted Assange who will prevent me from accessing Britain, the Queen doing the dirty for Republicans, and have tried to lynch me because I think The New York Times off its rocker at characterizing death threats and threats of lynching, whispered as they may, as microaggression.

Clinton, the Mrs. also plans of criminalizing democrats, by calling them communists now, democrats later, specifying that obly people who vote like her will be allowed in the party's outhouse. since a sham democracy is necessary to wait so as to deceive and crucify the next newly born Christ, on his thirtythird birthday, at Howard Johnson's during a shrimp and Swedish meatball bruch, with Lawrence Welk piping in the dining hall. The sixties shone on the same tendency with books like, If you see Buddha on the road, kill him.

Details ensue in Italian, I have to go, since facebook bounced, typepad bounced, my checking account shows, alternatively fat and thin cows depending on the mood of the banker trying to arrange for me to eject every 9 months, a child for a confederate who knows where.

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