Monday, July 06, 2015

whole foods bowery new york city and robert kenner, director of food inc-english crown spies for a future imperialist monarchy in the US, and cover. the film a curio cabinet for the prurient food poisoner and animal torturer

3.50pm July 6,2015 survived another attempt to abduct me to a -death-brothel, operated through whole foods this time, at 95 E houston street, ny 10002 212.420.1320. As I shopped for soaps, and hand sanitizers, I was approached by a team of three one female, two males, from nazi blacklister families from the 50.s and within the military during the kennedy administration overseas -hunting- for us citizens abroad. they paraded the usual letter claiming I was banned from all whole foods, they would handcuff me, I was trespassing, I could not take the elevator and leave I needed to take the stairs, then, as I was contacting law enforcement outside, they stepped out the store.s door closest to Christie laughing at me, saying -Maffei, we got you-

a scot and a woman walked by congratulating the team from outside, the male gesturing an arm.s length rape of a cow, pictured in russia in the film, and in england in pbs channel 21 broadcast english sitcoms, done by the same chanters living in trailers there to proselytize who knows what.

the team responded that it did not matter that the name on the bottom of the letter,william renna, did not work for the store, and was a boast for le pen, casal di principe organized crime, bourbon savoia connections to my mother.s relatives in france,  the renna, also a connection to the english crown,  p2 nazi terrorist coup d.etatist in Italy during the 70.s;

they refused to give me a copy of the writ which they have paraded in front of me in various forms, one the coalition for the homeless, who consider themselves satanist because not -racially correct- as nazis, another a saint nicholas shrine, a greek orthodox stronghold that fed the nazi gustav line  by casino with us from 1943 to .45 through internal betrayals operated by patton, among others, and the british crown in germany and in Italy. the former organization, recommended wholeheartedly by the entire staff at ms magazine, in times of intense persecution by nazis, is also  a favorite of eugenicist gloria steinem, reported as the coiner of the cheap shot of opportunity in the title -ms-.

complicit new york city royalist slavist connections:
911 @ 3.52pm;
Internal Affairs at

seems they abduct animals from other countries to torture them until they fill cheeses, milk, with inexplicable enzimes, lactic acid, an excreta, and bacterial cultures, some naturally non pasteurized.

houston street southwest, from bowery to chrystie, in front of the store, has been under construction daily since 1982.
In 30 years of living in new york, I have only been able to cross the street north to south once when I measured the distance in steps from where I was to the corner at chrystie, as being longer than the width of the street.

the blog alessandra mussolini wants legal guardianship of! bill,george wilbur and barack.s psych torture experiment! the girl the entire neighborhood wants out fer lookin too good for intellectual theft info! the only economic disparity tradeoff in the whole world while everybody else eats laughing shrimp!

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