Friday, May 27, 2016

loss of social security benefits despite laws that prohibit the interruption of payments based on need, and the immediate reinstatement based on filing a waiver:


1.absolute need of receipt of money as only source of income to pay bills and rent
2. no fault in the issue;
3. the confinement occurring from November 2015 was an abduction to a facility and as such not prone to documentation attesting to that, much like the infrainstitutional occurring in Egypt currently, the disappearance of 155 in March 2016 and the seizure of Italian workers in Lybia by terrorists, again within the institutions

5.17.16- letter from social security 1 jamaica center jamaica new york 11432-3898 a maria leon -zone of false arrests and terrorism for royal coup d.etatist elements: rikers island, jackson heights-88th street and northern boulvevard. the team also impoverishes and sterilizes indigenous peoples, from both american continents. the leon specialize in scoproerotoantropophagia, and abduction of children, torture and rape of small animals. their cover is also univision, channel 47. leon has recently sent after me teams who need to blow my second toe from my severed foot in the future to show absolute contempt for the revolutionary wave of the 1700s that created the US as a country in 1776, France in 1789 since my foot resembles Marianne.s the woman who epitomizes the revolution in David.s paintings. This act of fealty as was explained yesterday always on the subway, will allow the whitening of this particular jackson heights father dependent pedophile equadorian by marriage. as she also explained it, planning on reproducing the -revolutionary- features to then invade by moving in, then taking over the area block by block, building by building, starting from  saint helena in Equador, then expanding to the whole country, take that over, then invade  Peru their natural born enemies.

stronghold for home invasions and the transfer of the property from the lawful owner to a new goon by legitimizing the ownership through con edison electric bills also at the hra in the same area. since being victimized by same the nypd, fbi and now corrections are well aware of this through complaints.

the letter was handwalked to my post office from jamaica as told by a boaster, female, in the subway, on the same day stating benefits are interrupted in the evenience of a seizure connected to criminal court, in this case queens nyc, stating:

from November to April and continuing, I am -confined- to an -institutution- as a consequence of a -court order- connected to a -criminal case-

political backers- hilary and bill clinton, barack obama and bipartisan through rice and bush

events- on the same date of the receipt of the letter, at least 4 people get violent on public transportation to force me into prostitution also by trying to block my access and removal from same, in bus and subway on my way to

123 williams social security office, in manhattan, only office ALL the  staff spoken to in person has said will allow me access, as connected to my po box address, for them my residence. This from the office in Flushing, and Long Island City as well.

the interruption of payment is starting in June 2016 and even if case is resolved in my favor, the benefits are lost to me from June, even after stating clearly economic duress. the push is to institutionalize me, even in a state hospital, or have me go back to live with my mother, as her -servant, and never as a professor, fully employed- this backed by hilary clinton, trump and Hollywood, -fashion- -visual arts, music- blacklisters. marilla palmer.s husband admitted responsibility in the recent shootout at Irving Plaza, an old Polish dance hall, done also to propose no other music than theirs to the public, and only their arrangements in jobs.
Cooper Station, the post office on 93 4 ave, has blocked my subscriptions to the newyorker through its subscriptions staff, declaring them undeliverable until June 20, 2016 since receiving two, last issue April 11, 2016. the same woman who interfered with my mail at Canal Street, an African American connected to genocidal crime in the East Village, for me to -nigger baby- her eventually is now transferred to 93 4 avenue. At Canal she claimed twice my box had not been paid for, refused to forward subscriptions for a month, and who knows what happened to any mail. Cooper has been sending all mine for the first month since rental to a downtown zip code in the tombs area -10276. I was given the 76 zip by two staff members at the PO, at rental time. the actual zip code is 10003. clintonian internet interference, permeating even the military,  makes that zip code troublesome to add when compiling your address on the web. 10002 is also a favorite bounce, appearing out of nowhere in the zip box,  instead of the repeatedly digited 10003. the PO is a choice meat pick of peter zarembas. About three times people resembling him, so a polish team, would loiter around union square shouting how I chose that PO because it was connected to him, and what did I want. zaremba, still  marilla palmer.s husband, a daughter of a family court judge in brooklyn who sees me as -medication- in scoproerotoantropophagic slavist, a meal, uttering the word while staring at the rafters with a smile, in her version, a little gritty, of jackie o.s flute- as soon as I accessed a gallery in soho she was exhibiting her trash at. She is a soft voiced dippy feminine, who when confronted with her persecution of you, looks worried, says oh you should see a doctor, probably since I cannot accept my filleting easily, I.ll see, with a doctor, I can get on with being butchered, what ho, I simply must accept my manifest destiny.

On May 17, 2016 I compile a request for an adjournment and a waiver that due to need should have been accepted immediately. I am assured by staff at 123 williams and Barclay in Flushing, the old pluralistic Vlissingen, that yes I will be receiving my benefits in June- if not I can.t pay rent. As it stands, the push is to be eventually state hospitalized through my mother, her connections at the loss of my rental. If it comes to that, I.ll put everything in storage and sleep under a bridge until this shit clears up.

Strong of defrauding my food stamp account of $700.00 reported and unresolved, my food stamp benefits cut from $179.00 to $127.00 despite being below the US poverty line more than 130% and my rent doubled, my new account inhabiting three case numbers from 5.18.16 in a clear transition from my old case ALL of the HRA contacts spoken to, even by phone repeatedly told me was closed, to one ending in A to another, reported, since he beginning, and not resolved.

May 24, and 25, 2016. I call social security's 800 number. Am told the benefits are still blocked. I need to approach an office for further details. Any office will do. At the offices not any office will do. Only 123 williams, manhattan will do.

On May 26 2016 I approach 31.08 37th avenue LIC 11101 social security. window 4 refuses me id and name, tells me I need to show a discharge from rikers, proof been discharged from the -institution- won.t take any other document than that, will not allow the waiver through, claims the waiver covers only the money requested for a return, that I will lose all benefits up until reinstatement. NONE showing economic hardship, no receipt of location establishers as hotel room rentals during all of March 2016, nothing but a discharge for an abduction from rikers will do, doesn.t tell me how to secure it, says maybe court documents will suffice, she won.t show me her id. her backup, a 1959 right arm tattooed male, she light he dark, comes up and buppies her spracht. She says I could be out on a day pass. I leave. HER plan is the rules in social security are different, they don.t void. so when my race becomes superfluous she.ll claim racial precedent and get over me.

HER window 4 tail is about 50 60 middle school high school freshman sophomore kid prostitute strong in the platform of the R train, which dallies like a listeria sick burro station of the cross to station of the cross the conductor.s mom being a royalist, that kind of thing. one of them wishes me my death for max of haps as a scoproeroto treat somewhere offshore the coast of Mexico. I say yeah, instead of scumbling  me why don.t you tell me who your whoremaster is?

I take the mta, who by now I HATE, to 123 williams. there the eguadorian whores have gone blonde, due to the proximity of the bourbons and wall street to manhattan, insult me, want to know me, want to boast of eating their little brother to get into maria leon.s gangring at whole foods union square also, then try to get me sicker with an af am who knows crosswinds for maria leon at st marks-8 street and 3rd avenue, by the wood benches, while the stone are hot as hell, and cradling two asian asses who boggle my mind at how you can carry on a perfectly sedative chat and roast at the same time, but what the whore, me being a country yokel for people like mtv.s very own son in law and soon to be chairman mao of the artsbulletinboard, steve wynn, what the hayseed could I know.

both e and a  train, due another mule any moment,  eventually get to fulton. at 123 williams window 28 where a combination of annie hall and 50s catframe glasses enounces royally, dribbling words like an austrian tits and nipple bonbons if you like truffles my way telling me I can.t leave any paperwork there it.s close to four, closing they open at 8.30- not true: 9.00am-there needs to be a discussion, then a meeting, then an explanation, then a quiz session with a superior being in the higher ranks of the administration to take the place of the waiver form filled on 5.17.16, and that couldn.t be possibly done by no glee club teenager like her at that time, no visible id.

in the meantime, the gloveless trash sifter outer -super- who coordinates cars, vans, milk trucks, newspaper delivery trucks marked STATE trying to run me over by northern boulevard and center 53 east river for the homeless hra, since one and the same, and tipped to what they are when by a sign brought in to substitute for an active electronic tabulator calling appointments by number that gets mounted on the waiting room wall, THEN, and only then, does your name get called out of nowhere by staff from the desk area, the same that learns the content of the form while there applying for benefits, and has no idea how o operate a copier, and thankfully puts you in your place by reminding you that she is employed, not you, that she has given birth to molested children, not you, and no unturned stone will ever cross your path through her. If gay or look gay, or she thinks or just feels like venting about gays, there.s another source of boysterous and hostile comment, understandingly put upon since her real job there is to secure an alterable certificate of building ownership from your landlord to false arrest you for providing it to her, if you don.t the case is closed, and then possibly switching the building over whoever can give her son a motown scholarship or train and preach him to bring coffee to karl lagersfeldt, but it HAS to be a beyonce. family white flight family, how else will her skin turn by soap opera, then and only then will she be an invisible american, then she.ll play it as a citizen, then...

they need maria leon because they need severed feet to fondle for the upper kink and crown crooks crowd that and dead children and tortured cats presented for resale in the mta subway cars, hell even on the street. one trash was carrying a dead kid for real Asians to see on Kissena and to sell to fu manchu, number one son of a bad detective.


the blog alessandra mussolini wants legal guardianship of! bill,george wilbur and barack.s psych torture experiment! the girl the entire neighborhood wants out fer lookin too good for intellectual theft info! the woman bill and hilary clinton want for a -niggerrun- on the mall! the Italian barack obama is throwing to isil through penal because if he says she.a terrorist then she.s a terrorist! the only economic disparity tradeoff in the whole world while everybody else eats laughing shrimp!

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