Saturday, March 19, 2022

37/39 45th avenue: home owner killed before 2010 by presence at the home, two to four individual strong

3.30am. pedophiles, serial killers of children with dark hair and eyes,related to a pedophile wanted by the fbi just admitted invading address given and killing the homeowner.claim he.s buried in the garage.also involved in cannibalism, have an interstitial mair conditioning unit, live mostly in the cellar, continue to access my property. vandalized a pine tree, cutting it's roots until it collapsed, chopped a bush, put acid repetitively on a bush, are tampering with my fluke at the present moment,want to seize my home,want to kill me, are a contact of the mittler at 48.63 211th street bayside hills, borough of queens, new york city, 11364, burn important documents belonging to other people in their area,trespass to do the same on my backyard grounds.continue to ammasso earth, then a strata of garden severe to trap earthworms and insects between the earth and the cement behind my garage.just did so again two days ago, after I cleaned the backyard.pkaced a matthew lundgren and a miranda chiu in my father.s house at 211.93 50th ave bayside hills, south of the mittler residence,created a line of concentration since 11.00am 3.18.2022, still going on,are threatening to burn my eyes out. Everytime I.m out both older adult male, older adult female- wears camouflage clothes and sees self as " racial terrorist" stalk me.while doing gardening work twice 3. 17.2022, late at night harassed me while I was looking to ascertain if there had been property damage on my second floor where they inserted a by now 6 time alternation of lookalikes fitting the original roles of initial trespassers on 12.10.2021, mother,father, and young adult female, the latter boasting if just having killed a child. In the past the duo was seen with another ersatz family unit, younger adult female and male, and with a child for the past two years, who could be a continuum of victims with dark hair and eyes. Seen children, toddler age, often unconscious, brought on the premises.seen with line if second floor trespassers, continue to access my house on second floor with structural damage in mind,provided them by richard schultz real estate , also on a continuum of about six richard schultzes who used the village voice to lure into rentals, me, at 3408 43rd street, astoria,new york city in queens 11101 apt 1a. A maria ubteras/ antunes/ schultz is also accessing my property illegally. Are defrauding me of constitutional effects, bank accounts, real property with remax 159 northern blvd great neck, a manny adimiketakus/ adikimenakis - which means butcher,backwards, in ancient greek, so for extreme belief and prejudice. Please remove from premises.could be using internet network j and k fruit and vegetable for torture, resale and cannibalization of their victims.are a constant threat of life loss, need to be removed, along with supporters,  from community living because of the threat they present . This since 2010 never addressed by the 111 NYPD. portolatin blocks investigations by killing informers because of extreme belief is said.

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