Saturday, July 23, 2016

7.22.16 cooling off on the r train, and stalkers coordinated courtesy of the mta
 or, my life, 24/7 since 2010

in Brooklyn-narrative: betty shabbaz, john jay college covered: captured Amanda, a feral, forced her to eat bits of her mother to survive. her mother wishing her to do so. she sucked blood, had to eat her feet pads to make her a slave for the lee confederate family, loyalists, english crown.
-to turn her into a cannibal like me, then i.ll eat her-

frank marzella.s pilgrim state hospital connection, Connecticut on the train to be able to recognize when my mother dies, and frank marzella can secure my common law property, just as my mother had secured my common law property at my father.s death through frank marzella. works with a man dressed in rags she calls her jew, who sings thenpanhandles, to seize those giving money at their exit stations with false cops. the man was seized after he called the police as a child to prevent his sex with rapist relatives. the woman tortured him by castrating him with his mouth, for -english right to reproduce-, then stored his relatives, or the entire household in subbasements for 10 years having the man feed on them,  infections included. slavist english crown ring. cover the confederate lee family.

their mta coordinator. slavist. not white.

on train also to capture jon stewart.s interest by staring into space. wants to blowjob him, looks like him, needs maria leon, a fascist slavist, for cover, an eguadorena form quito at her say, who tried to kill me for my house in Bayside in 1984-5. her team pollutes also an entire block she wants to explode by gas main way, between 42nd and 43rd streets, and 34th-35th avenues, with an asshole boasting he fucks kids anytime he wants, owns the entire courtyard shared by at least twenty other apartment buildings through grandfather rights, and plans my murder. barks like a dog. leon.s original base is a house under Julio leon.s name, south east of white castle.s northern boulevard at 88th street. the guy, living or accessing the first floor apartment in a light yellow pained building, 3rd building west of 34th avenue and south sidewalk of 42nd street in Astoria, NYC taking Steinway Street as a reference to north. mercenary contras from mexico, the ones securing extreme right imperial coup plots for napoleonic and hapsburg interests are accessing other buildings on the block doing construction work within apartments by accessing them through the window, and storing 20 ft long pipes in a garage on 35th avenue, between 43rd and 42nd carried there by a van napoleon contractors, with rear doors opened facing the courtyard entrance.

the parallelism with our plight in these circumstances, and those of the Chiapaneco autoctonous populations, organized as Zapatistas, denouncing the PRI as corrupt, and accepting even a government lead by pan, referencing to nazi collaborationism at Vichy by way of petain in their populist organizational slang, are being kept underwraps by downright slander, press silence, underminings in associations and work in which the person harmed in involved, and abductions to brothels based on -blowjob racial status-, by leftist persecutory racist trash for leftist organized tyrant jism like tami petersen, the webprincess of strummernews dot com, who has busied herself in intellectual theft of my property twice, persecuted me, slandered me in Mexico as well, and strays from the liberalism of even george bush the first in terms of affairs to have a beardedmale hipster lead for a spectacle safari of US citizens in their natural subway habitat a team of animal torturers from alternative centri sociali in Italy to torture me into suicide by telling me fellatio led to my loss of work, then by simulating fellatio, anal sex, by another family team member involved in animal torture related to the first sequence of photos on this post, and checking for a reaction by looking in my direction repetitively.

the blog alessandra mussolini wants legal guardianship of! bill,george wilbur and barack.s psych torture experiment! the girl the entire neighborhood wants out fer lookin too good for intellectual theft info! the woman bill and hilary clinton want for a -niggerrun- on the mall! the Italian barack obama is throwing to isil through penal because if he says she.a terrorist then she.s a terrorist! the only economic disparity tradeoff in the whole world while everybody else eats laughing shrimp!

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