Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Obama behind the coup d.etat   against the United States : Is an  English crown Ottoman Turk white slavery also, from middle ages in Europe as historical background- empire agent, same who collapsed Detroit as an industry
-we did, and proud of it- 2.46pm by Obama through the amplification.
eye.witnessed in person at 195th street and Northern Boulevard, this past sunday.
Treason also operational through Supreme Court justices, Ginsberg, and O'Connor, the latter for male rule for US citizens, in property and voting;

same team in NY for same reason. They work by declaring people Nazis, then Yankees -term used: communists-through abduction in confederate brothel and death;

just read my password out loud through the amplification
our constitutional rights are no longer protected in the military or in private such as my situation
two streets altered to set legislative efforts to:
Obama team photographing their subway  track change warnings, none of which are listed on the MTA web site, as they paste them on subway platform  support beams;
The R line, listed publicly and on the air as not accessing Brooklyn for gallery work until January 2015 is announced by conductors as going to Bay Ridge and listed as such in signs on same trains;
New cars show a disabled sticker but no seating
and have since forever the mark of liebenstraum.slave bastards generated by English Crown as a star, Elizabethan concept of evil in a person determined at moment of birth by stars, and a triangle, symbolizing removal of male genitals.This usually to the right of subway car door openings.

On 4 train, last night: an Obama duo openly discussing me as a person they would get to produce slaves for them;

Disney, Comedy Central Jon Stewart and Hollywood back the process with films like Alexander, discriminations in gender, through Admiral Nelson, Hamilton and Napoleonic contacts for a return to tyranny and empire for a replay for aristocratic government, which explains giving Thatcher an Oscar.

1. fire from work declare insane and remove from dwelling based on minority status celebrated by renaming two New York Streets:
Ellen Stewart Way;
Epsom Course;

2. Only white supremacists and their slaves can be artists: Vartan Street in Murray Hill.

these connected to me.
the president is arranging to have me declared incompetent to have my eyes gouged out by estranged family, criminal and fascist, and their contacts, organized under Alessandra Mussolini, in Italy. Elements of the Sforza family, responsible for the Spanish Inquisition, are also operational through organizations such as Young Israel, on Francis Lewis, and it.s cultural rewritings, even religious, for racial and slavist reasons, perpetrated through Queens Library, in New York City and  infiltrations in Intel, government like Pelosi.

Jews are being made homeless by their own because of beautiful eye colors as well. It does not reflect their lower race status.

The English Crown is using its slave acolytes to racially epurate all cats that are not pedigree. In New York, the Bronx, by Nelson street you ask a fireman to help save a cat, he replies he has paperwork to do in Hispanics and shuts the gate of the firehouse on you.

3.00am Obama announces how my right to vote was prevented by him and the Italian Consulate to favor Iolanda Tozzi .s manipulations of my residency being listed as San Marcellino, Caserta, where I never lived, for fascist rule in Italy as soon as he can betray that nation as well. He was instrumental in siding with Putin in the Ukraine, as well, contributing to the abduction of Ukranians as prisoners of war, which NATO resolved otherwise.

the blog Alessandra Mussolini wants legal guardianship of

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