Monday, October 25, 2021

HEP C NYC 90s epidemic caused by emma fasano, neapolitan bourbon fascist, bosch industries

 11.00am to 4.05pm continuing rumbing ,n vibrating noise in auburndale;

RE: HEP C. break in no sign of forced entry by fasano/world war two nazi crown removed two molars -on one they drew a target and injected HEP C in my sleep. No resolution for over 39 years.not one call to resolve domestic violence issues, constitutional effects issues ever responded to;

new enemy combatant spy window on web, past week. slows down searches,doubles text written, erases following word. no contact or resolution from US Dept of Defense, FBI, IAB: NYPD and mayor di blasio inspector general for 28 years;

mother switched my apartment door and locks I use to  keep food, docs, clothing secure and clean to a lock system that allows all similar  keys access.

exposed to cruel and inhuman punishment by industry geared for audience resolution for 28 years.benedict cumberbatch latest addition on a line of concentration targeting citizens; 

HRA used medicaid case in my name for other people.s medication forms,delivered to residential address,mother.s house. constitutional effects settlement unresolved, still sequestered from me through the NYPD at the 111 sees me as their future slave.had to buy new glasses myself, on 10.2021 still with incorrect prescription through 111 precinct, fried, who stole my glasses in Flushing on September 2019.applications from then on to medicaid claimed I was one of many alexes serviced under a common hra account, with a spend down - their cut since I qualify for complete coverage. Opticians told me on several.occasions I had no medical coverage. no acceptable coverage since 2000. NYPD embezzling even SNAP new $137.00 additional allotment in my case, since September 2021.

Acid put in my liquid detergent. 28 years no intervention by NYPD,FBI, US Gov Dept of Defense.

Six stolen social security numbers social security office refuses to FBI, US Dept of Defense, NYPD resolution.

Three section 8s, stolen by the NYPD so I could be sold into slavery by my mother; 

Italian Consulate :

1.refuses all economic,housing assistance;

2.refuses electoral information for upcoming December 3, 2021 elections;

3.refuses to let me run on a lista unica situation;

4.refuses to correct NYPD 111 Precinct and FOOD UNIVERSE extreme prejudice connection that stole my Italian Tax ID card;

5.refuses a certificate of citizenship unless I.m sold as a slave to fasano: bourbon/savoia interests.

In 2021. as the 111  precinct ,george Bush, floss with its own mucus to suit notables and crown.

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