Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Capers of Helen, or theTime Warner.Comcast  merger, PT 1

I thoughtlessly browse from msn to I forget where, and hit on a 12mo 79.offer for a triple play with a 150 gift card offer which changes to only if you switch after my call to continuous voice t855.487.6912, offer TWA933283 I can.t hear because the Marilla Palmer.VanDyken.Rouens worked out a deal at New York Police Department  Internal Affairs Bureau and feels like buying branchy underwear on me and doesn.t feel like answering questions on internet service caps and a future of limited news.service and small business opportunities.

 After less than a minute, and as msn disconnects from reality, google issues blanket statements not explaining why a call to 888.789.0901 reveals the new codicil you get a gift card only if a switch occurs from Time Warner pages, from which forwards a spectre of  199.99 Signature bills should a , no sign of forced entry occur, your records substituted and its personnel  particularly obstinate after your offer.year has expired, heckles, even before. A lure of triple appears briefly, I call 888.789.0901, slamming the on Nina for being too Nina, after she was prompted in cattle.rod by a play for my body, with 40.s radio days voice Zig replacing her, continuing the NYPD.IAB trend I can.t hear you, then, after I say I don.t want to work with you anymore my cell rings at least ten to twenty times since hard of hearing Zig did not understand how a Mexican. inflection can lead to the death of a  business deal and I had to clear it once more, respecting his right to surveil for his team of snake.oil psychiatrists exactly when a state of intimidation develops in a previously unsuspecting female commoner, as a  plan of sugar.plum purchases of rabbit ears matures for the near not so new future.

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