Sunday, July 31, 2016

jon stewart maria leon and hilary clinton admit co.responsibility in abduction from Italian consulate on September 22, 2016 for isil deal. Clinton sees women as side dishes to men.s first course and plans on hiring maria lucia and ben leon co.responsible for the abduction torture and death of Israeli soldier Jon Schwartz to gender reconditioning torture, then cannibalism of brain so as to make him a live container  to torture and from whom to feed in dynastic  nazi confederate

maria leon is interfering with this writing by beginning a new paragraph also for google for clinton primarily @8.55am and planning on targeting a Pedro Ruiz as well for same...the placement of -same-is hers

brothels, as -Tel Aviv base-in the Lower East Side, where lucia leon brought and tortured if not murdered Jon Schwartz and which was to be my death location for daring to rent an apartment in the East Village. Lucia Leon also known as -Dice-managed to call me at the home of my future fiance. a day into our relationship, me never having given her the number.The Akkron brothel, Mr. Schwartz.s destination, is known as Dublin Base. Steven Colbert seems to have an Irish man abducted there whose eyesicket he -fucks-with his fist, -left of course-because as Irish he should not have blue eyes.

Security staff at Brooklyn Public Library abducts to Israel Base brothel. Clinton and Trump want to hire the Leon responsible for the murder of 20 friends of Mr. Stewart, -all gay-with Lucia Leon stating last night that murdering Luis Rispoli, a friend of Virgil Thompson and a work contact of my mother.s in the 80s had been easy, since it was in Sunnyside.

They plan on buying property in my new neighborhood -if you don.t shut up-and may have home invaded a building at a y location at the end of my street. due to their collusion with my abduction, continual break ins even in my new rental that deposit dust in my house unscrewed a us gvmt pen stealing a part, unscrewed an amalgamated bank pen stealing a part, dusted my property, stained some clothes, shrunk others, enlarged others, dropped a greasy liuid on the metal rim of my bike to attract roaches, and are planning much orse. clinton is incolved to ruin talent, in this case, mine and will distribute aids through her agent, like the leon. please help to have them brought to justice and executed for crimes against humanity. again, clinton and trump see them as viable assassination agents. responsible for the dead children suitcase traffic in the street.their connection is also iperative in eguador.

the blog alessandra mussolini wants legal guardianship of! bill,george wilbur and barack.s psych torture experiment! the girl the entire neighborhood wants out fer lookin too good for intellectual theft info! the woman bill and hilary clinton want for a -niggerrun- on the mall! the Italian barack obama is throwing to isil through penal because if he says she.a terrorist then she.s a terrorist! the only economic disparity tradeoff in the whole world while everybody else eats laughing shrimp!

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