Saturday, March 05, 2022

out of district team from the 114th precinct doing favors for schultz real estate threatens a raid at 3.49am 3. 5. 2022

1. I.m involved in a dangerous gang involved in extreme prejudice : the neighborhood has a list of uninvolved people it wants to eliminate;

2. unteras is said to have her own special room among trespassers upstairs; 

3. I.m also slandered as a pederast.

4. will not stop this time.

5. sending my photo to the CIA, no she already contacted them, then to putin;

9.46am call made regarding tampering with grounds for the past week - twice, once in the back yard leading to cracks in the earth, yesterday.s, to an area I worked on for two hours, led to female,answering 111 NYPD extension 0 saying that I could not expect the police to station outside my home to look into it, they would not sample the ground and that if they took s complaint it would be at their own evaluation.

The same arranged for stalkers on the LIRR, going and, with extreme eclat, going, including the announcer for the departing trains, creating a line of concentration, full of threats of extreme removal.

The precinct.s captain, to avoid at all costs me gathering evidence for an eviction procure, announces " her time has come". plans on contacting relatives who he likes better, through schultz if he has to.

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