11.03am my accordion waiting for me to board the bus for green river cemetery in Springs to visit Frank O Hara.s and Lee Kramer.s grave on The Dead, All Hollows Day.active in zapatista circles, "half Indian half Italian" family, New York City.
tired of trite, bored by braggadocio, left and right puzzle alike? here.s a social satire and culture blog testing strained ethics all pre2010 posts stolen. I prohibit relatives, their fans from: me, contact, all administrative claims to decisional power or profit from info about me, in manners life, legal, medical, wear, social, intellectual or work, property, body, organ disposition, postmortem, alien to me. post hacking, slander is constant for slavery, torture and death also mine.
- Planet Consumer with Alex Maffei
- The New York Times Headline Shop
- The Other Vogue, Darling
- Food for Free Cats
- North by Northwest with Cary Grant
- Terrorist Brief Traffic Report
- Art in Abstract Nations
- Mikey.s Resistance
- break in, no sign of forced entry
- Ethnic Cleansing in US libraries
- Complaints Report
- false arrest, column
- The Other Side of Cultural Revisionism
- The Alex File Years
- hetre lake
- belfast axis, New York City
- TeLeGrAfItE
- Alex Maffei, facebook page
Sunday, October 31, 2021
pizzo tozzi pane per margherita savoia/borbone y liz2 kilmainham and client
East Hampton ,New Town Lane and Main Street.elegant and exclusive car pulls up to kidnap me.amenity: license plate
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Attempted abduction collusion: extreme abduction, prejudice infiltration 111 precinct
Leon abduction in collusion with driver of Q12 bus - refused access to bus .woman stood inTIME: 12.30PM LOCATION UNION TURNPIKE AND NORTHERN BLVD 10.30.2021
Leon abduction in collusion with driver of Q12 bus - refused access to bus .woman stood in front of bus: 4 approached: a nazi asian terrorist on northern blvd runs since clinton, and lee confederate family members.honda involved in side swipes and car kidnappings driver off closing in on conscientious objector.I warned step away.the terrorist team did instead. the woman switched cars on a black Toyota livery lieutenant 111 precinct/ and mittler that picked her up.person in driver seat stayed in car.not visible at arrival time of white car.
civil disobedience - constitutional second amendment support for war acts against citizens in a civil setting- not assisted by 111 precinct lieutenant female with mittler- has Toyota dealership wants them all- as assistant. front of bus: 4 approached: a nazi asian terrorist on northern blvd runs since clinton, and lee confederate family members.honda involved in side swipes and car kidnappings driver off closing in on conscientious objector.I warned step away.the terrorist team did instead. the woman switched cars on a black Toyota livery lieutenant 111 precinct/ and mittler that picked her up.person in driver seat stayed in car.not visible at arrival time of white car.
civil disobedience - constitutional second amendment support for war acts against citizens in a civil setting- not assisted by 111 precinct lieutenant female with mittler- has Toyota dealership wants them all- as assistant.
Indigenous child at risk abducted: 44th ave 196th street and francis lewis blvd
Thursday, October 28, 2021
...your father didn.t know what hit him with your mother and me ... - 24/7 past 11 years through george w bush , presbyterian extreme lack, extreme lack of communication, extreme hate, extreme belief, extreme duress at lodgings, extreme labor exclusion, extreme removal, extreme prejudice, and voter fraud.
Weinstein was set up by the 111 precinct through hall who resembles to a T male crown father of bride in Tim Burton.s The Corpse Bride, a crown new york state governor line of fire: the clinton family.
the face invades Woodside, an Irish enclave, too, not that it.s free of it.s own broils through kelly/wagner dalliances.
It turns out:
as Jew is looking more and more like slang for cannibal food,
Irish is citizen prisons, or places to put citizens in for pantry storage and ageing when crown takes over or even now in its one mansion miles of land chestboard setup.
which explains hall.s presence in Woodside to organize when Dante Alighieri.s Dolce Stil Novo meant in a florentine/english concoction: freshly harvested wood jailed.
this with hall.s " wife", at the time, 111precinct NYPD resembling a give for now, refuse you later line of fire at the evangel church on crescent street,long island city, new york city soup kitchen/food pantry , resembling the wife of the hall character, the bride.s mother, in The Corpse Bride.
The Corpse Bride was a Weinstein Production.
KILMAINHAM GAOL, DUBLIN in Gaelic : Priosun Chill Mhaighneann, Dublin
with maria leon a maro
ayn "cassola" a portinari
me bothered by both in a home invasions for extreme removal in 1982, and now by this fuckface scumbag line of extreme presbyterian intellectual theft and abduction ring, the cathedral, in DC, with its fish spine internal architectural structure, identical to chill mhaighneann.
It was genocide of free state cities on a greek tyrant and traipse. Resolve this genocide, resolve climate change.
there.s too much thermonuclear in Italia.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
NYPD 111 Precinct, NYC FBI exposing the communities of bayside,auburndale, for the past 11 years, to 24/7 line of concentration focalizing on home invasions, child substitution, torture and cannibalization.
Monday, October 25, 2021
HEP C NYC 90s epidemic caused by emma fasano, neapolitan bourbon fascist, bosch industries
11.00am to 4.05pm continuing rumbing ,n vibrating noise in auburndale;
RE: HEP C. break in no sign of forced entry by fasano/world war two nazi crown removed two molars -on one they drew a target and injected HEP C in my sleep. No resolution for over 39 years.not one call to resolve domestic violence issues, constitutional effects issues ever responded to;
new enemy combatant spy window on web, past week. slows down searches,doubles text written, erases following word. no contact or resolution from US Dept of Defense, FBI, IAB: NYPD and mayor di blasio inspector general for 28 years;
mother switched my apartment door and locks I use to keep food, docs, clothing secure and clean to a lock system that allows all similar keys access.
exposed to cruel and inhuman punishment by industry geared for audience contact.no resolution for 28 years.benedict cumberbatch latest addition on a line of concentration targeting citizens;
HRA used medicaid case in my name for other people.s medication forms,delivered to residential address,mother.s house. constitutional effects settlement unresolved, still sequestered from me through the NYPD at the 111 sees me as their future slave.had to buy new glasses myself, on 10.2021 still with incorrect prescription through 111 precinct, fried, who stole my glasses in Flushing on September 2019.applications from then on to medicaid claimed I was one of many alexes serviced under a common hra account, with a spend down - their cut since I qualify for complete coverage. Opticians told me on several.occasions I had no medical coverage. no acceptable coverage since 2000. NYPD embezzling even SNAP new $137.00 additional allotment in my case, since September 2021.
Acid put in my liquid detergent. 28 years no intervention by NYPD,FBI, US Gov Dept of Defense.
Six stolen social security numbers social security office refuses to record.no FBI, US Dept of Defense, NYPD resolution.
Three section 8s, stolen by the NYPD so I could be sold into slavery by my mother;
Italian Consulate :
1.refuses all economic,housing assistance;
2.refuses electoral information for upcoming December 3, 2021 elections;
3.refuses to let me run on a lista unica situation;
4.refuses to correct NYPD 111 Precinct and FOOD UNIVERSE extreme prejudice connection that stole my Italian Tax ID card;
5.refuses a certificate of citizenship unless I.m sold as a slave to fasano: bourbon/savoia interests.
In 2021. as the 111 precinct ,george Bush, floss with its own mucus to suit notables and crown.
extreme hate- extreme prejudice
line of concentration on a continuum since late afternoon 10.24.2021 as usual, no involvement by NYPD, responsible:
manny adimiketakis, great neck re.max realtors, st nick.s, 111 NYPD married to a religiously organized partner, antisemitic, anti-lgbt domestic violence officer, denise pardo at l'espresso, anne tyler, writer, self avowed cannibal food provider, responsible for intellectual theft, material not hers, " for some in my sect god.s" - episcopalian.
olimpia marzella, a fascist salo aficionado, who promises to seize everything from me,my mother.s sister.
the domestic violence officer has a list of false arrest seizures through ambulance services -
has been in my apartment.
both locks on door and several small locks for luggage have had their internal lock mechanism changed to allow access with one key it seems.
I have to lock my food in a bag to keep it from tampering.
mayor di blasio.s involved, and the president of the republic of Italia, mattarella for a swift change to nazisocialism for both the US and Italia.di blasio further emphasizes the mindset with a " which I like better".
the entire area, from 196th to francis lewis on 45th avenue is organizing through frank marzella as a - do not say anything- in a planned lynching with me as the recipient.
I had to pay for my glasses while whoever the HRA is allowing to use my medicaid is charging for medication costs.this for over a year, the complaint line on the web.s blocked.this arranged by 196.26 45th avenue auburbdale nyc 11358, mittler at 48.63 211th street, bayside hills, nyc 11364 and at fair hearings, the inhabitant of the corner house NW at 211th street and 50th avenue, bayside hills.
the infiltration at the precinct does not understand I.m estranged from my family - does not understand I do not see them and has created a simulation of constant contact when none has taken place for over 20 years, through this amplification.
what the truth is doesn.t matter, what they say does.
Sunday, October 24, 2021
boicott:bennett/ davis plantation families the new yorker
1. intellectual theft, based on extreme hate,belief, lack,lack of communication, duress at lodgings,removal,prejudice:
claims a Chas Addams vignette Ellis Rosen.s, through sacred heart/jesuit counter.reformation, reformation crown ties;
2.boasts anna wintour its editor in chief, who excluded me from fall fashion through a valhalla securities / verizon contact.as editor of vogue, wintour found Syria.s recent mayhem liberal, and posits genocidal, racial beauty concepts on CBS late night with steven colbert.
boicott: ties to chill mhaighneann families, NBC, billy eilish school of visual arts
both responsible of extreme hate/belief acts through congregation massings that lead to collapses of metal sheeting either as stairs in subways or as defense equipment.
NBC , saturday night live staff - only hires - ties to kilmainham gaol/ priosun chill mhaighneann in Dublin, Ireland: citizen extreme removal/ prejudice families.
boicott 10.24.2021
nbc jimmy kimmel.for contributing to making my name, Alex mayhem slang for extreme prejudice,no holds barred abuse, and covered through all agencies.
billy eilish for having it mean a change of name, from Alex to Aidan for her.with emma fasano, is working on blocking my type creation, interpunctuation until all art is theirs, no one works but them. both contacts of:
23rd street.s very own school of visual arts, organized through mayhem and all extremes I new york city.organizes through 19627/29 45th avenue auburndale nyc 11358.
boicott, extreme belief to extreme prejudice 10.24.2021
boicott 10.24.2021
holy cross, catholic, auburndale, new york city
saint kevin.s,catholic, auburndale,new york city
saint anastasia, catholic, little neck,new york city
saint nicholas shrine,greek orthodox,auburndale,new york city
church of bayside, protestant, auburbdale, new york city
presbyterian affiliations to queens community board 11 refusing public meetings in October 2021 when others to hold them back on June 27, 2021 by New York State law.
all responsible for organizing mayhem teams, extreme hate, belief,lack, lack of communication, removal, prejudice.all for crown,notable socialite interests.
Friday, October 22, 2021
the persecution continues
real estate agent manny adimiketakis needs to be removed from care of my mother same with housekeeper anna di marco.both are infringing on my constitutional effects.di marco has created along with colletti at 196.26 45th avenue auburndale nyc 11358 .there is n hra case with spendown paperwork being sent to my residential address wants reimbursement for medications.did not receive $137.00 a month food stamp increase, have cases rejected on false claims for being on other people.s cases. This is done by Iolanda - Irlanda-: killmainham citizen prison, dublin bourbon/ hapsburg contacts, family name on tozzi side goes back generations- who along with adimiketakis great neck remax who already defrauded me of my father.s house at 211.03 50th avenue bayside hills nyc 11364 now wants my mother to write a will giving him access to my constitutional effects, di marco as well and is working out false claims of me on medication a nonexistent medicaid case to either kill me by injection through high dosage of medication never habituated to and a psych forensics kidnapping to spain and Pordenone Italy. Cops may seize me for a false court meet starting tomorrow.
extreme enmity substitution racket: marranella invades everybody for extreme prejudice:
new york harbor crown socialite opprobriumfendi: elle October 2021 the new swabian faces.de grou family grows new legs center, and left.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
New York City.s homage to bourbon dutch crown step and fetch it child cannibals
NEW YORK , NEW YORKERS ARE NO LONGER EMPLOYABLE IN GOVERNMENTAL JOBS AND PRESENT A SECURITY RISK FOR THE NATION the gesture is an indication for all looker ons to not say a word of the genocidal murder of a police set up of a citizen
Monday, October 18, 2021
matches: body doubles doppelganger
matches: athena, minerva in Italia wooden matches but like cardboard here.
10.18.21 new neo nazi connections: invasions in southern italia continue on a bourbon aka scholl/ new york notable extreme abduction,enmity line. DoD Starts Div at risk
10.18.2021 at 11.46am new neo nazi southern Italian invasion connections
new "marriage" between us based coupist extreme prejudice team.up cunningham notable families: with " casamonica" clan.overall bourbon princes possible plastic surgery to resemble neapolitan theater writers, post war: Eduardo de Filippo, Peppino de Filippo. Operational extreme abductions in NYC area: manhattan psych contacts forensics kirby's.planning same for spartan division through extreme abduction : "english crown captures - revolutionary war 1776-1983 treaty of paris.just as " anastasia" connection turned out to be a wayward rockefeller morgan line of fire, casamonica may be another name chase by federalist elements with calhoun/quincy massachussetts contacts, with annexed document alterations, and cunningham extreme prejudice networks, monica cunningham a family name.
10.18.21 Avoided trunk kidnapping.sweet cat was killed for eating..horrible
Friday, October 15, 2021
harm to ferals, even under the Department of Conservation
10.15.2021 even in parks turkey.s wings are being broken every two weeks to keep them from flying and make them easier to tag.
we made it to cage free.
thinking of the term feral equal to urban dweller, suburban, rural, or working against climate change and living, working spaces with them.
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Italian Consulate NYC: apptmt email conf receipt sent,NO apptmt set
contacted the Consulate for the following:
1. Info on how to run for election for COMITES to promote Italian culture and support;
2. Electoral info on COMITES election set for December 3, 2021;
3. The issuing of a Certificate of Citizenship;
4. Human Resource Info to prevent harm during a persecution: housing, funds, medical, food.
Covid 19 Vac Doc Info Awohl
Applied for the New York State Excelsior Pass.all my Covid 19 info is gone.
iolanda tozzi, mittler,111 NYPD and bosch/fasano N.Carolinas job 10.14.2021 extreme hate, removal, prejudice BINSFE
1. found refrigeration bag with one small lock opened;
2. now 221pm unknown agent targeting cd player.repeats same sound serially;
3.found dinnerware container dirty with particulate matter;
tampering includes sorbibor nazi concentration camp high sugar element in milk - a connection of new york presbyterian
[ bourbonabourbon crownfcrown, unknown married name.
preceding line hacked by tozzi, fasano,
florio, st.nick.s.]
[ttheythey: hacked]
st.nick. killing cats today.s seen as training to be good military warriors.children in playground.other school southeast of crocheting and past the lirr bridge heading north has toddlers intercept you act as if they were gathering a confession of crimes to incriminate you.
The noise,repetitive gauges how quickly you type on your keyboard or cell for cover.
[the noiseonoise - hacked]
the noise continues steadily.
[o - hacked a
overmover - hacked]
a capo option does not respond.
Internal Affairs NYPD, 911, New York Presbyterian responsible for extreme enmity and block services
Calls made to IAB at 8.14am : blocked by female, giving a nonsensical name the first time, then saying if I asked nicely she.d let the call through;
911 : at 8.17am refusing service since 2015.peremptory and marked by extreme prejudice practices backed by elizabeth warren who wants the lead of the entire democratic party to throw me out of the country.backed by " their women" in the hamptons.
8.34am - 911 operator thinks she.s teaching me how to spell by mind.
New York Presbyterian, Queens. found out last night that my mother was brought to the emergency room of NYPQ, which she called booth hospital on 10.12.2021.
I called and service was blocked.
I left my phone number for a nurse to give to a doctor: has no name, preferably a male for the nurse, who also says my mother suffered a heart failure that could get better with
[medicationimedication andTand-
hacked at 8.40pm 10.14.2021 emma fasano, providing the amplification equipment made by bosch, involved.]
medication and care- heart failure means death.I reported her.
as of 8.00am no reply by nurse or doctor. di blasio vyes for complete control of the case to get money to showcase new extra constitutional slavists and extreme prejudice groups including 911 and the nurse.
Called again,made it to a recording instead of patient care.left my phone number for the third time in an urgent hospital situation that has lasted 3 DAYS OF BLOCKED ACCESS AND NO COMMUNICATION.
di blasio wants me a slave - on a consult with brooklyn intellectual elite: jonathan franzen, another slavist.
bridgehampton is vying for extreme enmity and extreme prejudice even at the restaurant level on montauk highway east of route 27 turnpike heading north.it.s more than a week it still bothers me.
like the hamptons, new york city department of culture just a lure
1.38am 10.14.2021 bosch amplification equipment provided by emma fasano to north carolina concealed nazi bases in a war against the United States kick in again.trilling voice:mary mittler- dutch slave trade owned.
sounds of a beating. Two people or more said to be dead for jean cunningham and bosch extreme prejudice circles.
jessy malin new york rock and roll, " married" ,my mother.s niece shouting at a flight over bayside full of infected children for cannibal consumption that they got what they deserved, could they grow up now and defeat her?
shouts as to what anything with more than three syllables means, booming cars zooming by hitting the accelerator.art brooklyn full of sorry slaves or servants in at best carolinas sardine can flat buildings, is deemed a retrenchment of the arts.
pratt created to lure graphic designers as Italian to eliminate like they were in the 50s through the blacklist and a New Jersey political connection.
please don.t believe it. I shake and go narcoleptic at how unrecognizable this city is from itself.
house with trees on francis lewis blvd, the one further north,across from a school plans on mowing it down and creating a plantationt like the hamptons.backs curtis sliwa who was given the mexican abduction routes by emma fasano. just kidnaps and kills children especially those with a visible disability. States he.s been doing this for twenty years, not stopped by a cop once.
knows " iole" working on her plantation at san marcellino via conte 12, by killing neighbors mowing down houses, and building a walking garden in the town full of interstitial air-conditioning and cannibal meat ventures.
my mother in the hospital , new york presbyterian in queens.gave my number, requested a callback from the doctor at 9.00pm.no call back.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
10.13.2021 newsbrief
Italian president mattarella, and prime minister salvini are auctioning me off as a bourbon or english crown slave. backed by gedi publishing columnist michele serra, whose direct contact is alessandra mussolini.
adding to the extreme hatred slavist line of concentration, amplified through north carolina, matteo renzi with a letter of reference from susan rice.
Internet News Trafficking, extreme hate, removal, prejudice KOB4 Albuquerque, New Mexico shows a happy newscaster displaying an abducted child as spoils of war for indigenous day.
9.21am mayor di blasio admits that 11 years of inefficiency in my case were just an effort to spectacle the first new york sale into slavery of an Italian.
10.00am european parliament videos expose a viewer, interested in political or program developments to dutch slave trade, cannibal commerce of citizens.
"schism" promised if torture/cannibal network isn.t allowed, this from the interviewers and the interviewed: katarina barely, who deforms animals and children sexually through extended bouts of rape and extreme hate, vicepresident of the european parliament in strasbourg and anuna de wever, dutch slave trade, who blatantly says she has slave camps, makes my name, claims me as" MY COOL" and mentions bellevue, the cunningham, the hendricks - notable new york families, in an area of manhattan "after mika" devastated by gas and ambulance ride with personnel that bonebreak and kills in the ambulances.I requested their execution from agencies such as dept of defense, etcetera.
please look into bridgehampton, east of montauk highway and sag harbor destined turnpike, for concealed extreme enmity, hate practices. It seems severed penises are fed over the counter to slaves in area sub.basements , presented and prepared in a slop but julienned carrots way as chimchijew treats as immediate ads on the web through hackers- almond restaurant is the name.
what the fuck is this.
11.07am bosch equipment provided by emma fasano begins another line of concentration attack from st nick.s. it.s led by frank marzella 187 hickory hill drive waterbury connecticut, with statements from cheapening and proud of it agent jesse malin - bowery ballroom and berlin-.I just played lou reed.s transformer, this.ll bash it out of me. The whole team is announcing a new line of abductions jean cunningham calls " deportations" of Italians: last name letters : M to Z.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
THE VESSEL OF REVOLUTION CAN ARRIVE AT PORT ONLY ON A SEA REDDENED BY TORRENTS OF BLOOD: what english crown thinks is Louis Antoine de Saint Just.s friend and peer
Louis Antoine de Saint Juste quoted as saying anaironically :
" Keep cool and you command everybody"
" In every revolution a dictator is needed to save the state by force, or censors to save it by virtue,"
with this adding to the true nature of his character:
" one does not make revolution by halves"
" When human statecraft attaches a chain to the feet of a free man * , whom it makes a slave in contempt of nature and citizenship, eternal justice rivets the other end about the tyrant.s neck"
* a practice done by dutch slave trade to immigrants in the US.porters would chain their ankles on disembarking and carry them off with all their property, this post english civil war through the revolution.New York misrepresented as having shaken off english crown rule after a year of occupation, deserted by washington, had to wait until the treaty of Paris in 1783 to gain independence as a free country.
how does this awareness of tyranny support,plausibly, ascribing St Just a literality to statements like:
" in every revolution a dictator is needed to save the state by force, or censors to save it by virtue"
when he means dictators rape for similar features, and censors self.debase by murdering their own children to substitute them with the dictator.s, or king.
claimed by bourbon crown critics as having supported robespierre against danton, both the latter and saint juste jacobins, how is that sustainable when these are St Just.s statements about factions, and robespierre.s terror, his declaring himself dictator and god:
- I belong to no faction, I shall fight against them all-
- the revolution has grown cold, all it's principles are weakened.there remains only red caps worn by intriguers.the exercise of terror has made crime blase', as strong liquors made the palace blase'.-
how can you say liquors refers necessarily to alcohol? palace could be an inhabitation defrauded from animals, with steeples, a castle, a malebolgian situation, a protestant church.
what you do understand is what is still going on today- on tv. robespierre must have offered to integrate war atrocities into revolutionary society as crime, revolutionaries in forensics as mad, which led to:
some clown.s erasing my text backwards as I write 6.12am 10.12.2021
facebook describes Italians in New York
Italiani a New York page a travel service.
21 states refuse Italian Heritage Day/ Indigenous People.s Day for crown and crown fuckees Indigenous People.s Day alone.
so we.re the turkey at this crown and crown slave thanksgiving dinner.
details obtained by cnn consultation, AP bounces me off:
2. WISCONSIN, 2019;
3. VIRGINIA, 2020;
5. NEVADA, 2020;
6.MINNESOTA, 2019;
7. MICHIGAN, 2019;
8. LOUISIANA, 2019;
9. IOWA, 2018;
10. CALIFORNIA, 2021;
11. ARIZONA, 2021;
12.VERMONT, 2019;
13. SOUTH DAKOTA, 1990;
14.OREGON, 2021;
15.OKLAHOMA, 2019;
16. NEW MEXICO, 2019;
17. NEBRASKA, 2021;
18. MAINE, 2019;
21. ALABAMA - what a fucking laugh. after it sent its indigenous population packing by barring work to central, south american indigenous people. please.
I hope they fucking bomb. By now I could give a fuck about fires in California too.cholos in tokio exploring their common history. please.
east lansing, michigan;
lincoln,nebraska. must.ve always been a lure town;
santa fe, new mexico;
eugene, oregon;
spokane, washington.
my writing ends here. blogger leaves a trail of white blank page like a sad toilet paper trailing a heel out of the bathroom.
planned lynching 10.12.2021
mother involved. St nicholas at 196th street and northern blvd n- 111 NYPD promises no interference. 4.56am.bridgehampton episcopalian contingent as well.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Southampton Almond cannibal restaurant comes to Auburndale for food.threatened sbduction
Asian discusses me as food other simulates stab wounds on my way back from supermarket 10.10.2021.for southampton almond restaurant.
Saturday, October 09, 2021
San Marcellino Aversa: where the Italian Consulate in New York claimed I had residence. Iolanda Tozzi.s lair
Notice the backward flag on the roof of via conte 12 , left side
military are abducted for food from here as well.
The seeming solar panels are reconditioned by interstitial slavery bases into heating panels to cook on a slow flame in overheat - up to 200Farenheit - live people.
These exist in bridge hampton area- about a week, a constant episcopalian shout from the library teenaged staff - will not leave me alone.bridgehampton.s main montauk highway drag is beleaguered by one inch circumcised penile " Jew" meals, almond restaurant being
the most obvious.
Barred From Elections by Italian Consulate in New York to be made Cannibal Feed
mattarella, president of the Italian Republic and the personnel, including the state police officer at the Consulate refused to nominate me on a single list, refused contact material to other comites in the area, refused social service support, and refused to issue a certificate of citizenship.
my mother.s niece created the same cannibal cage expanses in my mother.s home town san marcellino even placing a false police station a block away, so aristocrats and isis connected terrorists could be provided italian police officer uniforms for illegal fascist raids.
111 precinct through a nirvana/ asian/ "novoselic" contact plans on isolating me from animal shelters, culture through palmer etc. did try to keep me out of community council. clinton was behind keeping me out of board 4, manhattan.
Friday, October 08, 2021
tozzi/ gonzaga idea of what to do in the United States: eat its poet laureates
Same structures in black,no longer visible in sagaponak, there about a week ago, on google maps satellite, home to the swamp.s chaz addams foundation, the tozzi/gonzaga/mattarella/segre/de magistris and worse teamup imported fetid villaricca from the caserta area,to feed on all lovers of beat literature, collected through warhol circles, one right in waterbury, connecticut, sandra marzella.s stomping grounds, a bones miriam linna, and peter zaremba lead celebrity singero the fleshtones antisemitism.george wilbur bush and bill clinton backed. Lowell is where jack kerouac is buried.this interests english civil war royalists and new york port genocidal killers of citizens to no end, like, in new york peter zaremba, backed by a jesuit church for carnage trickle and slavery team up from napoli, the florio. In england the sex pistols, siouxie and the banshees and it seems dave vanian. These the links to the genocide and northumberland under god abductions from england to the us.
war bulletin from new york city 10.8.2021
war bulletin from new york city
7.30am - 8.04am 10.8.2021
line of concentration, zuckerberg participant covered by george w bush spies my interest in holiday LIRR train scheduling Montauk line.
marzella/ cavallo/ tozzi bourbon crown involved viying for control in mastic/shirley area for extreme removal, prejudice
vocalizations courtesy of local churches: st nicks, a nazi base built by my mother through counts seroni of rome, washingtonian/clintonian/stuyvesant dutch slave trade in collusion with scottish fried at 111 precinct, with gustav, sigfried line war criminals; hamiltonian st kevin's; kkk/ nazi the church if bayside, carmelitan order of nuns killing the elderly in nursing home by northern blvd and francis lewis. holy cross further north involved through podiatrist, therapeutic massage center at corner of francis lewis and 45th avenue.
cavallo, through a gedi publishing- Repubblica/ LEspresso and education spy emma fasano.s contact, a the new york times connection, and an attack on gedi in israel, an environmental center, star wars complex try to hook a hungarian whore at 45th east of francis lewis yesterday afternoon. If not break the necks and backs of infants and dogs in public.
blockages from them in my life go to refusal if admission at public board meetings, manhattan 4, no callbacks from NYPD, Inspector General, FBI, embezzlement of irs, state taxes, $137.00 a month food stamps through the HRA, $156.95 a month in storage fees through the HRA, refusal of admittance to hospitals, electoral fraud of european government vote since 1985, refusal of housing - 3 section 8s stolen from me, constitutional fraud of my father.s effects, mine, facebook bans on two of my small business ventures as spam when I post my own blog post on my own timeline, twitter.s refusal to allow access to one, rotting oranges in all local supermarkets - stop n shop, food universe, food emporium, whole foods, trader joe's, since January 2021, no call backs for volunteer work at aspca, or jane alexander wildlife rescue center, cohen optical staff inserts through the 111 precinct, same org, damage my lenses, add an astigmatic measure for tozzi, have ruined my prescription at other stores.the optometrist refuses to stop at your saying you see worse after point x, continues with blurry edged lenses better or worse.this staff inserted on broadway and 12-13th. Refusal to allow attendance at CUNY or class registration, refusal to provide safe housing to escape situation, persecution in public with mayhem spectacle, including the stabbing of two infants on the q76, sandra marzella.s favorite route to do so to jamaica, in queens nyc and, by now, since 2016, hundreds of dead bodies of children in strollers wheeled to the restaurant as food and dogs tortured in public with back breaking collars. And in public, more than a hundred stalkers watching audible torture videos. the only language I.ve heard,for 11 years, because of that disgusting filth of my mother, in PUBLIC, has been invariable preceded by - heil hitlers- .
false facebook page of US Dept of Defense only accessible.
to say I hate you for doing this to me for 11 years is nothing.
Thursday, October 07, 2021
10.7.2021 NYC FBI office covers for ritual slaying advertised for notable family "jeanie cunningham" for extreme prejudice on NPR. Describes how she enjoys ritually slaying and cannibalizing their nipples at first - she.s dainty- then her body then finally her heart- says " put on a bay face" calls made at end 8.43pm covered by fbi office in its entirety: 1. female answers,says call police;hangs up on following two. Legal tap or attention to call forces male to answer phone exhibits violent slavist behavior. two more calls interrupted in the same way.
Two pages appear in sideways shift on Facebook for US Department of Defense.
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